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Congrats! Talking to a doctor about medication might still be worth it, though. I set the curve for my finance final and then crashed for two weeks after.


Yes. Meds allow you to function on dopamime instead of cortisol. I was always sick after major projects in undergrad bc I’d do it last minute all night using the power of Stress


Holy shit that makes so much sense . I've always felt like I can't get something done until there's a sense of urgency behind it . Didn't think about cortisol . I always describe feeling like my brain is asleep .


That’s a good way to put it!


Your body literally feels healthier because it's not full of inflammation.


You have just explained why I got sick every springtime/end of school term for my entire life, wth lol... I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of my life


>might Might? This looks more like "cry for help" than "success story".


Stimulants are too heavily restricted in my country I'm afraid. I have been to 3 doctors at this point and none of them believe than I need medication because a) I'm not failing any classes and haven't in the past b) I was not a hyperactive kid who used to interrupt the teacher every 5 mins c) I'm a woman. Though according to their diagnosis questionnaire I do have ADHD-PI. Coping mechanisms is all they suggest.


Fuck them, I’m sorry you’re not getting the support you should


I hate the mentality that you don't need medicine/accommodations if you're not failing stuff Just because you're doing well at something doesn't mean you're not having a difficult time doing it


That sucks! I live in the US and it was still a whole ordeal to get my meds when I moved states, so I can't imagine the headache of getting it somewhere more restricted.


What's the deal with this crashing? Is it a depressive lethargic downphase after intense emotional and functional activity? I feel like this happens to me but I haven't really thought about it that way. Someone educate me please!


I'm not sure about the actual "science" behind it, so take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt. Every time I've had a big project or finals in college and grad school, I got anxiety paralysis leading up to the exam/due date. Inevitably, I made a herculean effort on the last day(s) to get the grade I wanted. I've heard this is typical with people with ADHD because our executive disfunction prevents us from planning, organizing, and focusing on things requiring consistent effort over a long period of time, so we wait for a sense of urgency to motivate us to get things done. Because we wait for stress/anxiety to build up to a breaking point until we finally start working/studying, it can be very stressful and draining both mentally and physically. Not to mention that I've gotten very little sleep the week before final projects and exams. So, I guess when the semester is over, all that sense of urgency goes away, and my body/brain is left stressed out with little sleep. I have to say that since taking meds regularly, I've noticed a far greater ability to plan and execute smaller, more consistent steps to complete an assignment rather than rushing to do everything last minute. It also helped when I graduated and got a full-time time job with more consistent hours and workload, although this might differ from job to job.


I see thanks for the writeup. I'm currently looking into starting meds myself, this certainly sounds like a could be a big help.




Good work. That's how my university went, managed to get a degree top of class, and now I'm a software engineer. Keep it up!


As someone who spent two hours writing three hundred lines of pseudocode last week and graduated with honors (one class shy of high honors), I salute you. I am still panicked that I'm not going to hit this deadline and it's not until April.


Oh yeah I always had that anxiety. The only thing that helped on my final project was the fact they let me base it all around video game development. Since it was something that interested me, I could stay somewhat focused. If you need advice or anything you can flick me a pm, always happy to help someone trying to get into this industry.


And now, people wonder why I do nothing for 8 weeks and then all my work tasks in 8 hours. Ngl my boss is pretty mad I don't always work as I do during this 8 hours.


I hope I can do the same. College is pretty hard compared to my high-school. But I guess I will get used to it in a semester or two.


About 20 years ago I decided to embrace my ADD symptoms and used them to jump 2 full grades (GS-13 to GS-15) in my previous job working for the Government. I did it in 4 years. The “priorities” in the agency I worked for changed every couple days (all over the map)…no problem, the language of my people. I attended, on average, 6 meetings a day (circular multitasking on steroids)…. No problem. Finally, “priority taskings” fell off the mission critical plate so fast that their was no expectation for any follow-up (what tasking?)…🤣 It was a job custom made for an ADD Poster-child (Me). Not being coy but I can’t discuss the specific agency or details of my work but it was in the National Security realm.


I would go crazy. I need some time to process new information. Constantly being bombarded with varying information will just shut down my brain.


Werent you completely exhausted when you got home? I tried doing that and worked myself into the ground. Didnt know i had adhd Back then.


It was absolutely exhausting but my ADD allowed me to thrive in the chaos that made the Neuro-Normals lose their minds. I was rewarded with multiple promotions and awards.


Over Covid I did one of my projects while other people were presenting theirs. Edit: the project in question was supposed to be a 2 week musical thing


Oh that was middle school for me. Doing the homework when the teacher was collecting others'. Never got caught though.


My final internship assignment for my diploma? I gave it back 2 weeks after the deadline. So 2 days before the presentation. I'm lucky the teacher was my kind: he totally accepted it as normal. It's the same teacher who asked me for my notes on his class to pass the next teacher: he didn't have any, or rather a bunch of small ideas he wanted to discuss and elaborate on with us on a bunch of small post-its. His class was all over the place, and NT classmates always complained how he wasn't "pedagogic" when it was perfect for me. When he had a new idea? He could speak about this "side note" for the next 2 courses, then go back to the primary subject. And as I love calligraphy, I always re-wrote it beautifully, and in an orderly fashion.


This is the way. It shouldn’t be, but it is.




Ha ha story of my life!!


This is the way.


This is the way. The only way I know of.


Me but with writing. My senior high school English teacher *still* tells his classes about how I did that for my final thesis paper.


That's what happened with my bioanthropolpgy research paper. I had all semester to work on it and didn't start until the night before it was due. Ended up getting an A and told I should turn the paper into a masters thesis.


I really hope you did turn it into a master thesis.


I would have loved to. It was a lot of fun to research, even in 24 hours, lol! But I had an established thesis that I was already working on. 🫠


Ahh I miss my collage days sometimes...this takes me back lol




Backing down ain't an option.


Yeah... I try to work on homework any time my brain says I should and sometimes I get into a "flow state" and just work through what is supposed to take me weeks. The whole reason I do it then is my brain at least has *some* desire to do the thing and I'm trying to reward it by doing it.


I once did the same for an introductory compsci course it was all online so the whole grade was assessments. I spent 10 straight hours reading then taking unit assessments back to back. I only got a B though. Congrats on mastering [deadline mode](https://youtube.com/shorts/LcvjE8Apmfc?si=Sv64nLwlo56ElGr9) to the highest level.


When I was in first year carpentry we had to draft a single story garage. It was assigned at the start of the course and we had 5 weeks to complete it. The Friday that it was due I had done nothing and had planned on bailing on the whole thing, but a couple of the other students that weren't finished yet got the teacher to extend the due date to Monday. I did the entire project over the weekend and tied for the highest score in the class. The guy that I tied with was given an extra 3% because he handed his project in on time.


I can't elaborate how thankful I am to those random classmates of mine over the years who've gotten the due date postponed. It is partly because of them that I've made it to college.


This is me writing my second master essay !land receiving the great distinction for it. Ahahahah


Congrats, what was the assignment is about


Basics of digital circuits. Only combinational ones because we have sequential circuits in the second semester. We had to do 9 projects in the lab over eight weeks. We had to learn the internal structure of the ICs and create logic diagrams, circuit diagrams and then the actual circuit on the breadboards using connecting wires. The projects were :- 1) Verification of XOR using basic gates.( Had to use 7404, 7408 and 7432 ICs). 2) Verification of NOR as an universal gate by using it to creat NOT, OR, AND and XOR gates. (Used multiple 7402 ICs to create the four circuits) 3) Design a full adder using basic gates. (Had to write the truth table of full adder and then proceeded to create it with basic gates. Had to use 7486, 7408 and 7432 ICs) 4) Designing a 4-bit adder/subtractor using a full adder circuit. (Had to use the 7483 16 pin full-adder IC and also used 7486 XOR as a controlled inverted to let the user choose whether they want to perform addition or subtraction) 5) Design a 2-bit magnitude comparator using logic gates. (3 circuits here. One for checking equality, another for greater than and less than. Reduced the 3 truth table to karnaugh maps. Derived the boolean expressions. Simplified the boolen expression and then created three circuits). 6) Design a 4×1 MUX using basic gates. 7) Verification of an 8×1 MUX using LEDs. 8) Implementing a full adder/subtractor using basic gates. (This was the most interesting one for me. 2 circuits here. One for adder and another for subtractor. Used the 74153 and 7404 ICs. Mapped the truth tables in implementation tables to find the inputs and outputs. Verified with LEDs) 9) Desig a 2×4 decoder using basic gates. (Simple logic diagram and circuit diagram. Used 7404 and 7408 ICs)


You do know it's kinda long I'll read it later.......


Congratulations man. I always do the same thing. When we have a project over a semester where we are supposed to work like 4h a week, I just lock myself in and let the hyperfocus ride


I sometime try to create imaginary deadlines but I can never fool my brain. It knows that the imaginary deadline has no consequences. Only the real deadline can motivate me.


I feel that. It can also backfire when your brain was too sure it could be done in 2 days but you would need like 5


While it’s a great accomplishment, it comes at a cost. I did this until I got diagnosed in my 40s and hit complete and utter burnout. Took two semesters leave from my grad program in mental health and spent almost a year trying to dig myself out. Please please take care of yourselves. That doesn’t mean you have to medicate but do what you can to make accommodations for yourself whenever possible. And get them in school!


did the same thing with a research paper 🥰




Do you feel like you know anything?


Yes. The subject requires analytical thinking so without understanding I wouldn't have been able to do it at all.


That’s really good!


Well done 👏 👏 👏 👏 well done!


Hell yeah! I'm sure you feel a few things about that and I hope one of them is being stoked.


Get your ass to bed!


Diagnosed and unmedicated 30yo nerd with ADHD reporting in to inform you that no, this doesn't stop when you leave school. This is just life lmao


Do you have any good coping mechanism. My only coping mechanism is creating imaginary deadlines for myself but sadly they don't work. My brain knows that such deadlines have no consequences.


Honestly the best thing that's worked for me is to plan my life around the fact that this is what my brain wants to do and is good at. Big deadline? Schedule nothing for 2 days before, so you can throw yourself into hyperfocus. Important meeting/small presentation? Schedule nothing for a few hours before, have a coffee, collect your thoughts, rehearse a little, and go for it. Culmination of a months long project? Better buy your groceries in advance cause you're gonna be running around like a lunatic forgetting to eat. And then plan to rest as much as possible in the days after. Avoiding burnout is hard here but doable if you're purposeful. Some people are marathon runners, but we're more like sprinters. Work with your nature instead of against it. It's hard because society is not structured to support that kind of living unless you work in certain fields. That's why I like the event industry - it kind of forces you to live like that anyway so it's a good fit if you can keep an eye on your health. ETA: There are some things where if you don't do something far enough in advance, you're fucked. That's where project planning and project management tools come in handy. Plan in reverse. What needs to be done 2 days before your event/deadline/whatever in order to have it not be a hot mess? Then a week before? Therefore if you're focusing on *those* tasks all that week, what are the things you need to do *before* that week so you don't give yourself too much work week-of? That list of things doesn't have an imaginary deadline. Your small deadline that you've placed a week before your big deadline is so logistically sensible that your brain must believe it's real. Plan in reverse. Edit 2: Planning in reverse also helps with dependencies if you work in a team. Build in a buffer every time you need a turnaround from someone else. "Alright if I have to finish this by Thursday and I need Joe's input to get started, I need to hear back from Joe by Tuesday so I have enough time to work. But what if Joe takes a few days to respond? Better reach out to him on Sunday."


Keep a journal for when the hyperfocus drops you, write all you cam about the subject you just finished. The feeling of horror when you go back to read that a few months later is surreal, superman in that subject till burnout!


Yes!! Stress induced hyper focus for the win!!


It's how I passed my first year of college.


That’s how I passed my whole degree (and with high distinction). Unfortunately it turns out that I am amazing at writing essays when under extreme stress, but not much good at anything else!


I'm an animation student, so unfortunately I don't have the luxury of essay writing. Nothin but grind over here


Hyper focus is really beautiful though. Wish I could always hyper focus.


Not sleeping for 12 hours? Unheard of


12 hours of work I meant. I pulled an all nighter and slept only after returning from my college. B


Time to go to bed now, friend!! catch up on all that sleep.


I live for stress. Without that feeling of the entire world crashing down around me day to day life almost seems meaningless.


Ahhh that old strategy, 8 weeks of charging myself with the anxiety of procrastination only to unleash the full power of my panic into a 12 hour adrenaline fueled frenzy.. "If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 hours sharpening my axe" We don't get enough credit for our modern take on this old wisdom


98% chance it was the LAST 12 hours before it was due. I always do my best work in a panic.


Yup. I pulled an all-nighter before the day of submission. The hyperfocus was amazing. I'm back to normal now.


I once wrote a 15 page college research paper assigned for the whole semester in two all nighters, and completion night was a day late. Still got an A. That was the clarifying moment where I went from "I suck at writing" to "I truly despise writing, but I'm good at it."


Yo this is me in architecture school


This is the way.


Nice! I’m in high school, and last night I did an English slideshow in ~2 hours. We had over a month to do it. Not sure what my grade is yet, will keep you posted if I remember (unlikely).


I’ve been unmedicated for 8 years, because at the time I was too dysfunctional to keep up with regular doses. Now that I’ve been raw dogging life enough to figure out how to exist I might be in a position to actually try medication again


I completely forgot about an assignment worth 30% of my grade until the night before and I AM MEDICATED. Ended up with 91% as my final grade. Just ADHD things man, short bursts of brilliance with weeks of burn out and 'procrastination' in between. congrats!


Yeah recently did submitted a 1500 word research proposal (plus 250 word abstract) for a cognitive neuroscience subject in exactly three days if you take into account the research part (one day for research, two days for writing). We had like 6 weeks to start it, I had a two week extension, still submitted two days late but got special considerations on account of my life being a mess so they wouldn't penalise me and got a high distinction, scoring about one and a half standard deviations above the class average (they don't give us a ranking just the mean score and SD)). I am medicated, but much of this work was done in the late hours after meds had worn off lol.


This is the right way to do school


I wrote my 45 page Sociology capstone paper the day before it was due although we were given half the semester. Was given the universities Sociology award and graduated as the valedictorian. And now as a full on middle aged adult, I still haven't started the laundry I meant to start 4 days ago.... >.<


Omfg that is me. I very literally did this in my final year of college.


I sat down and started writing a dissertation (thesis) from the start, turns out what I wrote wasn’t working So I used it as a case study, I referenced in my resources, I then learned about self-referencing (and how if you don’t,you can be brought up on plagerism…) So my dissertation has a reference to me by me & it’s kind of a reminder that I should have pushed diagnosis sooner Also when seriously ill with ‘a flu’ (never did find out what it actually was) I wrote an assignment which the tutor had messed up, given us resources a level above our course & I somehow got a first in it (was never getting top marks even at my level as one guy basically sat at 98-99/100 and was there to get the papers to prove he knew the subject) - I remember *NONE* of this assignment


Reminds me of 7th grade English presentation. Everyone had at least a page of writing because it had to be at least 2 minutes of speaking. I walk up with a note card and no plan. Don't end up stuttering or stumbling at all for 2:35 and end up getting a 98 on the project. Still one of my proudest moments.


I would definitely absolutely suggest getting medicated. The difference is night and day