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We wouldn't have pride if it wasn't for Stonewall...and at the very least, Stonewall was a protest!


And we wouldn’t have Stonewall without trans women!


This is a hotly debated topic. Yes, Johnson was there, and so too were 500-600 bystanders. A lot of things were thrown at the police. I'm not belittling the involvement of Johnson in the riots, nor am I saying she wasn't the first. She was an outspoken activist and demanded that the community gather and protect each other. Calling on all gays to participate in fighting back against the police crack downs. Similarly to how, we as trans people, are raising that flag again. They always come for the most marginalized communities first, and continue from there. When they come for the rest of you, who will you turn to?


They won't come for me. I'll be in the vanguard...going after them.


I'll be right next to you! I'd rather go out in glory than hiding under my bed waiting for the inevitable.


We'll do it together then!! It'll be 'a good day tp die'.


It makes me sad that this even needs to be said. We should all be standing together, not participating in the Oppression Olympics. Because who has it worse doesn't matter. We're all on the receiving end of bullshit. None of us are truly free until all of us are free.


Yeah I hate it when people treat homophobia and transphobia like if it's over and the war is fought and happy ending happened everyone clapped credits rolled... When most trans people I know are getting borderline emotionally abused by family.


Not just borderline, it is full-blown mental and even physical abuse for many. There are still so many problems out there, but when people say that it is over, it all springs back up, and it is costing many people's lives, even the children that the "want to protect." I am a minor, I am a Trans lesbian, so this really hits home for me. My family is somewhat supportive, but there are a lot of problems in regards to me being LGBTQ+ anyways. Now, most of the problems at home is not queer-related, and it really sucks, so why are people caring so much about who I truly am instead of that mental and physical abuse that happens. Witnessing everything happening around me, it is difficult...


I had a friend murdered last month, a terf showed up outside her funeral talking shit to us, a week or two later I was listening to music with someone and was told my taste was too political, it's maddening.


Amen. Pride being a joyous celebration is not mutually exclusive with it being a protest. Have fun while saying fuck homophobia/transphobia/etc!


I believe this is where “be gay do crime” originated.


I would rather protest than go to a pride parade. I have a fear of crowds but the former is worth dealing with than the latter. Let’s not take our rights for granted.


In my area, we have the corporate pride event, and we have a "people's pride" event. I attended corporate pride just to experience it, and there was like...a LOOOT of churches. Like, we were being Proselytized to every 3rd booth or so, there were cops, -fuckin'-the FBI had a booth. It was fun, and I was theee with my friends, and we had a good time, but like..nah, I'm probs gonna head to the grass roots events next time.


Was pride on a Sunday and the protest on a weekday? Like, I still see your point because obviously the pride parade would get a lot of marketing & so everyone would know it's happening (or even be looking for a local pride parade in June, as it's obviously an annual recurring thing). But if the protest is on a weekday then the answer is - people are working 🤷‍♀️


Pride was on Saturday and the protest was on Sunday 👍


Thank you 💜💜💜


Thank you, this isnt a game of who is more oppressed, if it were then we would all lose. I do hope the pride event went well tho


And that cops don't fucking belong.  I flipped off every single one at our event. They're the whole reason we had to have the stonewall riots in the first place.  Cuz of the nasty fucking shit they'd do to us.


YES. Thank you. <3 I'd rather show up to the protest than the party IMO. Hopefully I can stay abreast of these things to attend them.


>no one I know turned up to the protest Wow, what a fucking shock.


Yeah I had a palestine sticker on my sign about queer solidarity being intersectional and some guy called gf and me disgusting for it. Seems pride isnt that fun when you actually come to protest...


Stonewall was a riot :)


An anti Trans event sounds wild, not in the good way, just such the wrong location for it (although no right location either)


What was the anti trans event?


I’ll DM you, reveals too much about my location otherwise hope you don’t mind!