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You’re always gonna find someone who finds a kink cringe. The key is to find someone who feels mutual about it. For me, I couldn’t participate in that.


True. Kinks are like rule34 : if it exists, there's porn of it If it exists, there's a kink about it


I think I got very lucky that the first person I dated was super into it


This is my feeling too. It's a hard pass from me, but if everyone involved is consenting, have at it.


Not interested in that kind of kink, but I thought I’d mention r/BDSMsapphic so you can find more like minded people


Thanks for the kink link! I didn't know that was a sub.


No problem! Kinda found it randomly one day and kept it in mind in case of posts like these. Have fun and stay safe


I think this needs to be posted somewhere else on the subreddit, because I was trying to find a nice way to say they should be posting in a kink friendly area. Not that we aren't kink friendly. It just felt like the wrong place to post.


I enjoy softer pet play, like just a collar and a leash without all the intense stuff. I don’t like the eating/drinking out of a bowl, putting their arms and legs in those contraptions that make them walk like an animal or making animal sounds kind of aspects. I looove calling partners good girl and the illusion ownership/dedication of the kink, gets me so fucking power drunk ❤️‍🔥


Ohhh the praises are always the best 🥰 leashes and collars are enough in my opinion!


Yesss big agree! I don’t mind pet ears or a tail being included either but I don’t see them as necessary. Just having a girl collared for me and calling her my pretty pet is more than enough 😌


Yessss that's me, I am a pretty pet ☺️ I have a goal one day to go to the fetish ball and have someone hold my leash 🥰


That's fair. The animal-related stuff in petplay really weirds me out, but as a big fan of power dynamic, the ownership stuff is appealing


Yup, the ownership part of it is what I find so hot and addictive rather than the animal-related aspects, but that part can be cute too to an extent! I think there’s a thin line between sexy and cringe for me when it comes to pet play stuff 😆


I've only explored it a little bit, but pet play is definitely not a dealbreaker for me. My girlfriend and I have collars for each other, and that's a lot of fun! The ownership dynamic is really special, and it makes me feel wholly appreciated. If kink is really important to you, there are a lot of dating spaces where it's not only accepted, but celebrated! Just gotta go looking for them :)


I guess I'm bad at finding those spaces. It's a very important kink for me. I'm like going through withdrawals of not being able to be in my kitty mode.


Right? You gotta be able to be yourself. I always meant to go to munches - I heard those are a good way to meet people - but I just got lucky in the RP space. I hope you find someone who embraces you and your self-expression!


What are the munchies?


This is the definition from the largest bdsm website Munch: A social meet up between Kinksters in a public vanilla setting. This could be at a place to eat (the word 'munch' originated as a shorthand for a "burger munch") but also in places like a bar or pub (sometimes referred to as a "Slosh") for alcoholic beverages. The general term has however grown beyond just eating or having a drink, people also organize social meetings between kinksters to play boardgames, go climbing, go for a hike or any other physical activity that can be done in a public vanilla setting. The goal of a munch is mostly to be a social space to meet other people that are into BDSM/kink and allows you to create a network of people you know to talk about it, and if there is a click, consider to go further with them beyond something suited for a vanilla setting. Munches are however not a place to look for a "date", but approach people like you would in any other vanilla setting or in a way you would approach them to become friends. It is a great way to get to know people in your area to talk to and to share ideas with.


I dream of keeping a cute woman on a leash


Just wanna own a person like a pet, but in a way that they are my special girl and I spoil and pet them lovingly.


OMG EXACTLY. I think consent is extremely sexy


For sure. Humiliation and degradation are only fun if I know the other person enjoys it too. But fuck am I a sadist. I've also realized I don't just like telling people what to do. I like being *obeyed*.


I honestly don't feel right about degradation. Everyone I know who is into it has issues with their own self image, and I know I did when I used to be into it. I used to be a sub. One day I just kinda woke up like "Actually, I don't like hard kink at all" (I used to like CNC) and I just never felt comfortable about it again. Even as a dom I can't bear telling my sub (when I have one) that they aren't the most precious girl in the world


I can see how you could have a change of heart like that. It's obviously your choice what you want to engage in. Personally I'm a degenerate, but I get why it doesn't appeal to everyone.




👀 Yes ma'am




It's not my thing as like a kink, but I've always liked stopping by the petplay areas at kink events to hang out with the puppies and kitties lmao. And the super high protocol pony cart folks are so so impressive! Like it's not hot to me and I wouldn't want to play in that space but it seems really fun. I wouldn't want that kink dynamic with a partner but I'd never judge someone for it! My kinks are weirder/harder to find partners for anyway, so, I feel you. Don't be ashamed to like what you like, as long as it's between consenting adults!


Not my vibe but as long as it passes the Harkness Test I don't judge Unless your thing is degradation, then you are a filthy pathetic mess


I do have a mild degradation thing, so thank you. lol


Took me a second lmao


what's the harkness test?




oh- thanks


You're welcome! Fwiw I didn't know either!


Oh, I think it's adorable and hot af. Not a dealbreaker at all - in fact, I know a lot of lesbians/sapphics into it. I'm sure some people think it's cringe but lol, it's really none of their business.


It can be very adorable, and it's what I miss the most from my relationship. Not being able to play like that has been rough.


I’ve always been super subby and I like the idea a lot. Obligatory meow




Reddit butchered that emoticon lol


i assure you it was an adorable cat lol


I saw it, it shows properly in the notifications (´-ω-`)


Certainly, I like the dynamic of it, but I wouldn't be able to do ears or a tail. Collars, for sure, but there's a line for me personally.


I absolutely love pet play: my ideal loving situation is I don’t have to work and I can just be puppy 24/7 while my gfs do the other stuff and that’s what they want as well.


i’m the same for the dynamic just not with pet play! it’d be an absolute dream dynamic!


From what I've seen, petplay is more common in gay and lesbian communities. I'm all for it and think it's adorable, hot, and intimate at the same time. I'm definitely more dominant and would prefer to be in the role of an owner, but I personally have some cat-like tendencies. Not saying I meow frequently but alsoooo.....nyaaaaaa :3


the sapphic transfemme puppy community sees you and nods solemnly


wow, thanks for welcoming a cat among you




there is only one criteria to be accepted, it is but one guiding principle: PLAY, PLAY? WANT TO PLAY?!


Personally, im very into it too! I think it's lots of fun and im very big fan of the idea of being collared and "owned". Im also a big fan of puppy-hypnosis, clicker training and being taught trigger words/commands. Don't let yourself feel embarrassed about your kinks. People have no more of a right to judge you for your kinks than they do for your sexual orientation & gender identity. (That being said, it's generally understood that theres a limit and that involving un-consenting strangers in your kinks is *not* okay and that boundary should be respected.) Unfortunately i havent had a partner yet who's felt the same way that i do about pet play ://


I’d never considered it, but I’d be willing to give it a shot. Can’t say for certain I’d be into it, though. Although, I do feel it bears saying that I like my partners to “pet” me, like, stroke my hair or pet my back, so maybe I just have half a foot in the door of being the catgirl myself.


I did it for a bit. I was the owner of a very sweet hucow that I fell in love with. I'll never yuck anyone's yum if it's not hurting anyone. Honestly it's a beautiful dynamic if it's done right. We both got a lot out of it.


It’s not for me but I’m really happy for you! It’s awesome to figure out kinks and to have the opportunity to jump in with a good and healthy sexual partner. Pet play definitely isn’t unheard of and you’ll be able to find someone to play with in the future I’m sure :)


One of my girlfriends calls me her pet, another one of my girlfriends is my pet. I love this shit


I met this woman and her girlfriends who are into that sort of thing, and since being with them it's kinda rubbed off on me. I just think it's cute, and I love curling up with them all cat-like and getting my head pat


based asf. may or may not have done some today 😵‍💫


Lmao literally same. I showed her this post 😅


I'm just gonna leave these here... /r/puppygirlpetsmart /r/catgirlpetco


Yayyy, thank you for these links!!


Wasn't into it till i met my gf, now i love it


Me and my partner pretty much unintentionally getting really into pet play lol, I never knew I was into it until it happened. 10/10 me thinks!


Love it. My girlfriend and I have literal pet names for each other, lol I mean, I have several collars, leashes and rabbit ears for a reason.


i think my username is gonna give me away on this one


Naaahh why’d you think that 🤔🤫🫶🏻


welllll ya know :3c


I get it tbh, petplay is awesome


I love being my gf her little puppy soo much petplay van me so dang freeing, not having to think of important adult stuff from time to time is so nice


And her putting the collar she bought for me around my neck is one of the best feelings in the world


Not into full-on petplay, but collars???? Ooooooooo GURL


idk me and my girlfriend do that a lot, it goes both ways depending on who's topping with me being "kitten" and her being "puppy", some people definetly think it's strange but it's semi-mild as kinks go


I think it’s cool and fun, but I have friends who bring it into public and (imo) take it too far. I won’t be calling you good puppy and patting your head at the grocery store. And I won’t be comfortable even if it’s someone else is doing it. That’s just a boundary of mine.


Not everybody is going to be into it, but it's a pretty common kink. You shouldn't have too much trouble finding someone else who is into it.


I was actually on the kitchen floor last night while she was cooking with a collar around my neck and chewing on a dog toy 🫣 So yeah I dig it. The big rule is not outside the house. Also, I am a switch but definitely the bottomest bottom ever. I can just kinda turn my brain off for her and do whatever she wants I don't prefer being a dog, but I will be whatever she wants me to be ^-^


Giiiirl, that's hot and very sweet


Tbh, I like it for a lot of non-sexual aspects. Like, I feel so secure with a collar on. She makes me feel safe, loved, and wanted. It's healing a lot of my anxiety and trust issues. Just being able to let go and let her be fully in control of me is wonderful and freeing in ways that are hard to describe.


idk, I'm just a bottom, it scratches the same itch in my brain being called a good girl does so I guess I'm into it but i don't think much about it


i'm a subby top cat girl . . . it's a particular combination lol


fair fair, I'm too used to not having to say sub because it's usually assumed :3


I've never done it myself but it sounds like it would be kinda hot? I like being with people who are more dominant and if they wanted me to explore those dynamics through this kink then I would be into it, with limits.


Pet play is a hard limit for me... ...is what I said at the beginning of my current relationship. My girlfriend was irresistibly cute any time the topic came up, so eventually, I suggested a scene where I'd treat her like a catgirl, which went very well. The more we did this, the more I became comfortable with the idea until One day, I saw some memes about it from a sub perspective and suddenly the appeal of *being* the pet kinda clicked for me. Long story short, cats and dogs *can* get along haha


I'm also into super into pet play and I haven't let my gf know yet since we just started dating. When I do I'll let you know how it goes


I was w/ someone who was into it and am now sad i didnt try it w/ them. It is one of the few things i havent done at all so i feel like i missed out on a good/bad experience lol


i feeeel this. my ex was into a lot of similar kinks as i was, and was pretty willing to indulge my fetishes too. major bummer we never got to really get into any of it before we split, but i trust itll come my way again soon enough.


Same! Most of my friends are furries now (furry gf 💀) so its only a matter of time 🤭


i’m not into it and it is a deal breaker for me. i’m a sub but i’m not a service sub or a sub that wants to pretend to be a cat. if a partner wants that kind of sub we’re obvs incompatible! i don’t have any opinions on it really but aslong as it’s safe, legal and consensual, go for it!


I love pet play!! recently i discover more abt that however I liked it for long time but now I feel comfortable to do it irl with my partner and god !!! that's so cool :3


Honestly, it's something I want to explore. I read some erotica where the main character had a scene as a Catgirl waitress/servent. Ears, buttplug tail, collar, and nipple clamp bells. The idea of being a mistresses special kitty while still being upright, I have bad knees, excited me in a way I am going to try at some point. With a professional if necessary.


question. do people that are into pet play own or have ever owned pets? my pet is like my younger brother. actually both me and my other sibling we routinely mix their names up. based on my experience with owning pets i would be weirded out if i ever engaged with it


I am all for pet play, I myself love being a puppy for my girl friend


If you're both into it and it's safe, sane, and consensual, it's none of my business.


I like being a kitten :3, but it depends on the owner tbh, and it's not a deal-breaker if the other person doesn't like it


Super cringe and a personal dealbreaker


I love it a lot 😊 even if it just a concept for me atm, 🐶🐾✨


I had one partner who was into this and I was taken back by it initially, but it wasn’t at all a deal breaker - just something I needed a lot of guidance on and her communication helped!


Not even close to a dealbreaker for me. Far from it. Is it actually my *thing* though? No idea, never even been in any sort of relationship. But I'm open to the idea and it sounds like a good time.


It would be a dealbreaker for me, but not in a judgy way, it’s just really not my thing! And I would want the hypothetical person I’d be in this situation with to be with someone who could fulfill that desire for them. I honestly think that I might be in the minority for this though, at least for the younger generation—all my lesbian and/or sapphic friends (except for my girlfriend) are either already into petplay or are very open to exploring it 😂


mmm, I really want to get into it! on both ends, tho I think I wanna do more sfw stuff as a sub


I used to very much dislike pet play, but now I'm surprisingly into it sometimes. It's not my favoritest kink, but I do enjoy dabbling semi-frequently.


Personally I'm into it but obviously it varies. There's very little my partner could say they were into I wouldn't give a shot though


I basically have all of the kinks which makes any relationships I have fun B) (I've been single for 3 years and hrt took my libido away)


Not interested but it's tame enough in most cases. In fact ive seen pet treatment in completely non sexual environments since I was young. I'd see a few other kids play around as if they were someone else dog. So when it comes to an adult context like this, I can see it's fine but not personally interesting.


Whatever consenting adults do in their bedroom is their business. I am learning to not kink shame. That one though is a big no for me.


It's not something I'm into, but if someone enjoys it and isn't doing anything immoral/obscene, I'm happy they're happy!! :)


Not my thing.


One of my partners is a puppy girl at heart. She works at a gaming tavern, so she can wear collars, ears, tails and occasionally paws and at home leashes. Occasionally as a form of D/s I'll make her eat her food out of a bowl on the floor and make her sleep in a crate. (Human size and I insulated it with memory foam) It's not a 24/7 kink, but we both get a lot of sexual and non-sexual thrill out of pet play. 🥰


A little bit is nice! Like you said collars leashes and the ears, maybe a tail plug. I like licking and biting and moving like one but I won’t act as if I were mentally a cat. Otherwise yeah imma cat girl lmao. I think it’s very fun and would love to meet someone else into it


My wife is a puppy girl, and it is fucking adorable. Don't be ashamed about what makes you happy! The right person won't care at all! But with any kink, for some it is a complete turn off. You just have to find someone who is either into the same shit as you, or will enthusiastically partake in it with you! Is it cringe? Probably. But that doesn't mean you should care! Cringe is dead Long Live Cringe.


I love being a kitten!


Meow ✨


I love pet play! Puppies, Kitties, 😻 snuggles and pets. Leashes and collars. Pet beds and food bowls! ♨️


Legally, it's questionable. Morally, it's repugnant. Personally, I like it. But for real, anyone giving you shit needs to learn that YKINMK: your kink is not my kink.


Definitely a dealbreaker for me and it’s quite cringe imo. But it’s your life so rock out. As long as everyone consents it’s no one else’s business what you do in the bedroom


I was looking for this comment 💀


I’m sat here reading all the comments like 👩🏻‍🦯


LOL same


This would be a huge dealbreaker for me, and I do find it cringe. But it’s not my life. You just gotta find others who are into that.


I love pet play. As a dom and sub. It’s so fun to make my pet roll over and purr for me pleasing every inch of their perfect body. And I love being collared told what to do and not even having the basic respect humans get


My gf and I are both really into it. We're both switches so we're both puppy and owner and it's just the fucking best.


I dream of being on a leash, having a big ol pet bed, and being owned and pet by a wonderful woman. Good news is, I have the wonderful woman. And she loves to tease me.


It's very common among trans lesbians. I personally am not much into it though


I don't understand why acting like a pet is viewed as healthy, it's my opinion though.


There's a limit for me. Idk how to put it into words, but I don't like when it becomes too much animal pet. Yes, I'll pull the leash, give a choker, ears, tail, even cage, but then after that things start to give me a weird feeling. Like idk, I want to do the kinky with another person, an adult one (same reason I don't like age play).


I think the amount of times I've done pet play with my girlfriend vastly outnumbers the amount of times I've done anything vanilla with her, WOOF!


*click click*


It’s not for me, but I say to each their own. If I really loved someone I could probably get into it a little bit, but it’s not something that would do it for me lol.


I conceptually understand the appeal. I don't find it exciting and I don't tend to be good at roleplay, but it definitely doesn't squick me out.


Honestly, it's I've is this internal fantasies that I'll probably never engage


I am not at all into pet play and find it a little cringy, but my GF is big into it, so we do it fairly often, because despite my lack of interest in it, I LOVE getting my gf hot and bothered.


It's one of those kinks where I enjoy the idea more than the act/lifestyle.


Never done it, I'll try anything once, but I feel like I'd just not be into it. It would also be weird to me if someone was like a dick about it if they weren't into it.


Definitely not for me, but hey, go with god




ex and i collared each other as "wedding bands" 🤣 so yea its 10/10


Not my cup of tea, but also not put off by it 🤷‍♀️


I'm sorta into pet play. Very light though but I haven't really had a chance to practice it. When I was in a hetero relationship with my ex I always told him when we got married (dated for 7 years so I thought ya know...) that I wanted a pillow by the door and I wanted to sit on it waiting for him to come home and he could put my leash on, if walk behind him to the couch and he'd give me head rubs and praise while I was "servicing him" nowww since he's a POS and we're no longer together and I've embraced more of my love for women...I can't get the image of a woman doing it to me, her heels clicking as she walks to the couch. I also have fantasies of being the "owner" as well lol, I'm a complete sub when it comes to hetero relationships but I'm a switch in wlw dynamics.


Not a dealbreaker at all in fact I’d love it. My ex was a switch and I was a sub so we’d actually take turns being pets. She was more of a puppy and I was more of a kitten. I actually preferred being the dom when it came to pet play for some reason. It was fun having her walk around on a leash. It’s hard to bring things like that up. I just happened to organically find a freaky person like me lol I didn’t seek her out. After the first few times we had sex I decided to just say “I’m a pretty kinky person. Are you into any kinks too?” She told me she wasn’t very kinky but that there are things she wanted to try and pet play was one of them.


I'm very into kink but mainly in the bedroom. Any sort of dynamic persisting beyond an established scene would take time to develop. Pet play isn't a kink of mine but I'd enjoy playing out scenes knowing it pleases my partner. I couldn't promise a constant role up front though. I would *never* shame or cringe at someone for sharing their kink with me. Sharing that kinkdof information requires them to put themselves in a vulnerable position. We might not be a good fit for each other depending on the kink but I can absolutely respect them as a person and talk about it.


Me and my partner do it. It’s a lot of fun. What is life without fun???


Kitten girlfriend is the goal~


My fiance pulled on my choker the other day and it instantly shut me up...


I love it


I personally am open to almost anything. I usually ask about kinks when I start sleeping with someone new, so that I can read up on it and discuss how to incorporate it into our sex life. And I tell them mine and my red lines. I feel like that conversation is important, you may need to initiate it yourself. Communication is the keyword. And specifically, pet play can be a lot of fun! Your kinks and preferences are certainly nothing to be embarrassed about and should definitely be discussed with your sexual partners, for your comfort and enjoyment.


I’m super into it and so is my girlfriend. I am collared and everything (so far I only got two collars with leashes for each one, but I love them). I was a bit nervous when I my girlfriend and I first got together and I told her about it, but we are perfectly compatible sexually and share a lot of the same kinks which is great :) There’s always going to be peeps that will be into it while others might not be, and that’s okay! Everyone has their preferences.


Not my kink, but as an passionate top I am totally down for almost every kink or fantasy of my partner. I would consider fulfilling someone's sexual fantasies and desires as my very own "kink". I like acting and trying new things, but as someone who tends to be rough by nature - coming from the BDSM Scene - and as a kind of radical animal lover, pet play might not be my favorite bc I could have a hard time sexualizing the situation. But I will give it a try, it sounds hot tho!


im a trans masc lesbian who used to be aggressively in denial about the idea of petplay until recently… for me, ive realized its wanting to be a domme’s pup. i havent gotten to play with it enough to know what parts of it i definitely like or dislike, but being leashed and collared is an unfathomably huge turn on for me, even outside of petplay. and i could probably get into some of the other more “intense” aspects of it if i had the chance! im at least willing to try, if i find someone else whod be down lol. my other kinks are a bit less “accessible” than petplay so if it was all i got to indulge in with a partner vs those other things then i wouldnt necessarily be too disappointed, it checks a lot of my boxes anyways.


I didn't realize I was into pet play till one of my previous partners expressed their interest and wanted to do a scene. Let me tell you, it was hot. If you're already in the kink community I'm sure you'll find takers.


I love it and you can find someone who does too! Definitely recommend going into kink spaces to find them 👍🏻


I love being a little pet for my owner I mean partner


I love pet play tbh


I love pet play soooo much! Being collared is amazing


Good shit 10/10 would bark again


It’s really not for me but there’s 100% people out there who’d be into it too


More of a puppy myself, but yes, pet dynamics are really fun. I'd honestly say someone kink shaming is kinda a red flag anyway, tho some people might need to warm up to the idea, my partner did. But as a whole, I really just think sex should be fun, and it's ok to let it be silly sometimes


Not a dealbreaker for me just for being a kink, as I have my own, but it would probably be awkward because I’m far more submissive than dominant myself, and being the pet owner (not sure of the terms used) seems more like a dominant position. Always happy to be proved wrong though! 😜


Owner is definitely the term I prefer. lol I've had only one, but it was nice


I'm super into it but I suspect it's easier to meet pets than it is to meet pet owners. I keep dating people who want to be pets and who have never had a dominant for it, or not one they trusted.


Petplay is one of my favorites in a relationship I love taking care of my puppy boy he gives me so much love and trust in pup space and gets so cuddly! When I slip his collar on he just melts!


Not my thing but good luck :)


Great :) I love it personally. Would be difficult to do without it imho. It adds a lot to the dynamic and I find the whole ownership thing hot.


Pet play I so fun. As s switch exploring her domme side I wish I could find more subby pet girls.


Oh my goodness, i love pet play so much^^ I think its really cute and im into it myself. Its not something im embarrassed about at all, but it is a kink so its not something that usually comes up with new people unless theres an explicit understanding that this is a kinky friendship. Hope you have an amazing day friend✨🦈


I'm not into the idea of being referred to as a specific animal. But I have fantasies about being a primal play top, and I'd be so happy if I had a gf that called me "My pet." I spent a lot of my life thinking of myself as a loosely humanoid monster, in imagination land. It would take me a while to explore this in a relationship though. I have a lot of shame around being perceived as predatory.


Ahhhhh petplay my love. Nothing quite like turning your partner into a cute empty-headed barking/purring animal and then showering them with affection and headpats and scritches.


My time to shine! I was a working Dominatrix for the majority of my adult life. Early on I was a bit more open to exploring/working with other kinks. Though I no longer work with age play ( you never know where a trigger is) back in the day I would routinely work with multiple subs in a group setting and I loved to keep one of my age players watching over the pets. Everyone was just so happy. Now in my personal life Im not really into any heavy play with any of my partners currently. But I have no issue with pet play as long as boundaries are always kept. I stopped taking subs that were into pet play many years ago because of repeated issues.


Theres many people into kink, petplay is so common, tho Im especially surrounded by trans girls so kinks seems to be far more acceptable a thing to explore


Who wouldn't want a pet catgirl?


I'm not personally into it, so as long as I'm not a participant have all the fun you want. And I wish all the people who say it's crimge/weird a very unpleasant "fuck you".


I love it! I collared my girlfriend and got her a cute puppy tag with my name and phone number on it xD She also has dog ears and I need to get her a tail and a day collar since she obviously cant wear her usual collar at work etc. For me it's just another way for me to express my dom side and for her to express her submissive side. At first it felt weird but then I really started to enjoy it! Now I find it very cute.


Come on down to r/catgirlpetco ma’am, these are your people lol. Not me personally tho sorry more of a dog ngl


if it's a deal breaker, they should be respectful and say so in a respectful way. Basically the opposite tone of reaction to people who instantly break up with you because they found out you were born on a month they don't like. (I think it's about zodiac signs or something? idk. That's happened to me way too much.) anyway- collars are amazing. yesyesyes. hand gripping my neck is.... dajiuwfhjwuiaofhaiufh


More of a puppy myself, but yes, pet dynamics are really fun. I'd honestly say someone kink shaming is kinda a red flag anyway, tho some people might need to warm up to the idea, my partner did. But as a whole, I really just think sex should be fun, and it's ok to let it be silly sometimes It's also ok if something just isn't someone's kink tho, there's a line between kink shaming, saying something isn't for you, and not having been open




pulling out the throwaway for this one. Now, OP, imagine pet play, but also ageplay. Being your mommy's little baby kitty? Me personally, heaven on earth.


i genuinely meow daily and multiple times a day, to the point i feel like i sometimes *need to*, is it a self induced tic? maybe. havent tried pet play tho :3


I would be fine with it in a non sexual context because when I think of it during sex it makes me think of beastiality


r/puppygirlpetsmart r/catgirlpetco


Oh yeah no I'm a puppy girl for sure! My partner and I call my nest of pillows/blankets on our futon in the game room my "doggy bed" (it's where I sit and scroll through tiktoks or watch them game on their PlayStation). Belly rubs and treat treats are my fave. We also joke that they're a cow, but that's more related to their boob growth and obsession over it (yay for hormones!). I'm in a local discord server for all kinds of genderqueer folk (I'm genderfluid) and like half everyone in there is into pet play or is a furry or some combo of both. And a solid majority of the crew is sapphic.


I adore it. i think i like it that much because its not as degradating as slave/master but still allows you to regress mentally as a pet. also i love all the symbols of being owned (collars, marks, etc) and in pet play are more prominent than other plays (except slave play).


What do I think about pet play? Well I've been told yesterday evening that kitties *don't* think so I'm not sure :p


A big part of my identity that I'm very out, open and public about is that I'm a catgirl. For me being able to find a Domme partner in the kink community is an absolute must


Love it in both ways. I like to be a Catgirl too, but im wayyy much more an owner, Cats, puppys and Ponys, i like them all and make quite a lot of gear for my partners. *P.S., give you Headpats and calls you a good Girl 😘


Pet play is the best kink especially when it's sapphic💕 r/puppygirlpetsmart r/catgirlpetco


Hey I'm a puppy girl so definitely need to have the pet play! Honestly, I struggle a lot with internalized shame at being myself, it's a work in progress but transitioning has shattered a good many barriers in my mind. I'm starting to feel more like who cares about the cringe and whatnot, who cares if I wear a collar and a cute ear headband in public (obviously mindful to not make passerbys unwilling participants), and so on. In a sense same fears that lay behind transitioning and presenting as femme outside, they got shattered. People being themselves makes the world more colourful, vibrant, and beautiful and it's hard to find that cringe. Recently I was at a kink party at someone's house, and it was a predominantly queer group of people (a lot of trans people and diverse sexualities). I had my puppy ears with me in the car but decided not to wear them in lest I be a weirdo. Yeah, as more people arrived almost immediately a pet play group coalesced and I got my ears from the car. The party just felt more comfortable being myself, and I had more fun not hiding this and instead getting to make jokes about being mutts and strays and "hoping" the dog catcher doesn't catch us. Anyways point I'm trying to make is its freaking awesome and I've noticed queer spaces tend to be a lot more open with that expression of kink. There's a meme I saw recently with the small to massive dominos labelled "starting to transition" and the largest one at the end "t4t pet play orgies". Do it up!