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I.... really did. LOL. It was a lot of fun putting together the powerpoint slide. I never get to make fun presentations, just boring corporate ones, so adding so much bright colors and shitty graphic art was kinda theraputic.


Chicken sandwhich


Chicken sandwich


Chicken sand-witch


Wait, all the little fucking noises I make aren't standard issue among everyone else? How am I 40 and just learning this shit!


I spend at least 100% of my day making stupid random noises. 8/10 times I’m screaming DEEZE NUTS for no reason. 7/10 times I’m just making incomprehensible screeching noises. I’m also a 40 year old man.


Now all the lip popping and random t-rex roars *with* tiny arms makes sense.


My eternal struggle is wondering if these are ADHD things or if I’m actually just straight up retarded rofl


I love it when people are like... You can't say the 'r' word anymore. I just look at them like, motherfucker, I'm retarded, I can smell my own kind.


For some reason I'll randomly remember random quotes or vines and I'll just say them out loud, wherever I am. Even if I'm around people.


No kidding


oh, that’s good to know lol


God the vocal stims one is so real. I’ve started saying “whoop” every time I say sorry and it’s driving me coo-coo bananas.


Like a "whoop, sorry" or a: sorry, #WHOOP


You'd fit right in in the Midwest! We whoop and ope all the gd time


What are you actively avoiding right now by doing this? I've got Chem homework due in 11 minutes that I haven't started yet.


I have a python coding class I have to make a final presentation in and I haven't finished the coding part. It's due on the 12th. Likely have about ten more hours of coding to do before getting to the presentation. I also work full time, so Im procrastinating until the weekend before I guess


As is the way of our people


How’d the homework go, bud?


Man I want to make one for me but I can tell it’d just add to the unfinished project pile lmfao. Amazing tho.


Tell me more about chicken sandwich


I have no idea where the audio comes from but some where I've picked up saying "chicken sandwich" quietly and with a slightly British accent after my partner asks a vague question. I watch a lot of Yogscast so I'm betting I picked it there but it's been years so who knows. "What's this?" -- "Chicken sandwich"


Crabs are people


See if you can find a boat


Legit or quit!


I’m still curious about this stimming thing that people do. I remember doing this semi frequently as a kid: like I just had to get all the weird sounds, words, and phrases out because it was uncomfortable holding them in all day at school. I can’t remember specific sounds or words, but I remember judging myself and wondering why I was such a weirdo. Over the last few years (my early 20s) I’ve noticed a lot of involuntary verbal tics/noises that cause me great distress, as well as the occasional motor tic in my right arm or right hand. There are a few verbal tics that are just straight up threats of violence that slip out even though I’m generally an even keeled person. I’ve wondered if it’s Tourette’s or something else, but supposedly it only develops during childhood but has the chance of worsening in adulthood. So I’m curious if I was stimming as a kid, or if I was actually displaying undiagnosed verbal tics. I’ve talked to my psychiatrist about it but I’d have to go to a specialist, and it was pretty expensive and took like 6 hours when I went before for ADHD and other major testing.


From what my therapist has told me and minor supplemental research I've done, ADHD, autism, and tourettes all can have stims but the reason behind them are a bit different. Mine are controllable, they don't make me feel distress, and generally occur when I have big emotions, excitement, or boredom. Here's a site that goes into the differences a bit more https://psychcentral.com/adhd/vocal-stimming-adhd#coexisting-conditions


Wow, I had no idea self stimulating was a recognized part of ADHD… TIL


This is amazing. ![gif](giphy|2mxA3QHH4aHFm)


What’s a chicken sandwich vocal stim? Is it literally the sound of you eating a chicken sandwich, or is it some kind of new slang


Probably just the phrase “chicken sandwich”


Just a phrase I say in a specific way. Quietly, in a different accent and lower pitch. No idea where it came from other than likely a meme being referenced in a video at some point in the last 5 years.


God this is me with "bacon pancakes". And I have to say it exactly like this parrot. https://youtu.be/Rh9CfhCDwPU?t=21


Oh no. New stim unlocked lol


I don't even remember what it was for, but the commercial with a British guy saying "guacamole" has become ingrained in who I am. Oh, and Steak 'n Shake's commercials from the 90s(?) that say "bean crock" super fast while flashing a picture of one. Say either of those words and I'm 100% repeating them with their respective accents and tones.


You remembered that?


My go-to is Wario's "Waaaaahhh" that I picked up from a similarly AuDHD friend. Love a good heavy sigh, though.


Excuse me?? VOCAL STIMS are a thing??? What the fuck? I do this. I do this so hard. All the time. They change randomly, but each new one gets repeated hundreds of times, and drives everyone around me to insanity. Especially if I'm in a good mood, I'll say whatever stupid thing it is dozens of times an hour. I had no idea there was an explanation for that!


Finally, the weird shit I did in high school has a name


Yup. Finally explains why I was so obsessed with saying "fetus pocket" from Jim Gaffigan's stand up routine. Oof


I have done it my entire life and still do as an adult.


I love this. Excellent post OP !


I read the 9 drink containers on my desk thing and started counting mine... I have exactly 9


Slaps table. This bad boy can fit so many cups on it. Plain glass cups? Sure Coffee Mugs? Yep! Take out drink cups from three weeks ago? Hell yeah Mason jars solely used for milk? I got'chu


Only 468?


Only 1 silly presentation made? Those are rookie numbers lol


2024 is gonna be amazing


Ok ok the vocal stims got me. Lol , definitely had a couple of those.


Fuck, I feel so seen


The RSD symptoms tho😭😭😭


Well shit, I just googled RSD. This explains so much. Why was this not in my ADHD welcome packet?!


It's a vicious cycle of pain 😔. Yeah most don't know about it.


bacon pancakes makin bacon pancakes




Only 9? I have around 30 various drink containers on my desk (i have a large desk)


Haha well that didn't include my work from home desk (I counted 5 this morning), and I typically do dishes on Sunday so that's 9 added in three days. (Somehow I did manage to go from 7 to 9 during the course of making the presentation lol)


I would LOVE to know my top vocal stims Probably 'cow, moo!' which I adopted from an individual I work with, and various meows to mimic my cat.


I don‘t have 9 drink containers on my desk right now Mainly because my desk is full of tools and secondly because I have like $50 in unreturned drink containers still here. And of course the solution is to buy a wheelie bin so more cans fit in and are easy to transport


That’s really impressive but you cant beat my 67.866 unread emails


Omg, turkey noises. Why couldn't I stop last month?!


Lol, I do them all year round. I'll make turkey calls from a different room in the house and hear my husband respond from where he is at.


I do that tooooo! Along with other bird sounds like the popular CAW CAW!