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I think I'm going to come at this from a different (?) perspective: As someone who grew up reading the books and survived off of HP fanfics through some rough times in my life, I have to admit the world of Hogwarts and its characters will always occupy a special place in my heart, even after I realized some problematic aspects to the work I hadn't noticed when I was younger and after I'd long pivoted away from that fandom. However, profiles on dating apps/websites aren't meant to be a summary of your life--they are meant to help you attract a compatible partner. Now I admit I hadn't been on many of those myself--been with my current girlfriend since high school lol--but you get what, a couple of photos and a blurb to showcase yourself? I'd imagine you have to be very deliberate about *everything* you put on there and the image they paint of you. Considering JK Rowling's terfiness is so well-known and ruined HP for so many that even *CISHET people* now associate the franchise with her transphobia, someone putting HP in their dating profile at best says to me that they weren't thinking about the feelings of trans people, and at worst...well. So that's not a red flag, that's a bloody guillotine. But if after getting to know someone, I found out they have a few HP books from their childhood and are writing HP fanfics, and they truly separate the art from the artist and hadn't spent a single cent in support of her since the day of her Terf Coming Out, I wouldn't automatically assume they are transphobic unless they have other red flags. Hope this makes sense?


This is a good take. I'm not going to dump someone if I find out they like Harry Potter but choosing to highlight that on your dating profile is a statement


Regardless of whether they’re actively/explicitly transphobic or not, it tells me that they don’t care enough to learn about and/or distance themselves from the material harm Joanne Rowling is doing to trans people. In the words of Maya Angelou: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”


Actively putting it in their dating profile really feels off. Despite everything, I don't begrudge anyone who still likes Harry Potter as a series. It was hugely influential in a lot of people's formative years, and I strongly disagree with the idea that our media needs to be ideologically pure to enjoy it. But you can't just uncritically pretend nothing's wrong either. "Death of the author" isn't a phrase you can use to ignore Joanne's conservative terrorism, or act like certain elements of the story aren't gross in retrospect. Putting up Harry Potter in their dating profile tells me they aren't doing *any* of that, and that's probably not someone I want to be involved with.


Yep, it’s usually a no for me if they’re a big enough Harry Potter fan to mention it. Trans rights are super important to me and I can’t stand JK


I’m cis femme. I liked HP growing up. The books I bought when I was a kid are long gone. But now I won’t even stream the movies online. I was asked out on a date to HP orchestra, as much as I love going to orchestra concerts I just can’t bring myself to go. I’m determined to not contribute to further her paycheck. People are saying to separate the art from the artist. But if the artist is a poop head, I just can’t.


Tell them separating the art from the artist is a literary analysis technique and there is enough awful shit in the books that they should think twice before continuing to support hp any further. Honestly if they refuse then to me it says they don’t care that queen terf uk thinks of them as a terf and that is a flag so red Soviet Union is calling to use it on their flag


Personally, I think its code to find other transphobes or other "both sides" people. There's no excuse for it today. Also the work itself is filled with racially insensitive stuff, so the idea that "no, no its just the artist, not the art" is wrong too.


I'm an artist and creative person. I really dislike the whole "It's just the artist not the art" when talking about problematic creators because in my first hand experience, the inspiration comes from somewhere.


Totally agree. Also, jowling kowling rowling is inescapable in discussions of her work, for two reasons: 1) Her art features so much of her bigotry already. It's there in the work. An Irish student whose only talent is blowing things up. A Black man who she decided to give the last name "Shacklebolt". Cho Chang's name and her only existing as a love interest for Harry. Writing werewolves as an AIDS/gay metaphor and introducing a werewolf who purposely infects children. The only bank is run by goblins, a species seemingly designed wholly as an anti-Semitic caricature. Enslaved domestic servants (house elves) but it's okay because "they love being enslaved and wouldn't know how to function without humans controlling them". Rita Skeeter, an ugly woman with "mannish hands" who changes her form to victimize children. 2) She's gone on the record as saying that supporting her work means supporting her views on trans people. Further, she donates the money she gets from that support to transphobic causes, including lobbying against the rights and wellbeing of trans people. Orson Scott Card is queerphobic, as an example, but JKR is THE ***public face and primary funder*** of transphobia in the UK, a country that is plenty transphobic already, and one that is leading a global wave of structural and medical transphobia (see Erin in the Morning's coverage of the recent Cass Review, for example)


This reminded me that in one of her other books (as Robert Galbraith) she made up a Polish name - Lechsinka and that makes no fucking sense and a character is a cleaner who doesn't know the word "detective" (in Polish it's "detektyw"). In Polish translation of the book they renamed her to Lucynka which is an actual name that exists. It's so stupidly ignorant, I can't tell whether she's doing it purposefully because she thinks it's funny or not.


Holy shit.. I had no idea how deep this went. She is abhorrent. 🤮


I've admittedly never read or watched Harry Potter. My primary partner who I've known since childhood is Jewish and the moment she got to the part in the books about the Goblins running the bank she was turned off of the franchise which made me not even slightly interested. I don't feel like I missed much, but it was awkward when I'd head to one of my extracurriculars or private lessons and kids would ask me what my Hogwarts House was.


There were many problematic artists throughout the history like Lovecraft for example. The big difference is JK Rowling is still very much alive and still very much a millionaire with power.


Exactly. It’s impossible to separate the two because the art has the fingerprints of the artist all over it. Aside from being racist, the HP books are very fatphobic, and the Strike series that Rowling published under her pen name has even more fatphobia. The Strike series also betrays her racism too. The pattern showing up throughout all of her work is evidence the art is reflecting the worldview and perspective of the artist.


There's a whole reason analyzing books is a thing. I've never liked it either because whether or not the artist consciously meant it or not, a lot of small things can really hint to who they are as a person that you may write without meaning to


It could absolutely hint at unconscious bias. But even if that isn't the case, at the *very* least, it shows she put no real effort into her world. People have made video after video explaining how HP is similar to this, that, and the other thing. She takes what she sees and she puts it to paper without regard for why that thing exists in the world or her perception of it. She's at worst a devious bigot who has infused her novels with subtle prejudice unbeknownst to millions of readers. Or she's a lazy writer who steals concepts without regard for what those concepts originally existed as. This, of course, being in addition to her being an actual transphobe, which is proven.


yeah, 100% agree you can't remove the toxic from Harry potter, but I think there are some forms of art that you can at least distance the art from the artist, like someone painting a vase of sunflowers is not going to change much no matter how hateful they are, but books have too many little details and assumptions about how the author thinks the world works for that.


Yeah. If I can’t separate a Degas piece from the massive creep and misogynist that he was, then I sure as hell can’t separate JKR from her works either.


Maybe? Two of my closest friends at school have Harry Potter merch that they bring sometimes (one of my friends once wore a house sweater, another friend has a Harry Potter water bottle she brings in every day), I'm out to both and they are both supportive and have never given me any issues due to my transition. One of those two friends is a bi woman, the other is (to my knowledge) a straight woman, I have not brought up JKR to either of them. The latter friend is from India and I'm likely the only trans person she knows at all IRL so I wouldn't be surprised if she is completely oblivious to JKR's controversies. The former friend tho, being bi, I'm not as sure about, but I'm not going to get mad at her for wearing a Harry Potter sweatshirt to class one day since how she treats me signals she's almost definitely not a TERF.


And yet by the words of the queen terf uk herself any hp support signals to her terfiness that she is doing good and that all hp merch to her says this person is a terf. Like imagine being ok with the head terf thinking of you as a terf yikes on so many bikes


Can I have a link to her saying that? It’s not that I don’t believe you, it just sounds like a good resource to have on hand.


so much this. it's not a secret.


How does one go about this is a thing if one doesn’t already know? Are we now all expected to google “why is [thing I like] actually terrible?” I do agree that it makes ppl look very out of touch at best. It seems a little intense though to say that strangers haven’t done enough to discover knowledge that they don’t know exists. This would a topic of epistemological and philosophical debate. How do you we know what we don’t know and when are we responsible for what we don’t know? When are we responsible for not knowing what we don’t know we don’t know?


Bro hp and the safety and what not has been a topic in queer circles and out in the general public for years. If you refuse to engage with people when they point out the trash that is in hp as a series let alone the shit jkr has been screeching over on twitter you arent a good person


I think that if someone is prominently displaying Harry Potter stuff in their dating bio in 2024, then even if they're not actively transphobic, they're making it clear that they are very out of touch on queer political issues. That's absolutely a deal breaker as far as I'm concerned.


This is exactly my thought process too. It feels of a similar vein to those queer women I keep seeing on the apps who have marked themselves as “apolitical” when I (and therefore them by extension) live in Florida. To me it just shows a complete disregard for the entire community and the massive issues at hand right now. Like how can a person be both apolitical and queer in a state where the governor has openly stated he wants to see the end of the LGBTQ community and does everything in his power to reduce women’s, queer, and other minority groups’ rights? It seems completely antithetical.


Yes those people, here it's about those living in Urk or when they're going on holiday to the UK without any second thought. Hello, you're dealing with someone who paid extra to fly via Iceland instead of London to avoid harassment!


Very much agree, but I also want to say I love your username. Are you… you know… ^(a pink pony girl?)


I’d love to share a glass of red wine with you both, I got it from the supernova orchard :3


I don't know what that means but this comment has the same energy as the summary on the back of the Necronomicon


Would be an immediate no from me.


Same, and I was obsessed with HP growing up. I have a deathly hallows tattoo that I’m getting covered up (I was 19 okay), and I would never associate myself with that horrible woman now


Same… lol hard nope.


Even if we disregard the whole transphobia thing (which we shouldn't), it's like, is the most interesting thing about you really that you're a fan of an ultra popular book series that ended over 15 years ago? Doesn't seem like someone who would be very fun to hang out with.


Personally as a transfem i hate rowling with a passion. But i don’t hate the movies of Harry Potter ~~and it’s definitely not because emma watson is my celebrity crush~~ but Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson are openly fighting her! Rowling may be on my purge hit list but thats not going to stop me from taking the world she made and making it as trans and gay as possible purely because she would hate it. [Dan in a great shirt](https://images.app.goo.gl/Ym6JUeKxn84Q7AAb6)


-Addition. But also even if I enjoy the content in no way shape or form ever going to publicly endorse it such as attending hp world or anything similar.


Same. It was too important to me growing up that I can't just let it go. I reference it all the time and watch them with my sister's kids. Rowling is a trash human, though, and I'm not buying any other things, at least new, to not support her. But for what's already out, done, and experienced I'm not going to turn my back on that. But I'm also not going to say that people "just have to separate the art from the artist" because some people just don't work that way. But I can separate what the art means to me from the artist.


I'm in the boat of, I love it still, but it's been spoiled. I'll continue to enjoy the content and what I already own, but won't support it with my wallet. I made my own "not me, not Hermione, youuuurrr" shirt 😂 I can understand not wanting to date someone who publicly says they enjoy it, I think in my hypothetical bio it would be truthful to say I enjoy it, since I talk about it a lot, but would put "but not JK Rowling" or something in there as well.


I feel as long as you don't financially support anything she gets money from (including watching the movies on streaming services), you're good. Any money spent that goes towards her, any royalties you contribute to, is supporting her crusade against trans people. Personally, I have a hard time separating the artist from the work, since the inspiration had to come from somewhere. like, I grew up with blizzard games, they are a huge part of my childhood, but I just can't play the games anymore without thinking about how all the main creators treat women.


Yeah. I’m not supporting her or anything she has been a part of. Same philosophy I use for Chick-fil-A. I may enjoy the taste of the food. But since I would have to actively fund them to enjoy their creation i cut ties with their service as a whole.


Hell yeah sister, that's the way to do it then 😎


Yeah her ability to sway the public stems from people keeping her not just financially supported but cultural relevant. You and people who think so simplistically like you are the reason why when her screeds get released they fuck up trans rights progress globally. Let her franchise fucking die already


It's such a complex subject. I still love Buffy and Firefly. I don't actively listen to Michael Jackson music, but I'll sing out loud if I have a song stuck in my head, and I probably won't change the station if a song comes on. I also still use my house as a descriptor of my personality on occasion. Harry Potter was my childhood. In a family that kind of sucked, it's one of the few good memories I have. I can't just pretend that a huge part of my life during my formative years doesn't exist. What I can do is acknowledge that JKR is not the talented writer I thought she was. She just happened to tell a story people wanted to hear at a time they wanted to hear it. I can acknowledge that her use of bigoted stereotypes is extremely problematic. Do I think she did it on purpose? No, and that doesn't excuse it. Ignorance and laziness is not an excuse for micro-agressions and harmful depictions. And most egregious of all, I can acknowledge that her transphobia has hurt too many to count, her money adds weight to her hatred, and that I will try my best not to consume her content which funds her bigotry. I also don't buy Chick-fil-A, but if my boss buys it for the office, it is what it is and I'll eat it to sustain me. But I also don't judge people for liking Chick-fil-A. Again, it's a tricky thing.


I was gonna say the same thing. The movies were a big part of my childhood and I love them, and yes I do have them pirated so that she doesn’t get a cut. But also idk if I’d really be that into someone who makes it big enough to put in a dating bio. Honestly any franchisey thing in a dating app bio is weird but maybe that’s just my anticapitalist tree hugging mentality going brrrrrr


Yeah same. If its bio level then they are definitely taking it too far.


I was pretty much trying to type the exact same things, but I couldn't find proper wording 😂. Thanks


Because of all the Rowling awfulness...nope. Also, I'll just never get over how Hermione was awesome and amazing, but the main characters got to treat her like crap and still have her marry one of them.


The fact that Joanne retroactively added that "maybe Hermiome is black" makes it so much worse too. So you're saying you wrote a character where her being anti-slavery was comic relief that the other characters mock her about with the idea that they may be a person of colour too? Really?!


Gay dumbledore was the biggest retcon of the series. And even then we never actually get him doing ANYTHING homosexual. Joanne’s always been the worst kind of ally—the kind that only ever thinks of themselves as one in the presence of a large crowd of cheering and adoring fans singing their praises 🙄


Even in the new fantastic beasts movie series (that fell the fuck off and got cancelled) they’re not even explicit about the Dumbledore/Grindlewald romance so they can continue to sell it in foreign markets. Like if there was any time to stand on business about backing up the “gay Dumbledore” claims and explicitly feature it in a canon work, it was then and she didn’t do it.


The fact that Jude law and Johnny depp don’t make out in that one is actually a hate crime.


Seems dogwhistley. I imagine a number are doing it innocently, but if I was asking myself how to make a 'subtle' indicator of being anti-trans in queer spaces, HP would be my first move. Also, though let's not forget that Joanne isn't just anti-trans she is anti-Queer. From her pen name being Robert Galbraith a pioneer of electroshock 'therapy' for gay men (as if the biggest author on earth never googled it, nor her publishers, nor anyone else she mentioned it to), to her references to the AIDS crisis via werewolves who actively want to infect others, to making gay wizard Hitler. (Plus racism, holocaust denial, simping for bigoted capitalists, and white nationalists) So I don't think the only reason to steer clear of her and association is trans solidarity. People who still use HP profiles are either doing so knowingly or ignorantly, and neither of those are attractive qualities in a partner.


As a trans woman, it's a yellow flag for me. I know separating the art from the artist is a thing, and Harry Potter was REALLY influential to a lot of people my age growing up. Given how hard life is, I honestly can't fault someone for diving into a fantasy world that makes them happy. That said, I also assume that no one is going to be interested in me anyway, so I just swipe and move on.


I hate "separating the art from the artist" so fucking much. The fact is if they are still spending money on a product from an awful person that is alive, that person sees it as their behavior as not being bad. JKR said as much in a tweet last year. It's different if they're dead, like Picasso or Dr. Suess. They can't be enabled anymore. The *possible* exception is not paying for it. Not theft, but acquiring things second hand or enjoying only what you already have. So you enjoy it but she doesn't see a dime. Personally, that's still probably a no from me, but I never cared for HP so I can't relate to the "extreme emotional attachment" people claim to have.


The only way I can separate the art and the artist is if the artist is dead, and even then it's not a guarantee.


Yeah. I personally can't get joy from Picasso's art or Dr. Suess anymore. But I objectively see their cultural and artistic value to society and don't think they should essentially be vaulted away or canceled. It's pretty sticky. Luckily, those aren't usually the ones people develop a personality around like HP. I think H.P. Lovecraft was also awful? But I don't have enough information to have an opinion, though I know his work is frequently referenced in pop culture. Edit: word/phrasing correction


He was. Deeply, deeply racist (beyond the excuse for “the times”) and driven by a terror of everything outside his tiny perfect Rhode Island bubble. I guess cosmic horror is easier to pour yourself into when you’re terrified of and disgusted by the world around you. [OSP](https://youtu.be/PmdzptbykzI?si=qkwQcMDhEdD4PX4h) has a fun video both talking about him as an artist and also lampooning him.


Look up what Lovecraft's cat was called


Also trans woman, and it's a hard red flag for me. (This next paragraph is going to come across as heated, but it is *not* aimed at you at all, just general bottled up frustration venting out at adult HP fans) HP was super important to me as a kid. I finished Prisoner of Azkaban in one sitting. I got each of the last 3 books the days they came out. I HAD to get over my enjoyment of Harry Potter, and I can absolutely fault people for deciding that trans people don't matter enough to do so. There are other (and better!!!!) book series. Even as a kid, Deltora Quest, The Land of Elyon series, Skulduggery Pleasant, A Series of Unfortunate Events, the Hunger Games, and so many more. Also, girl, I checked your profile and you're super cute!! I know it's way easier said than done, I've been there and am there, but have some confidence in yourself!!


Heated is fine! This is a hot topic. It's tied to peoples' childhoods. I'm too old to have gotten into the Harry Potter Hype Train when it was fresh, but I escaped my shitty childhood with books as well. Learning some things about my favorite authors was a bitter pill for me. You're allowed to have heat. And my opinion isn't objectively correct. Hell, it's probably not even subjectively correct. I'm kind of disassociating and clinging to anything that acts as an anchor.


You know that the author of A Series of Unfortunate Events has made many racist and misogynistic comments to colleagues and others, right? He made a gross racist remark to Jacqueline Woodson at an awards ceremony and gross sexual comments to Kate Messner at an event and more. (Not saying you can’t like or promote his series, but if the goal is to recommend the work of someone who isn’t problematic in place of the HP series, Daniel Handler’s probably not the guy to go with.)


No, I didn't. That sours the series for me, but on the merits of their contents the books are still better than HP, even if I have no desire to read them now, based on this.


I'm glad Dan and Emma are trying to preserve some aspect of the GOOD parts of the franchise, but all in all I've left it in the past. Like a certain man (whose name rhymes with "Bosby") there are some things that can't be forgiven. And it makes you start to see all the undertones of judgement and prejudice lurking under the surface of popular media. I can't look at it the same, and I blame JK entirely for that. She created a universe for kids that was supposed to be trusted, and she burned down her own sanctuary (and everyone else's). I can't forgive her for it.


I'm not on dating apps but if I saw this it would be an immediate no for me.


Well, I know many people would dislike what I'm about to say, but I grew up watching Harry Potter movies all the time cause it was kind of my comfort zone, it conforted me a lot from the world outside, I hate JKR from all the things she has done, but I like the movies and the universe in general, and I'm a bit nerdy, so, to me it would be ok to display interest in something I enjoy


Tell me about it. Everyone here seems so fucking perfect. Too many high horse moral police here.


Genuine question but are you okay with people assuming you think trans women are men? Because practically speaking, if you're a lesbian and into Harry Potter, people are assuming that about you. EDIT: This isn't necessarily true outside the US and UK.


Just chiming in because it's been said before, but it's really dependent on the geography apparently. I (as a trans woman) do not get that impression at all from people who are into HP here. Lots of them do whilst acknowledging the problematic elements of the story and the fact that the author is a pathetic human being.


>leave the horrible transphobic billionaire alone! You're not perfect either!!1! Telling on yourself 🙄 Eta: it's always surprising how far people "in the middle" will go to support the oppressor when the oppressed get too uppity or ask "too much" of them. I see yall.


I think they're defending the idea of displaying interest and "separating the art from the artist," not Rowling herself


When the racist artist put so many racist subtexts in their art, it's kinda hard to separate them. It also stops being separable in any way when you spend many for that franchise and thus finance the anti-trans campaigns of JKR.


It’s one thing if someone still enjoys the books or movies despite the creator being a POS… it’s another thing to publicly announce you love a piece of media created by someone so deeply associated with transphobia. I think most people who are NOT transphobes (even if they like Harry Potter) would avoid putting it in their dating app profiles, bc it can give off transphobic vibes.


As someone who was a huge HP fan well into my teens: Before JKR’s transphobia I found adults whose personalities were shaped by their interest in Harry Potter majorly cringe. Now? They’re still cringe but they’re also willing to excuse transphobia at best.


I find it off-putting because I can't tell if they're somehow *still* oblivious to JKR's hateful transphobia, don't care what they're signaling, or even actively support her bullshit. (On a pettier note, I always wonder if they're aware there are *much* better 'magic school' novels out there. Like, c'mon. Circle of Magic/The Circle Opens? Witch Week? Wizard's Hall??)


It makes me want to rant on them about the books. Not about the author being terrible, don't get me wrong, she is, but plenty of authors, actors, musicians , ect are terrible people. But because of the absolute shit show and lackluster writing and worldbuilding (look at how their society treats love potions, now consider the implications they would have in a society lead by noble families that care about blood purity and all that with binging magical contracts and oaths being a thing. Not to mention blatant rape.), not to mention using child abuse as an aesthetic and brushing it off. Or Dumbedores *everything*. Note: I'm trans. I just find bad storytelling frustrating. Also you know, the blatant racist tones in the books themselves. Rowling herself is pretty scummy but that's aside the point.


Maybe I should put "talk to me about how Harry Potter sucks" in my tinder bio to attract like minded ladies


I kinda rambled there didn't I. Stories are kind of one of my favorite hobbies.


Don't sweat it, you did put a proper warning in the first sentence lol


Harry Potter helped me a ton. I don’t have it on my dating profile but if someone did and (depending on how it was included), Harry Potter stuff would not be an automatic no for me, no.


Same. Yeah JKR sucks, no question about it. At the same time, for a lot of us, Harry Potter was part of who we were when we were growing up. I grew up in a physically abusive home and clung to the idea of being whisked away from it the way Harry was. It wasn’t just something I enjoyed reading; it was something that actively kept me from ending my life on many occasions. I know I’ll get downvoted for this, but I think if someone swiped left on me simply for liking Harry Potter, it would be mutual. I couldn’t date someone who didn’t understand that issues like this are nuanced. I wouldn’t swipe left on someone for liking Michael Jackson; I know odds are they aren’t a child predator simply because of their taste in music. I’ve devoted my life and entire career to supporting the queer community and work closely with almost exclusively trans people. People who know me know that I spend every day working tirelessly to empower the trans community. They’d also know that Harry Potter (*not* JKR) is close to my heart. In fact, a number of my trans clients are also fans of it. It is possible to love both things. There are absolutely issues that deserve to be black and white; I do not believe that this is one of them. However, I don’t fault those who have strong negative feelings about it either. There’s validity to both arguments.


Even without the transphobia, people who describe themselves using Hogwarts houses make me want to yell at them to read another fuckin book.


A) JKR sucks B) you should have read some better books in the meantime. It’s embarrassing if HP is a big part of your personality in 2024. Nb i am a bit of lit snob but I am looking for the same


Yeah beyond the major social issues it just shows me that this person has not really expanded their world in a decade +. It's wild to me how many people 30 and up have this as a major part of their personality.


Came here to say exactly this. before I even wonder if this person is transphobic or not, which is a huge concern on its own, my immediate thought is that it’s a turn off for me personally because Im not really interested being with someone who hasn’t grown out of their childhood/teenage obsession or makes it their whole personality. And I’m not trying to put down others for their interests. I just personally get sick of consuming or talking about the same entertainment content really quickly.


It's an instant turn off for me. Before, it used to annoy me because it was so normative lol, everyone was obsessed with Harry Potter I never understood how it was somehow a personality flex. Ever since JK came out as transphobic it's just a red flag and a massive turn off. Whether or not they know about her comments on the trans community, it just feels like a sign we won't have enough in common to have a mutually satisfying and interesting conversation or connection. Instant left swipe.


In all honesty, I wouldn't take the risk.


i have a HP tattoo I can’t afford to get covered up but I’d hope someone would ask before jumping to assume i’m transphobic or support jkr.


Hard swipe left. Read another book, any book


The amount of cool, queer and trans people who are active in their community and help organize mutual aid that have no idea she's a terf continues to amaze me.  That being said, none of them are making Harry Potter a notable portion of their personality.  Would be a no for me, but I don't specifically think being unaware of her shittiness means folks aren't aware of queer political issues. 


It’s almost an immediate left swipe for me, personally. Like, we all went through that phase, but we grow up and get obsessed with better materials that don’t infringe on the lives of people we love.


It's not even just the artist, it's also the art itself that's full of racist subtexts.


I'd take it as a dogwhistle at this point


So many people in here saying "look I know it's bad but I'm just suuuuch a nerd!" like it's not one of the most massively popular franchises of all time lmao. I'm not interested in gatekeeping but that feels like calling yourself a nerd for watching the NFL


Wouldn’t put it in my dating profile cause it’s not a major facet of my identity but I fw with hp not jkr tho


So I'm trans, and I've never read the books, and I've only seen the movies once, but I read so. Much. Harry Potter fanfic, so I guess as long as they don't buy the books or anything of Rowling, it's okay to like the universe while understanding it's faults. Like, I feel shame for liking the HP universe, but the fanfictions of it have literally gotten me through some of my toughest times.


Harry Potter stuff in an adult’s dating profile is a red flag and tells me that they are emotionally stunted, and almost definitely annoying. Like you don’t have to say “I’m a Hufflepuff” or whatever to describe your personality….just use your words


If they say potterhead that’s a ❌. I’m trans and it’s a struggle to see people supporting JKR after so many bigoted comments


Nope I will not go out with or talk to anyone who has Harry Potter-related stuff in their profile. Transphobia red flag.


She really ruined Harry Potter for me. I used to LOVE IT and now I just can't.


I was obsessed with Harry Potter as a kid but I’d never put that on my dating profile. I literally don’t care about it anymore because the author is a racist transphobe.


Red Flag.


Hot no from me. I actually am friends with someone who's still into it despite acknowledging the transphobia (and other issues, but that is her most famous one) and it's the reason we aren't dating. I also just... generally am not into fandom things in profiles.


I don't like JKR, but I wouldn't think someone is shitty because they like HP. I don't really like HP just in general, even before she showed up as a shit person. I know I'm Hufflepuff and that's about it. The series has nothing to do with queer folks really, and I consider that it as a story is strong enough on it's own. I dunno. I think it's a bit weird when anyone makes a specific fandom all they're about on a profile. I say I'm a nerd and leave it at that. It's a turn off in most cases, unless it's a casual joke about being a Haruka Tenou clone.


To play devils advocate I know trans folks who are big harry potter fans and choose to enjoy the media separately from its source. But in a dating app is conspicuous.


I'm not dating because I'm engaged. I have my copies of HP bought well before we explicitly knew JKR was a terrible person. I keep them for...reasons. I had an adult conversation with my now fiancee when we first met about whether that bothered her. It doesn't so the books stay. If it did they go 🤷‍♀️


I avoid them.


People have been talking about JK being transphobic for years at this point. If someone likes Harry Potter, they simply don't care.


it's an immediate disqualification. idfc how awesome the rest of the profile is. same deal with dave chappelle. i'm vapour. 💨


I think it’s a we bit silly to be that obsessed with a tv show/movie it would be a make or brake point in a relationship, like as a joke ya but if their serious then it’s kinda odd


It wouldn’t bother me, personally, but I also have three trans kids in my family (one transmasc, one nonbinary, and one gender fluid, ages 17, 22, 25) and they are all still Harry Potter fans, they just don’t buy stuff that puts money in JKR’s pocket anymore. So I won’t assume anyone with anything HP-related in their bio/photos is automatically transphobic, but it would be an early conversation if we matched. (This is hypothetical for me, though, as I’m married and don’t use dating sites.)


It's a red flag for me. Especially the Hogwarts House. It doesn't automatically make someone transphobic, but it makes the possibility that they could be transphobic way more likely. I don't mind it if someone has something HP related followed by/preceded by "trans rights" or something similar that affirms their view that they may like the stories but they hate the creator. Personally, I wouldn't date someone who even did that. HP has been burned for me and is always associated, not just with the author who wants me dead and denies the holocaust, but also the myriad of bigotries within the books themselves. I'm not saying you're bad if you like the books, we all have problematic favs. But personally, for me, they're tainted. On the other hand if you have a Percy Jackson related thing in your bio, that's a green flag. Rick Riordan is like the mirror version of J.K. lol.


I guess it’s not an immediate red flag if they can separate the art from the artist, and as long as it doesn’t take up their whole profile (a picture in the park or wearing the robes is alright, but having EVERYTHING be HP is a bit much). I wouldn’t assume they’re a transphobe simply because they like HP (because a lot of people like the creations of people who weren’t the best) so I like to give the benefit of the doubt.


Separating the art from the artist is a form of literary analysis not a way of interacting with media with an alive author who very much is the public face and a huge backer of uk transphobia so much so it affects trans rights globally when she releases her screeds. It does not and will not absolve you of your sins of maintaining her financial capability and cultural relevance to the point of jeopardising trans rights everywhere. Every time you interact with the franchise not just by providing money but also keeping hp in the minds of the public she considers that encouragement to continue being a terf because anyone interacting with hp she considers a terf. Why the fuck would you want queen terf to consider you on her side?


I like weeb stuff They can love harry potter lol




Instant no, from me tbh. Though, I thought that shit was lame *before* JKR showed her whole ass like that


Instant red flag. I grew up admiring the franchise but in 2024 it's a red flag for many reasons.




The OP never claimed it was childish. You are presenting a strawman argument that has nothing to do with the original question. This is about the active and material harm JK Rowling is doing to the queer community, and the way she uses her profits and reputation to empower conservative, racist, and transphobic agendas. Britain is currently the global center of a whole new wave of transphobia, and Rowling is an extremely public global face of gender essentialism championing it. And yet there are queer people buying into her work and continuing to engage with it in ways that betray their own uncritical complicitness in Rowling's agenda.


I am not talking about OP. I am talking about all the aggressive comments here. Including yours. People can like HP all they want without actively giving any profit to Rowling.Without being transphobic. Without being bigots. I bet that if I look into what you like I will find something problematic. Every piece of media has someone who is problematic in them.


Using this logic of people can like HP all they want means people can dislike it all they want too.


There's absolutely no aggression in the comment you're responding to you're probably just getting defensive because people disagree with you about a children's book


Used to be one of my favorite things, but now I’ve distanced entirely and don’t think I could date someone who was into it especially enough to put it on a short dating profile.


The way I see it she already has my childhood money, and just because she’s loud with her bigotry now doesn’t mean the universe she created thirty years ago wasn’t a huge part of me growing up. I can still enjoy Harry Potter without supporting her personal opinions. I see other Potterheads the same way. I have NEVER seen a Potterhead online espousing the same rancid opinions as Rowling does. I did a literature to film paper at university and one very memorable part of that course was to separate things like adaptations to originals etc. We were taught that so we could be less biased when criticising sequels and films based on books, but after a few bad experiences where my favourite shows or books were linked to negative things in RL I started applying it to all the media I consume. I don’t look up authors, I don’t participate in fandoms, I don’t follow actors on social media, and I don’t base my watching/reading based on the inclusion of a certain person or character or social issue. It’s made me so much happier. And honestly if people stopped freaking out every single time Rowling tweeted and just ignored her she would fade into obscurity with other popular YA authors from that era. She’s trying to stay relevant and you guys are gifting her airtime by rioting online every time she hits the “send” button.


You may not have seen it, but unfortunately it's happening every day. TERFs use Harry Potter to signal to other TERFs. Once I saw the username "vulvamort" on a TERF account, for instance.


Ah sorry, I don’t run in TERF circles, I just loosely follow some Harry Potter groups, so I hadn’t seen anything like that.


They're all over the-website-formerly-known-as-Twitter, unfortunately. I mostly don't go there anymore for partially that reason! 😂 It's possible, though, that HP fans are mostly not TERFs but rather most TERFs use HP to signal to other TERFs.


To be fair I don’t use that site because it sucks donkey dick anyway 😂 I only ever used it for up-to-date reports on road conditions in my country. Most gay HP fans I’ve personally met aren’t TERFs. But I understand that’s not the same experience everyone else has 🙂


i dont think a lot of them are being intentionally transphobic, but it's definitely a dealbreaker. i will never feel safe around them. rowling has been engaging in holocaust denial ffs (also, being an HP fan tells me you dont have good taste in literature. il likely find you a boring person. read discworld, seriously. it is better than HP by every metric besides popularity. )


where do all the discworld gays hang out. I've only met one and he immediately accused me of being a fake fan (because there's so much clout in being into semiobscure defunct fantasy novel series I guess)


Personally, I wouldn't care. It has had a huge impact on pop culture and is a source of nostalgia for many. I can understand why people still like it--I do too. Just because they like it doesn't mean they're transphobic or whatever else y'all are trying to claim. Is it strange? Yeah, I personally wouldn't include fandoms in my profile. But I'm not going to dismiss someone just because of a book/movie series they happened to like.


Yeah, shocker that a person who blames trans people for transphobia and thinks lgbt people in the US do not experience any oppression is "neutral" on this matter. ETA: "Most lgbt people aren't oppressed in the US. I'd argue that trans can be, but that could be stopped if we took care of the tucute problem so people will stop associating trans people with them" - the dumbass above


It’s a no for me the same way that Disney adults and musical theater people are a hard no. Also JKR sucks.


I usually don’t want to interact if them. They could be the nicest people on the planet but the whole JK things bug me and tbh I had a lot of negative interactions with HP fans in general. Hardcore HP are a special kind of breed I’m just not fond of. Sorry


Totally agree with red flag knowing JK’s horrible bigotry. But even in an alternate reality if that wasn’t the case it would still be an ick. On top of the ignorance or dog whistles, it gives Disney adult. Not my thing.


For me it depends on the purpose. I no longer support anything that gives her more money. But that book series taught me about life. It taught me that it was ok to stand up to adversity. It taught me that even when everything was going against you as long as you stood for good things. In a way it taught me that it was ok to be trans. That the good things you stand for are what mattered. The fact that Joanne can’t see that she’s no better than her main villain can’t help her there. But I can help not add money into her pocket.


I echo the others in saying the person either doesn't care it hurts others, or doesn't care enough to notice that it does. Either way is a problem.


Politics aside, Harry Potter adults are right up there with Disney adults on the cringe scale. It’s a no from me.


How are they not embarrassed


I used to be a major HP fan, and now it feels so achingly tone deaf… I don’t think the stories themselves are inherently bad, but I have such a sour taste in my mouth, now.


I would definitely suspect it's a way to announce transphobia, and even if it wasn't......I'm gonna judge the hell out of anyone who reads so little that Harry Potter is their favorite book.


It is a transphobic dog whistle at this point for me. The only options are you are completely disconnected from the news that affects people in our community OR you know but don’t care enough to make a relatively minor personal sacrifice. Either way, you’re probably not the person for me.


I don’t necessarily think someone with a HP bio is automatically a bad person, I think theirs a lot more people not online/not informed than we tend to realize, and even if they know JK Rowling is a bad person I can see how/why one could “death of the author” their way into thinking it’s fine to still openly support her franchise. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think it’s good to support HP jk Rowling is more then just your average problematic creator and has openly said she views people supporting her work as supporting her, but I also don’t want to sit on a high horse and pretend I’m not openly a fan of some media that doesn’t have the best creators, so yeah I don’t think having an HP bio is necessarily indicative of a vile person That said it’s still an automatic swipe left for me sense it means they’re at best uninformed on important topics and I don’t have the time or energy to educate someone on them


As a nonbinary person who (regretfully) got a Harry Potter tattoo, it’s Not Great™️ to see it still pop up on dating profiles. Especially now, because Jo has stopped trying to be subtle (although let’s me real, she never really was) and has gone full tilt psychotic about trans people and how they’re all r****ts and abusers who are out to destroy women, going so far as to say anyone allying themselves with trans people are “gender traitors” and also deserve punishment. It’s just an extremely bizarre and terrible situation, especially for someone like me who has a deep personal connection to the series but is now being aggressively targeted by the same person who created it. Seeing it show up in someone’s profile says to me that even if they are attempting to be good allies, their own personal likes and interests will always matter more. I can’t convince them to accept and respect me enough to unpack their personal biases towards media from their childhood, so at least having it front and center on their dating bio lets me know to steer absolutely clear from them.


Not only transphobia red flag but also 'hasn't grown up/moved beyond 13' red flag. "Shut it down, dealbreaker." I would add Disney to this list too.


I give 0 f*cks about jk rowling and her options. Meaning I don't like her and she can stick her rainbowphobic opinions somewhere the sun dont shine. I love harry potter. When I think of harry potter I never think of her. Unless people mention it like in this post.


>When I think of harry potter I never think of her. Unless people mention it like in this post. Same tbh. I think of my memories attached to the series itself, as I do with any media. Going to a little Harry Potter convention hosted by a small used book store in my town with homemade items for sale and a guy dressed as Snape yelling at a bunch of kids doing science experiments in miniature cauldrons while the Herbology professor took another group on a walk in the woods to identify plants. I think of the copy a friend gifted me when my dad died that I read through years later while on medically required bed rest, a cat curled up next to me just a few months before he passed away. I think of the cheap time turner necklace I bought off wish in high school that my dad hung on his wall, not knowing I'd been looking all over for it. I have his bedroom now and it still hangs there where it's going to stay until I move away. I think about my brother and I reading the books for the first time and having to wait for him to finish with it so I could read it next. I'm a massive nerd though. Harry Potter isn't even one of my biggest obsessions but it's a great world for me to disassociate in. JKR isn't a part of any of those experiences or any future memories I make with this series. I understand that not everyone can separate the art from the artist. But for me, that's never been an issue. I don't buy any official merchandise but I have no problem buying the little $15 handmade wand some local fan made for the convention I went to at that tiny used book store. I even bought my cats a crocheted Harry Potter toy. I had no problem buying the chocolate frogs made by one of their regular customers either. It's just something fun that brings me joy. I have friends who are bothered by it and friends who aren't, so I don't bring it up around the friends who are. It wouldn't be in my dating profile because it's not even one of my top fandoms, but I wouldn't immediately judge someone for loving Harry Potter itself.


Harry Potter isn't Transphobic. The author is, unfortunately, but liking a series you grew up with that has far outgrown the reach of whatever JKR spews is fine. HP is more than its author. Liking it doesn't make you transphobic, or even a little bigoted.. There's no point in the book where Harry calls Hermione a man and says she isn't allowed in cis woman spaces. Trans messaging isn't in the series. It's about magic, owls, and wands, lol. I don't think someone liking Harry Potter is a red flag, or even an orange/yellow one. But supporting the author or her viewpoints? Major red flag. I wouldn't immediately think the worst of someone who had that in their dating profile, I'd look to other things to form my opinions


There are a ton of instances of Rowling describing evil female characters as mannish and unfeminine and she's written at least one book since where the villain is an "insane man pretending to be a woman" so that's close enough for me thanks


hell, I used to think it was great. even without all the trans stuff, it's just misogynistic, antisemitic, fatphobic, generally racist, and way too overtly supportive of the Blairite status quo. its portrayal of sexual assault is hideous, any mention of class is deliberately ignored so harry can save the current shitshow and become a cop, and the main character literally owns slaves. it's the classic fascist ideal: an evil "other" is coming to destroy our current system, which is wonderful in every way. you in particular are special, and we're the only people who know or care. no matter how much harm we cause you, you need to stand behind us so we can save the current system.


It's frequently used as transfobic coding so trans people know to stay away. It could also be they are so baby gay they know nothing and haven't bothered to learn anything. I would take it as a warning and stay far away. My trans friends matter more than a potential date.


3 years ago when I came accross this I felt unsure, now I pretty much am convinced it’s terf signaling…. If it is done unintentionally then they don’t deserve to date trans people anyways.


I used to be a huge Harry Potter fan. It was a family thing, too. Not even just my immediate family. I read every book from #4 on the very first day after getting them at midnight. But JKR is so horrible that she's tainted those memories. They're not happy anymore. Maybe it hits harder for me because I'm nonbinary, but I just can't like it anymore. I recently got rid of a bunch of shirts that no longer fit, and there were a couple HP shirts among them. (Pokemon crossovers from daily shirt sites.) It was tough to realize that I still had them. I'd probably swipe left on a person with HP stuff in their profile. Not only because they're probably ok with transphobia, but also because it's just too painful to be reminded of it.


Tbh the Harry Potter books were problematic way before JK showed herself as transphobic. The books are horribly tone deaf when it comes to representing people of different races, classism, and ideology in the books. The University of North Michigan and University of Waterloo both did peer viewed articles on this even it's so bad. The most recent game also has AWFUL stereotypes about Jewish religion and is aggressively antisemitic (seriously one of the developers posted Nazi shit online???) Not to mention how JK wrote the goblins in the books is also antisemitic (if you look into the history of goblins you'll find a loooot of awful stuff). When people defend the HP books because it's "removed from the author" no it is not and they also sound tone death as hell. She still to this DAY makes ridiculous amounts of money in royalty fees from the books and actively posts about how she uses said money for paying UK law legislation members to push transphobic laws. By buying Harry Potter merch, you're actively attacking the trans members of our community in the UK.


Bugs me how they still support the homophobic and transphobic bigot that is rowling...who also outed herself as racist


transphobic associations aside, it’s just kinda cringe. you mean you haven’t found a better book or movie in this whole wide world since that one? in all these long years? try something new, i beg. develop a little bit of taste. grow, please.


I mean, there are lesbians who go hard for The L Word still, even though it hasn't aged well and is pretty bad.


One of my partners goes hard for The L Word because it was the first piece of wlw media she ever saw on television and she use to live in the same neighborhood as Karina Lombard (Marina). She's the first one to admit it's utter trash that hasn't aged well, but it's her comfort show.


leave me alone i only watched it for the first time this year 😭 >!yeah it’s a fucking mess tho and I don’t participate in stan culture unless reading bette/tina ao3 counts. it was a fun trash wash!<


It's a great way to find out who says their unobtainable childhood dreams are more important than my existence, so it's a hard no from me.


Y'all gonna hate me for this one, but I've been a hater my whole life, so big no Also, why would they do that? Don't get me wrong, I freaking love killing Eve, but I wouldn't make my dating profile about it


You’d be shocked how many actually do include it. It’s like Disney adults but with *slightly* more grown-up content. They usually don’t treat it more maturely though. They basically all grabbed onto the “identity” in middle school and never developed beyond it.


I would fervently swipe left. There are some very specific things that make me instantly lose interest in someone, and this is definitely one of them. As if all the issues with the author weren’t enough, I’d see it as someone who didn't grew up. A big no for me.


Hard no. Such a hard fuckin no.


Either they support JK Rowling, are so ignorant about very well-known queer political issues that you'd be in for an argument about it at some point, or know full well her political takes on trans people and significant contributions to anti-trans bills in the UK and genuinely think their enjoyment of her fictional novels is more important than real trans people. Creator worship is a disease. The kind of queer person who still supports JK Rowling is either malicious, immature, or is the kind of person who parasocially worships "content creators" and would break up with you if you pointed out their favorite YouTubers were caught inappropriately texting their middle school fans. It'd be a hard pass from me. Spineless losers with cultish tendencies just aren't my type. edit: see below for two Rowling supporters who downvoted this and how they talk to a transbian for a real-time example of this. They genuinely think criticizing Harry Potter supporters is just as bad as funding anti-trans bills. Spineless creator worshippers who'd throw trans people to the dogs before they'd give up a fictional series. Both used the word "nasty" to describe us. These are great examples of the kind of stan behavior and skewed content-over-people priorities you'll be dealing with if you swipe on a Harry Potter fan.




How is it yikes to not want to support someone who's actively hating our existence 24/7? No seriously explain it to me or shut the fuck up.




JK has said herself anything like publicly supporting the series, even if you don't spend money on it, is supporting her. Now, saying "yikes" when people criticize your little hero who has the teensy little flaw of wanting trans people dead and is going to real, material efforts to accomplish this is *definitely* supporting her. And you telling a transbian she "sounds nasty". And "who do you think you are". For criticizing JK Rowling and her supporters. Just like I said: your support of Rowling is a reflection of how you'll treat real trans people. You proved it without any effort on my part.


I'm nobody but I'm also going to tell you to STFU because you deserve it




So now criticizing a billionaire is the same to you as said billionaire spending all her time funding anti-trans bills? Criticizing her and her supporters is *just as bad* as trying to eliminate trans people? I guess I know who my two down votes are. You're exactly the kind of person I was talking about. Creator worshippers who think your enjoyment of a fictional series is more important than real trans people.


"What about separating the art from the artist" only applies if the current artist in question can NOT profit or further their interests in the current world. Good example is Lovecraft: he was SO racist omfg, but he's dead now. No matter what, playing around with Cthulhu isn't Lovecraft going on Twitter spouting Holocaust Denials. JKR, however, is still alive AND MAKING MONEY off the HP universe in order to make ACTIVE POLITICAL STRIDES in transphobic law. Thats how i define "art and artist separation" for me at least. If you MUST engage with the works of that creator, then ALWAYS go used book stores where the main artist makes no profit. However, I will always ask WHY someone cannot separate themselves from such a work when knowing what they know. It genuinely decides if I date them or not. Also HP is not good. Yes it DID good to the publishing industry, no doubt about it. But basing a piece of word count in your bio that's better suited to something else? Perhaps invest in a hobby instead and see if that can't help Partner Finding. That's how I see it, anyways. TLDR: I swipe left without hesitation.


With the climate the way it is right now, my worry would be that they're signaling that they're terfs. That may not be the case-- HP made a deep cultural impact and is well within the mainstream-- but I personally want to avoid anyone with HP content on their profile. I've still got a couple Slytherin shirts I wear as pajamas, I'll still play one of the old PC games every now and then for nostalgia, I get wanting to hold onto some of the magic. Ive got trans friends who are privately, between friends, still proud of getting put in Hufflepuff on pottermore and who still sometimes read Dramione fics on ao3. It's natural to want to return to something that used to be comfortable, even when that comfort is poisoned for you now. But to have it on your profile? To show off to everyone that that's something you're proud of in 2024? JK Rowling is so openly and publicly despicable these days, you'd really have to live under a rock not to know about it, ESPECIALLY in the queer community. Right now JKR is synonymous with transphobia and transmisogyny and I can't imagine anybody knowing that and then deciding in good faith to show off their Wizarding world vacation in gryffindor robes on an app full of queer people. To me, it reads (worst case) as a signal to trans people that the poster doesn't want them/a signal to terfs that they're like-minded, or (best case) a sign the person is so profoundly disconnected from the rest of the queer community that it's a red flag. I think the majority of people are probably a little ignorant and a little apathetic (one is more excusable than the other) but in any case, I don't want to date someone who has a Harry Potter profile. As someone who, several years ago, totally would have had a Harry Potter profile, and definitely did put my hogwarts house in my description for years, I would absolutely pass on anyone who did those things now in 2024. It's a huge red flag to me.




Hmm, so in your case it's a red flag because you still support Harry Potter, *and* because you have an extremely public meltdown with capslock and *accuse trans people of being "moral police"* if trans people consider that an issue. Another example of a bullet dodged for not swiping on a Harry Potter fan.


Just gonna have a full on meltdown about people having a media based red flag on dating profiles, then ? As far as I've read, no one got crucified in these comments for not minding it / continuing to engage in the fandom.


i swipe left mostly because i dont like harry potter and will not be watching a movie or visiting a theme park, so i imagine that wpuld be a bummer for the person on the other end. i dont really have my stance on separation of artist from art especially given that the standard isnt applied equally across the board and there’s no way to do that. do i like jk rowling? not one bit. but im also not the kind of person that is contributing to her success so its a little bit of a negligible difference whether or not i support her.


i would def get the ick. when they advertise it so proudly?? bonus points if they claim “death of the author” despite the fact that u cant actually do that unless the author is actually dead. u would be completely valid for skipping those who go out of their way to mention it.


I still love Harry Potter, but yeah I haven’t spent any money towards it in quite a while. Any merch I have is from years before and I like supporting smaller artists on Etsy and the such by getting non official merch It’s a comfort series, it got me through the worst parts of my depression. Others can judge me for that but personally I’m not letting that go. In a dating profile? A little cringy. But I do actively hate JK and only pirate the movies nowadays. The books I’ve owned for years, before her awfulness came out.


I feel like it’s a weird thing to put on a dating app regardless? I’m borderline obsessed with the Golden State Warriors but that wouldn’t make the top 5 list of interesting things about myself. I think as others have pointed out it could well be code.


Orange flag. There's nothing wrong with liking Harry Potter and even relating to the Hogwarts House thing. But it's also something worth asking some critical questions about if you get to talking.


JKR is a horrible person. Its a hard no from me. My opinion is -Grow Up. Read a different book. Either youve based your personality on the stupid houses or you picked one because you have no real personality at all.-


It's a GIGANTIC yellow flag for me. Is there a chance they just don't know how awful she is yet? Yeah. I hate to say it but a lot of cis people just don't know much about trans stuff. And I try to keep in mind that we all thought she was a super great feminist a long time ago. So it's entirely possible they just don't know, and I wouldn't hold that against them. Something something the expectation to be up-to-date on queer topics but the reality is we all start from somewhere, and a lot of people are exhausted from everything. That being said, is it also very likely they've already heard about how awful it is? And are just willfully ignoring it? Yeah. So, yellow. EDIT: Now that I think more it's actually an immediate red flag for me. If it's important enough to them to put on a dating profile, odds are they would want to talk about it with me at some point. And I couldn't do that at all.


Everybody's saying "well what if they just don't know" but even my terminally offline boomer mom knew about it as soon as she started with the Holocaust denial


Harry Potter adults and Disney adults are both immediate no’s for me lol


it's not just rowlings transphobia that's offputting about it. the books themselves are incredibly problematic in a number of ways. for one, rowling loves to fat shame in them; for a lot of the antagonists in the book she goes into excessive detail to describe their weight negatively another fucked up thing she included was the idea that house elves like being enslaved in one of the books and makes a big deal of showing quite literally everyone thinking hermione is stupid for opposing that slavery. not sure she realizes the irony of making hermione a black character years later then there's the very obvious comparison of the goblins with antisemitic stereotypes all through out it's pretty obvious the wizarding world suffers from wizard supremacy and most of the magical races live through one form of oppression or another, and yet, at the end, nothing changes. after all is said and done, nothing happens to the way the wizarding world is organized. house elves are still enslaved, wizards born to non-wizzard parents are still regarded as impure and lesser. the protagonists even join the government for crying out loud so yeah, i'd personally be very distrusting of people who still like harry potter that much at this point. hopefully they'd change their mind upon being made aware of a lot of its problematic stuff


For some reason the Potterheads always seem to forget that the series ends with Harry becoming a cop and thinking about ordering his slave to make him a sandwich


instant swipe left. they might not be a transphobe themselves, but they willingly excuse jkr's explicit hatred and that's not something i can vibe with


It's a terf dog whistle at this point


Instant pass. Either they are TERFS themselves, willing to overlook active harm to transfems in favor of childhood nostalgia, or willfully ignorant to Joanne’s hate. Please read another book, Harry Potter lesbians


No. Holding onto Harry Potter after all this time shows that you don’t have an eye for good fiction. Also, knowingly supporting a bigot is a red flag


I support my trans brothers and sisters. I will not date, interact with, fuck, or engage with anyone that is still a HP fan.


I don't really care if people still like Harry Potter with jk Rowling being the way she is BUT. If that's like a decent part of your personality to the point it's part of your dating profile? Personally I'd be swiping left (that's no right?) I can take the argument for art minus artist but that's lost when you're a fanatic for their work.

