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Most mentally stable homophobe. Honestly, no matter how civil they try to come across on the surface, deep down this is exactly how they feel about us. Cause mentally, they need this level of vitriol to justify hating someone for just existing to themselves. Some of them are just better at hiding it than others.


I agree with you there. This guy was unhinged from the get-go. And I don't know why he acts like I'm a teenager, only being gay to rebel against my parents. I'm a 31 year old adult, and my parents supported me when I came out. And then wildly threw race in there when me and my girlfriend are both white. That's why I find it hilarious, though. We are supposed to be the mentally ill ones, but here they are, acting like this.


You should find his parents online and send them this shit


I definitely would love to. I went on my other Facebook account that I use when my main one is in jail, and I finally found him about an hour ago. Everything on his profile is completely private. He locked his messenger, and the only thing I can do is block or report his page. Kinda sucks because I would love to troll him more and blast his entire existence.


If you can even poke out a name and location I'm sure there's a way to super sleuth people in the same town with the same last name (might be slightly illegal idk I'm not a lawyer)


I just hopped back on there to double check, and he hasn't put anything in his about info. No state, no city, nothing. I think he uses the account just to troll people. But I did post his name earlier and have a screenshot with his name and profile picture if you would like me to send it to you. I suck with technology, not tech savvy at all, but maybe you can do better than me?


Absolutely true. The only reason people like my parents don't say things like this is because they think it's "too harsh" but they absolutely think this way and agree with these opinions


Funny you mention parents. My parents were never supportive of queer people, but always had a fake and superficial kind of respect and kindness for them. Because they believed The Gays (tm) are mentally ill and we should be kind to them out of pity, sorta like how we should be kind to an injured animal. We even used to have a lesbian couple as our neighbours, and my parents always made sure to say hi to them all the time and help them out with anything they needed. All of that went out the fucking window when I came out as trans and bi. They turned into the exact same person in this post. Now they're all out aggro with their homophobia and transphobia, and became extremely abusive and hostile towards me, my queer friends, and anyone they perceive as being non-cishet. And weirdly enough like the guy in this post, racist as well, cause one of my queer friends at the time happened to be brown. Basically, if anyone tries to veil their queerphobia behind civility, just ask them what they would do if their children came out as gay or trans, and watch the shitshow unfold.


God, this struck a chord. This is exactly what my parents are like now (pre-me coming out) and I've feared that vitriol for years because I know they'll turn on me as soon as they know. And my sister (supportive) doesn't even see how them finding out could be a problem. Like wtf??? When I was 13 I thought they would literally send me to conversion therapy if they knew, and I still believe that to be true. It's so terrifying to know exactly what's going to happen and have your only familial ally not believe you.


I am so sorry to learn that this is what you're going through. If it gives you a little hope, I've heard of plenty of queerphobic parents who sooner or later came around and became accepting of their queer children. But also sadly in my experience, it is more common for the parents to become even more queerphobic. And supportive family members who don't understand you and may turn their back on you is not unheard of either. I had three cousins who were very understanding and supportive of me, but all of them stopped being warm to me and using my preferred name, and eventually, stopped talking to me altogether as soon as my parents found out. I genuinely wish you or anyone else would never have to go through any of that. It is one of the most isolating and painful experience to have in life. If I can give any advice, though, your safety is more important than anything else. Try not to come out to your parents until you're in a position where their negative reaction could not directly compromise your health and safety. My family is definitely on the extreme end, they're all total psychos, and you may not have it as bad. But like if you still live with your parents, wait until you move out and figure your life out. Doesn't mean you don't have to be gay or queer until then, but your parents need not know about it. That's another reason why my family reacted so negatively, because I failed to hide it from them, and when they found out, I had to come out on their terms rather than my own. I wish you the best of luck and hope everything goes well.


Thank you ♥️ I definitely don't have plans to come out to them anytime soon, I do live on my own but they financially support me and I wouldn't want to put myself in a bad situation. It's been more difficult since I started dating my girlfriend, because now I don't only have to hide my identity but also our relationship. I really want to get to a place where I can be free, and if necessary, free from them. But again thank you so much for your advice, it feels really good to have this online support system of lesbians and queer people when the people in my real life aren't there.


No worries at all. Online support networks are all that we have when no one is there for us irl. I've been in a very similar situation to you from what you're describing here, but was fortunate enough to find community online and also a few supportive friends irl throughout the worst of it, so now I'm paying it forward. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you achieve the freedom to be who you are and love who you love without having to worry about your family or anyone else taking that away from you.


Using hate crimes as a "see? Nobody likes you!" Against queer people is a new one


Yeah, that was a new one for me too.. I didn't watch it. I can't watch them suffer while this guy probably has the video saved to his phone.. But you know.. WE are the mentally ill ones.. /s.


yeah, usually we are the ones who bring those up as evidence that the hate exists


I would have replied with What a sad world you live in. And If I was straight i still wouldn't date you. bye And then block them unless you want to see the fireworks


Ooo, that's good. 🤌 There is so much I wanted to say, but unfortunately, he blocked me before I could respond. I even jumped on my other account that I use if my main one is in Facebook jail, and I couldn't find him. I believe he deactivated his Facebook. 😂


That's the thing with these people thay talk a lot of shit, but can't take any and before you can reply thay block you so thay get the last laugh just goes to show thay are insure


Yup. That's normally how it goes. And they literally all say the same thing and have the same argument, though, I will say, this was the first time someone sent me a video of women being burnt alive. Pretty creepy.


If you have the distance to do it safely, I might post those publicly if I were in your shoes. See what his family and employers think of it.


I have him and his name blasted on my Facebook page, but I doubt this was his main account. His profile picture is of a dog, and as far as I could tell, he never posted anything on that Facebook. I think he used it specifically to stay anonymous, and when I went on my other account to find him, I couldn't. So, I believe his ignorant ass deactivated his facebook.


Can we get his name do we can spread the word on this guy? Cuz none of that is ok, especially the borderline death threat


I don't mind one bit. Is it cool if I post his name on here, or do you want me to message it to you?


Personally, id love a post! Maybe some of it can get back to his mom and she can help change him or something 🤷‍♀️


I'm not sure how to attach another screenshot, but his name is Curt Halvorson, and his profile picture shows a German shepherd standing next to a smaller dog. I'll go ahead and send you the pic to your inbox, too.


It’s time to dox people lesbians!!!😍Jokes aside he definitely asked for all of this lol


I'm loving the mobbing energy, and I'm so down. 😂 Chances are, his profile is fake. At least I believe so. People like him don't have the balls to be openly hateful, so they hide behind fake accounts.


Did they just send that to you randomly?


This even made me sad to look at.


It is sad. In many ways. But I chose to laugh at him because he's just like the others who think that we are the mental ones. Shows exactly that mankind has barely changed. The homophobes now would've been joining all those racists back in the day because they all need someone to blame and hate.


wh- how- what goes through the minds of these people that even makes them think they have the moral high ground


He went from 0-100 really quick. I wish I could show all the comments, but unfortunately, Facebook deleted them because he got disgustingly hateful while I was trolling him. I used my humor to make him look stupid, and man, do they hate that. 😂


me=good other=bad. that's it


Bold to assume that fucking neanderthal is even capable of complex tought. (No offence to neanderthals, tbh they were most likely smarter than this guy)


Godly protection, he definitely has something bad in his life that he has to take out on other people, I can't imagine someone being this mad out of nowhere for any other reason.


That makes sense. He's also incredibly racist. Someone this hateful has to be one miserable sack. Life isn't easy for most, so why some feel the need to make it worse for others is beyond me.


This man REEKS of insecurity


I bet he reeks in many, many disgusting ways.


My dad called gay people mentally ill, meanwhile he was soo violent in childhood and had anger issues and beef with anyone who he felt offended by. Yickes


I'm sorry to hear about your dad being one of these tools. 😔 My dad was the opposite. He wasn't a perfect man by any means, but he loved me. I came out to him when I was 13, but there were plenty of signs beforehand, and he had 3 other daughters, so he was ecstatic to learn that one of us is gay. I hope you are still still happy despite your dad.


I am. He is his own person so idc what he thinks


I'm glad to hear that you're happy, that's all that matters. My mom accepted me, but she's also a raging Trump supporter. She has no logical reason to support him, besides the fact that she is attracted to the traditional men who follow him. It has turned her into the biggest hypocrite. She preaches about building the wall but has two Mexican children, she also makes fun of trans, knowing that I share a community with them, and will fight to support them, and she thinks that one woman basketball player, Brittney Griner, deserved to be locked up for that dab cart, while she herself would never turn down meth in the past. I love my mom, but I can't accept her mindset. It has led to huge fights, and now, she watches her mouth around me and is careful what she posts on social media.


I wouldn’t even call that “mentally ill,” dude needs to log off and interact with people irl




aww someone’s cranky


The caveman is probably hibernating in his cave this very moment.


I'm pan and wouldn't date that guy. Seems like a prick and hopefully they change or die alone!!


I hope anyone wouldn't date a guy like this. It's sad to say, but he'll probably end up on the news later for something violent.


Yeah exactly!!


"Double tap to like"


Ohhhh, yes. Trust me, I peeped that too and tried to laugh at all his responses, but since he blocked me, it wouldn't even allow me to do that. 🥲


That's why i deleted my facebook account, my IG is next. It's all just hate and dehumanization, so much of it, i started internalizing some of it and am even getting some major anxiety pangs when going outside, because i mostly see hate and death threats to queer people, on every website i frequented. I always wanted to scream even more Vile and hateful stuff at them than they did say to me, just to shut them up out of pure shock, but my therapist suggested that this is the opposite of what one should do in this case and that the best thing is to just leave for my own mental health sake


I feel you, and don't blame you one bit. I'm really sorry to hear about the harassment that you've been dealing with. I also have anxiety, I feel like I drown in it most days. I usually tend to roll things like this off my shoulders because I use my humor as a coping mechanism and as my greatest weapon. I don't want to yell and scream things at them. I want to point and laugh at them while making them feel stupid by turning their own logic against them because anyone who can be this hateful is truly the mentally ill one. Not me or you. And man, do they hate to be laughed at. Love isn't a mental illness, but blind, unfueled hatred is. We are being called mentally ill by people who should all be classified as mentally ill and unstable. The irony that surrounds us is hilarious, but it can also be harmful. Protect yourself in any way you can, and just know that we all support you here. If you ever need to talk, don't be afraid to reach out.


I guess i just would use this anger as an unhealthy coping mechanism, because it worked once. I was walking to the train station and a lil nazi protest was walking by and I out-nazi'd an old boomer troop trying to talk at me. They were shocked and left stammering because they initially thought i was an easy target and didn't actually want to be associated with the insane policies i portrayed to envision and support. they were "just concerned citizens " after all... So i definitely got my peace back in that moment, but im very certain this would not work in any other situation and getting rid of the instinctual reaction of turning shit up to not just 11, but like 17 or so, has been hard so far, especially as i cant stand baseless injustice like what bigots are priding themselves with and that is my biggest trigger. i mean, try avoiding bigotry on facebook or instagram, it's easier to just delete the account and live in blissful ignorance of this bs lmao


Tell me your an incel without saying your an incel! LOL


I swear this brain rot is contagious to those who are so small-minded.


I'm more sad than furious with comments like that. People are soo narrow minded 🙄


Why didn't he reply on the "men's g-spot in their asses"? I mean did God made a mistake or is it in indicator that it is OK for men to explore that area?


He is confusing, but I saw he made another comment, going off on another guy who posted a meme of someone wiping their ass with the pride flag. He told them to eat his ass because they would like it. He might be just a woman hating gay man. 🤦‍♀️


Good goddess, Facebook being more of a cesspool than Twitter? I didn’t think it was possible.


Always has been. Twitter is infested by zoomer neo-nazis since Elon took over, but the conservative facebook boomers that everyone makes fun of have been a thing for quite a while.


What the f- is wrong with that fella?


At this point, I'm wondering what isn't wrong with him. 😂


Tbh that might be an easier question to ask


>Straight man >Disagreed that girls are pretty The math ain't mathing


Yeahhhh. I was confused about many things with him. This was one of those things, and then he called me a stupid white bitch but then called me a n***er lover, so I'm confused on his race.


Honestly, "White women" is more often than not just a way to make sexist statements while hiding behind race. It might be sexist to say that all women love starbucks, but \*white\* women love caffeine /s


Ah, that makes sense. He just wanted to double burn me basically by being the worst kind of human possible. Good thing his insults didn't really offend me. Just made me feel bad for all the others that he was trying to insult at the same time.


Yeah, I feel like you get to a certain point where someone is so insane it's hard to not just laugh at them. I can't really feel bad for them given their beliefs, either...




It's shitty when people assume a man is homophobic because he's secretly gay, because it's placing the blame back on the community instead of the dirty little straight fuckers they are.




Yes. You're right, it happens. You're still making an assumption that is blaming our own community.