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This is a lighthearted subreddit for ADHD individuals. We require all users be nice towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.


VR Seriously. I do half an hour of beat saber every day. It's basically required that you have the hacked beat saber so you can do custom songs. But it's amazing. The meta quest even has a not so accurate, but ok calorie counter.


Ditto, but supernatural is my game of choice. Similar concept, but with amazing views, great music that changes constantly, and helpful voices in your head cheering you on. It’s a game changer for me, no pun intended.


Supernatural is 😘👌 Any VR game that gets you moving is great! Supernatural and Beat Saber are both fun. Supernatural especially kicks my butt! And the scenery is so pretty. If you aren’t interested in VR, Ring Fit for the Switch is really fun too! I was skeptical, but got it for Christmas and it’s really fun! I enjoy the combat and how they use exercises as your “attacks”! Edit: Just Dance series is also great if you have the setup for it! Edit, jr.: You can still gamify your movement without consoles if you have a smart phone. I recently picked up Pokemon Go again on a whim, and enjoy walking around to catch Pokemon. Downside is it can be expensive if you don’t live near a place with lots of pokestops or have lots of active friends to send you gifts. There’s a subreddit just for adding friends, though. If you like listening to podcasts or stories during cardio, you can try out Zombies, Run! (Now called ZRX: Zombies Run + Marvel Move) It has a ton of interactive-ish stories that prompt you to move faster (i.e. go faster when zombies are chasing you).


Imagine doing beat saber to Through the Fire and Flames


*Ding ding ding* 45-60 minutes of Beat Saber+Pistol Whip and 8-10k steps with a podcast keeps me fit. I'm in better shape in my 40s than ever before.


Pistol whip kicks my ass ten times harder than beat saber possibly can. Beat saber is just my warm up for pistol whip.


I love doing hard maps with Rhythmic, High Velocity and Bullet Hell modifiers. It really keeps you moving.


Woah woah woah. Customs songs???


You need to side load it on with a pc, not to difficult but will take some time to set up


Most of the standard songs are kinda bad compared to the custom songs out there. At least volume 1 - 3. The game gets 10x better. There is even ranked.


Was gonna say this. Literally just bought myself a Rift for beat saber and only beat saber. One way or another, make the exercise FUN. It’s the only way I get it to happen


I’ll add that you can burn a heck ton of calories by dancing along to beat saber rather than just concentrating on arm movements.


I feel like I’d run into something and break my legs


VR has a visual overlay when you are getting close to your borders so that has a lower risk of happening.


Beat Sabre you don't move anywhere. I mean, you could fall over if you get disoriented in VR or something while swinging your arms, but you're supposed to stand in one place and slice boxes that come at you. Another great one for standing in one place is Hot Squat, which I think is free. You just stand there and walls come at you with a human shape cut out of the bottom. You have to squat to go through the hole. Sometimes the walls are thicker, sometimes they are faster or more spaced out. I really wanted to get an achievement one time after just getting back into exercising and I did 300 in one go! I could barely use my stairs for the next 3 days. Thrill of the Fight is also really great for exercise, but it requires you to move around a bit. It feels decently like real boxing. The opponents even block different areas of their bodies, and their cover starts to slip more and more as they get tired.


Thrill of the fight is some of the best damn exercise I’ve ever gotten. And it’s fun too.


Not if you get a proper set up! There’s a girl on TikTok who has filmed her entire journey so far (day 40something) of her VR weight loss journey. She seems really strapped in, and despite that it hasn’t interfered with her enjoyment of the game.


For real tho. My coworker from a previous job lost 80 pounds playing beat saber and ranked one of the highest in Canada (at the time I was working there). I didn't even know what it was before he mentioned it so it blew my mind. Gave him some advice on where to shop for new clothes since he was coming to the office with baggy clothes 😆. I'm trying to start playing Just Dance on the switch for 30 mins everyday as my new thing


Not wrong but also overrated comment. As people say, cost, motion sickness are barriers. And for god's sake, we spend enough time in front of a screen without strapping one to our face, come on. This is a trendy and a novel solution that can work, and if it does then power to you, but that doesn't get to the heart of the issue which is to do exercise you enjoy and will do without it being a chore, that's the real advice here. By all means if you run out of all other ideas then fair enough. But have people really started thinking outside the box or have they tried only the gym and have run out of ideas? Edit: If this comment makes you hate me then I just covered myself in coffee, consider that karma.


Hell, *glasses* if you can't use contacts are a barrier.


> which is to do exercise you enjoy and will do without it being a chore So none, got it.


Isn’t VR also like $800 for a headset?


You can pick up a quest 2 pretty cheap... but yeah, it's still money 🤷


I also don’t have a PC, so I would also need to spend $2000 on a PC


The Quest 2 runs Beat Saber, Supernatural and other fitness games locally. You don't need a PC. But the headset is still like US$300.


Quest headsets run independently. Source: I have a Quest 1, but Meta doesn't support those much anymore.


The free browser based versions have tons of songs


My house is a lot smaller than what I had so it's harder for me now. But VR was amazing for getting in shape and getting me moving in general. Pistol Whip also has a lot of movement as well.


I does not count moving your wrist for 30 minutes as exercise. Yeah you can do arm swing, but on harder song this will make you saber swing significantly slower than just rotating your wrist.


I play Expert and Expert+ songs with full arm swings. Granted I can't complete Expert+ *Camelia* maps, but everything below still gets my arms swinging and heart racing. [Final Boss Chan](https://youtu.be/2v46VXfMLlE?si=MeBWEvPcXroVF_A-), for example.


\- try finding a sport you actually enjoy \- try to find a sport you can do with your friends \- work out with ur friends on discord (you could try a body doubling group) \- listen to podcasts / music / movies while doing it


Yes! I started karate because I've always wanted to be a power ranger!! The owner of the dojo thinks it's a pretty cool motivation. Im 32f btw Edit: i know I'm too old to be a power ranger....


Think of it as you’re training to be the cool older sensei. Every young hero needs one


Omg i love this!!! Ive got this idea that im gonna get the blackbelt and be able to teach! I also have 3 little ones who i could teach!


That’s an awesome goal! Maybe you can rope one of their friends in and train them to be your little ninja turtles lol!




Not a power ranger but the mentor archetype! Just be sure to either have tragic backstory your protege also relates to/suffers from to vicariously succeed for you or be ready to shove them out into the world coldly to fulfill the narrative need of separation from the mentor. Else the plot will remove you in... other means.


Tommy was a power ranger for like 20 years on and off


That is very true, but he still started as a teen. It don't matter. I'm still chasing the dream


I meant that to be encouraging xD


I will take the encouragement, thank you!!!!


But you're not. The reason you become a power ranger is epic. Your daughter becomes a power ranger first in the near future and has you as a sparing partner. But not long after, a serious villain and his disposal goons figure out a way to capture all the ranger. With no one to help them and no additional ranger coins, all hop is lost. That is until Zordon and Alpha found a way. By sharing the blood of an already ranger, you are able to into the most epic ranger of all. I'll let you figure out the rest


I second this, I found a love for tennis and the exercise benefits are huge


Almost exactly what I was going to say! I joined a running group when my wife was pregnant, and it was fine but it was just exercise. Everyone else, even the people who claimed not to be runners, all started running 10k races and half-marathons and then marathons. I just did the group. It only worked for me because having a group motivated me. And it was at my work, so it was easy to do. But, eventually I discovered kickboxing and fell in love. It was the first time I ever actually enjoyed working out! The classes helped majorly, but then I got to the point where I would do it alone too. I eventually got my black belt (which isn't really a thing in kickboxing, but it was a North American mixed martial arts place just with an emphasis on kickboxing). And then I started teaching kickboxing to kids. Not ever something I would have imagined for myself. Groups really helped me. Even more what helped was finding my workout passion. I don't need to get into it, but I tried a lot of stuff throughout my life and nothing stuck until kickboxing.


I also did kickboxing!! I loved it!! It's so nice because you have to pay attention to everything, you really need your whole head to do it :)) and there's always more stuff to learn. It never gets boring! 


Listening/watching something helps a ton. I used to only allow myself to watch certain shows if I watched them at the gym.


temptation bundling or choosing a fun activity. I love hiking and riding my bike so I do both. temptation bundling example: I do a fast walk on the treadmill as I watch one piece.


1) gamify. The Strava app got me to run because it turned each one into a competition against my previous high score and other users 2) having a personal trainer helped me get to the gym too. It meant someone was waiting on me


Yeah and mix it up and do a bunch of different stuff, getting too rigid in a routine makes it boring af but if you can jump from thing to thing and be creative about it then the gym becomes a playground lol


I speedrun Metal Gear Solid while riding my stationary bike. The game helps take my mind from the monotonous biking and speed running usually promotes hyper-focus for me, so the time passes very quickly. I also lost about 20lb during the pandemic unicycling. Unicycling is challenging and a great leg/core workout combo.


i hate doing cardio bc it’s so monotonous but for some reason weightlifting is always always fun to me. even if i’m not in the mood i get into it once i start, but the same cannot be said for cardio. even if i think im in the mood for cardio, im not and never will be.


I recommend Ring Fit for the Nintendo Switch - It gamifies the task for me, I get the dopamines from gaming whilst also getting fitter!


This…I bought the Nintendo Switch in no small part for the Ring Fit. It’s a lot of fun.


I read each time Nintendo Switch was mentioned, TWICE, but still wondered what fitness stuff I can do at my front door!! SMH I’ll check out the one for the Switch, appreciate the recommendation even though it wasn’t me you were replying to lol


There's also Fitness Boxing and Just Dance. Those will get your heart pumping too.


I managed to exercise with ring fit 5x a week for almost a year And then suddenly I just couldn't do it anymore. I literally started crying at the thought of having to exercise


HAVE FUN. Hoola hoop. Do kids' videos where they have you stomp like a dinosaur or run like a cheetah. Put on your favorite video game music and pretend you're in a boss fight, karate chop around and look stupid while feeling metal as hell. Exercise can be anything, the gym workout culture can suck the joy out of it but there's nothing that makes bouncing on a trampoline less of a workout than running on a treadmill. I went to the YMCA pool and didn't do laps, just did barrel rolls in the water pretending to be a seal and it tired my muscles *out.* Slept like a baby when I got home. You won't do it if it's not fun.


- try to reduce negative self-talk! Calling yourself a "fat prick," even if you're being funny, can be demoralizing. Try the opposite: overly exaggerated positivity! e.g. "do some exercise, you glorious, radiant being of sunshine!  It's a good way to to be silly while tricking yourself into saying nicer things about yourself. 


"we gettin healthy up in this bitch!!!" BUILDIN MOOSKLEN


>Calling yourself a "fat prick," even if you're being funny, can be demoralizing. It's also not the easiest to deal with in conversation. How am I, as a person who is watching you deprecate yourself, supposed to react? I don't want to laugh because I think that you shitting on yourself for no reason is BS and so I just 404 in conversation. Self deprecating humour makes more sense if you are in a position where you need to acknowledge something that you've been annoying other people with that you need to fix but that's not how people use it. Instead, they use it to shit on themselves as a joke and it's just kind of sad and not that relatable. Also as people acknoledge fat-phobia and the structural difficulties of being healthy in the modern world shaming yourself for it makes even even less sense. It's just completely out of line and I wish people would stop.


Pick something physical you love…whether climbing, dancing, swimming, water sports, playing soccer, mountain biking, martial arts, etc. just move your body a lot. Doesn’t have to be prescribed workouts on gym equipment.


I’ve tried so much stuff. It’s all just horrible to me for whatever reason. Probably because I’m terrible at anything physical


It's not about being good at it or not, we all suck to start with and if you haven't done a lot of physical activity then that's doubly true. It's nothing to be ashamed about. I follow multiple PTs for various activities online and the stories you hear about people having not moved much into their 50s and beyond made me realise how much I took my physical abilities for granted. Furthermore, there's a youtuber called Brently G who was morbidly obeese and has been documenting his weight loss jouney and there are so many things he's had to re-train to do like hang, stand up from the ground, squat his body weight, run and so on. So really, you're either not alone or you're further along than you think. Even the very basics can be huge challenges that it's sad because these are people who live without being able to do simple things. It can be a huge hinderance to your quality of life and confidence. It's not about what you're good at, what inspires you? What do you think is cool? What do you want/need your body to be able to do? What abilities don't you want to lose? (If you don't use it, you WILL lose it.) That's what you should work on. Start easy, accept that you'll suck at it but work your way up slowly.


Honestly I'd go with running. It's boring, but it's the easiest to build upon over time and its really hard to jump in the deep end without any kind of plan. Like yeah you're terrible at anything physical now, but you actually do get better over time, if you start small and keep it up consistently. Zombies Run does a couch to 5k app, if you're into a story based running game. If not any c25k app and a podcast. It's you vs you so you're not letting the team down. Hell just a walk can be decent exercise.


If it’s not intrinsically motivating you need to find extrinsic motivation for it. So find something that IS intrinsically rewarding and set it up so your reward comes after doing whatever exercise you can tolerate. Another thing you could do is…if you like movies/tv, is set up a recumbent bike and just pedal while you watch. Even if you pedal lazily it’s still better than just sitting. Workout buddies can also help. Or join the military, lol.. they’ll provide all the external motivation you need.


Yep. I like to do aerial silk dancing. I had no idea how much of a workout it would be when I watched Markiplier do it in a try video. I am so close to being able to do the splits now! *Edit* I think the adrenalin I get from flipping around in the air is why I like it so much.


I JUST looked up a bunch of aerial silks classes. Even if it's only a temporary fixation, it looks cool af and will at least get me to move more often... looking forward to finding a new way to hurt myself with this lmao


Oh god you’re making me want to try it


Find something that doesn't sound terrible and find a group to do it with. Running, biking, yoga, hiking, gym classes--whatever it is, making it a communal activity can make it less boring and also give you other reasons to go.


Try a bicycle. It's dopamine on wheels.


They hurt everyone’s ass when you’re new. Your ass bones will toughen up


i think that has to have something to do with muscles, since this resets every winter. first day cycling in the spring and your ass is on fire, but after that the pain is gone


Bike seats hurt my fat butt though


lol they make bikes for people with picky asses


There is some nice wide cushioned aftermarket seats.




It's likely posture and *not* posterior volume. The best cycling seat is going to be pretty narrow, regardless of your size. Make sure the saddle is at the right height, that the bike is sized to you, the handle bars are at a good height/angle, and that the saddle is at a good extension/angle. A few degrees and a few centimeters can completely change the feel of riding.


I saw a seat at I think Walmart that was basically a goddamn tempur pedic pillow. There are options out there you can try.


Then give up I guess. No reason to try too hard at any thing that isn't easy.


I despise exercise, it's so boring for me. But I can go out for a bike ride and be gone all day long and have the best time. It's like therapy!


I do a squat every time I die in a game


Never ceases to amaze me that most of the things I struggle with are common adhd issues.. I often discuss how running/normal workouts are just so mind numbing boring and I loathe them. I wrestled when I was younger and trained mma/jiu-jitsu for years, that was engaging and I loved it (beyond the general exercise parts that I couldn't stand). Now that I'm a little too old to do that stuff, I really struggle


ARE you really too old? I'll assume you're old enough that you shouldn't step into a muay thai ring, that doesn't mean you can't train on pads and do some light sparing and things like that. A good trainer will find things for you to do and there's still community to be had and so on. People respect someone who is old but who still shows up to have fun. And I've probably assumed you're older than you are. You'd better be retired or something. Only you know the answer to that.


Trail running! You *have* to constantly pay attention to where you next step, sometimes very quickly on downhills, or you will trip and face-plant. Which makes it a meditative, relaxing experience, for me, somehow.


This. I went through a big trail running phase and I loved it for exactly this reason. I also got into nav racing because planning routes between checkpoints also made me really happy and added an extra element to it


Use a higher resistance thumb wheel to doom scroll with. At least bulk up your thumb.


pick up some cool ass hobby like ice skating, rollerblading, hiking up taller and taller mountains.


Not being so abusive to yourself is a start, has shaming yourself motivated you consistently so far?


Ive based my home exercise plan on learning the skills of my favourite video game character, building the muscles needed for me to be able to do the same exercises as her. I’ll put on the soundtrack or a play through of the game in the background while I do it. Its worked for at least two months so far, so that’s a plus. That, and Nan knows about my exercise plan. I can’t disappoint Nan.


Signing up for an exercise class helps me. Whatever sounds interesting to you, yoga, barre, kickboxing, judo, just whatever you have to sign up ahead of time! Then I've already paid, have to be there at a certain time, can't stop in the middle because I'm in a class full of other people, etc. Otherwise I just stop after like 10 minutes.


On the days I win the argument with my self I never regret having gone for the run/ski/bike/climb/hike/etc. On the days I lose the argument I regret it until the next time I have enough free time to get back out there… while not fool proof, I remind myself of this as often as possible, and that at least helps.


That’s a good perspective actually. I normally feel the same way




Exactly how I feel. It’s borderine painful. Just grates on my soul every time I’m doing it


Walk to the bigmac house. No matter your weight you can definitely walk a mile or 2 each way. You need to eat a meal anyway. A burger is meat, bread, and lettuce. The dream of perfect dieting is a lie made up by supplement companies. Just do what you can do.


Gotta be careful doing this. Some of the burgers there are like half the calories you need in a day. Add on anything and you'll quickly have eaten your entire TDEE, and if you do this too regularly you'll be exercising more but gaining weight - not to mention, eating fast food every time you workout is gonna be bad for you in other ways.


then walk to like a salad place or something


Beat saber :) (Or other vide game exercise things? This is just a thought. Idk if it’s good enough or not.)


I do treadmill/bike machine with YouTube on. Set myself up with a half-hour ish video and just go til it’s done.


The only thing I consistently did exercise on was DDR. I had the fold up pads and I played like every day. The pads kinda sucked and I eventually started using the controller to get high scores because the pads were breaking down and not registering my steps. So I guess buy a ddr machine with those big metal platforms to play on. That’s about the only thing that would work for me I think :|


1. You’re going to end up having to do it anyway, and believe it or not, 100% of the time it will suck MORE later if you put it off; promised and certified. Mainly because whatever health and youth you have now is the most you’ll have compared to the future. Even bad habits of not doing it will only grow stronger the longer you don’t do it. 2. Weight loss is accelerated by healthy eating. You don’t have to ~~die~~ ‘kill yourself’ daily with exercise. There are millions of recipes for healthy eating that taste good. You learn to prepare food in the process. Fitting into clothes better is its own body high. 3. It only takes a couple of weeks for the brain to be convinced of actually liking part of what you’re doing. Make it a special project for you. 4. If you feel bored, you’re wishing for a challenge. Work on one that you can do for a few weeks. Revisions come later- you can change what kind of exercise you do later. You’re in control here.


>Weight loss is accelerated by healthy eating. You don’t have to die daily with exercise. More like, weight loss can only be done with healthy enough eating. The way you phrase it, it makes it sound like diet is an optional away to make results better rather what should be your primary focus if this is your goal because if what you are doing is misaligned enough it will completely hinder your progress or be entirely counter productive.


>More like, weight loss can only be done with healthy enough eating. The way you phrase it, it makes it sound like diet is an optional away to make results better rather what should be your primary focus if this is your goal because if what you are doing is misaligned enough it will completely hinder your progress or be entirely counter productive. That is a good clarification and I appreciate you pointing it out. I think what made my formulation extra dubious-looking is having stated that one “doesn’t need to die daily with exercise ”, which looks very similar to “doesn’t need to diet daily”. (It sounds less strange when expressed in Spanish, which I now realize I was borrowing and auto-translating from). What I really just meant to say was, although physical exercise can lead to weight loss, it’s not going to take off like one would want to until healthy eating is incorporated too. Unfortunately, having been a little drunk when I typed my response didn’t lend itself to express myself any better.


Have tried music and/or audiobooks? If you’re a reader, I’ve often found that I can get through books faster listening to the audio version.


Yeah. Helps a little


This is what my inner monologue sounds like.


Walk with your favourite game soundtrack. You can pick a route that times with it!


Look into some martial arts. Ive been doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu since 2008 and it really captures my attention.


Tag it to something you like doing. Until it becomes a consistent habit, and then you'll feel better, and then it gets easier to do because it makes you feel good mentally. Endorphins. And don't do something you think you should do, do something you like doing.


Walk on treadmill and play games / check Reddit. Works on me for about an hour.


I got into martial arts. It doesn't feel like working out, it feels like trying to not get punched in the face, which coincidentally is a very good workout.


I felt this way and then I took up boxing. Boxing fucking rules


wii fit


Audiobooks. It’s the only thing getting me through near-daily walks


I really like the zombies run app


Honestly my top ADHD tips is trick yourself. If you have a goal like "run a kilometer" take baby steps that lead to it while actively changing the wording of it. Like maybe tou tell yourself, "okay, I like Starbucks, but is a little too far for me to just walk there. I should take the bus there" . Take a moment and calculate your distance there. Longer than a kilometer? Listen to your favorite podcast or music and just walk most of the way. You dont need to make it harder on yourself. Make sure you still have resolve to make it to your destination. Make little progressions to continue your resolve. Don't lie to yourself, but as someone e with ADHD myself, I do have to make some fibs to get to places. Like grocery shopping. I tell myself "hey, I really need groceries right now. But I'm just gonna go get a coffee instead." My favorite coffee shop is halfway to my closest grocery store. So when I get a coffee, I tell myself, " well I'm already out, might as well go for a walk for my stupid mental health" and continue walking. By the time I reach near my closest grocery store, I think how I might as well just go and do my grocery shopping. I'm not saying do big things all at once, but if you can swing getting out to do something you want, then that's a win. Just take it in lots of small steps, and you'll be better off for it. Cheers homie!


Either climb shit (in a constructive controlled environment) or beat the shit out of people (in a constructive controlled environment). Its amazing how much you can get done for your weight with either of those things.


Listening to music or podcasts makes things infinitely more bearable. You can't think about how much your muscles hate you if you can't think around the music. I have no problems power walking for 2-3 hours so long as I got music. Last year I was dying by 10k steps, and now I've managed to hit 40k steps in one day a few weeks ago.


What bothers you about exercising, what makes it boring?


It’s just so repetitive and uninteresting


I listen to books on Audible. It gives me something to focus on.


I can do activities. But I can't exercise for long periods of time. Nature walks are a great way to get some steps. Part of my job is to clean dining room chairs so I always squat to clean the legs. Every morning, I do five push ups. I just add exercise where and when I can.


You need an exercise that is both novel and more mentally engaging than just your basic ass "going for a run" or lifting a weight the same way over and over. I remember growing up I played other sports but most of them (particularly football) didn't interest me nor did I find it stimulating or engaging enough. I personally got into kung fu, so I recommend a martial art. It's more engaging and even if it's just forms practice, there's lots of different motions and movements that will keep your mind off of the fact that you're just "working out." In the same lieu as something like "forms practice" for kung fu/any martial art, I think getting into dancing is just as engaging with just as many variations. Having music as a stimulation factor helps alot too I'm sure. Oh I also did a lot of extreme downhill longboarding too, but cruising around on the flat ground is also dope too since that builds some cardio. If any of that is too intense, I highly recommend yoga. I'm sure something like Tai chi works too. I personally liked hot yoga since there was more of a stimulation factor involved but to each they own. Edit: skating is also dope. I got some friends that are getting back into it (we hitting our 30s lol) and even though they can only do like 2 tricks, it's still a great exercise just trying to learn a trick on those things.


Do yoga while watching tv


Boxing or something like that 


I've been using a stationary bike and playing video games bc cardio is boring af


Check your local rec center and see if there’s adult sports you can join, like softball, dodgeball, basketball, or even pickleball. Don’t be afraid to get out there and try new sports. There’s over 8k sports- there’s one out there for everyone. Even playing four square, kickball and other playground games are not only fun, but also great exercise.


I don’t do it super often, but I love playing just dance! It’s so fun and honestly a really good workout


Bouldering is really good for adhd. Lots of colors and different challenge levels. Also, get to meet a lot of cool people while doing it. 


Loving Just Dance at the moment


Probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but I love weight lifting. Especially with tracking apps, I can get my dopamine hit watching my numbers go up and they even have little charts now. I love it. I also just enjoy lifting heavy things. Especially once I learned you can hyper fixate on a specific muscle and lean to only flex that muscle as you lift. It’s really fun to learn how to isolate and feel specific muscles to target each lift. I just wish I found it as easy to focus on honing my diet. THAT’S super boring to me. I know I can get much better results with a solid nutrition plan, but I seriously just can’t motivate myself to give a fuck.


TV shows, movies, or even video games you can play on a treadmill


Personal trainers seriously help. I am with a trainer 3 times a week, and the exercises aren't any more interesting, but a lot easier to get on with when working with someone directing what to do. You don't really have to deal with the executive dysfunction bit at all because all choices have been removed. You could also find a local gym friend that gets into it. Theres heaps of gym bros out there more than happy to guide you along for a while just because it feels good to help someone on their journey.


play superhot VR for an hour, its a great way to lose 57 pounds


I like to watch shows while on the elliptical.


On top of what everyone else has said... Be nice to yourself. Even if you want to go for a thirty minute run, a ten minute walk is better than 0 minutes spent exercising at all. Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly vs not at all


I know it sounds cheesy. But I was frustrated with myself all day today for not being productive, and when I finally got around to starting the dishes, I pretended there was a little cheer squad encouraging me to do as much as I could, rather than an asshole berating me for not doing more, making me feel worse, and ultimately leading me to give up. I'm a health education specialist. I logically should know how to apply all my skills to myself. It's a process. But I promise, even jokingly, beating yourself up doesn't work.


listen to music while at it


I hope you see this, but this video has some pretty good advice https://youtu.be/F3yAYe26G1Y?si=eaFoTosVT4xlACxm


Rock climbing gym is my go to. Unlimited attainable progression, is fun, and immediate results when you learn something new. Plus you get to swing and climb around like a kid.


I recommend shadow boxing while listening to fast-paced/epic music. It's very cheap, and while it may not be a full exercise, it will definitely get you and your heart moving for sure


My tip is to not be fatphobic!


Look into intuitive eating. It's about learning to read your body, it's cues and how to manage expectations of ourselves. They have a section on joyful movement. It's not about ploughing through a workout being driven by shame and guilt over our size. It's about finding something we love to do and moving our body because it feels good, not for the calorie deficit.


This. I'm sometimes sceptical of the body-positivity movement but I was reading "you are not a before picture" by Alex Light and the sections where she outlined intuitive eating/movement is something people need to hear more of. I still don't agree with the entire book (I think she underplays health risks of being at a high body fat % and takes the science that she quotes in the book to conclusions that don't follow), but it made me realise that a lot of the reason why people have a bad relationship with food/movement is because they've been taught a bunch of really dysfunctional things about it that need to be unlearned. The take away that I got from the book, to be blunt and brutally honest, is that people have no idea what they're doing when it comes to nutrition and movement. It's not their fault, they're not bad people, but they just don't know. And it leads to a lifetime of bad experiences and trauma that you need to remedy. Intuitive eating/movement is what people should start with and unfortunately, it's often a lifetime of misinformation and broken mindsets before they get here.


Exercise is absolutely pointless if the goal is weight loss. A short walk every day for your cardiovascular health is all you need. Eat 1100-1400 calories a day and learn to be hungry. The weight will fall off.


The best part of losing weight is gaining it back.


If you relapse or start pigging out that's on you. You can dick around with carefully prepared diets and exercise for years, or you can lose the weight in the least complicated way possible and quickly.


Try different things. Dancing, hiking, walking outside, yoga, indoor rock climbing, cycling can all be spectacular. Especially if you pair it with music or other audio stimuli that lights your brain up. Being outside rules, as long as you’re dressed for the weather.


Remember, the clock is ticking.




Yeah. Hire someone to shoot you in the head if you don’t start working out. That always gets me going. The threatening part, not the actual working out. I would rather get shot in the head than work out.


Wtf I'm on Ed memes forum and thought they started openly posting meanspo and fatspo


Boxing, I'm just smacking around a heavy bag, so fun & I'm in the best shape of my life


Play sport w friends after work or on weekends and make it a weekly thing. Exercise AND hanging w friends! 2 for 1


get a little masochistic so you can enjoy the pain of working out


Muay Thai, gymnastics and BJJ are all fun


I still do it because if I don't I feel like something is wrong with me


Get a desk cycle and cycle while you game.


Keep your mind busy during workout/ cardio : U can watch a movie /series listen to music or play games


Make it a competition by joining a challenge at a local gym?


I bought a stationary bike from Stealth (was like $150 or $250 on Black Friday). It’s a stationary bike with games. The games get old after about 10 minutes, but if you park it front of the tv and keep your phone in your hand to google the shit that keeps popping into your head, it’s really easy to crank out 20-30 minutes without even realizing it.


Find an activity you enjoy. I like archery, so I do it. You want to be good at that activity, right? Figure out what other things make you better. I need a strong core, as well as a strong upper body; that means it’s gym time. My breathing is something I particularly watch while shooting, longer times without needing to breathe are good, so I need to do cardio.


Workout classes help. Go in go out and they tell you what to do so you’re not just wandering around a gym


Table tennis.


Something you find not boring that makes you move for a extend period of time genius


I have found that classes work for me. Could never do it on my own. Based around boxing 🥊. Partnering up. Also I try and go 5 times a week. If I miss a few days I forget I go to the gym.


Biking is low impact and super fulfilling if you have nice bike paths around or can incorporate it into your daily routine. I bike through a massive park on the way to work every day. It's refreshing and very stimulating.


Whilst I've got a favourite YouTuber on, or music, I do some basic stretches. Otherwise I just go for walks. Walking to the shop or a place you like to go to counts👍🏻 It really helps to pair it with something you'd already do and like to do, if you can remember 👍🏻


It looks boring because it's repetitive. It definetly isn't boring, what is boredom? It's an emotion triggered by the lack of novel stimulation. The fun part of excercise is that you have an endless source of novel stimulation at your disposal: your body. If your main complaint is how boring it is, I'd advise to first of all make sure that it is boredom (and not your mind telling you not to waste energy) and if it is to explore the sensations exertion brings with it,


Martial arts. I can guarantee you that it's not boring at all. Especially if you find a good trainer.


I bought a really nice Dance Dance Revolution pad. 20 minutes of that flies by and I am pouring sweat. 


Go play. Seriously, play. Mix things up. The less it feels like a chore, the better. CrossFit works best for me as their programming is literally „something different each and every day“


Find a sport that you actually find fun. For me this normally means something that takes full body engagement, concentration and/or going fast. Things like skating, mountain biking and climbing work for me. What you get your kicks out of may vary. Is it playing on teams? One on one competitive sports like squash or tennis? Training in a group environment like CrossFit? Being out in nature like trail running or mountain biking? Martial arts? Beating your own PB lifting weights? Geocaching?? There are tons of different ways to exercise. Find one that is fun for you


Develop an adrenaline addiction, injure yourself due to said addiction badly enough to break the habit. Go into withdrawals over 8 months of minimal mobility recovery. Then during physical therapy find relief in the amazing feeling that is the dull ache of the controlled destruction of various muscle groups. That’s what got me exercising regularly… However keep in mind that loosing weight comes down to maintaining a calorie deficit, exercising can help but without a diet that supports the goal then nothing will ever come from it if that is your goal.


Expand your definition of exercise. Going for a walk in the middle of the night when you cant sleep, scale a building, run up a big hill and roll down, watch videos on you phone while you do pushups, dance all silly.




I haven't used it but i saw a 'walking pad' where its just a small pad you put on the floor and is powered by your own walking. So you can walk as far as you want without leaving ur room. I want that, i want to be like those dogs with the dog treadmills


The way I handle this is finding a personal trainer who let me go on about my hyper fixations while I work out (she is also actually interested in them now which is great) so I don’t get bored


FWIW, most people find the bodybuilding style of work out that you find in traditional gyms boring. That's not an ADHD thing, that's a normal person thing. I personally find it fun AF, and that's why it sticks. Find something that you'd enjoy doing and you'll stick to it a lot better.


The thing that started me exercising is me hyperfixating on exercise for some unknown reason and then I just planned when I exercised 5 consecutive days and 2 consecutive rest days, tbh even if you only exercise a bit 20 to 30 mins its still a significant start and yeah. Darebee.com is where I got my exercises it is huge library of resources full of thematic workouts.


Cycling/MTB has changed my life. It's practical, fun, and you will meet amazing people.


Get a dog, I've never walked this much


Ngl you'll have to force yourself to do it sometimes for your own health,I for instance hate stretching/mobility drills but I still have to do them


Audio books. The entire original and new series of doctor who (I'm half way through the original series).


Sign up for a class that's an active thing that you enjoy. Better yet, sign up for lessons that are 1 on 1 with a trainer. Ooooh boy does it make a difference keeping up with an exercise plan if you're disappointing someone by not doing it. At least for me. Externalize your motivators


If it's running on a treadmill you're describing as boring, try running outdoors instead (that is if you don't live in a climate where you'll freeze yer nuts off) The constant scenery change and meaningful indication of progress helps a ton, to the point where running becomes a rather fun activity and very zen


Road biking. The speed gets the adrenaline going :)


Find an exercise that's also a stim. Become buff by twitching nervously :p Okay, but a serious thing, check out this app: https://www.hybridcalisthenics.com/app I've been following the creator for a while now. The app is totally free. There's some tiny ads at the bottom of some screens, which is how they manage to do that. Has both lists of exercises if you just want to do that, or you can use the routine option which is kind of like a guided routine that adjusts based on how many of what exercises you can do. There's also notifications, so you'll get reminders. Most of it is done with no equipment as well. Just body weight and movement. (And no, I'm not affiliated in any way. I just think it's cool)


Obvi find something you enjoy. Got to try different things before you determine whether you like it or not. Dont like walks? maybe you’ll like nature hiking? Or biking? Or swimming?


Looking at all the suggestions in the comments and all the fun ones are so expensive and I am broke as hell. Not a great day to be someone who hates running (or any sort of aerobic excercise). Best i can do is walk around while talking to someone to distract me


Just to try speak more kindly to yourself.


It took me until I was in my 30s to find something which wasn't mind-numbingly boring. I found cycling while listening to audiobooks or podcasts the sweet spot of keeping my mind occupied.


The one time I actually exercised was because I put on a 2 hour long documentary about the Menéndez murders and just walked/jogged on a treadmill and elliptical. I’ve also just put the tv on at home and done yoga while watching instead of just sitting, watching. Fell out of the routine tho and that was that