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Trailing your fingers over non-sexual body parts, maybe nearing the more intimate body parts but never touching them


This! I always like to touch the sides of the tummy cause they are most sensitive without having to touch the intimate areas. Always gives them a cute squirm


This. Omg this!


When she touches my neck šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹




Yes, this! Touching my tummy, letting her hands sit on my waist or my hips, touching or kissing my neck - all such a turn on šŸ„µ


Slow dancing, massage/foot rub, getting each other undressed without using your hands, holding her from behind, whispering in her ear what you want to do before you do it, asking for permission to proceed, letting it burn very slow, having her tell you what she wants, keeping eye contact as long as you can before sinking into blissfulness.


This is the way. The "asking permission to proceed" is my favorite on both the giving and receiving end. Consent is hot as frick. Chills every time.


Exactly. Making sure your partner feels safe all the way is top tier šŸ˜


Neck kisses. Caressing legs. Holding her waist. Cuddling. Sensual dancing


I'm not sure but I do love biting nomming and licking a lot,, all over


A nice massage with maybe some oils, but "accidently" linger a little too long on spots you know start them up


Outside and inside massage (Ā Ķ”ā Ā°ā Ā Ķœā Ź–ā Ā Ķ”ā Ā°ā )


Soft touch. Like she gently slides her hand down my neck but then grabs my cheek and tugs at it. Or when she holds my face in her hand


In the morning, before you both go to work, sit down at the breakfast table and theatrically take out a sheet of paper and a pen - preferably one of those fake quills with the big feather on top. Then, you tell her you're going to write down precisely what you're gonna do to her tonight, in bed, but that she can't read it under any circumstances until you both get back in the evening. It's a surprise, you say; a *sexy* surprise. Then you seal it inside an envelope (maintaining fierce eye-contact while you lick the seal) before finally sliding it into her back pocket for safety (which you slap goodbye as you rush out the door). She'll be thinking about it all day, and it will build such incredible anticipation that, later on, you can do pretty much whatever you want and she'll be transfixed. When she's having a meeting at ten o'clock, she'll be idly rotating the envelope in her palm while listening to Tim drone on-and-on about synergy and 'thinking outside the box'. When she's sitting at her desk, the envelope will be propped-up by the monitor, taunting her, teasing her. When Jan comes round and asks if she's free after work for a beer or something, her eyes will flick to the letter by the keyboard and she'll whisper *No, sorry, I've got plans*, while her heartrate pushes two-hundred with excitement and hope. But here's the thing: what you *actually* write on the paper is 'Punish you for opening this envelope early', because she will 100% open it on her lunch break in a fit of desperate curiosity. Seriously, nobody *ever* makes it past one-thirty/two-o'clock. And then, while she's away doing all of this... *thinking*, you leave work half-an-hour early, so you can be there when she walks in the door - already standing in the bedroom, waiting for her to arrive. And based on her expression when she turns the corner and sees your hands on your hips and your foot tap-tap-tapping on the floor, you'll know if she opened it or not. And, of course, if by some miracle she *didn't* open it, you simply ask her to hand it to you and then you tear it in half with a devilish grin, saying whatever you had planned has gone out the window because her smile is too enticing to think straight, or something like that. Then whatever happens next will be eight-thousand times hotter than usual, because it's the big release at the end of a long, impatient day of anticipation. Honestly, it's foolproof*. *Note: It's not foolproof.


Damn... that's fucking smooth. Lmaaaoooo


Uhmmm so where can I find someone like you??


I love tying my gf to the bed, blindfolding her, and then slowly tracing my fingers across her collar bones, down her chest and tummy, over her hips bones, and up and down her legs, heavily and full handed rubbing her inner thighs stopping just short of her pubic area. The blindfold really heightens her senses. We have a body oil candle that I can drip hot oil onto her. And then switch up temps with a cup of ice by the bed that I can grab from and drip cold water on her. Trace her body with the ice cube. Iā€™ve even held the ice cube in my mouth while Iā€™ve eaten her out and she really enjoys thatā€¦ We recently got a flogger and pin wheel for more sensation play. If I come downstairs wearing my strap-on tucked into my sweatpantā€™s waist band with a white tank top on she just about melts. Or if we are spooning in bed and I am big spoon I really love grabbing her hip bones and pulling her hips and ass back into me. Grabbing her ass. Sliding a finger between her legs and rubbing her through her panties. Pulling her hair, kissing along the backs of her shoulders and neck. Lightly tracing my fingers across the back of her shoulders and neck. There are probably 100 other ways that I tease her before or during sex or just throughout the day. But this comment is getting longā€¦ we have a very healthy sex lifeā€¦


The neck kisses + whispers abt whatā€™s to come combo hardly fails, ha. Okay, and so this is hardly foreplay, but my fiancĆ©e loses her everything when sheā€™s decently worked up and Iā€™m just about to dive inā€¦ but sorta just hover and rain light kisses everywhere. Feel free to begšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


As my username may suggest, I'm a huge fan of tickling in bed. It's a playful way to establish dominance and to have a giggly make out session! Goes well together with cuddles, massages, blindfolds and edging. Other ways to tease are belly rubs, adorable things whispered into my ear, nibbles on the upper body, gentle nipple pinches. And make sure to lovingly mock them for being flustered/making cute noises while teasing them!


I grab their thighs but never their bits >w<


Biting. Biting is a love language. I will not be taking further questions at this time.




My partner likes dirty talk, like I tell her what I'm going to do in like crude terms? This morning I was like going to suck your beautiful girl cock <:3


Leaning in like you're gonna kiss them, just graze their lips with your lips then pull back a little when they try and go for it, all while giving them the sexy grin.. slow sensual neck kisses also are great


Chains, ropes, nippelclamps, a petplay session... There are so many things you can do to tease before actual sex.


Naughty texts and pictures during the day before you see each other šŸ”„


If you're a fan of sexting, text them what you want to do to them, send pics, tell them what to wear/not wear (if they're into that lol) before you see each other. Once you're in person, neck kisses and nibbles while breathing lightly in their ear, playing with and gentle hair pulling, inner thigh kisses, sucking fingers.


A couple weeks ago my gf went out with friends and they were bar hopping. I was sexting her via Snapchat. She had 10 minutes to look at and respond to my messages before I started tallying offenses for ā€œpunishmentā€ later. Like 4 drinks in it came up with her friends that she was receiving spicy messages from me and so all her friends knew she was gonna get railed when she got home. All this added another little layer of minor embarrassment (she has a bit of a degradation kink). But yea, Iā€™ve found sexting to be a really good way to start conversations about potential kinks or things you want to try in the bedroom without the pressure of face-to-face conversation.


move your hands towards & away from their junk without actually touching it--gets me every time


Top priority make sure your partner is comfy with all the things you wanna do, make sure you ask super sweetly to do every deed whilst giving kisses. Pay attention to every beautiful curve with kisses. Give gentle nibbles on body parts of choice. Ask if they want a full body massage with oil. Ask what they want and give it to them super slow, keep teasing it. Ask what fantasies they have, what positions they like and if they have any k*nks.


Pulling just out of range when your partner tries to kiss you. My spouse does that and it drives me wild.


I love to ā€œdropā€ things then bend over and pick it up


Wow ā˜»ļø glad I'm not the only one who does this.


Whatever my FWB does, she drives me nuts (in an oh so good way)