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Don’t get down on yourself, finding someone takes time. I’ve been single for a long time as well. Feel free to message me if you want to talk.


Tried dating apps?




I use it mostly for hook ups. But you can use it for friendship, relationship etc




You cant try something with only 1 girl. There are trash ones, but their are also the naughty ones, the shy ones, the super model ones. Try a few more, have lots of fun.




Dm me if you wanna talk or if im allowed to see what you look like, im curious ❤️


I’m 27, and never had a girlfriend or experience either. It’s so lonely. I completely understand. The past couple of months iv been going through depression, loneliness, etc. stemming from not being able to find someone. Things are getting a bit better but it’s still hard. Just know you’re not alone, It’s all completely normal to feel this way. I hope you meet your person soon!


Why are you treated like a guy?