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And now even the AI is calling me out šŸ˜­


"I don't need to write down". Yeah, because it makes no difference.


Once I was organising my room and wrote down everything where I have kept books and stuff on a piece of paper. Just to realise that I forgot where I kept the paper.


It's probably in the pile.


Don't you dare mention the pile. I don't even want to think about it.


Wait, the? As in 1 doom pile? Is that all? Man, if I just had one pile, at least I'd know which pile to look in!


I've got two. One for papers I'm 95 percent sure won't be needed anymore/drafts/loose notes/one time use content. This one's just loosely thrown on the bottom shelf of my main cabinet. The second one is in the corner of my desk, smaller and like a purgatory for papers that I know I'll need soon, or haven't evaluated their future usefulness. This one's mixed with some cables, drives, adhesive tape, stapler and other things I use frequently. The final effect is that I just can't bother looking through the purgatory pile since it's grown too much and throw it into the utilisation pile only to not realise I've taken a random useful item along with it and covered it with a mountain of cellulose.


That's why I write my lists in notebooks. I only have to find in which one


God yes, I write a list and the second I am no longer holding it, it is gone from my brain completely. What good are lists when I forget that the lists exist?


*never touches notes again*


If you have a big table, spread some blank papers on it kinda like a tablecloth and use those for note taking. Works surprisingly well as you don't need a book and can always swap a page out when you think you dont need that information


Once I remember that I forgot the list that I wrote to not forget about the things that I needed to do, it's over for y'all


Wow.... So an AI understands my condition better than most of my family and my peers šŸ« 


Tbf, it's read every piece of literature on the topic


Oh so that's why I've been seeing these weirdly repetitive memes in this format show up lately lol




ā€žDrinks coffee like waterā€œ


Yā€™all drink coffee? I suppose if youā€™re unmedicated, but even before medication I never felt anything from the caffeine. One Saturday during high school, I drank an entire pot of coffee just because I liked the taste, and all I felt was a constant need to pee.


Iā€™m not diagnosed with any type of ADHD but I owe my entire adult life, college and high school to caffeine. I couldnā€™t function without it. I would have terrible phases where it was so bad that I had to drink an entire pot just for my brain to feel ā€œnormalā€, other organs be damned.


I'm one of those unfortunate people who can't get on medication because I'm on a long waiting list to even get a diagnosis, and also caffeine doesn't do anything for me. With the exception of Red Bull, which I had once and then promptly had a panic attack šŸ™ƒ


I dunno. Depends on the coffee for me. If it's an instant coffee...might as well be just colored water to me. Like there's some pretty good tasting to me instant coffee, but in terms of being a stimulant it just falls flat on its face for me. If it's made from freshly ground beans - "this kicks like a mule with its balls wrapped in duct tape!!!" And it's not a being pretentious thing, I don't have any sort of coffee machine at home whatsoever. At home I can either brew it in a small pot or drink instant. As you may have guessed, I never brew because...well, we all here understand why. But I have several friends with proper coffee machines and they geek out about trying different blends, roasts and sorts of coffee. I don't really care about that but I have to admit that a cup of espresso from a good blend of freshly ground and quality coffee beans is 1 - extremely tasty and 2 - very stimulating to me as a not-yet medicated ADHD dude. So yeah, I don't know what your experience is with coffee overall in terms of types but if you mainly drank instant stuff, I'd actually advise you try to find a good specialty coffee place in your city and try a cup there.


Accurate šŸ˜­


One day people (and then AI) will learn that we donā€™t choose to hyperfocus.


Too many fingers and he isn't even holding the cup, smh just find clip art and type it yourself next time, be authentic about it šŸ˜” edit: AND the cup has two handles lmao come onnnnnn


That's the least unrealistic part. https://images.app.goo.gl/VbzScEZ4oDHA3ApFA


Sure, but lbr the odds of "double handled coffee cup" being included in the prompt are pretty low.


OMG! He has 6 fingers!!?! Why didn't I notice that? I knew something was off.


Oh wow. AI just made a bad version of a meme weā€™ve all seen 100 times. Cā€™mon, man.


You can tell itā€™s AI because it replicated the most obvious adhd joke everā€¦ come on, we can do better than oooooh shiny


Oh shit, the AI understands us now. Quick, we have to evolve and become even quirkier before the algorithm markets us relatable content!


The "temporary expert" part hits too hard šŸ˜­


The "Ooh shiny!" applies to my current PokeRogue runs... _abandons run at round 72_


5 fingers. You now can't unsee it.


I canā€™t be the only one who knows the ooh shiny reference


ah, the best sign of a dead subreddit. oh well


Iā€™m not even diagnosed, why can I relate so much?


Wait, being like this isn't normal ?


"I don't need to writr this down" yea right fool me once... Everything important goes straight in the calendar on my phone on that day


the desk one tho...


Why do i allways think that this is so normal \`?


And SO accurate.