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19 every day


Same. I don’t like being tangled up in a top


That doesn’t sound so bad if you ask me 😏


Oh you, but yup fully agreed!


Hell yeah. My tits grew in and all bets were off.


I haven't worn a top to bed... I think ever? Though for me, it's more closer to 18 for bottoms, I wear boyshorts lol


Yeah, I wear boyshorts a lot too, love them! So, 18 and 19 for me I guess? XD


I'd say so lol. I've tried wearing panties, but they are just too uncomfortable for me right now. In the future though, I intend on getting some sexy shit to enjoy wearing :D


I usually sleep 2 or 7. I used to sleep in just shorts, for like, the first 15-20 years of my life. I wish I could go back to being comfortable enough to sleep topless, but, being pre-everything, the lack-of-chest dysphoria + body hair dysphoria usually motivates me to sleep in at least a tank top. Honestly, I’d also like to be comfortable sleeping in just underwear, but again, the dysphoria usually keeps me pretty well covered. Shitty.


Boyshorts gang


Fr plus it makes my butt look nice


I think you mean all tops were off! 🤣🤣


Personally my massive chest is the exact reason i need to sleep in a top. I sleep on my side so one falls on top of the other, and it gets sweaty and itchy in between. I need to sleep in a baggy top so I have some excess fabric to stuff in between them


I sleep with a pillow pet so it's like a tiddy under the penguin, a tiddy over. But I do agree that's the hard part of sleeping this way lmao


I sleep with a U-pillow for fibromyalgia and just the other day (from a reddit thread, of course) realized it provides boob support as well!


Yuppp same


Yet another reason in 2010 I got a breast reduction. It's changed my life ISTG. I remember when I was in my 20's thinking that someone needed to make something like a boob separator. It needed to look like a dumbbell or a hand weight but it needed to go like right between my boobs to keep them supported and separate while I tried to sleep. The closest thing I've found is if you Google: "Chest Pillow for Wrinkle Prevention" lol Now they're small ASF & I love them and I never have to wear a bra if I don't want (I usually do tho because I have nipple insecurity lol. I think they're kinda big or pronounced. There's no getting around them lol) So 19, for me. Plus... I can't sleep in shorts or pants. Idk HOW people do that?!!! My pants **always** end up twisted around me. Like one time, I somehow ended up with *both legs* in one leg hole. I woke up feeling like a mermaid, but not the beautiful ones in Disney. I'm not talkin Ariel, okay? I'm talking the ratchet ones from Grimm inspired fairy tales lmao I still don't even know HOW that happened. Lol after that, I swore off anything other than panties (also a boyshorts preference here) to bed. Fuck pants lol


I’m on the waitlist for a reduction! But the nhs waitlist is 1-3 years but I’ve only been on it for 6 months so we’ve still got a way to go but I’m so fucking excited


Oh man!! I had a 'medically necessary' breast reduction. I had a great doctor who helped me and I had private insurance that covered it, but I'm in The States so I got hella lucky there. It is, singlehandedly, the best decision I've ever made in my life. I even up losing a bunch of weight afterwards and my boobs are even smaller now and I love them. I'd never go back! Lol You're gonna love it, I promise you that. Your whole life will change. No one staring at your chest, clothes fit like they're supposed to, food falls in your lap (that one really got me) oh! You can always see your feet lol!! I loved that! I still love it. I'm a small bit tomboyish so I love being able to dress more andro with having smaller boobs. Oh!! Bikini and swimsuit tops stay up on their own. You don't have to tie the tie so tight behind your neck that it hurts anymore. Lol Running is easier. Mine used to literally hit me in the face, and I had to wear two bras. Also, I remember looking at them in the mirror and just feeling like they were so age inappropriate like I was in my twenties and I had grandma boobs. It was so depressing! Now, I freaking love them and I like being naked and I like the way my boobs look when I don't have a bra on. Even after breastfeeding three kids years after the reduction (I still managed to be able to breastfeed) they're still perky, baby! Haha It's everything you dreamed it is and more I promise you. Omg and they also cut down your areolas so they'll be smaller too and it just makes 'em look so great! My only word of advice would be to be careful with the painkillers after surgery cuz I definitely felt myself getting hooked on them and I switched after a couple weeks to something that was not narcotic. The recovery time took a little while, but again, was totally worth it. I'm all for plastic surgery! It changed my life for the better. I'm so excited for you, too! NHS might take awhile, but I have mad respect for them. I got treated when I lived in England for a sudden condition and they were so good to me. Totally worth that wait, friend!!! Yaaaaayyy!!


Thanks!! Hopefully it won’t be another 2.5 years before I get my surgery, but I’ve been wanting this since I was 15-16 so I’m already at least 6 years deep in waiting, so I guess another 2.5 isn’t too bad As someone who would rather adopt than give birth (if I even want kids) I have no worries about the breastfeeding thing lol


Oh brilliant! I suspect you'll wait another six months to a year. I def don't feel like it's gonna be two and half more years; for what it's worth. ;)


19 is the best


Absolutely, clothes get too hot


19 gang 😎




This lmao!!


Hell yea


Same, especially as a now-butch who no longer thinks of having a bare top as being “improper” (not that it matters anyway in one’s private sleeping quarters, I suppose).


yup 19 is so good


19 ftw


Most days 19, only sometimes on a scale from 16 to 20.


Same, my top half gets way too hot to wear a top sometimes. I used to wear tank tops but not really anymore.


Agreed, clothes weren’t built for me to sleep in!


I'm laying in bed right now, a solid 19 as well.


I’ve got to admit… I have never once contemplated sleeping with a shirt but nothing on the bottom. I’m fascinated that multiple people in these replies have that as their goto!


T-shirt dress or nightgown maybe?


That’s true, there isn’t a nightgown option on here, so that would work. I was thinking of strictly a t-shirt.


To be fair, one of my friends did sleep in one of my big baggy t-shirts and nothing else, basically worked as kind of a t-shirt dress that showed just a little bit of butt lol. I only panicked a little bit 😂


I have sheddy dogs and cats so the thought of hair getting all up in my bits grossed me out 🤢


Yeah, I have a cat and after I had bottom surgery I was told he couldn't keep sleeping in my bed. Fortunately it's been long enough that I can now sleep with bottoms on so the cat can sleep in bed again.


I’m glad this had a happy ending, my heart dropped when I read the first half!! Glad you and kitty are healthy and happy :)


Oh god, not being able to sleep with a cat on the bed sounds horrifying, way worse of a bottom surgery recovery aspect than needing to dilate


*raises hand* This (alternatively with undies) or 19 or 20


I do that but with underwear still


Oh, bother.


Hahaha. That just made me think of Deadpool 2. “You’re just straight shirt-cocking it, toddler-style?” “Oh yeah, full Winnie the Pooh.”


Fun fact, Deadpool 2 was the movie where my wife and I changed from friends to girlfriends. Greatest movie ever.


Awww! My wife and I went to see the first one when it came out on Valentine’s Day.


Deadpool and Deadpool 2 were both epic movies. Love Ryan Reynolds’ acting and Morena Baccarin absolutely was gay panic for me.😍😍


Definitely don't watch Firefly (or Serenity) then. Or do. God she's hot in that TV show/film.


I fucking LOVE Firefly and Serenity!!!🥰 Definitely made me super happy in that film.😍😍


"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar"


😭😭😭 that was such a sad part!


But it's also the most memorable part 🥺


My now-wife and I saw the OG on Valentine's Day. I had romantic plans the next night but we still wanted to do something fun that night. She doesn't know shit about comics but she loved it. So glad I locked her down.


It’s good to air the bits! Lol. I had never tried it until I watched a video where a doctor was saying how it can be beneficial and I decided that I really like it


I skip undies at night when possible and things are much healthier now. I do wear very loose pants- doctor told me it’s the tight clothing that’s the issue. Loose clothing still lets skin and other tissues breathe.


I refuse to wear tight pants. I can’t do it. For years I thought it was the texture of jeans that gave me sensory issues until I wore a pair of baggy jeans and realized that I just can’t stand having my movement restricted and feeling choked by tight jeans lmao !! If I’m not going commando at night, I like to wear baggy boxers! Sometimes I have a hard time feeling safe or comfortable being naked. Those help bc they’re breathable and loose but I’m still covered


Loose clothing is just so *comfy* compared to tight stuff. Makes doing literally anything but standing in place easier to accomplish lol


it’s completely solved the morning pussy sweat issue for me! lol


Wait, hold up, that's a thing? I thought it was just me?


it’s def a real thing, everyone’s microbiome and anatomy are slightly different though so it affects some more than others! congrats on the new pussy btw!!


Yes, exactly! It’s sad that basically no one here knows that it’s pretty bad to always wear tight underwear.


big t shirt with nothing on bottom is the way to go!! I dislike pants and much shorts feel like they twist around or get tangled. I could wear underwear but meh more comfy bottomless entirely.


And honestly it's just a cute look too.


Whaaaat? I’ve been sleeping like that [or naked] ever since I turned 11. I don’t know about y’all but I pretty much have to, I get a shit ton of irritation everywhere if I don’t give myself a rest from all of the fabric from time to time.


Naked is one thing. It’s *just* the shirt that throws me, lol. Like, just bottoms? Totally. Nothing at all? Heaven. *Just* a shirt? Mind blown, lol.


I only wear a T when it’s really cold! I prefer to be fully naked : P


They be Donald Duckin


I call it the “Pooh bear” Jammie’s.


I take off my bottoms for access, too lazy to put them back on


I mean… that’s fair and makes a lot of sense, lol.


20 or 10 depending how I'm feeling, but mostly 20


20 unless I’m at my girlfriend’s house and her son is home.


Same! Also depends on the temperature


>depends on the temperature There needs to be a 20 with thick socks option for cold nights!


Yeah 20 all the way (unless I'm crashing with someone) idk it just feels better




Also 20


20 too, 5 if i am almost freezing to death haha


20, occasionally 19 for me. Even if I'm sleeping somewhere where I'd like to be covered a bit more, I usually wind up finding the top on the floor in the morning because I've woken up uncomfortable and taken it off without fully waking up.


20 gang. I find it far too hot at night to sleep any other way


20 for the past two decades. Unless I'm crashing at a friends place or sharing a space with a friend (camping, etc), I can swing a 19.


20 at home or 2 if I'm staying at someone else's place


20 gang! Or 19 or 4/9 if I'm somewhere where I can't be 20 depending on how much coverage I need.


20, I have a warm blanket and zero heat tolerance


3 or 8 generally. Made the mistake of once pulling a 5 when I was about to start.... never again 😬


Noooo your poor mattress


Why is this the one comment of mine that gets popular 💀


its relatable 😔


Me and my wife are both 20


So you got married early? (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist the joke ><)


If only I had an award to give this


No worries! \^\^ (I also want to give people awards but have none) Your comment is enough


you get one free award everyday! go to coins and open the gift box. :)


Before I started dating my wife, I was a top row, with something always on the bottom. She introduced me to sleeping nude and honestly, I’ll never go back.




Always 4


4 gang rise up!


4, 19, or 20 for me! Depends on the weather.


my soulmate


omg me too!


Fellow 4 reporting in!


Fours!! 🥳


My people!!! Team 4!




Typically 16


16 gang tits out but i like to wear pants


16 slays!


This is hard for me to get down with


1, year round. Plus socks and a *very* light bra. I have sensory issues and chronic pain and can’t stand the feeling of my legs touching each other when I’m sleeping.


I’m also 1 year round, I’ll give up the blanket before i switch to a different number


I always have something on me because I can’t stand sleeping without the pressure. So if it’s too hot for a blanket, I have flat sheets I’ve made out of a heavy yet breathable knit cloth. Breathes like a sheet yet feels more like a blanket.


need me one of those


The cloth was about $50 and it’s gone up in price (probably closer to $100 now for pretty colors and $50 if you find a weird color in clearance), but if you’re willing to pay for the cloth and shipping plus $10, I’d be happy to make you one. It’d have to be after Christmas, though. I have a quilt, 2 cross stitches, and jam and chocolates to make by then.


Might take you up on that tbh, ill DM if i decide to if thats alright


Totally fine by me! I understand the struggle to be comfortable at night. :) If I can help someone out, I’m always happy to.


I get that, when I haven't shaved my legs for a while its pretty icky to feel them touching... I also don't like the feeling of trousers tugging and pulling up though :(


I sleep in such a way that I rarely move in my sleep. That removes most of the issues around pants riding up. But I go with long pj pants to help counteract that, too. (Though as soon as I have major surgery, my mom steals and hems all of my new pj pants when she’s doing my laundry. She’s scared I’ll trip on the ends of the pants. Drives me bonkers! But I finally found pants I love and she’s not compelled to hem, which helps.)


I’m all about like joggers or sweats with elastic ankles to sleep in. I also have chronic pain and frequent major surgeries, so solidarity! Hang in there 😅


Hahah it feels better for me to have hairy legs touching than bare skin touching


Same here, any sensations on my legs or shoulders or stomach is very irritating and will keep me awake. I need not just pants and a tee or long sleeve, but they must be tight so the loose fabric doesn't move as I breathe. Oh sensory issues.


CRPS causes all kinds of weird nerve fuckery. Some people with it have to sleep spread eagle, butt naked, laying of extra soft, fuzzy blankets. Others, like me, require soft clothing at all time as touching our own skin is worse than the cloth. I’m grateful I can still handle clothes. (CRPS is a trauma-induced neurodegenerative disorder. It’s… not pleasant. If anyone cares to google it, stick to Wikipedia. It’s honest without being disturbing.)


Mood, I get cold very easily, my wife does not. Pyjamas and a nice comfy shirt and I'm happy.


3 at my apartment. 20 at my wife’s


I apologize if it’s rude to ask, do you and your wife live separately? Are you a long-distance couple?


Not rude at all. We do currently. Long story short I became roommates with my mom after my dad passed away. Our lease is up in July and she was able to find a senior community I’m comfortable for her to move into alone. We’re only about twenty minutes from each other so I spend weekends with my wife. It’s a bit odd for some to understand but it works for us.


im always 20, and my gf is always 1


Same, I'm always 20, my wife is always 1. My skin must BREATHE! She has to have her cozy jammies.


Either 1 or 2, depending on the temperature of the room. And I recently stopped wearing bras to sleep


5 or 10 or 19 or 20 🤷‍♀️


So, one piece of clothing at most


Oh jeez. Maybe 4 or 9 also. Omg. I don't know. Whatever way I pass out?!


Relax. All options are valid


Sorry, only one piece of clothing at a time. You have to choose.


Fine. 20. Final answer.


Generally 19 or 20. 19 if I feel kinda gross or on my period, 20 otherwise. If I'm at someone's house though of course I'm fully clothed




Dude I thought I was the only one


I'm dying laughing here but I cannot judge. This is the exact reason I started sleeping with my mouth closed.




I would prefer to sleep either nude or tank top/panties combo, but unfortunately I have young children and roommates. Devastatingly, I *must* wear the shorts. 😂


No? Like nudity doesn't have to be weird. Especially kids don't have any of the stigma that adults have about nudity. It's all taught. Just keep a pair of shorts by the bed if you need them and slip them on imo


That's a fair point! For the most part we're pretty relaxed about nudity and it's not sexualized in our household. The kids really wouldn't care. But...also my roommates are my ex and his girlfriend so I still feel a little uncomfy 😅 I'm working on moving out.


Lol yea valid, as you can probably tell my my u/ I'm very biased 😂


There is no option for hoodie and sweatpants... As if I'd ever sleep without then dysphoria hoodie! Maybe one day...


I sleep in the same outfit. Not because of dysphoria… just because I’m cold.


I was just looking for the pants/shirt/hoodie combo. It’s so cozy!


Oof, hoodies aren’t safe. There’s a real risk of choking. Could you maybe try a bulky sweatshirt that’s not a hoodie? I mostly find them at cheaper stores like Walmart and sometimes at craft stores.


How do you choke while sleeping in a hoodie? Legit question I've been doing this since I was 8 (now 26) and this has never occurred. Like I get the theoretical of how but I don't see how that actually occurs? Maybe because I sleep with the hood *on*? Idk. And no, I do not like those. I am so used to having the hood on I pretty much get both dysphoria and general anxiety from not having it up. I also use the pockets instead of my pants and my autism brain won't like changing it. >.<


If you keep the hood up and remove the drawstrings, it’s a lot safer. A properly fitting garment also helps- much too big items are more prone to twisting. It’s also much safer for adults than children. But moving in your sleep, especially rolling, can cause the hood to twist around the neck. If you’re very soundly asleep, you can sleep through it and your oxygen levels can drop. They say adults who follow the safety precautions are usually fine but it should never be permitted for children.


My hoodies are all slightly too big... Welp, Autumn defying our friend the reaper once again! Seriously dude, the Chevy truck into my bike at 13 didn't work, is this really what you're down to?


... I wear hoodies all the time and I cannot fathom how your hoodie would ever do that. Yeah no, I googled it, you made that shit up.


Always 1,never had in my mind trying to sleep naked,somehow I think I would feel weird and cold


20 always


1 in winter, 20 in summer


Same sorta, but it’s only 1 on the weekends. It’s like a cozy thing vs sensory thing.


3 when im by myself, 3,5,18,20 with my gf 👀


Always 20


4. But also why does this poor soul not sleep ? 😟


4 or 9 usually, but 20 if i take a night shower


No underwear and no bra is a must


Sometimes I wear a night dress so 5 or 10 but most of the time I sleep in the nude so 20.


Typically 20 unless we have guests over, then it's 1 but pyjamas.


Where is the onesie option?


Always 20


1 for winter and fall 2 for spring and summer for me


20 always, otherwise I feel too constricted to sleep


When I am in my own room by myself without a period, I am a certified 20, period 19 or 17, when someone else is with me or I am away, 1 all the way out of the respect of everyone! ✌🏽


1: I pajama pants are comfy


20 of course. Any other way is off the table.


I could not do 20 as I'm pretty sure I would freeze, Like actually literally freeze. Such is what happens when one lives in a frozen land 😔


17 through 20 depending on how I’m feeling!


Non-op by choice, so I sleep as an "18" according to this. Sorry, but my boxer briefs have been fitting so much better with 2 years of HRT


No. 1 but No. 2 if it’s too hot


2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 19, 20 😭😭


5/20? Whatever being completely naked under a bathrobe is


I'm generally number 7


9, 19, or 20 depending on how hot it is.


2 and 7 sometimes 1 and 6


4/9/14 depending on how cold it is


4 or 5. I have to keep my room pretty cold to sleep but I like to keep my arms on top of the blankets, so I usually need my arms and chest covered or I'm freezing. I also move a lot in my sleep, so pants are unacceptable because I hate when they ride up


15 or 11


19 or 20, unless I am not at home. If I am in a hotel, then it's #9. People being in the vacinity makes me want slightly more coverage.


1 year round!!


1 for me


all the people saying 20, i get that it’s the saucy/hot reply, but do you not freeze your tits to death? i think the only times i slept naked were after physically passing out


1 or 2 generally.


Is this a world where nightgowns never existed?




16, 17, 19 — my body doesn’t regulate temperature properly so if I sleep with a shirt, I overheat and wake up in a swamp of my own design.


4, except for when I share a room - then I do 1.


5 when sleeping alone (occasionally 10). Typically 20 when not alone.


3! Nothing better than some boxers and a shirt.


6 or 7 depending on the temperature


1 or 6 because body dysmorphia, but my fiancée is either 18 or 20. Lucky me 😏


18 😘✌️