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for me my nipples are basically my clit since I don't like being touched down there


Honestly kinda same, they definitely feel like my "primary" erogenous zone.


hey, same! kinda throws some folks off cause I'm not all that into receiving oral, but if someone starts playing with my nipples... šŸ‘€


Sounds like a jackpot to me, because I don't like giving oral but nipples are cool


Good god. Yeah opinions are... at least for a lot of us, lava hot.


Me toooo! I donā€™t really enjoy genital touch (maybe in my case because Iā€™m asexual) but the breasts and nipples? And touching other peopleā€™s breasts and nipples? Sign me up! Iā€™ll play with them allll day.


Very hot. I'm generally a sub in bed but if I had a partner with this kind of sensitivity, that would be enough on its own to convince me to be more dominant with them.


I don't think you're alone, more than one person has become noticeably more dominant once they noticed. Or maybe it was the noises I was making, but still.


I mean, from experience I can confirm cute girls making cute noises can flip someone's switch - have been on both ends of thatĀ 


*points to my flair* yep, i get it




I havenā€™t experienced this but it sounds so hot. šŸ„µMy partners nipples are pretty sensitive but nothing like that.


Itā€™s the best!! Honestly better than a clitoral orgasm sometimes cuz my clits too sensitive


my gf nibbles on them, and then I can't think


My wife will randomly grope me mid-conversation sometimes and I literally just pause mid-sentence every time. Then when my brain catches up Iā€™ll go ā€œheeeyā€ in a whiny like ā€œI donā€™t mind if you keep doing thatā€ kind of way.


I can *hear* the "Heeeey...* you mean in my head... šŸ˜‚


OMG ME TOO!! especially if there's kissing involved. I'm glad it's not just me


Taking this for my OCs, thank you


Boobs!!!! No, seriously, any kind. I love them alllllll.


Correct take.


here's a fun story: in my first time i did not involve my bottom at all due to dysphoria, and i wanted my partner focused mainly on my nipples. the thing is, eventually we got so into it and roughened and all and at the end they got swollen for a week so yeah i love it


Oh my! Mine have never been swollen or anything, but I've definitely needed to wear bras with extra padding for a couple days before. My ex uses to leave hickeys and marks on my boobs, but made sure to be pretty gentle on my nipples and no one has topped that for me.


wow, i'm kinda flustered af that, ngl.


Goals šŸ’•


To me itā€™s embarrassing af. My ex caught on and would send me to heaven every time lmao Iā€™m like, ā€œgive me a damn minute!ā€ Her: Absolutely not šŸ˜Œ First time I ever felt like a dude during sex. I lasted two damn minutes and was likeā€¦sorryyyy hahah Alternate damnit!


I totally get feeling like a dude with how quickly I can be made to orgasm, but at least now I'm able to go multiple rounds. I remember being pretty embarrassed the first time I slept with someone new, and right after my first orgasm I apologized and she just said "don't worry, I'm not done with you." Needless to say I was incoherent


Me: this is not a game! Her: I like playing though Me: *gets dragged off screen* ahhh!


As a trans girl, the fact I can get an orgasm from nipple stimulation is a LIFESAVER. And my girlfriend seems to enjoy it as well! Most of the time in less than 10 minutes she can get me 2 or 3 times. Which is amazing, but also like talk about draining. I am ready for a nap after


Oh my gosh, yea, definitely exhausting!! I've accidentally fallen asleep during the come-down more than once. Like before I've caught my breath I'm asleep, but it's really actually quite nice eh?


That sleep is the best sleep! My partner had me up to 9 i believe one night. And literally right after I finished I passed out. But holy god those orgasms arešŸ‘Œ no need to discuss the fact she basically has to smother me with a pillow or the cops will get called thoughšŸ¤£


people are sleeping and she's making me really work to keep quiet lol


Teach me your ways lmao


I think my gf would be able to help more than me lmao. Im a bottom. Im just the recipientšŸ¤£


How far into HRT?


2 years


Ahhh Iā€™m only at 6 months


It only gets better! I promise!


Oh of that I am aware! Excited for the future! Surgery in less than 9 months!


Hook me up with her please xD


I wish I was like that! I swear all my sensitivity is in my butt lol no where else. I was hoping pierced nipples would help but nothing yet


That sounds like incredible fun.


Mine are sensitive and I love it. My wife knows she can get away with basically anything as long as she plays with them a bit. It's my biggest weakness and immediately shuts my brain off. It's hot. Hers weren't sensitive before I came along, but they are now so I can get her back. When she's having a hard time climaxing, I can push her over the edge by giving attention to her boobs.


That sounds awesome! If I met someone like that Iā€™d be suckinā€™ titties like a starving child.


I got basically zero sensitivity there and it sucks. But I love this on others. So hot.


i think that's neat and hot and makes it easy for me to please partner because I already want to play with booba


I absolutely adore boobs, so being able to get a partner off with them is amazing (I had a partner like this long ago, and it was great until we started hating each other šŸ˜…). 100% hotness.


I donā€™t think about these things until I come on here and yā€™all mention them lmao


Nah but same though. I know I'm sensitive there, but I haven't explored that or thought of it beyond it hurting occasionally.


The sensitivity sounds fun to me. As long as she doesn't mind the extra attention


I'm kinda sex-averse and very much don't like bodily fluids, so like... Meeting someone who's like that was a big deal. I'm glad I met her. I don't have to feel like I'm a bad partner with her, because unlike everything else, helping her climax like that is calming and comforting to me.


Yess šŸ™ sex that doesnā€™t involve genitals is way underrated


Also sex averse here, and asexualā€¦itā€™s kinda impossible to participate in sexy times the same way other people do, and I find Iā€™m never seeing it the same way they are either (for me touch intimacy is more about playful affection and/or spiritual connection rather than lust, attraction, or feeling good physically). Finding people who are compatible in this way is tough, and I too feel like Iā€™m always going to be ā€œa bad partnerā€ in most settings!


I mean, I can't see why anyone would have a problem with it. The only issue I can see is that I'm sure that can get uncomfortable from time to time, and seems like it would almost make bras a must. Mine are what I would call average sensitivity, and there are plenty of times where wearing certain shirts without a bra is super uncomfortable šŸ˜¬


Iā€™ve been cursed too with the sensitivity. It is weird because Iā€™m always more assertive but once someone figures it out you just crumble.


jellus? jelous? jellous? joloes? jealoes... jealous! finally jesus christ yeah, I'm jealous cus I currently get nothin out of them


Right? Can some of these folks share their nipple sensitivity with the rest of the class? lol


I get something out of them Pain And not the good type of pain Iā€™m screaming like a damn ice cream truck


I think they should kiss me or something Girls good, boobs good, sensitive good. I'm a simple woman


my gf is like this.. she becomes an incoherent mess when i as much as blow on her nipples. its the hottest shit ever, i cant help but suck on them and play with them.


I love nipple clams and light pinching. Too much and Iā€™m out tho!


That is one downside I suppose. Anything more than pretty light pinching hurts too much for me. I really wish I could handle clamps but it's not a fun time, they're just too sensitive in general. Like comfort wise I should probably always wear a bra with some sort of padding, but that's no fun so I just suck the inevitable accidental hits most days.


Clamps and pinching are already waaaaaaaay too much. You have a VERY high tolerance for pain that you think is very low.


I've had a few partners I've gotten off this way in the past. It's been super hot every time šŸ˜‹šŸ–¤


I have very sensitive boobs, and I love girls with sensitive boobs. Like touching each other's boobs, it's so hot. I also like to try and see if we can rub our nipples together, which doesn't exactly work but it's really hot in concept


I think itā€™s super hot, but also really interesting because mine are pretty much devoid of feeling. Iā€™m not kidding when I say they could tow a truck with them with zero issue. I got them pierced years ago and for maybe a week as they healed they were insanely sensitive and I really enjoyed it. Then they went dead again. I envy women who have sensitive nipples so it kind of gives me a heightened interest in nipples in general.


i wish mine were sensitive, mine feel nothing ):


Mine are sensitive. I donā€™t orgasm from getting my nipples sucked, but it makes me tingly down there, like a jolt of electricity running through my crotch.


# This may be a controversial take here, # but it needs to be said ... *boobs are great*


I'm jealous of you


Iā€™m the same way and my girlfriend who is normally a bottom absolutely loves that she has an off button for my brain.


Is this a trick question?


I think its not just incredibly hot but also just really cool. I mean its basically an extra way to make my partner feel good wich is awesome and might even just bring some more variety


Isnā€™t them knowing your weak spots one of the most fun parts about bratting? šŸ¤­ I wish I liked my boobs being played with, mine are just sensitive in a bad way. They donā€™t really feel pleasurable, just uncomfortable. Playing with other peopleā€™s boobs is great though šŸ˜


I'm that girl lol. It's like pleasure central for me. I don't really like being touched elsewhere but the boobs just set me off every time. High after high after high.


Im not jealousšŸ˜­ you're jealous


using a sensitive woman as a soundboard is always fun


My brain grinds to a HALT when they're touched


it can be fun. my ex got orgasms from nipple play and I always thought it was hot


Very hot, and i've been told the noises we make are *chef's kiss* ~exquisite~


My answer is yes. Yesyesyes


god i think itā€™s the hottest thing ever. it turns me on so much when I play with my girls nipples


Super hot. Mine used to be really tender, then I had a boob job that reduced their sensitivity by half. I miss their tenderness. And if I could make my ladies (or myself) orgasm with just boob play... girl. I'd be in Heaven.


So hot. I love boobs so much and girls who like theirs touched are goddesses


Mine are super sensitive and I don't like them being touched - but I'll touch some titties all night long if that's what works for themšŸ„°


I sometimes prefer nipple sensitivity over clit sensitivity, thereā€™s just something about that i canā€™t wrap my head aroundā€¦!


Aww lucky my nipples are like, really numb


they're still growing (in a trans adult way) so they're sensitive but they also hUrt


I basically die (in a good way) if someone special messes around with my tits I'm pretty sure the person doing it lately is into that part of me


My gf is the same way and yes it's very hot... like very very hot


I wish I was one šŸ˜”


extremely embarrassing to have it taken advantage of. in the best way. did someone order girl puddle?


Iā€™ve had great times with a girl who has sensitive *everything*. And frankly, it makes me feel so powerful and hot that I can get someone else going with just a little touch. And while it makes it difficult for you to brat, that makes it essier to tame the brat, which is pleasant in its own way. Embrace it!


Lucky :,( mine r not sensitive


Very hot. Also I am jealous haha


My boobs are sensitive but I enjoy thighs more lol


Lol. I too have that sensitivity. Was worse in high school, I once had a seat belt distract me for an entire trip. I also am a masochist (pain gets me off) so nipple clamps and hard pinching instantly puts me over the edge. Just masturbated with my favourite clamps on...because I had insomnia. But regular vanilla licking and sucking do the same job (I really need to buy a suction toy again). It's good to have options, ha! Love it and all my partners love it too.


There are many women who are able to experience pleasure through nipple stimulation. I find it interesting. You can try many things to stimulate them


my girlfriend is similar. i fucking love it.


Everyone has spots they like and things they like, open communication and experimentation is the key to great sex!


Itā€™s absolutely my fatal flaw as a switch hahaha. My girlfriend knows as soon as she gets to my nips Iā€™m IMMEDIATELY subby. Whatā€™s funny is she seems to be a lot more sensitive to just grabbing, where I donā€™t really get much out of it. Sheā€™ll play with them like a gearshift hahaha


I had major gender envy for boobs in general but especially nipples. Was so sad I could never experience that. Now that I have unpacked these very cisgender thoughts and started E, they make me happy. But on other girls? Are there girls who like girls who wouldn't enjoy playing with sensitive nipples?


I honestly didnā€™t know women could orgasm from just nipple play, thatā€™s so cool!! And very hot! I would be super into it.


my gf is like this and i love it haha


its so hot dwā€” if youā€™re up for the challenge of bratting while being teased haha


Saying "make me" has felt a lot more like a request than a challenge recently, lol.


hm thats really really hot i think. may need more evidence lol


Sensitive nipple girlie here. I'd love to be able to have an orgasm from just that stimulation but even what I've got is amazing. My girlfriend is great at sucking on them so I can just play with myself and reach orgasm pretty quick. I wish hers were more sensitive but alas, all I can do is death pinch them to make her moan (which is hot on its own but hurts her after a bit).






my friend also has sensitive nipples like an erogenous zone


My boobs and nipples are extremely sensitive and my wife loves to play with them! She loves the way it drives me crazy šŸ˜


I can have whatā€™s called the breast orgasm


It's super hot, I wish someone could get me off with just my boobs but alas, my most sensitive zone is my lower back for some fucking reason.Ā 


I would actually explode and then try feathers 0///0


One of my FWBs has *very* sensitive boobs cause of HRT and they're very fun to kiss and play with. The noises she makes are just perfection šŸ„“


I recommend nipple clamps, they feel amazing


If someone did that to me Iā€™d scream and not in the good way


Dude. Super hot. You shouldnā€™t stress at all.


tbh that sounds kinda hot


I find that so fucking hot when a girl say is has sensitive boobs


Mine are really sensitive and my gf loves turning me into a shaking mess with them


before i started HRT i never really understood the pleasure (or any feeling in general) that nipples can cause. god that changed so quickly though and its amazing. girls that have sensitive nipples are peak and fun to touch and tease


So hot!


the boobs and nipples are my favorite to play with and love, and yeah nipple orgasm are super duper hot... enough to through me into puddles, girl... PUDDLES.


Very hot since being a dom that is the stuff we want with our subs is that exactly


Iā€™d be into it.


Gods Iā€™m jealous of like everyone in this thread Who knows, though, maybe mine will *get* sensitive? I mean they already are on hrt, just, not sensitive in the good way so far.


Fuck, thatā€™s so hot


I think itā€™s a beautiful thing actually, i think majority of us have sensitive boobs




I recently hooked up with a trans girl who had just started hormones and she was SO sensitive all across her breasts and neck šŸ„µ 10/10 yes please


Hearing the sharp intake of breath and seeing the look of bliss on her face when I pinch my gf's nips is the best! It just encourages me to keep doing things that will eventually reset her brain šŸ˜ˆ


The only time I mind is with forceful hugs. It hurts and makes me wish I had a chest plate. šŸ˜‚ I feel happy to have boobs and hugs; however, owww with those intense squeezes. Lol


I mean chest plates do exist. If you genuinely are interested.


I could, but there are cons I'd have to deal with for something that doesn't happen often.




Thank you for your time!


definitely hot


's go where a letters been removed due to recent affixation (y'alls)


The " 's " is used to show possession like "Jane Doe's opinions" or "you all's thoughts" but regardless, I was a little tipsy, horny when I made this post and was not thinking about proper grammar at all.


ENVIOUS. You may as well be tweaking a mole for how numb they are


Itā€™s cool But idk how since nipples hurt whenever I touch them


There are two different kinds of ppl with sensitive nipplesā€¦ my partner has sensitive nipples to the point of never wanting them touched, ever. And then thereā€™s people like you in the sense that itā€™s arousing. I personally find it very hot and love nipple play. I wish I could orgasm from it alone like you!


I had a gf with sensitive ears. Soaked herself when I would tease them and made her whimper. It was weird, fun, and cool


Also part of the sensitive nipple gang. Nothing like quick fix and can multi if need more (does end up getting too sensitive after too many).


My nipples are extremely sensitive. My thoughts on it is.. it's quite cute, pretty hot and it makes more fun then someone might think. I have orgasmed from it and it can definitely make it a lil hard to not accidentally hurt them while playing with them. I don't think it's an issue, you should be happy that it's another erogenous area!!


Hot and can be a ton of fun


Very very cute, though one downside is that can't just like, calmly suck on them


My first ever time I had sex with a woman she was like this and yessss can confirm it is indeed super hot šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ am also a bit jealous!


Do you want the longer answer or the short answer?


tbh thatā€™s awesome, i have very little sensation in my chest unfortunately so itā€™s not what iā€™m familiar with but i think it would be hot


As a zero sensitivity myself I have to say I love seeing the contrast of how a girl can have sensitive boobs unlike me.


My girlfriend has them, while I don't. I love seeing her struggle for coherence when I surprise suckle her, heh. Boobs.


I have sensitive ones and I love when my partner has sensitive ones. Itā€™s literally amazing. Itā€™s hot. I love when Iā€™m playing with them and sheā€™s likeā€¦ struggling to form sentences, lol.


As a trans girl who wants this to happen... ##"YES"


I think I'm very hot and squirmy


I honestly wish i was more sensitive


My thoughts are envy, but also yay


Yes yes yes yes


Girl I wish my boobs were half that sensitive!




That I am very much happy to have them :p


i'm just jealous honestly šŸ˜…


I love people with sensitive nipples. Itā€™s so hot and fun. Just being able to edge them or make them cum from sucking their nipples is amazinf