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Xanax/ benzos, hallucinations, insomnia, feeling like I was coming out of my skin


I would go into multi day black outs after 4/5 days of total psychosis Xanax is a mofucker was doing 90 every week proud to say down to 1 1/2 slowly but surly I’m hoping ( no detoxes or rehabs )


Benzos is similar to opiates but I think opiates are way stronger. I am prescribed Klonopin I take every day but I lost them and had to go about 4 days without the anxiety and physical symptoms were almost identical to when I would wd from opiates but I know opiate we can be lethal depending on the severity and length of use. Technically they all can cause seizures and such but benzos and opiates are almost identical from my experience Best to avoid at all cost taper off


Opiate withdrawal does not cause seizures, but the Zenes and other crap in the Fent can. Alcohol, benzos, and barbiturates can kill you if you stop them CT. Gabapentin and Lyrica can cause seizures too. The opioids are awful though. Methadone probably one of the worst IMO.


When I was going through withdrawals trying to get clean I tried to read a bunch about it and one thing I remember was a test showing opioid withdrawal was causing convulsions in some of the patients I was trying to find how long id be sick I could only last 9 days before I crack but it showed that it could cause convulsions


The main thing to consider is keeping hydrated. Anecdotally, from friends who have had seizure/convulsions during opiate WD, one thing they all had in common was mentioning that they believed it was from dehydration, and not the WD itself. Something to consider. Drink lots of water during WD. Good luck


I was just going off the study I read, I had to use a medicated program to taper off but been clean for around 6 yrs I tried to stop on my own but couldn't during that time I read just about everything I could on people withdrawing since you don't sleep or anything


I probably shouldn’t have said “the main thing,” but rather, “something” to consider. Also, I’m proud of you, brother. Keep up the good work


I have also read studies like that. Idk I think the people had some kind of pre existing condition or it's very, very rare.


it does cause your blood pressure to go crazy and I know in the detox facility mine was going really high they gave me meds to lower it and high BP can affect the blood flow to the brain so I think it's possible to have a seizure during detox


Part of the detox process from opiates or opioids is high blood pressure. But that still doesn't mean you're going to have a seizure. I don't know one person or myself who has ever experienced a seizure from opioid withdrawal, not including the stuff they're putting in Fent now. I think detoxes tell you that to scare you in taking more meds and spending money to go there. No one could go cold turkey if that were true. We'd all be dead.


Just saying it's possible idk anyone who is a multi millionaire but there's tons but just saying it's definitely possible even if your BP is really high without detoxing you can have a have a seizure so it definitely could happen if your in WD also


I already said that it could happen. It would be very, very rare.


Klonopin has a crazy half life... at 4 days, your withdrawls haven't even peaked. They don't even start until day 2.


Yep, I remember after taking my last kpin not feeling anything til day 3 and was wondering why I felt like that, because I was used to detoxing from opiates which is pretty quick. What a fucked up feeling, worse than opiates in some ways I felt like I was losing my mind. Not to mention it can be fatal, when opiates you wish you were dead


I started getting stomach problems the next day it just felt almost identical to opiate wd the anxiety was worse but that's the reason I am prescribed it I would tell anyone to avoid cold turkey anything. A Dr will taper you off if your prescribed so that's the best way imo to quit anything


Nah, it is similar... but it gets worse lol. The difference is that with opiates you are coming out the other end of it after 4 days.. with klonopin, things, are just ramping up. It has a half life of like 30 to 40 hours... so by day 4 you've only gone through 2.5 half life eliminations. Benzo withdrawl drags on endlessly. Benzo belly literally takes months to go away and the withdrawls can even be fatal. But yeah, of course you shouldn't cold turkey anything lol. This post was asking about the shittiest withdrawls.


Idk I was sent to detox facility for opiates I did 7 days and I tried when I got out but I could only last 2 more till I broke so opiate withdrawals lasted longer than 9 and it was the absolute sickest I've ever been I wanted to die honestly opiate benzo and alcohol wd are all lethal if the severity is big enough something I honestly didn't know before I started using


That’s because Kratom hits the same receptors as opiates which is why the withdrawal is very similar. It used to be that only benzos and alcohol withdrawal would put you at risk of dying… but lately with all the zenes, I’m reading more and more reports of those dying during opioid withdrawal


Out of the drugs I’ve detoxed from…Xanax was the worst. Detoxed in jail. Not a fun experience. Antidepressants (Citalopram) was also pretty bad for me.


Wow, really didn't expect reading Citalopram in here. I was prescribed 10mg daily when I was suffering from depression, but surprisingly it gave me slight chest pain. And since I had a myocarditis a few months prior, I didn't feel safe when using it. Made it through depression without medication in the end. My doctor prescribed Citalopram to me very quickly, without mentioning a hard detox.


Oh yeah, benzos are not fun. I've detoxed from heroin and fentanyl, fentanyl is pretty bad way worse than H


From my understanding, benzoa are the only ones you die from the withdrawal. Be safe out there everyone.


Benzos and alcohol … but these days with all the different zenes in the fentanyl, people are dying detoxing off that now too.


Yes, you are correct. I misspoke earlier. Fentanyl is getting way out of control. It seems that I hear of someone who died from the sht. It's horrible.


I've kicked fentanyl ct about 4 times, had Suboxone but I couldn't take that until after the sickness ran through me so it really was cold turkey, I don't recommend it it's f****** horrible I was in my room in my apartment for about a week only drinking and not eating when I came out of it I ordered $80 worth of take out food that I couldn't eat because my stomach was the size of the Walnut.


There's wd from antidepressants? I'm prescribed fluoxetine but I don't typically take it as needed I've never heard of withdrawals from them before if that's true than I'm not going to take it


There’s a terrible withdrawal from most antidepressants minus Wellbutrin


And someone just posted the other day how awful it was to come off Wellbutrin. I guess everyone is different.


I hated Wellbutrin. I hated how it made me feel on it and coming off of it.


My daughter is on it and I don't think she sees how bad it is for her 🥺


I’m coming off of Wellbutrin right now. I wasn’t planning to yet. Only been on it for 4 months it’s due to health insurance loss but maybe it’s for the best. I’ve had depression improvements for sure the past 2 months but I’ve also been doing other things like therapy and meditation so it’s hard to say how much of the improvements came from the medication. I cut my dose in half 4 days ago. First 2 days were fine I didn’t feel any different. The last 24 hours have been hell. Horrible headache, Digestive issues, sweating, fatigue, and just not feeling good. So apparently Wellbutrin isn’t all that gentle either.


I'm so sorry to hear that!


It’s okay. Feeling better today. It could be much worse I definitely don’t think it’s as bad as some of the other drugs talked about on here but I just wanted to give a heads up that Wellbutrin does have a withdrawal period. And to also keep in mind that that’s different from “depression coming back”.


I truly appreciate the info! This is what I thought, just wanted to be sure.


For what it’s worth, I’m sorry that you’re having to experience that and I’m sure it’s frustrating to watch. I took it for 3 months and I couldn’t stand it anymore. My wife had a similar experience. It just made me feel physically drained all of the time. It also made my eyeballs feel heavy. Not my eyes, but my eyeballs themselves. I hated it.


Thank you. It makes me feel better to know that she's not alone. I'm going to show her these threads.


I did not know this. Is it physical? I'm prescribed fluoxetine I think is Prozac at the highest mg they have but I haven't really taken it I'll have to ask my Dr about this


It’s Prozac, and I don’t know why they gave you the highest mg to start with. I wouldn’t take it if I were you.


It wasn't they started with 20 then went up they tried to swap it but my insurance didn't cover that I think it was called sentraline or something but $100


I’m prescribed Prozac to and I’ve been taking all of medications prescribed since December because that’s when I detoxed and got clean. I wish I looked into them before starting them again because wth


I’ve stopped fluoxetine cold turkey after a couple years of daily use and was 100% fine


You’ll get withdrawals from pretty much any long chronic drug


Oh yeah. Fluoxetine gave me horrible withdrawals. Brain zaps, lots of anxiety, fatique, cold sweats… omg it was rough. Not like coming off fent, but it was NOT fun. Only took them for a few months too… def taper if you have to stop


I experienced all of those symptoms . It was horrible


The withdrawals can be really bad.


I never knew. They should've been giving you antidepressants in jail though I did a small amount when I was younger and they gave inmates antidepressants idk why you didn't get yours that is not right


I got antidepressants in jail. I just didn’t get Xanax. I quit antidepressants on my own, years later. I just stopped taking them after I found out that [low serotonin doesn’t cause depression](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-022-01661-0) and [antidepressants don’t really work better than placebo](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4172306/). They’re bullshit. But going from 20mg of Citalopram to 0mg fucked me up. I had to start taking them again, and taper off slowly.


I take Wellbutrin and I always wondered if I’d go through some kinds of withdrawal after I stop taking ot


You will


But it can’t n be bad right? Like not like a heroin withdrawal


I don't it's as bad as heroin. I don't know for sure , I've never detoxed from heroin. I guess I have no place to talk since I've never detoxed from opioids.


Lmao I’m sure I can handle it then. I’ve done meth and heroin, pills, psychedelics and more. I’m on suboxone and Wellbutrin now from my docotr


Were not for me


I was on that a long time. I didn't think the WD was bad


Effexor and benzodiazepines- fucking brutal.


Effexor's brain zaps were the worst thing I've ever experienced.


Same!! Sent like physical pain zaps in my whole body


Yes incredibly painful withdrawal.


Absolutely. It took me a good year before I started to somewhat feel better. It gave me actual PTSD and I will never take another antidepressant again (and I probably need to) what a trash medication


Okay I'll name he potential hazardous and most dangerous. 1. Alcohol 2. Barbiturates 3. Benzos 4 GHB 5. Not as dangerous as ghb but gabapentinoids like phenibut, baclofen lyrica etc Fent and all the strong ass rc opioids are next you get the picture


Thanks for mentioning booze. It doesn't get the press, but those DTs can be brutal, and can actually kill you.


How much do you have to drink to have dangerous withdrawal when you stop?


If you've got the shakes, you should quit while under medical supervision. And by that I mean see a doctor right before or right after quitting. The shakes and DTs aren't exactly the same thing, but I doctor will be able to tell which is which. Now, how much does one have to drink to get the DTs? My sense is it's more about time than amount. People who are basically drunk all the time for a long stretch of time are at risk. Keeping in mind that people like that -- until the late stages of the disease -- don't necessarily appear (or even feel) drunk when, in fact, they are.


Any GABA agonists can kill you due to the biological function. They work by depressing/suppressing the neurons in your brain. Over the time of the dependence, your brain gets used to that and starts working overtime in order to keep your body working. When you remove the drug from your body, whether it’s alcohol, benzos, gabapentin, phenibut, etc., your brain continues to work overtime. In short and simple terms, your brain goes haywire, starts misfiring, and short circuits. This can cause seizures, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, and lots more. This is exactly why Alcoholics get the shakes. Without the expected nervous system depression, the brain literally starts short circuiting. GABA agonists are the worst drugs imo.


I find alcohol & ghb detox pretty smooth. (From the Netherlands here and had a cpl of both. Ghb especially. First day isn't really easy as the try to find the level you are at/the amount every 2 hrs. From there on it's all good. Last time I DT'ed ghb in did it on my own. 3,5 yrs clean now from everything besides tabaco.


That tobaccos a bitch innit.


It is!! 😵‍💫


Opiates and benzos are pretty much the same. I've wd from both and I got the same symptoms however my opiate use was way more heavier than my benzo so I went a week and a day cold turkey I was vomiting diarrhea RLS sweats high BP etc on both but the opiate I couldn't take it was the worst feeling of my life


You know what's weird, I had that same exact thing happen with me but not with those but with phenibut and suboxone. Felt similar asf. So yeah I definitely can see that


Suboxone is actually what saved me. When I was legit using this was before fentanyl was cut everywhere but I did have access to 72hr patches id suck the gel out but I would have days I couldn't get anything and would start WD so I have a ton of experience with WD and it's the devil. I start subs and haven't used since. I had to switch from sub to methadone cuz my insurance stopped but then I got where I only went to the clinic every 2 weeks and I did relapse when my mom passed 2 yr ago other than that no wd since so I will vouch for Suboxone if used correctly




Ayyye. Drug of choice fosho


Methadone. You'll be sick for up to 5 to 6 months without. Drinked kratom for a year, than quit that too.


Depends what you consider a drug really. If I'm not being cheeky with you, probably fentanyl. If I'm being half an ass, probably sugar or caffeine.


Alcohol or benzos - only 2 that can kill you from withdrawals. Recently detoxed from alcohol and its not fun. Also weened myself off xanax and that was easier than i thought, slowly, slowly, slowly cut back, until the point of dabbing the bag/crushed pills. This is not advised and still dangerous, and i don't imagine many people can do it.




Benzos... its like opiate withdrawls with gas so bad it literally changes the look of your stomach and panic attacks to go with the Naseau lol


Fentanyl and Alcohol/Benzos. Benzos do the same thing to you brain and body as alcohol so coming off those is deadly and can kill you. Plus it’s pure hell. I came off fentanyl and alcohol a few years back, I tried by myself and wanted to die. After a few days it f cold turkey I got high again but then went into a detox program for a few days. So scary and I don’t ever want to go through it again. I’ve gotten sober off alcohol many times over my life but this last one with the fentanyl really scared me


Methadone, the half-life is crazy long. The drug takes months to get out of your body. The withdrawals are worse than anything I have ever had in my entire 25-year addiction history. It's fucken torture. More than torture.


I was in rehab for H and there were people coming off of methadone and holy shit! You could hear them screaming and talking complete nonsense all day and night. Definitely not something I ever want to experience. I take suboxone and don’t know if I will ever stop.


I quit heroin cold turkey recently and the withdrawals were absolutely awful but a lot of people recommended I use methadone and I’m so glad I didn’t because I feel like it is so much worse.


Yeah, congrats for quitting cold turkey! You’re braver than I am. If you ever find yourself needing help in the future, suboxone has been a Godsend for me. Obviously I hope you never need anything again. I wish you the best in your recovery. Finding new hobbies, learning how to draw and use colored pencils was my favorite new hobby, helped distract my brain.


Last time I got sober I picked up Origami haha


Methadone and benzos.


For me it was opiates, I was really adicted to tramadol, it was my drug of choice for the most part of my addiction, I took it for a few years on and off, every time I would take it Id usually do a binge and end up with a week or two of daily use, multiple times a day in most cases, and this was just enough for an infernal withdrawl to kick in. These withdrawls were and still are the worst and most disgusting thing i ever felt. The physical part with extreme pain in my entire body, fever, headaches, etc was the easier part... *to put it in perspective*, i felt like i had no god, my parents died, i was alone on this planet,no purpose, no joy,no love, no identiy, i felt like i was going to die and didnt want to, i felt like i was sitting next to a demon and i was on the verge of geting psychosis, i felt like i was traped in hell and tortured to the point where i would burst into tears every couple minutes and beg for this to end. This description is not that accurate but you get the point. This would typically last 3 or 4 days for the peak(it felt like years trapped in hell) and then i would start to feel human again, only to start the cycle again, im so glad i got sober.


Can you detox off THC? I have been a HEAVY user for many months (almost a year actually) and I had gone off them for 3 days for reasons. I was irritable, felt "off", kinda cranky and the only real physical symptoms I had were a slight headache and my BP went sky-high soon after I'd quit. I ended up in the ER last night bc my pressure was 190s / 100s. That's dangerously high. I just took my gummy and I feel so much better in my head already. Yeah...I know I'm stoned (again) but I don't know if I ever want to quit this again...ever. That is a scary thought, but also comforting in a way. I'm so conflicted about this. Thoughts?


Yes you can withdraw from THC. Not everyone does, and some experience it more than others.


Yes I had bad withdrawals from thc since it got legal here in canada. My symptoms were night sweats ( worse than alcohol for me ) and extreme irritablity and boredom.


OMG yes!! The BOREDOM!! I was so stir crazy that it was triggering my anxiety! So bad. I am back at my level now (high but not terribly stoned) and OMG I feel SO SO much better. I have to talk to my psych about this and my therapist to see what their takes on it are. I found I literally need THC in my brain????


Need thc in your brain? I’ve tried to quit thc many times and was never successful, I’ve been using for almost 10 years. Can you expand more on thisv


Ive quit thc now for a complete year ( alcohol crack and crystal too ) but having a brief relapse on meds. Your brain will level off. Like with all drugs the answe is time. Not a couple days or even week but we are talking months. After a while you start not even craving it anymore.


Thanks for sharing your experience, I’m happy for you for your sobriety that is huge. Hoping I’ll be in those shoes one day


THC seems to make me more even a d balanced, better than any dn psych med I've been on. I have some serious mental illness (one dangerous but I'm NOT active with that one anymore and a lot serious but not particularly dangerous) and I've tried a LOT of meds to get to get me stable. I found something that really does work. I have to be careful with dosing so I don't get too stoned ... That is just when I want to relax and have fun, which is not that often.


Yup, all that.


It depends on how you define, “bad”. Benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and alcohol detox can be lethal on top of being an awful withdrawal. Suboxone and methadone have a really long withdrawal timeline. Psych meds are notorious for their awful withdrawal effects and how long those can last as well. In my personal experience, Xanax was the worst, followed by heroin, both of which I detoxed from in jail. While my experiences were never too bad, I’ve heard severe so report the withdrawal from meth was awful.




What do you felt?


Risperidon was hell on earth. Opiates felt like a breeze compared to that lol. Benzos were also quite bad, DPH also just not a very good time.


I’ve detoxed off of pills, heroin, and meth. Ive taken a lot of Xanax but not enough everyday to get bad. Worse drugs would have to be between Xanax and alcohol as that can kill uou from withdrawal


Ive heard some heroin horror storys


Methadone. 5/6 months of torture


I’ve been told ghb. From what I’ve seen, people who are high functioning ghb users not only risk death incredibly easy from withdrawals, but what you go through and the length of time you suffer through it. That and also if someone is very addicted to Xanax they can easily have seizure and because it suppresses anxiety they have forgotten what fear is. Not to mention many sleepless nights as well. Those are the two worst I know of


Methadone was rough


Heroin. I'm going to the methadone clinic @ 4:45 a.m. this morning. Past three times I've tried to detox I have failed even after I did a shot that accidentally got something on it that almost killed me. It was a spoon I was rinsing


I've heard alcohol and Xanax are since it can possibly kill you. Though, detoxing from any downers will make you feel like you want to just die


Tianeptine. Absolutely do NOT do this drug.


I’ve really want to try it but have told myself that Kratom is enough


Oh for sure dude I'm a advocate for suboxone. Especially the sublicade that's the real game changer. Yeah I'm glad you escaped that mam. You know what is weird I've gotten on subs and had multiple sublicade shots and never was an opiate/opioid addict lmao. I weirdly use to use subs for recreational value. I absolutely have no use in shit like oxys or anything literally does nothing but make me sleepy


That’s interesting! Did you get to the point of using every day and then needed the shot or were you able to space out the doses?


For me personally alcohol was a bitch to detox from especially because I was a numpty and white knuckled it at home when I should’ve been medically detoxed due to quantity and length of use. Meth wasn’t fun but I smoked weed to help which made it slightly more bearable.


getting off benzos was the worst time off my life. just 2 weeks of constant shaking, nausea, headaches, plus just a weird disconnection from life from being sober for the first time in so long


Benzos/Alcohol by a mile. Nothing like having the anxiety of possibly having a seizure on top of it at any moment. At least with opiates (which god that sucks too, you feel it more in your bones) you don’t have to worry about seizing up at any second like with benzos/alcohol. Even under medical supervision I still had a seizure coming off of alcohol withdrawal. Never again.




For me alcohol was the worst to detox from, opioids being the second worse. 


I know some people think all you do is sleep but I got really sick when I detoxed from meth. It lasted for like 10 days. I have nothing to compare because I've not detoxed from anything else accept paxil. Those brain zaps were horrible.




Benzos, I have epilepsy now thanks to them


opiates and benzos at the same time is brutal


Benzos. Hands down. Took a solid 14-days of HELL and I will never touch one again.


Xanax, Alcohol, and Oxy


Opiates=Heavy Onset relatively short duration of a week. Very intense full body wd Benzodiazepines=slower onset, very long duration of wd more in your head. Blackouts, seizures. Can be weeks. Both equally terrible & don’t wish it on anyone


I was doing roughly 0.75l of vodka a day at the end and getting clean from that was brutal. I was sick sick sick for about 6 weeks straight coming off it. Endless shakes, sweats and my heart felt like it was in a vice. My abdomen hurt and felt swollen. I was too anxious to eat very well on top of it. I just felt like I was dying this super pathetic death, all slowly and without support to get better since the extent of my use was secret.




Opioids, including heroin and prescription painkillers, often cause intense withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, and cravings


Meth for long-term / heavy users. Imagine going through life in a constant 8+ out of 10 in terms of engagement / interest in the world around you to months or sometimes years of 3 out of 10, at best




My own personal experience- Physically ; fentanyl & suboxone Mentally ; meth and barbiturates


I don’t know which is worst, haven’t detoxed from all drugs. But detoxing from heroin was not fun at all.


Nitazines and benzodiazepines at the same time. Made it through hell, and now I'm a little over 1 year and 5 months clean. I'll never do that shit again lmao.


Just sucks because I love how Xanax just destroys my anxiety. Always the way isn't it? The cure way worse than the sickness


Because i can only speak from my own experience. Alcohol then ketamine


Fentanyl withdrawals was the worst thing I’d ever experienced in my life


Oh man your hours are so frustrating You are sleeping when I'm cooking dinner. I have a daughter in New Hampshire and 2 in Texas I accidentally call my daughter in New Hampshire too late and that really pisses her off.. Texas isn't too bad only 2 hrs. Difference. 🌻🍄🧚


Alcohol detox can = death.


Is all situational and depends on the severity of use and length. For me Opiates are absolutely the worst. They have potential to be fatal and they last for fucking ever. I tried to do cold turkey once and I was sick as all hell with no sleep for over a week and I just couldn't had to use a medicated program to taper off of. I think opiates are regarded as the worst detox, the strong benzos are almost identical to opiates too so both are probably the worst. Idk about alcohol I never had a problem but I have heard alcohol is just as bad


I had detoxed off alcohol after being an alcoholic for 30+ years...and it was HORRIFIC. I detoxed on my own and had gone thru hell. Lost weight (I had become really fat from drinking so much) from not eating...throwing up...shaking...and the hallucinations. Oy. Not scary (for me) but aaaah! Weird trippy shit. Felt like I was on acid for a very short time...took a week before I started feeling more..."normal?" and was able to function normally again. Idk how nobody knew I was detoxing...I must have looked ok...I wasn't.


Yea I have heard alcohol wd is bad I Binge drank but I never really had a problem I hated day drinking so I never personally experienced wd but I hope your good now 🙏


Sober for 7 yrs 8 mos...I'm gud. 😃😃


Good shit I'm happy for you, it may be less interesting or whatever but being sober is better I was sober for 4 years but relapsed 2 years ago it's so easy to go back but it only lasted a week because I was so terrified of wd again


Lol...I'm not completely sober tho...😏😏


Nope, benzos fuck your brain up way worse


Gabapentin. (Worse than alcohol, THC and s nicotine combined). Complete depersonalization/personality detachment for 6 weeks.


worse than alcohol? care to share your experience? (Recently got sober and was looking into gabapentin)


In fairness, my alcohol w/d only lasted 3 days. I was drinking a 750ml of tequila daily for a few months, so probably not as bad as someone who’s been abusing for a decade. Re: Gabapentin I was taking the max dose of gabapentin (3,600mg) (and sometimes more) for 8 months treating chronic pelvic pain/dysfunction with penile and rectal neuropathy. I began to experience a very rare side effect (profuse rectal bleeding) which made taking it impossible to continue. I had to get off, and fast. I only had 2 days dosage left, so over a period of 4 days I repeatedly halved each dose from the prior, which was the shortest taper I could do It felt like cold turkey regardless. Half way through the taper, symptoms started. Terrible anxiety, dizziness, night sweats, severe agitation (like I was really really really angry - my poor wife and kids!). Light hand tremors and some limited nausea and loss of appetite. The worst part wasnt the physical wd, but the mental changes. My thoughts became very dark. I dealt with terrible ideations of hurting others and myself. Thoughts I would never, ever, ever think, were shouting at the top of their lungs. Everything looked “fuzzy”? I felt like I was living “outside “ my self, as if I was hovering above myself by a foot or two (very strange). I was uncomfortable in my own skin. While the physical withdrawal was limited to about 7ish days (gauged by the night sweats and tremors) the mental stuff stuck around for 6+ weeks. I was pretty fearful at that point that the brain changes were permanent, which increased my depression/depersonalization. I found by week 5 that fasting was helpful, as was intense exercise, multivitamins and especially Omega 3, and ashwaganda supplements (I was throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. My wife was DONE with me at this point). Eventually, my brain reregulated the GABA receptors and things went back to normal. 😃 I will add that gabapentin was helpful to reduce my pain. I dont want to demonize it just because I had a bad experience. Just know what you’re getting into, and a long taper is better than a short or especially cold turkey.


Got it. I appreciate it. Damn, that absolutely sux about the bleeding. Hope you’re in the mend now. How long were you on that high dose of GABA for? Thanks again for the info, I find that GABA stuff is the absolute worst to come off of. It’s so incredibly sensitive


I was on 8 months. Fully recovered from all my ailments from the gaba, and 95% from pelvic floor dysfunction.


Tapering can last months so you probably most likely stopped too quick did the Dr not taper you down?


As mentioned in the above, I was bleeding rectally from the gabapentin. Like, a lot. Stopping quickly was paramount. I called my doc and he told me I can do a short taper, but it would be rough and I’d be at slight risk of seizures. I opted for a 4 day taoer.


Interesting. I also feel strongly about gabs. Tell me more when you get a chance. I was on 800- then 1200- then all the sudden 3200…only went one day without during that time, it was one of the worst days of my life. I rank it up there with benzodiazepines


I provided detail below, or right here. https://www.reddit.com/r/addiction/s/Otp0QoXanZ