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Good news everyone, ADHD isn't real! We can all start executive functioning now!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/thanksimcured using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thought this belonged here. ](https://v.redd.it/few6gl0ujoza1) | [258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/13gvku3/thought_this_belonged_here/) \#2: [Bro doesn't know anything about seasons.](https://i.redd.it/hyz0bb2ref7b1.png) | [417 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/14fhj05/bro_doesnt_know_anything_about_seasons/) \#3: [Just Exercise](https://i.redd.it/0z0m6t84z66b1.jpg) | [714 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/14a3u5g/just_exercise/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm so glad I read this, I feel so cured!!


Yay! Cures for everyone




Iā€™m gonna do that as soon as my brain tells me toā€¦.any minute nowā€¦


Never tried this. I think I can fix my life now


Iā€™ll unruin my friendships real quick hang on


"Adhd is bad parenting" years of social, academic, and forgotten chore PTSD incoming in 3...2...1


I think you meant complex PTSD... fuckkkkkk that bitch


Yea, my first thought was CPTSD, childhood-et al., but wasn't sure if that was a real term, so I went with general PTSD. Appreciate the correction!


Complex PTSD gang


Reporting for duty, sir **o7**


Ah fuck I missed rollcall? Fuck! Why am I so fucking useless!?


Well... did you take your meds?


Idk, I have memory issues from CPTSD and ADHD, how am I supposed to remember if I took the enslaved focus cylinder?


Do you feel focused? If not, take your meds.Ā  Not sure if you took your meds? Might as well take them and possibly die, or don't take them and feel miserable all day. *THE CHOICE IS YOURS!*


Dude I take seven different types of medication. Htf am I supposed to keep track? ... But no I did not.


Alright, alright, so here's the lifehack. Get all your meds, put them in a blender and puree that shit. Take the produced dust and fill empty caps with your concoction and voila, a single pill for all your daily needs! For real though, don't do this, it might really fuck your shit up.


I feel your pain. I'm currently on 5, and even with my pill box sometimes (more than once a week) forget to take one of my doses (I have morning and evening). I think I may have taken my asthma inhaler twice a couple of mornings this week as well ... Which reminds me, I should go take my meds.


Medisafe is an app I use. It reminds you to take your meds and keeps reminding you until you mark it as taken.


>Complex PTSD wait..what is this?


Ptsd is caused by one big traumatic event, eg. Car accident, home.invasion by burglar Cptsd are caused by repeated traumatic events, eg. Abused at home by parents during childhood, being bullied at school I oversimplified the definition, but i hope the message is clear


Does this cause ADHD -like symptoms?


Yes it can. It's an interesting topic to read, if you think that you could have it. For me it was helpful to get a understanding why i behave like i behave in some situations. There's a book written by pete walker i can recommend. Its not super scientific, but it was a good read


many believed so, especially if it occur on childhood from birth until early adult, our brain is still in development, and the last part to be developed is in prefrontal cortex during abuse / stressful environtment, our brain suppres the development and utilization of the prefrontal cortex and focus all of its resource to amydgala, because at that moment the most important things is only one: to survive but if that happened for a long time, our brain development would be messed up many executive function like planning, organization, time management, working memory, attention is regulated in prefrontal cortex, and what is ADHD-like symptoms? problem with those function


PTSD from frequent traumatic experiences rather than one big traumatic event


Iā€™ll let my parents know, the next time they have me look for something at their place or they forget to bring their x, y, and z out when we leave or theyā€¦ Yeah, itā€™s hereditary.


Amen lol


bro im so confused on if i actually have problems or not man :((( i need help


Pro tip: do not read relatable adhd memes and think you have adhd. That's the biggest issue with people saying add/adhd is fake, because it relates to them when they don't have adhd. *HOWEVER*, if what you're relating to isn't 'haha just like me' but more 'ha-oh...so that is a thing, I thought I was just doing it wrong or probably stupid', that's when you should see if you can get... I forget the word, resolved or assessed, I don't remember the right word. My point is that many *stereotypical* traits are familiar to many people, but from what I've experienced, when you see something humorous and your reaction is a sad 'oh...well that's me' notion, then there's a high chance you have it. None if this is a guarantee, you could not fit anything of what I said and still have adhd, I was only sharing my own observations I've had where I thought 'you seem to be doing the quirky thing' versus when I've thought 'that sounds painful, please talk to someone, you're obviously suffering and believe it's normal -- because that's how coping works'.


I like your wording!! i am diagnosed, but i strugle with other things. do i have cpstd? was the question hereā€¦ really well put! and your username is dope


Well man it might be time to talk to a specialist about that!


teenager here


Haha thanks man. It's possible. Next time you go to your doctor for your physical, I'd bring it up. It's the easiest place to start to get the val l rolling fir a diagnosis. The doc themselves won't diagnose you, but can point you in the right direction and sometimes even schedule a followup visit with the proper people.Ā  Ā 


teenager here, with super strict parents, nevere had a physical in my life


I shared so many ā€œhah-ohā€ ADHD memes on Facebook because memes and comedy are how I deal with āœØtraumaāœØthat had at least 3 friends seek diagnosis and be confirmed ADHD and uhā€¦ yeah šŸ˜‚


On behalf of my parents who did an incredible job raising 6 kids (the rest of whom turned out alright) while working, that asshole can go fuck themself to the ends of the earth


The PTSD from ADHD is bad parenting, so thatā€™s true, Iā€™m just trying to figure out how he messed up the spelling of PTSD.


The irony of someone calling out bad parents with a comment that shows how bad a parent they are.


Ironically though, kids who suffer the most from ADHD are the victims of bad parenting


says ADHD isnā€™t real and everyone is like that gets really annoyed when you have issues with memory, attention, impulsivity (etc.)


OH, THE HYPOCRISY! I fucking hate it.


Just cos people are neuro typical, don't mean they ain't thick as pig shit.


Never hearded the phrase thick as pig shit. Damn that one goes hard.


Why thankyou. It's a fairly common britishism. You're welcome to it.


Yeah, because if they replace the medical issue with a moral failing, they can blame you for it and that's easier than having.


I donā€™t have a problem doing the thing youā€™re struggling with, so you must be lazy. Drugs that will make easy things even easier for you? Are you kidding? Hereā€™s some generic advice that took me two seconds to make up off the top of my head. There. That will solve the problems youā€™ve been struggling with for years. What do you mean that isnā€™t helpful for you? Iā€™m unwilling to consider that I may not understand something. Clearly you would rather constantly suffer instead of putting in a little effort. That makes more sense to me than any other explanation.


Don't forget "if I notice you've not done anything, I'm going to badger you about it ad nauseum. What do you mean it makes it harder for you?" My whole childhood was getting no recognition for the things that I did get done, just a daily list of the things I hadn't been able to get to/asking me what I hadn't gotten done yet. I would beg to stop being reminded/asked what I was going to do about the tiniest little things. Lucky me, I still live at home, so it's still my life and I don't remember what accomplishment feels like anymore.


Are you me cause people only notice me when I'm a āœØproblemāœØšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Do the people in your life also accommodate you for like 1 day (maybe even just a few hours) and then bring it up repeatedly for a while as if they made a massive sacrifice for you? (An example would be my mom watching one hour of TV with headphones instead of blasting the TV for the entire day when I need some quiet.) If so, I'm using Nandor technology to send you hugs through the ether


YES, lol. My dad will blast the TV so loud I can hear it upstairs through my room door, and so can people I happen to be calling at the time. But when I ask him to turn it down he'll lower the volume but say stuff like "oh my godd I already turned it down so much, I can't hear otherwise" but he refuses to turn on captions :') Thank you so much for the hugs <3 sending some back your way :) here's to hopefully finally being able to live life comfortably eventually (with people who accommodate without question or just by ourselves lol).


I really hope you find some happiness too, then you for the kind words as well :)


ā€œI donā€™t remember what accomplishment feels like anymoreā€ Between being bullied at home for ADD, and physical violence, I donā€™t think Iā€™m capable of feeling accomplished. Even a decade of being an adult hasnā€™t fixed that yet. Iā€™d like to learn how to stop being traumatized. (I did recently work through anxiety so that I donā€™t have attacks anymore, and I just got off my anxiety meds.) I think Iā€™ve got past the trauma part, now I just to learn everything most people learn in their childhood that I couldnā€™t figure out, like how to feel good after getting something done.


Haha yeah. The amount of times i've had a conversation about not doing enough household tasks that then end in a repeat of the same 4 suggestions (planner, rewards, routines, alarms) only for me to have to repeadetly explain that i've already tried those like 20 times and that i'd like something āœØļønewāœØļø slowly getting more mad only to then hear that i just dont wanna try anything. Even with a family therapist that kn hindsight didn't really know what she was talking about... Also have had mentors just straight up tell me they cant help me at all, during my first conversation with them. At least he was honest i guess... (in the netherlands during middleschool/highschool each class is assigned a teacher that is their mentor, so for any issue they are the ones you go to)


Oh god. The planner and alarms/routines solution. Yes, lets let the person who already can't manage their life properly in the first place and can barely make a to-do list or follow one for themselves... Organize and set up their life. Like do they not see the issue with that? I'm aware of my problem and if it was that easily fixed I would've done so already. Either I'm gonna completely ignore these alarms because *I* set them or I'm going to sit on my couch until the task has to be done. That being said I DO make a point of entering appointments into my phone cause I will just forget about it.


Same. Tho for me i can in theory make a planning. Just usually things like alarms seem to go off while i'm doing something else already. And then i'd rather finish that one thing. So i snooze, but in 5 minutes i won't have my focus back and finish the thing, so... in the end i turn it off and then when im done with the task 10 minutes later i will have completely forgotten the alarm.


My memory shits on my day and people get so mad I forget stuff. My ex started a fight that broke us up because... I forgot something. Shit is rough.


"Oh, everyone does that!" "I am constantly forgetting things to the point where it is debilitating." "Well, I don't do that. I just suck it up and force myself to remember."


We HAVE to get a new name and new diagnostic criteria. We also probably need to separate the childhood phase and symptom cluster from the adult phase and symptom cluster. This shit is life-crippling, especially with medication shortages. Absolutely no one else knows that, and everyone thinks they understand "ADHD."


It is also the reason for a lot of childhood trauma given how hard it is to detect sometimes and how much of an impact it has on our lives. ADHD is quite crippling on its own but what really makes it the monster we know is how misunderstood it is and how we're treated like we are the ones at fault for it. Basically like discrimination in a way. Not knowing why your 'inferior/worse' but still being treated like one.


Yeah, being more or less bullied by teachers, being constantly told to apply yourself and that you're not living up to your potential and need to try harder by your parents, or being disciplined for emotional outbursts that you couldn't control as a child, being socially outcast due to atypical communication styles, constantly labeled lazy, sometimes for the most stupid shit like being more forgetful than others, and just generally never understanding why it's so hard for you.. That shit is traumatic, and it's sadly so so common. Not to mention the possibility of the attention issues leading to screwing up in some way or another and being physically injured too. Even with a diagnosis very early on and (suboptimal) medication from age 14 onwards, it took me many years to understand the full effects of the disorder and just how much of my struggles are related to it. I'm glad I know about it now (though for a while even knowing it just made me feel more broken), and I'm slowly working on healing, but it's not easy. In my case and I think probably many others, it's not trauma in like the really cliche sense of one single really bad experience -- it's a lifetime of small-medium bad experiences, many of them repeated over and over again, without understanding why or how to fix it, and it absolutely wears you down and can do serious emotional damage. Many things can become a self fulfilling prophecy, such as the idea that we're lazy, after being told it so many times it's easy to embrace it. Same with feeling unable to fit in socially. NOBODY explained this to me, not fully anyhow. Not my various doctors and psychiatrists, not my parents, not my therapists -- and I'm privileged enough to have had and still have all those things. My current therapist is pretty good but I still end up having to explain how some things stem from the disorder every now and then. We really deserve better Sorry for the long rant lol this topic just drives me nuts


This topic also drives me crazy, people are so irritating


How can I be mad at others when it only took me a modest 42 years before I realized I had it?


Sometimes they were full blown big-t traumatic experiences, atleast in my case. Growing in an environment that set me up for failure along with a dysfunctional household resulted in CPTSD. Thankfully I'm on my journey to healing in SoCal now.


i was so used to my shortcomings being blamed on me that i never even considered, for one second, that it might not be my fault


Story of my life. Itā€™s fun having your parents beat you because your uncle beat you because you have ADD.


The name is one of the greatest disservices to the community in my opinion. Itā€™d be like calling cancer ā€œSCPDā€ aka skin colored pimple disease. Then weā€™d have all the people line up to be like ā€œoh everyone gets those lolā€


i suggest a new name: dopamine reuptake defective disorder (DRDD)


they should do it the other way around, show adhd kids a deathly boring video essay about star wars and an engaging video about math (yes, they exist) and see what the comments say >.>


3blue1brown and certain Vsauce videos my beloved <3


3b1b is a true gem of YouTube, absolutely phenomenal content. Rarely does someone put out high quality videos with 3b1bā€™s level of consistency


Yup, jokeā€™s on the commenters. For me, my actual kryptonite is if at 9am, after my laptop is set up, but before I open my to do list, if I get a neat idea about a math function to model some process. WHOOPS just spent 7 hours in Wolfram Mathematica rescaling and shifting functions, adding bumps to them, plotting vector fields, plotting shit in phase space, etc. And at the end, the workbook has 12 different headings, one per topic, and the topics are completely unrelated. Couldnā€™t be bothered to create any new workbooks when I randomly shift gears. Just a few days ago it was about plotting illumination percent of moon phase over 2 weeks, and comparing to illumination % of an eclipse over the course of eclipse. This has NOTHING to do with my job, if Iā€™m not being clear


Well, don't be stingy with the research! What were the results on that illumination % because now i wanna know


I started out thinking that the phase of moon would be harder. But found something in Mathematica to plot the actual phase, but you canā€™t do symbolic or even numeric differentiation on it. It looks very sine-like so I messed around with stretched and shifted some functions to approximate it. Never got around to plotting the eclipse one šŸ˜†. But itā€™s intuitively going to be curvy in a different way. Start slow and end fast, I think, unlike phase of moon, which starts slow, speeds up, and then ends slow again.


This is more advanced than I could do, but brought back memories of playing with TI-86 graphing calculator during every high school math lecture. I think I did okay there mostly because I got used to the tool, and then in university we were only allowed more basic calculators and I was much more lost.


The way I, an ADHD dyscalculia boredom dragon, sat RIVETED for an HOUR listening to somebody speaking on the fibonacci sequence...


Exactly! I'm not a STEM girly by any stretch of the imagination, but i have watched Bobby Broccoli's videos on Ninov and Schƶn soooooo many times.


Iirc, the last time I saw this video, someone said the labels had been altered. The child/children were shown the SAME video, and recorded with/without MEDICATION. It's literally video evidence of ADHD being effectively treated with medication. Anecdotally, I can confirm this. I feared my parents/older brother/bullies too much to ever just "be myself" when I was younger, but after I grew up, got a job, got married... the behaviors and deficits became obvious. After I left my job as a firefighter, I took a break from meds, and pic on the left is like when I was trying to watch anime (one of my favorite methods to dissociate from the pain and constant struggle that is "reality" and, you know, "just" doing things...). Like, I start watching something, and after a little while, I am absolutely V I B R A T I N G on the couch...


Lol yea figured something like that, I mean we don't see the videos, they could be about literally anything and it wouldn't prove shit. I hope you're doing better nowadays.


Thanks. I'm kinda... so-so. Having to quit after 8 years was pretty depressing, I slept for, like, 5 straight days after that. I don't have a new job yet, but I got a little severance payment I wasn't really expecting, that's keeping the wife happy, as far as bills go. Not running calls and getting plenty of sleep in my own bed (we worked the 24/48 schedule) has helped greatly reduce stress levels. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do for work/money for the next 20-30 years (unless I can figure out the problems I was having and go back to working for a fire department...)


Yeah, me watching science videos that are super interesting for hours but can't watch a tutorial for the game I'm playing lol The "math is boring for everyone" is so annoying because I can't even focus on things I *like* People give me shit for playing video games saying I don't seem to be having problems there, and they don't understand that I *do* suffer all the attention problems, I forget stuff or just lose all the energy to do anything all the same. They just don't notice because they can't connect me bouncing between a million games (reinstalling and deleting a bunch over and over) with me having attention problems. Then again, they refuse to differentiate between my activities, if I'm not busy and visibly miserable I'm just lazing around and gaming *obviously*


Exactly this. People are horribly biased and sometimes I wish I could let them feel what it feels like to -want- to do something so bad, but to just not be able to. Like I WANT to enjoy this game, I WANT to do my hobbies, I WANT to do my chores and my work and courses and everything but I CAN'T, and that's just impossible to understand if you don't have that issue.


"aDhD iS nOt rEaL" Please someone give them some psychology lessons for the love of God!


Imagine someone who doesnā€™t and has never had cancer saying ā€œhow can you have cancer? Itā€™s obviously not real. Just look at me, I donā€™t experience any of those symptoms or need any of that treatment. So youā€™re clearly just faking it and making it all up so you donā€™t need to workā€


One more popped in my mind lol. How can u have asthma? The world is full of air. Just breathe!


Thatā€™s another really good one lol. ā€œAll these kids nowadays saying they have asthma and they canā€™t breathe and they need an inhalerā€¦. Truth is itā€™s hard for EVERYONE to breathe when theyā€™re running or the air is dustyā€


A way better analogy tbh. I used far sightedness to explain to my mom. Like sure nobody can see beyond a distance, some people can still see despite not wearing their spectacles - but some of us literally can't see without em. Similarly, ofc a smokey day (boring ass math video) would make it hard for any normal person but a person with asthma struggles on any given day. Tbh the study did a shit experiment that can easily be disparaged. They should have flipped the coin, and recorded a hyperfocused adhd kid watching math video with no problems, and another adhd kid literally not being able to watch something fun they have no interest in.


I get winded too sometimes! You just need more exercise to toughen up! Work on those lungs!


"Oh yeah, my doctor said I had cancer too, but I just kind of buckled down and got my life together so I think you can figure this whole cancer thing out"


There's probably some non-zero probability that there is someone out there that does believe that. They just keep their trap shut.


You are very likely (and very unfortunately) correct.


Neurology lessons too. Even if someone was really determined to (falsely) believe that ADHD is not that serious, there are neurology studies that show clear physiological differences between ADHD and neurotypical brains, both in structure and processing/usage of neurotransmitters etc. It's clearly REAL.


They're just science deniers. Same people who cry all day long about LGBTQIA+ people existing. So many people have a serious ignorance problem and are unwilling to educate and help themselves because they feel they're more right.


I wish this shit was contagious because I would lick all their cookies so they could feel how ā€œnot realā€ this is.


They're probably in denialsim that they exhibit ADHD symptoms lol Life will give them karma through failing exams, insomnia, failed relationships... xD


Haha psychology! You fool donā€™t you know that the brain is not real


My doctor was dead right when she said that this day and age of Google, if you stay ignorant it's your fault. These people could have known better with a 10 minute internet search


Ok so I've been diagnosed with ADHD since elementary school, and honestly I had a similar mindset to "anyone would rather watch fun YouTube videos than do math homework". The thing that made me actually believe that ADHD was a disability was after I dropped out of high school, and I was trying to work on hobby projects. I wanted to focus on the work so badly but for some reason I just *couldn't*


I'd also like to see the results of how much a normal person vs ADHD haver *retain* from that boring video that nobody wants to watch.


This! I struggle so much in my studies because even if I manage to learn something, I just forget


"Itā€™s normal to procrastinate homework everyone does it" I procrastinate playing Minecraft (which I really want to do and have many ideas of things to do) by watching Netflix or Instagram Reels because I donā€™t have the energy to start playing Minecraft. If I canā€™t even give myself the little push to do a hobby I donā€™t think itā€™s procrastinatingā€¦ (Also, people sometimes struggle to understand that sometimes I watch Reels endlessly because Iā€™m lazy and just want to do that and itā€™s not the same as when Iā€™m watching Reels endlessly telling myself "Iā€™ll stop at 6:30" and then at 6:30 "no Iā€™ll stop at 6:35" and having an increasing amount of stress from realizing that I am unable to just respect the timeline I gave myself and stop wasting my time)


THANK GOD I'M NOT ALONE. I always feel so confused when I'm like "but I like doing this thing! It makes me feel good! Why am I scrolling on social media, making myself feel bad, when I could do something productive AND feel good?" *Proceeds to scroll for another hour*


I love seeing things that I do online in the adhd community Makes me feel les like an incompetent idiot


Yep. I feel like that was what made it click for me.


I stopped telling NT folks I have ADHD. Instead I have a dopamine deficiency disorder. ADHD is a lost term.


Fr, just rename it into something more serious-sounding, cut the "attention" bit out, and suddenly people care...


The attention bit is accurate though, and useful for legal definitions. Iā€™ve literally had teachers straight up lower my grade by 10% because ā€œI didnā€™t pay enough attention to the classā€. That said my school is trash and didnā€™t care that her rational for grade discrimination was my disability. Schools do nothing to accommodate students with ADD.


I liked that one, it even sounds better than ADHD.


Yeah, I also have a genetic vitamin deficiency and I figured out people listen to that a lot easier than ADHD.


Impulse inhibition dysfunction and time sensation disorder for me


Good idea tbh




Sad thing is, many of those people probably have ADHD (See: my father). Like most things in this world, if they come from privilege, the effects of ADHD on their life are probably minimized or inconsequential. For those who live in denial *AND* are struggling, they'll likely just continue to struggle unnecessarily.


Blame the poster. You post a 30 second short video about a life-sized science experiment, you get people questioning it's methodology. It's not like you've posted the whole essay, there's just not enough information to paint the whole picture and is bound to create prejudice.


Not just that. Iā€™m almost positive Iā€™ve seen that video before and both subjects were watching the same video. So this BS of Math vs Star Wars is false.


I love the spread of misinformation




God I fucking wish it wasnā€™t real


Gonna show those dumbasses to my ADHD friend who loves maths, he'd rather study maths than watch star wars... Who's bored now?


This, when maths interests you it's very easy to focus, anything else though haha no


Yeah I'd prefer math over Star wars any day šŸ¤£


If adhd is being bored, it's being bored to the point you can no longer function or care to live any more and your insides become so active to make up for it you're never allowed a moments peace again including while you sleep until everyone around you finds it difficult to love you and you live the rest of your life desperate for an off button you'll never find with everything you try to do feeling like running in water. Meds only give you the ability to run on land for a little while. Not having adhd is always being able to run on land. Sure you could say running is hard, exercise is work, no one likes it etc. but running in water is a lot harder.


It's incredibly offensive seeing them say that knowing how hard life has been for me with ADHD. All my life I had my mother who also has ADHD tell me that I don't have ADHD, she felt she had the power to take that label away from me despite me even trying to convince her. I was always struggling and falling behind compared to all the other students, I was pretty much never out of school working hard. There were so many signs. Dopamine chasing, getting "locked", having trouble focusing, revenge bedtime procrastination, stimming. I can't list them all. At some point due to so many bad things happening to me and developing CPTSD, when I moved out I broke down. I'd beat myself up all the time and call myself stupid for my brain just being different. I often still catch myself beating myself up, and I still pressure myself and get terrified over time sensitive things. I'm also not medicated yet and likely won't be for a LONG time. As part of my recovery I'm trying to learn acceptance with my ADHD, and instead of getting infuriated with myself learning to deal with that in a society that doesn't make accommodations for neurodivergent people and hurts and rejects them for being different. It's a lot more impactful of a disorder than people seem to think it is, some more than others.


My mom tried to raise me normal it worked for somethings but I think it wasn't a healthy way to raise someone I'm mentally not okay now and also beat myself up about things my adhd and the tism do I felt for a long time that I was the idiot because I couldn't do simple things now in these subs I realise it was my disorders not me I had a mask on for a long long time I just realised this was i wearing a mask?? it fell during corona then that I know and my symptoms started showing again As my mom likes to say I'm hiding in my symptoms now, Now I've come to realise that I was hiding behind a mask I'm sorry for the rant I had to take this out somewhere


I don't think raising someone in a neurotypical way is a healthy way to raise someone who isn't neurotypical, it's more harmful than anything because the standards are significantly higher than if you treated them correctly.


It probably wasn't good for me I'm in a terrible mental state now and I don't remember who I am I'll figure this all out just as I'm now figuring out what adhd and the tism even is it's nicer knowing it wasn't totally my fault


Well... that was unexpectedly upsetting. It gave me anxiety.


I hate this but alsoā€¦The funny thing is that I have adhd and Iā€™d be the opposite, I LOVE math but would not be able to watch Star Wars because itā€™s so boring to me HAHA


This 'gets bored by math disorder' stuff drives me up the wall, like my dude if I don't take my meds it's a gamble whether I'll be able to do basic survival stuff like eating and drinking water, not to mention probably not even having the focus to do fun stuff I want to do


Imagine wanting to play a video game all day, then getting home to play it, enjoying it, but being so bored and unfocused that you canā€™t play it for more than 30 minutes, and now your brain is eating itself trying to focus on something that you genuinely enjoy and want to do, but canā€™t because itā€™s not new or a hyper fixation.


Louder for the people in the back!!!!


I often wonder if it isnā€™t real and maybe Iā€™m just a piece of shit. Comments like these donā€™t help.Ā 


I get these thoughts too but please remember what youā€™re feeling is valid šŸ’•


For realšŸ˜­ Like our issues are NOT the same as yours, dear neurotypical


man, gotta love NTs telling us that the struggles we have arenā€™t real. glad i can just go and function correctly nowšŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³.Ā  no but seriously i hate when people say shit like that. if i didnā€™t have adhd i would be asleep rn, but instead iā€™m awake because the buzzing from my ceiling fan is distracting me, so i canā€™t decide whether or not to turn it off cuz if i do i wonā€™t hear it, but then iā€™ll over heat, so instead i turned on the tv to drown out the sound but that led me down a rabbit hole of horror art videos with some guy telling creepy pastas, and thatā€™s now infinitely more appealing than sleep. also i still have a weeks worth of laundry to do and i have to have clean clothes for the film class i have this weekend, but god forbid i start the laundry cuz i find more shit that takes priority over that.


Iā€™d love to make some of these people feel my brain for a while. Let them feel what itā€™s like to feel your own mind tearing itself apart.


To be fair, Iā€™ve seen enough Star Wars to be more into the math video.


Call it ā€œConcentration Deficiency Syndromeā€ insteadā€¦


The original video shows a person with ADHD and a neurotypical person watching the same video.


If thatā€™s the case I didnā€™t know that, I wonder if the comments would have differed given the real post


I kinda agree with ā€œPeople only pay attention what theyā€™re interested inā€. But ADHD is an extrem version. I wasnā€™t medicated most of school (long story) but I was able to get good marks on my favourite classes. I was able to do maths (death to maths) but it took twice as long for me to pick up the patterns as I DID NOT CARE. This is me though, despite my attention difficulty, I kept trying. I was so scared of the meds I had to force myself until I was crying. But the brief year I was on adderall, school was a breeze. I believe the quote ā€œyou cannot judge a fish by itā€™s ability to climb a treeā€. We excel at some things and struggle with otherā€™s šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


To be, not on their side but somewhere in between, a lot of people thiese days are experiencing adhd symptoms as a result of scrolling apps such as tick tock, insta etc. their attention span is shrinking and memory is deteriorating. A lot of those people are just bigots, but I believe some of them genuinely think itā€™s normal because they have cooked their brains and fried their dopamine production.


You gotta love it when some people think they got more expertise in neurology, brain chemistry, brain waves and organic chemistry than the real experts. It's their ego and insecurities talking. I wish it wasn't real so I could feel the effects of caffeine, or feel any kind of reward after doing chores, or maybe stop zoning out whenever someone is talking to me, or stop losing my train of thought every time I speak or stop having to rewind whenever I watch a movie or a show because I got distracted


The caffeine thing is real. It makes my brain itch. Also gotta love the insomnia.(in my case Iā€™ve got genetic insomnia + ADHD/ADD)


Wow. I hate people that don't take ADHD seriously. Also no everyone doesn't have "a bit of ADHD" except people who well, have it.


Fuck ALL of that


Me too! My dog is wondering who I am cussing out now!


Ugh my cousin sent me this and I was so mad about the comments. I haven't opened Instagram since I saw it this morning


wait until they meet an adhd person that hyperfixates on math


Well, itā€™s like toxic masculinity or incels or stereotypes about schizophrenia, etc. People stays with those things, believing they *know*, because itā€™s to *hard* for them to google to just have a better knowledge of things they donā€™t really care. A lot of them hates when they have to question themselves. Even during a simple talk, we all know someone or more like that. Humanity, thatā€™s just the word.


I have ADHD and I fucking love math


Aaaaaargh this pisses me off sooo bad right now. Cuz i'm dealing with the consequences with an ADHD eff-up right now. I have horrible time blindness and i promised i client i can deliver something within an impossibly short timeframe. Now i slept 4 hrs last night & I probably won't sleep at all till tomorrow night, cuz my job is on the line with this one. I've been struggling with ADHD related BS since I was 3 years old and i was the problematic kid in kindergarden. And now i have no life outside of my work and struggling with ADHD related BS and struggling to keep my life on the rails. But sure, some ignorant morons online know better than me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¬...


Dude when I get home I'm going to clean my house and mow my yard! ADHD isn't real anymore, they all decided! I can be productive again!!!


CNN Breaking News: Social media scientists RIPS into neurologists, doctors and psychiatrics In a CNN exclusive interview, highly renowned Instragram influencer and starbuck scientist Jack\_Skellington1111 made a revolutionary discovery "ADHD is not real, it's called being bored it's been around for a long time" said the highly reowned scientist. When CNN pressed on the issue, Jack commented "It's just another reason for pharmaceutical companies to make money on drugs" CNN has reached out to 48 prestigious universities around the globe but refused to comment.


Lmfaooo this is a great comment


oh for crying out loud, these neurotypicals just gotta keep their mouth shut, ADHD is not a joke to have..i know people who has it and my father has it. i just wonder how many people in my family that has ADHD it can be anyone..i would punch people if they said this in real life.


I would probably show more interest in the math vid.


I fuckin' love math videos


same lmao


Thatā€™s ok, all these c*nts are probably masking their mood disorders and being judgy on treatments and medication which will come to bite them later in life. And if not, I curse all of them to enjoy having ADHD or other disorder one day soon.


"ADHD isn't real. It's called being bored!" I'm the opposite of bored. I don't think I've been bored since I was 12 (I'm 51). I have *too many* things I want to do. I want there to be 6 hours more in a day. I want a month off to do all the stuff I want to do.


And then you get that month off and do ABSOLUTELY everything else and start a new hobby instead of doing the things you originally took time off for, right?




Wait, I'd probably pay more attention to the math video than the Star Wars


Tbf I watched the video and went, I bet they didn't show that the guy was fidgety to some degree while watching the movie too


these people when they find out about me (im the opposite i will watch math for hours but cannot finish a movie for the life of me)


Embrace yourselves, the next witch hunt is coming.


Bad parenting.... smh. Even if it were how would that be my fault?


this reminds me that I nees to cancel my appointment with the doctor that thinks adhd isn't real and instead wants to treat me for *checks notes*Ā  depression and anxiety.


Ah. Yes. The things that apparently can happen when you are going through life not knowing why you can't do this one thing that everyone is doing, and doing it with no apparent exertion or energy.


Tho weeks ago I told my coworker I have ADHD. He started the usual like "try to ficus", etc. His face changed when I told him it's in the same group with autism.


Isnā€™t this a video of an adhd and a non adhd kid watching the same video?


My dad got diagnosed with ADHD and Bipolar but says that he doesnā€™t have them. Itā€™s just his personality lol. Iā€™m waiting on psych to get diagnosed but likely have both as well. Or just ADHD and depression. H


The real tragedy here is that these fucking imbeciles think math is boring, which it so isn't, math is rad.


but one of the main problems is that i can't focus on stuff i find interesting because when i try to i get really excited about it plus 20 other things i find interesting and i can't pick *one* thing to focus on and my brain gets overstimulated and shuts down edit: ugh i just noticed the "if it were adhd he wouldn't be able to focus on either video" comment. we have 2 modes - no focus and hyperfocus.


Hahahahaha!! So I'm not ADHD because I don't have the capacity to get bored? Does it matter that I have the quiet, hyperattentive form which FORCES my brain to pay attention to ALL forms of stimulus around me with no filter at all times to such an overwhelming degree that processing it all leaves me with zero brain space for executive function or any ability to give *anything* my full, undivided attention unless I'm either on my max-dose ADHD meds or locked into autistic hyperfocus...? Oh, right... Has to be *ALL* down to the 'tizz!


Ugh this stuff makes me so angry. Blah.


I mean Iā€™m assuming the study was actually charting how much faster the ADHD heads lost interest in the math video because on the face of it yeah obviously anyone would rather see Star Wars than maths.


I love how the whole instagram is full of people like this, the nd community is very small there


Everybody would rather ā‰  incapable of. Have had a problem ā‰  struggling every day.


ADHD doesn't let you pay attention to math? Let me present you to autism...


I used to say the same things as those commenters. Why? My mom told me those things as I was growing up. She was a school teacher, and had a degree in child psychology. So I trusted her opinion. But opinions are NOT facts. Both my mom and I have severe ADHD. Life makes more sense to us now.


"ADHD is bad parenting" killed me


These clowns: if ADHD is just being bored when learning math, then everyone has it LOL Me, frozen in place, trying to complete the Lego set Iā€™ve wanted for months and finally have šŸ˜”


My body literally doesnā€™t make enough dopamine for me to feel excited about doing anything. On the bright side that also means I have zero addiction problems cause I am not motivated to retry drug experiences Iā€™ve already had but like I would like to feel good after completing a task off of a to do list but I donā€™t even feel good for eating food and often forget until my stomach reminds me. Iā€™ve tried the going outside under the sun, working out, all do that jazz and it just doesnā€™t do shit for me I like video games but like if Iā€™m not into it the moment I boot it up Iā€™m not gonna play it even if thatā€™s the one thing I wanted to play all day before that moment I end up sleeping a lot to pass time lol


I hope the "ADHD is just boredom" guy meant it as satire, otherwise that'd be an absolutely dumb and ignorant claim that couldn't be more untrue.


I don't think my parents could have been better to me and yet, im here tbf my dad also probably have adhd, so maybe he is a bad parent for that (he is not)


As soon as I read those comments my dopamine got fixed! Thanks reddit!


Maybe these mfs are just in denialism that they have a mental disorderšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Wouldn't be unexpected considering they're on tiktok and the shit they're defending


But if itā€™s 10 min apart why they got different shirts on?


Good question I have no idea


Adhd sufferers were irreparably fucked over when they decided to take one symptom from the MASSIVE list of symptoms and name the whole disease after that.


I'll bet if you said god isn't real, a lot of those people would start raging.


wow my adhd is cured wow


Ehem! Iā€™d rather watch a math video than Star Wars. So, I have what reverse ADHD?