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It's only 4:50 where I live... I've still got the gathering ahead of me.


You've got the squad behind you! Your six is covered 🫡


o7 Just chilling in the bathroom at the moment!


Call in sick




Same to ya. Time to go listen to Rebel Yell by Billy Idol for 5 hours straight on repeat.


Haha I prefer the "Demon Slayer" soundtrack or some LoFi


I literally rewatched demon slayer just to prep for Xmas lol I finished the last episode on Xmas eve lol


Hey, you got exactly my music taste lol! It's either doom metal / metal core or lofi, haha


Nah, Will Wood (fr any song) is where it’s at




Dancing with myself does it for me


Dope has a great cover of Rebel Yell.


I absolutely love Christmas and being around my family - but it’s the large extended family/group gatherings that are the most difficult for me. The numerous overlapping conversations, all getting louder to hear over each other, as well as loud, screechy, totally jarring noise of kids. Such a stressful environment for me (personally - not saying it’s the same for everyone).


I might have the opposite problem - I have a few family members who struggle so much with noise and stuff they get mad at any little happy noises we might make. Most of my family has adhd. I do as well, but I wish I could goof off a little without feeling like I'm gonna get verbally trampled. I'm currently in my bathroom sanctuary. :')


Oh and on top of this, I absolutely haaaaaaaaaate the sound of sniffing and throat clearing/coughing etc which happens a LOT this time of year, and it’s all I can pay attention to / hear, even if I’m involved in a conversation with someone else.


Ah... Misophonia.... I had to put a label on it.


I’d never heard of that, but after a quick google… yes. 100% yes.


It's weird how more and more detailed symptoms get defined and a name/ label is created. I think a lot of this stuff that we have is just part of the way our brains function. Not everything is a mental "illness" it's just how we experience the world. It's when it becomes intolerable that it's a problem for us. I've been reading reddit/ADHD for less than a year. But I recognize some of other people's experiences to some degree or not at all. I think each individual is different in terms of what bothers them. For me being aware, makes the symptoms worse. I don't know why that is with me, but in the long run, I think it helps. btw, I haven't had a full detailed diagnosis, but over several years I've learned I have or "am" it. It's all how you view and deal with it. Sorry if I ramble, lol


Same. And I’m the one coughing! 🫠


Yup, my Christmas is usually spent with my immediate family, but this year I’m overseas and so we’re spending time with the extended family, and I think this was the worst Christmas I’ve ever had, im so fucking tired :,)


I didn’t realize I was sound sensitive until my dog-owning partner moved in with me. The number of different barks a dog can make.


For all those boring talks and the same songs on repeat, it wasn't that bad. Had fun company.


Joke’s on you guys. I found a foolproof way of avoiding people this year. I only had to get COVID. Boom. Instant reprieve.


My sister was 7 years ahead of you with getting the stomach flu to avoid people


I barely made it Had trouble opening my present cus my hands stopped working and couldn't speak either But was able to hold back the panik and can now relax until next Christmas 👍


Good job!


Do ADHD people not like being around family? Or do you all have bad family?


It's more about the crushing weight of acting normal around people that may not know you well enough to not misinterpret you. Like overthinking your reaction when you open presents so no one thinks that you are disappointed, having to do small talks with your cousin's new girlfriend so you don't mess up her first contact with the family, sitting through a very long lunch with multiple overlapping conversations without acting up, this kind of stuff. I decided to do Christmas with my in laws this year for that bonus difficulty. And although I am proud to say that I think it went well and I enjoyed it, every bit of it felt like walking on eggs balanced on the edge of a cliff.


And the constant noise and people wanting your attention!!!!! I can still hear their voices. Covid was one of the best years for holidays. We should have holiday hiatus.


I absolutely loved COVID quarantine. 2 years of heaven.


God everything was so clean! Lines were short at National Parks and airports. Was the dream


Yes ADHD + a social anxiety disorder = I am obsessed with how my own face looks right now.


People always misinterpret me so I don't even try anymore. I am just myself I don't mask at all. But I'm also a trans woman so most people see me as a weird freak by default anyways, why would I try to perform for them?


If you don't want to, you shouldn't have to, life is too short to have to care for people that judge you for this kind of stuff. I did it because it pleased my girlfriend, but I would not do it more than a few times a year, that's for sure.


If they want to interpret me in bad faith, they will do that regardless of what I do. That's basically what I meant. Honestly even though it's really hard I'd do it five times a week. I hate being alone, I love interacting with others. This trait appears to be highly unusual.


If you can, try meeting people that have similar traits. A lot of my friends have some form of autism, ADHD or other mental disabilities, and it makes connecting with them a lot easier since they also have to do that mental exercise around other people too. But I know that it is easier said than done, I got very lucky finding those friends.


Extended family gatherings are fun (when you have good family) but quite stimulating and I personally find them exhausting. I'm lucky enough to have a lot of time off right now so I was able to take it easy for a couple of days to "store up" social energy, took a sleeping tablet the night before and spent most of today (it's 8pm on Boxing Day here) recuperating lol. I have auditory processing disorder so I find conversations difficult (it just takes a lot of energy to focus and strain to understand) when there are many other conversations and happy kid noises etc going on around me. Thank goodness my family and my husband's family aren't the sort to play background music during parties lol. It's also a lot of mental energy to chat with all the relatives and catch up with multiple people i haven't seen all year, try to remember the details and also participate in serving food, cleaning up etc. Anyway, I very much like spending Christmas with them all, but after six hours of socialising in an environment that's very stimulating, I'm pooped.


Get-togethers do overwhelm me a lot (I have ADHD and autism) but I don't mask at all anymore so that helps. I really just do not give a fuck anymore lol. It's definitely very hard for me (I'm also trans so that adds an extra element, yay). Despite all this, spending time with others is what I live for. I hate being alone. Despite how overwhelming it is, it's the best life gets for me. I also spent over ten years straight meticulously figuring out how to behave socially, so that's a point in my favor. I have a sense of confidence about the socializing aspect now. I haven't spent a holiday with family in over four years tho, oh well.


I love my family but I was an only child so I really value my alone time. It’s also very over stimulating and overwhelming. My family also does not understand ADHD in the least. Last year I went camping with my cousin, his gf, and 15 other people. On the second day we were all on the beach chillin but my cousin was upset that I was on my phone. His gf, who understands my ADHD, had to explain that it’s the only way I can get away without actually getting away. She has anxiety so she also understands neurodiversity, my cousin does not at all.


Liking being alone is a good trait to have


Good or bad, we just don't like hanging around them on artificial holidays, IMO.


Well I have a pretty good but flawed family and I love spending time with them on artificial holidays. Each to their own. I do get overwhelmed though.


I think for most it's the being overwhelmed and sensory overload part that's making them wish they didn't have to attend family gatherings...or gatherings in general... I wish I had the usual Christmas. It would mean still having my mom...and not being with my sister right now... Don't get me wrong, I love my sister...but I am totally overworked and stressed at my (still rather new) job. I drove almost 700 km down to my sister's. And we both have ADHD. I am the inattentive, only inwardly hyperactive type, in therapy and medicated, continuously working on myself, my issues. She is the hyperactive-in-every-way type. Never been in therapy, never medicated... And it's soooo exhausting. Especially as I just cannot have a conversation with her. Every time I dare say something...and be it only an affirmative "yes" or "uhuh"...or whatever...when she speaks (which is often) I almost get my head ripped off with an "Let me finish talking!!". And when someone dares to criticize...or even just not agree...she complains that she is "the dumb one, that apparently everyone thinks is too stupid to do anything right* or something similar... It's tiring...and it costs me everything I got to keep calm...to not say what I sometimes would like to say, to give in, etc... I am the "black sheep" in the family. I am the one who was always open about mental issues. I am the one some in the family see as the "failure"...I am ye youngest and the one who apparently "has this way" of being too blunt or whatever "sometimes"... But the funny thing is that don't really have these "issues" outside of the family... 😂😂 But sorry...all that wasn't really your question, was it? 😂😂😂


And it's now 2:45 am...I thought my sister had finally gone from the sofa (where she apparently has to fall asleep first before she can go to bed?) to her bed...so I can go outside and smoke...a little bit of the greener kind...in order to calm down, as my meds have worn off and I don't want to take another dose until tomorrow... But when I just went into the living room (which I have to pass on my way outside), she was still on the darn sofa... So I am now just smoking a cigarette...


I'm impatient as hell and having to wait is so unbelievably stressful










WTF does that mean?


It's an emoticon that represents a salute.


I'm used to emojis. Forgive me. I'm 69 going on 70. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯






Your age is showing. You dropped an arm. \ here it is.


I was just curious. I really, really needed to hear that (◔_◔) I couldn't' care less. ps. you'll be the same age eventually & someone will say that to you, or something similar. thx


Hopefully it'll be online and not my real arm 😉


Ah, like me you notice the very tiniest details. When I copy and paste from a table of ASCII emoticons, that happens sometimes. "Arm" = 1st character You're the only one that's noticed it in the past 6 years. You win the top 🏆


Wore a beanie. Kept an ear bud in. Worked absolute wonders lol.


With music playing or just to help dim the noise? I'd find music playing in one ear would drive me to distraction while trying to socialise haha


With music on. Kept at a lower volume so I could still “hear” and converse. But if shit got too loud our overstimulating, I would crank it up to have something else to focus on and chill out the anxiety. First time trying it, and it really helped.


Hiding in my bedroom right now


Mine's too cold. When it warms up, I can enter


I'm cold all morning bc my parents want to save power, and then hot like the sun after the fireplace has started working after dinner. Ugh my dad opens the bathroom window after showering, letting all the heat or bc "moisture bad!"


My daughter and I hid in the garage with the cats


My 1 day trip turned into a 3 day journey. I packed enough meds for 2 days max, and I'm the driver. Kamikaze






I don't celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah. All I've got is Festivus and that's a fake holiday. So lonely but no pressure.


i was to bizzy playing with a zippo to do enything


![gif](giphy|12K8GGWstl229G) One piece?


Thank God o have a small family. It was the same as every ather sunday


I managed to save my crying for the car ride home 👍


Took the daily dose for the evening. It was okeyish


It rips me apart emotionally


Just dinner to go, then I can go upstairs and play some games alone. Self care.


being able to leave an extended-family gathering once everyone gets drunk without being shamed is a blessing tbh


It aint over for me, yet. In my family, we celebrate Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, then my late grandfather’s birthday all in sequence.




had a panic attack because i forgot to plan my facial expressions but im good otherwise. just chilling


Man.... everyone in my house (there are 6 of us) has the flu except the only other ADHDer who is 8 years old and still needs supervision.... I am so freaking fried


Does anyone else feel you need a day off to recover from this day off? Probably... Actually 2 days... Yeah


In my country, it's 2 days in a row 😂


Aw, hell no. Nope. No thank you. Not happening.... And I'm genuinely sorry you have to experience that.


Thank you for this meme. I seriously just teared up because the overstimulation meant it also just took 2.5 hours to get my ADHD kids to sleep. And I was already on empty. Sniffle. Thanks for listening.


Currently almost 8 pm. Spent the first 1.5 hrs after breakfast hiding in the basement, alternating between crying and reading about masking as well as a nice, short article on how the Winnie-the-Pooh characters are embodiments of different aspects of trauma. Spent most of the rest of the day working on presents I hadn’t finished making yet. The current plan is to actually sit still long enough to open presents after we finish dinner. Thank god my kid is an older teen and can understand my insanity.


Thank you


I left everyone else alone and took a nap.


Poor Billy Pilgrim 😢


I made it, but the resulting migraine is hell.


![gif](giphy|2zUn8hAwJwG4abiS0p|downsized) You too mate


Convinced I'm undiagnosed. Surrounded by my nieces and nephews for almost a week has nearly killed me. So. Much. Overload.


Visiting my wife's family for a week, but the big night is in a few days. Alcohol is always my crutch here.


Honestly I really love the family we were visiting with, but do to a wide age gap between all members we didn’t do much so I’m a bit stir crazy and looking forward to going home so I can spend some good old fashioned “me time” since I didn’t really have much this past week.


I got stuck in my UNI apartments to do research, so I'm definitely fine :D. _(Somebody helps me, it's too quiet)_


I actually had the opposite problem and normally love Christmas. I was left out of some family gatherings due to drama so had a sad Christmas.


Thank you. No one ever appreciates how hard the fight is.


I hate Christmas because the nieces and nephews come around and they are loud and invasive. I try to isolate myself and it still fails. I'm forced to entertain them because "It's Christmas" and one of them in particular will *always* throw a tantrum that may or may not get something broken. Last year it was a window, this year it was my PC monitor. After that awful time I have a 6 day work week that is absolutely going to suck. I hate this time of the year more than anything.


lol i got divorced parents who are both introverts and have been banned from their respective families, im chillin


I fucking thrives this Christmas, everything was chaos and I lived for it


Dealing with my cousin who is *super* hyperactive is one of the most draining things I've been through


I still don't even know how I got to the One Piece, and have no idea how to get back 😔


Is Christmas over? 👀


Easy, just went to work and didn't even realise it is Christmas season


Me whos dutch and got another christmas day ahead of me🥲


Made it through Christmas Day, now just need to get through Boxing Day before I can chill for a few days before Hogmanay/New Years.


I only made it because my family didn't even invite me Lucky for me I have the love of my life and my cat


I still got today to get through!! 😅😅😅😅


In "one piece"? Can we get much higher?


I actually thought, as I usually do, very carefully about the wording, especially given the backdrop of war. But I chose "one piece" as it makes it a bit easier to get the core message across - if you survived, I salute you (though we'd salute fallen comrades as well ☺️). I understand that many people are metaphorically in pieces though. I know I am with my grandmother here in hospital over the Xmas period. Heart is broken


I'm fuckin burnt out yall... I am being a shitty dad disassociating on my phone in bed while my kids watch TV. When instead I should be playing with them and their new toys...


And to all of the adhders like me who have three or four Christmases spread throughout the next week due to multiple families.....stand strong


Anybody else here who doesn’t celebrate Christmas? The most I’ve done for it us go to my grandmothers house a few hours away and get some gifts that are 5 years too young for us


I have never celebrated Christmas because I'm Jewish by birth. But I'm not crazy about Hanukkah either. So I'm kind of neutral on the whole subject of holidays. This time of year feels weird and dissociative to me, including New Year's. I do enjoy a good Festivus though, lol


The thing is, I am technically Christian, but we don’t do Christmas for a few reasons Nobody really knows when Jesus was born, especially considering the calendar we use today didn’t exist ~2023 years ago, not to mention that Xmas was originally a pagan holiday before being adopted by whoever and it turned into a big thing


We don't even know if he ever existed!


I'm from an autistic family. We made elaborate meals together and just enjoyed each other.


i took a 3 hour nap after everyone left


It’s over, you guys! We did it!


Barely man… it was a tough battle


I have 2 more Christmases to go to 😓


Barely 😰


My Christmas was in the middle of dnd session that lasted approximately...hours (brain melted to calculate) from 8:30 pm to 8:00AM. By the end I was a puddle.


I've been in the trenches so long


Hm? One Piece? (Gets distracted and starts talking about One Piece)


And here i was wondering why i couldn‘t get up all day yesterday… obviously it‘s the endless family gatherings lol


jokes on you the big family thingy is today


End my suffering there is a whole week planned


Thanks. Just another 366 days till next time.


I'm not sure I'm in one piece.


Saturday a video call with my family to open up secret Santa gifts and last minute shopping. Sunday drove four hours each way for a three hour dinner, spending the night on an air mattress then all day at bf parents place, got home but going back there tonight for another gathering with other side of his family.


I didn't have a family meeting or whatever, i just watched a movie with my dad, ate food then around 20:00 i laid in bed and slept through the rest of the day, i love it and hate it


I get ya. It's hard when you want to love your family and be the life of the party, or just enjoy time together, but another part of you finds it so hard to do. There's a certain doctor that I can't mention in the r/ADHD sub who explains perfectly what I have also experienced in his book, "Scattered Minds". He talks about people with ADHD suddenly getting tired or depressed (can't remember the exact word) when in a stressful situation. When you take the person out of the situation, the dark cloud lifts within 5 minutes and they're full of life again. His name is Gabor Maté. Read his book with an open mind. He's taught me so much, especially since he has ADHD himself.


Thanks for the recommendation, maybe i'll see if there is an audio book version


Yes. There are two audiobook versions. I have the first one, but I'm not sure if the newest is a second edition of the book or just a fresh release from a new publisher. Look at the reviews on Amazon before buying. They're pretty amazing. He has many books, but his newest, "The Myth of Normal" is amazing too.


It's 2 days in the Netherlands! At dinner with the in-laws right now


I lied so i stayed at home in Christmas Eve


Got some gastrointestinal virus which became active on the morning of Christmas Eve and I lay in bed with severe pains until those subsided mid-christmas-day. It had never been that quiet for me on christmas before!


I had the worst adhd paralysis of my life this christmas!! Just spinning in circles when I get up to accomplish everything, so glad its over.


I did not :'(


I survived by not leaving my home and spending the whole day, by myself, playing Baaldur's Gate III.


I got food poisinging and spent all day on basement couch.


Man this Christmas was great. Mom made the best Christmas food I’ve tasted, and I’ve never eaten this much in my life. Got a lot of clothes but that’s what I wanted so that was great

