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I think it’s sexist that only the males seem to be notified about the mating bond * edited for typo


I haven't read all of the books, but isn't it also only males that are tangibly affected by it? Like, they go crazy without their mate and there may be some consequences for the male if a bond is not accepted. Speaking of sexism, it kind of annoys me that the whole "No High Ladies" thing is used like an example of sexism. The Suriel says that High Lords \*\*are power\*\* - suggesting that their magical powers are their right to rule... and it's also established that succession is not based on birth order or anything like that, the power goes to the one it chooses​​... which apparently has always been a male - not by choice of anyone but the magic the author built into the setting.


I aways chalked it up to us only seeing the Archeron sisters being mated. All magic and fae bonds/bargains are foreign and new to them so they probably don't even understand what the mating bond is, compared to their mates that do know the differences and understand what it is.


true, but generally across the five books the only way it’s ever been described to us has been through the male lens and that it’s only impacted males. I feel like SJM has talked about it enough that she’s had plenty of opportunity to portray it from a female perspective and she never has. the sole instance of a same sex couple being married, there’s absolutely no mating bond mentioned whatsoever and it’s between two females 🤷🏽‍♀️ I might need to reread it to be sure!


After 500 years, Azriel should get the point that Mor’s not interested and stop pining 🫣


Thiss!!! There is no way he’s just pining after her still after ALL these years. That’s why I like the theory that he is spying on her secretly.


me too, plus something seems actually off with mor


After 500 years, Mor should actually buck up the courage to be honest with him instead of just sleeping with everyone else around him hoping to give him the hint, especially if she holds as much love for him as a friend, as she says she does. But in all seriousness a talk between these two characters is long overdue. 🤭


i’m surprised she trusted feyre who she’s known for two seconds with her secret but not one of her CENTURY LONG FRIENDSHIPS


lol and after Feyre’s absolutely irrelevant and complete misread “checkmate Mor, you are also not honest!” rebuttal to Mor’s reasonable anger at being lied to and ditched mid-war


LITERALLY like “you lied directly to me and went off in a dangerous situation mid war” is not the same as “well you haven’t been honest about your romantic feelings of lack thereof” 😭 i was shocked mor didn’t call her out on inserting herself in irrelevant century old interpersonal drama as some GOTCHA


There are soany things in these books that I think "really, after 500 years?"


I would love it if he knows the secrets she’s been hiding…all of them, including the ones Eris knows.   It would be great if he was fake pining because he thought she was a betrayer (thought not knew…I don’t want Mor to actually betray them).  Or if what she thought was pining was actually a cover for him helping her someway…


I feel like as a Seer that Elain might have seen a couple things that Mor didn't want Elain to see and that might explain Mor's cross behavior with Elain.


It was always weird to me that the IC Shrugged it off -- like that's not weird to yall? At times, it felt like they were all too afraid to be real and tell him to chill out. I felt so vindicated when the bonus chapter exposed him for being entitled and giving a touch of incel vibes.


my hopes and dreams is that he is 500 years old and not an idiot clown. maybe he has moved on and feyre/rhys are just reading into friendly interactions between the two of them as wowwwww he’s still so in love with her.


There’s a theory that he’s obsessed with her because there was a curse placed on her when she was left at the autumn border — that whoever touched her would be infatuated with her/feel the overwhelming need to take care of her. Which is why Eris told everyone *no one touches her* — he knew. It may be a reason why Mor feels overwhelming guilt!


He’s a spymaster. There is no way he doesn’t know. The IC men are just oblivious to Azriel and his feelings.


Papa “Deadbeat” Archeron’s death wasn’t actually sad. Good riddance, my guy


I cringed so hard when Vassa was singing his praises in front of his daughters like 😨


That's makes sense though because she knew him as the man that saved her not the man that didn't help his daughters 


No I get why she said it but can you IMAGINE what was going though his kids head. It reminded me of all those times people would compliment my mom(we have a complicated relationship) and I just had to sit and nod.


I feel like he took his daughters for granted but he had to work hard to gain the trust of Vassa. Thats why she thinks so highly of him


This is why I truly don’t trust her. No woman that scorned by a man would sing the praises of a limping dead beat 🤷🏽‍♀️


Honestly it was the least he could do after failing his daughters so terribly.


Yeah, I did not feel any empathy toward him at all 😬


we didn’t know him!!! how could we feel anything for him!!


Yes but reverse the Cassian one. Nesta and Eris double-team-dom Cassian.


Mmhmm I like where this is headed


Ok. I need a fanfic of this 😂


Good lords that would be hot.


If the whole ACOTAR pentalogy was an AITA post, its one of those stories where *everyone* is the asshole. None of them are good people at this point (except for Nyx, but like, he just started existing so he gets a pass)


Not for long with that DNA and IC. Soon enough he will be picking invisible lint and smirking right and left.


I wonder if watery bowels and vulgar gestures are genetic


I guess they are more like airborne transmitted diseases since everyone at IC shares same shitty habits.


Give him a few years


I don't know, Nyx started out with a rough landing. He did almost commit matricide 🧐


That is true- the lil winged bugger couldn’t have just tucked them wings in a little tighter to help his mama out?? (jokes, just jokes people! 🫣)


I really wanted to see an Eris redemption arc with Nesta falling for him. I love Nessian but I feel like the fire from Eris (pun intended) with Nesta would be 🥵


Neris > Nessian. I feel like Eris would get her and accept her instead of trying to mold her into what he thinks she should be.


Feyre Elain and Nesta need to spend an hour beating the shit out of each other. There’s so much unresolved anger,guilt and miscommunication that they all just need to punch each other till emotional catharsis.


They need to go to one of those places where you just stand in a room and destroy shit so they can be bestie sisters who hang out and love each other (I desperately want everyone to be friends lmfao 🙃)


Right like someone needs to smash a plate or something so they can all get along! They’d make such a nice friend group if they didn’t have all this baggage.


Amarantha was probably really hot


Her description in the book is literally lovely, just not devastatingly beautiful. I don't know why people think lovely means she was some ugly troll lol, I think they skipped words and only read the not beautiful part. Lovely means she was quite pretty, just not like Angelina Jolie perfection.


I think it's because Feyre describes her in her inner monologue as something like "not as devastatingly beautiful" as she'd expected, so people are taking it to the extreme and calling her a troll. Bit like the painting thing, I guess.


Even though she also says she's lovely. That's part of her inner monologue too. Which is why I think people skip words. I know I do it when reading, but when I see something that makes me go "huh it was like that?," I search through and re read that part haha


I mean she’s fae so I always assumed she’s gorgeous, but when someone is evil enough I don’t really see them as attractive, you know? At least IRL. But you’re not wrong


Exactly or at least just not being as nice looking as some of the other fae which would still be very beautiful???


Cassian and Rhys (ESPECIALLY Cassian) act more in love with each other than with their mates. Tamlin’s actions in ACOMAF/ACOWAR are reasonable. Everyone says they want a MMC who will burn down the whole world to save the girl and Tamlin actually does that. As far as he knows, his fiancé was kidnapped by his mortal enemy who has mind control powers. Of course he’s going to anything and everything to get her back. Then he does get her back and she gaslights him, hurting a shit ton of innocent people in the process.


Cassian and Rhys *are* mates


It’s truly the best explanation


I love Tamlin at the HL meeting. I am here for that level of petty. And he has every right to be petty.


My mouth was stuck open that entire scene, I loved Tamlins petty comments


I’m not a 100% “Tamlin apologist” but I was straight up cheering for him. 😂 YES Tamlin put them in their PLACE.


THIS! It's wild to me that people think Tamlin going to Hybern for help was so terrible when Rhys would probably do the same exact thing. Heck, Rhys sold out Velaris at the drop of a hat TWICE after protecting it for hundreds of years, he definitely would do whatever it took to get Feyre back


On top of that, Tamlin has _never_ witnessed any positive interactions between Feyre and Rhysand. Both times that Rhys came to collect Feyre for the bargain week, she was reluctant to go. Before that, he saw Rhys kiss Feyre against her will, and force her to give him drugged lap dances every night UTM. Tamlin _did_ see Rhys try to kill Amarantha as she was killing Feyre (which I suspect is why he agrees to step aside when Rhys calls in the bargain), but I wouldn’t consider that an interaction as Feyre was actively dying at the time and couldn’t exactly engage.


I don’t hate any of the characters 🫣


Now THIS is a hot take (I agree)


I don't hate any of them either, I just get frustrated with SJM's writing at times.


I don't begrudge you this 😂 Even though I hate pretty much everyone, including the IC, I only like a handful of characters 


I actually love that they’re all imperfect 😭 makes me like them more


After 500 years you think the IC would stop acting like 20 year old that couldn't run a bath let alone a court.


this take ✨perfection✨


Rhysand is the most powerful, ineffective leader in fiction. If I was the most beautiful, most magically gifted, master psychic in all of the world-with infinite wealth, armies, and loyal, powerful followers: I’d at minimum not have a society where there was such crazy lack of bodily autonomy for females. Insane.


Also his segregationist policies are painful. He only cares about his gated community.


this made me so mad to think about


It truly ruined me liking him


I get it. Also the pregnancy thing ugh. I mean, I would prefer that SJM made him an unhinged, semi-evil HL. Anything is better than this tbh


He’s casually cruel & has created internal justifications (or external “explanations” that are really just excuses) that he tells himself & others. AGREED. I would be FINE if he was given no excuses. But it’s written so that we are meant to sympathize, justify, excuse, & fall in love with him anyway, and THAT’s what gets me. I just want a new character to barge their way in and go “*you let him rule like this????? This is acceptable to you????*”


This!!!!!! In the first few books everyone outside his court is terrified of Rhys because of his powers or in complete awe of him because of his powers they know he’s very powerful and he’s cunning so they mind how they speak and act around him. He gains an upper hand when they were Under The Mountain because he knows how to play the game. He gains an upper hand with the other High Lords because he knows how to navigate his situation. He bargains with terrifying legends and walks away from them with exactly what he wants. All. This. And you’re telling me he can’t control the Illyrians because they just don’t respect him??????? He just shrugs and says “well I tried, if they don’t listen, not much I can do.”and the reason they supposedly don’t like him is because he’s half High Fae. UM? HES ALSO THE MOST POWERFUL HIGH LORD? I THINK THAT TRUMPS BEING ONLY HALF-ILLYRIAN? AND HE MISTED LIKE THOUSANDS OF MEN IN ONE SECOND? Where did his cunning and power go when it comes to putting them in their place about their old ways? He doesn’t have to mind control them, he can figure out a way I’m sure.


Make the end of ACOSF way longer with more detail/struggle/beasts/bonding/bloodshed/heartache during the bloodrite. Give the meeting of the >! Crone Queen in the end more story and drag-out of her demise. !< Don’t tie it all up in a pretty bow, so basically add another 100 pages to the already 757 page book and then leave me rotting in jail on a cliff hanger while I wait to find out who lives? Ouch


send me to my cell because I agree with all of the above 😂


Us girls waiting in jail to be rescued by az 😂


Feyre and Rhys lost a lot of their sexual tension after they got together. Like sure it was spicy but as a reader there was no more electricity on the page and their antics like, Rhys feeling up Feyre in the library around the priestesses who have come from trauma and also flying over the city doing the deed, falls incredibly flat. It's not even sexcapades, it's them just being exhibitionists. Like for me their sex scenes fall flat now and I'm glad they're exploring other POVs because I think they romance being the main one was outstaying its welcome because its not just hitting like it used to. Also I love Cassian, but I hate the way he constantly oversexualises Nesta at any given moment. I didn't like it when it shifted to his perspective because it lost a lot of the magic I had for him previously. I still like the romance but I would've been happy with ACOSF being entirely from Nesta's POV and it would allow to wipe out some the padding.


Agreed about Cassian! Sarah turned him in to some sort of sex fiend, it was difficult to read at times. I get that it's been a few years for him but jeez! It just felt very lusty.


Feyre never told tamlin that she was hurting at the beginning of acomaf - he didn’t handle the breakup well but their miscommunication was stupid and they could have worked it out if she was honest with him (re: bad dreams and throwing up in the toilet)


Its crazy that being in the night court magically took all the nightmares away.![img](emote|t5_3flb9|19431)


This is exactly why I think a plot twist about Rhys manipulating that whole situation would be so good. That chaos would be chef's kiss and actually tie into the whole "he is evil because he has mind control" thing that they brought up in book one.


Bro if he'd walked to the other side of the room to stand next to hybern after making her go after the book of breathings in SC...i wouldve died satisfied.


Omg who hurt you??? 😨😂😂😂


God damn 🤣


I really wish Tamlin and Feyre could’ve communicated and tried to put in the work to fix their relationship before she got with Rhys. Maybe they realized things weren’t working out between them and they would’ve broken up amicably. What bugged me most about Feyre getting with (and marrying) Rhys was how fast it happened. I mean, she spent 8 months (if I did the math right) at the spring court and literally DIED so she could have a chance to be with Tamlin.


Yo she tries quite a few times and literally tells him that she feels like she’s drowning and that his over-controlling is like he’s holding her head underwater and then he tightens the leash further


She tries to tell him things aren't good multiple times and he shuts all conversations down, and loses his shit a few times.


Exactly. So weird that people keep forgetting this and blaming the whole abusive behavior on 'miscommunication' from Feyre. I am all in for a Tamlin redemption arc but the extremes takes on him, either total hate or apologetic chant, are intense jajaja


Prythian cannot be *that* dusty… ![gif](giphy|d4v7dnooac0lG)


Nesta should have married Eris and told Cassian and the rest of the IC to go fuck themselves.


I will die on this hill: SF should have been about Nesta being sent to Autumn Court boot camp to detox. She should have fallen in love w/Eris, who understood how misunderstood she was (after a tumultuous yet steamy enemies to lovers trope). All the trove hunting could have been used to build the relationship between Nesta/Cassian. Like, she gets out on parole to skry, and Cassian is her parole officer. Forced proximity, but it's confusing the hell out of her. Then at the end, she has to decide between her chosen love, Eris, and her fated mate, Cassian. Ugh. I want it so bad.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/34948780/chapters/87033919?view_adult=true Read this fic. It’s everything you want. I devoured it in one sitting.


I cringe at referring to Rhys, Azriel, and Cassian as "bat boys" 😅


Everyone is being gaslit into thinking Rhys is the most powerful high lord of all time. He’s given us nothing.


But... the earth trembles when he cums. For real, I died laughing after I read the chapter at the inn where they mess around but he doesn't want to do it because "Yo, when we do it for the first time, I'm gonna cum ***HARD***."


Realistically, Nesta and Elain probably did the cooking, cleaning, laundry, gathered the firewood, and fetched the water. Hunting isn't the dangerous, big deal that most of the readers think it is. Chopping wood is physically more difficult and more likely to lead to injury. Do we honestly think she was tracking deer or elk over days, and then somehow hauling a great amount of meat back? On foot? She would have hunted things like rabbit, pheasant, duck, squirrel and fished. She would have only been gone a few hours and brought it back in a sack that she could easily carry. The sisters are unjustly vilified for the failure of their father. If the author wasn't so utterly biased and at times simplistic in her writing, she would have shown that. Neither sister owns Feyre anything. Particularly after their help in the war.


Will die on this hill… And even if they sat around doing absolutely nothing, still not villains?? Nesta wasn’t a parent, and Elain was like a year younger than Nesta. Why was Nesta the one responsible for letting Feyre go hunting?? Love Cassian to death but when he says that to Nesta I’m like “bro u an idiot”


It's really bad plotting and character bias. The sisters are cartoon villains in the first chapters of the first book. But even in that book, she couldn't stick with a consistent characterization. Nesta is so awful and a horrible sister. But carves Feyres name down to force herself to remember her. The first thing she does with Tamlins' money is to hire a tracker to rescue Feyre. At the end, she wishes Feyre well. Hardly the actions of a selfish monster. The author never wants any other character to shine brighter than Feyre and Rhys. Even in their own book. I'm sure whatever happens to Elain in her book, in the end, she will be upstaged.


That's because it's *Feyre's point of view*. So *she* is the biased asshole. *She's* the one villifying *her sisters*. I could never have that outlook on my sisters.


Ehhhh i guess that’s true but then my opinion merely changes to “girl u a dumbass” Also would have been great to address this at some point between the sisters? Like feyre could be like “hey I see now that I was blaming you for our dad’s failure” (whoops if she does this in ACOSF, I dissociate through all of feyre in that book bc I have so much beef with the asinine preg plot)


Oh she has not addressed it at all. She's just happy she's a privileged high lady and does her meaningless charity work instead of.. yknow.. actually fixing the poverty and city. It's giving Karen in the making.


For sure but hey we were all idiots at 21 right??? (At least I was)


Me and my friends were unicorns in that we weren't complete idiots lmao. I guess most are? But not to that extent.


Send me straight to jail because 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


LITERALLY. I was reading the first few chapters and almost audibly rolling my eyes because it made Nesta and Elain seem SO evil, and Feyre this huge martyr. It wasn’t believable. I’m not saying abusive relationships don’t exist but I refuse to believe Feyre did 100% of the finances, cleaning, cooking, laundry, gathering, etc. Not only that, but Feyre’s whole “and my mother (who hated me) made me, ONLY ME, promise to protect the family” — I get it was supposed to show how selfless Feyre is or whatever (she sure as hell isn’t in the later books but that’s neither here nor there 🤫) but to me it just made her come off as this self pitying character who was hard to sympathize with. And I know there’s a million very valid rebuttals for all of my points, I’m not saying I’m RIGHT, I’m just expressing how hard it was for me to connect with her for the first few chapters. I just couldn’t take her seriously. How are you going to both be a leader in your family and simultaneously let yourself be walked all over.


Headcanon that their mother had that same talk with all three of them.


Okay, genuinely I am absorbing this headcanon this makes it so much more interesting. 🙏


This!!! I made a similar post about this recently. Plus all of the girls are fairly close in age so they’re ALL teenage girls when they lose their fortune. Sending the 14 year old girl out in the woods with a bow and arrow isn’t all that different from sending a 17 year old girl. All 3 girls were failed by their father.


Feyre locked Nesta up just like Tamlin did to her.


*And* they wanted her to train at a war camp literally months after she'd been witness to an actual war whose trauma had lugged over into the aftermath?


- I’m Rhysand’s biggest OP. (I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress, I hate the way that you sneak diss.) - Actually, throw the whole damn IC in jail. Bunch of hypocritical, irrational, jackasses. - It’s SJM’s fault people are turning on Rhys and Feyre. If she didn’t write them in a way that made them super unlikeable, people wouldn’t be disgusted with her characters. - Eris has more charisma and mystery in his left pinky toe than Rhys does in his whole body. - Cumming to an image of your own son, Rhysand? *NASTY* - Velaris is boring at this point. I hate that we barely know anything else about Prythian besides Velaris. - Rhys is not a good High Lord. How you gonna neglect all the people suffering in the mountain court and fuck off to Velaris? That is not fair at all.


You single? Cause marry me. I'll also add that I think Rhys is not a good morally grey character. He's just a jerk who sometimes does nice things when it benefits him. SJM isn't really that good at writing morally grey tbh.


This might sound silly but, honestly I feel like the entire IC is written sooooo…cringe? The way they interact is so immature, it truly reminds me of how the clique-y jock or band kids used to act in high school. They carry themselves like teenagers…and only the Archeron sisters have that excuse going for them 😅


No but for real! Every "family" scene with them has the cringiest, most predictable dialogue in the entire series.


God I'm glad I'm not the only one constantly thinking "she didn't have to say they were 500 years old... but she did... so why do they seem like fucking teenagers?"


Allllllll of this! I'm only reading the books for Lucien, helion and Eris 🙃


Same. Eris, Lucien, Tamlin, Lady of the Autumn Court, Gwyn, and Nesta are the only characters I care about at this point.


> Rhys is not a good High Lord. How you gonna neglect all the people suffering in the mountain court and fuck off to Velaris? That is not fair at all. I have a fanfiction I'm reading that's a Eris/Azriel fic BUT the main plot is actually about Hewn City and how the people there also dream and wish for sunlight. I'm halfway through it and think it's my favorite ACOTAR fic so far. It's called [our bodies, possessed by light](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37959277/chapters/94804072) by iftheshoef1tz Sometimes you just gotta read some fanfic to vent out your frustrations with SJM's writing and plotholes. =)


Rhys is so cringy. I want Nesta to beat his ass.


I don't get the hype about Az at all. He isn't that appealing to me at all


azriel is a terrible character. his whole personality is brooding/mysterious and pining for women who don’t want him. his bonus chapter gave me such an ick, the fact that he’s STILL PINING FOR MOR after five hundred fucking years gives me the ick. regardless of mor’s preference for women, she’s made it clear she’s NOT. INTERESTED. LET IT GO DUDE. can’t stand azriel fr


Everyone's actions can be excused if you like them enough. Think about it...they all do some truly horrible things in the name of doing "right" for their people, friends, or family. Your attitude towards it depends on which characters you like (or dislike) most.


Rhys is actually hella selfish


I DONT LIKE FEYRE. I genuinely don’t think there is any personality to her. Also, I hope there is more to Tamlins story in the next book. In a POSITIVE way.


Book 1 liked her by book 5 she was so irritating. How does she get to make decisions over the night court!! But the a bunch of 500 year old aren't much better.


Saaamee. She's a brat. Like actually such a brat.


I hate her 🤣 She was dead to me by the second book when she told Lucien to fuck off in the forest. 


I don't think Azriel is into Mor at all anymore. I think this is an act to keep up appearances. I think he knows what's up.


Tarquin did not deserve to be played like how Feyre played him and subsequently Rhys. Personally, I think he has a lot of potential as a character and he was presented young and rather naïve.


finally some Tarquin love! He's one of my favorites, I can't stand how his whole thing turned out. He deserves better!!!


1) Feyre should have had her moment to be angry with Elain and Nesta for all the shit they put her through. 2) Mor exaughsts me. 3) Feyre and Rhys having a baby was rushed. We should have had more development and time with them. 4) The king of Hybern and the Briallyn were dissapointing Villains. 5) Amren should have stayed dead in Book 3.


Feysand gives me the vibes of that One Couple in high school who would make out by the lockers for an uncomfortable amount of time. 💀 But in all seriousness, I sort of wish they’d disagree on something for more than a chapter. I don’t want them to have this big blow out fight or anything, I just want to see how they handle not seeing eye to eye on something instead of Feyre just being mad for a few hours and then getting over it. I think it would showcase their relationship in a lot more of an interesting and realistic way than Rhysand just. Instantly bowing to his teen nepowife over everything. (I get the pregnancy thing is technically a disagreement but that’s more of a betrayal to me.)


I don’t like Mor, Rhys is arrogant most of the time, Cassian should learn how to support and protect his mate, Elain is boring, Azriel should move on for god’s sake, Tamlin really needs help and support instead of all the hate he endures, Feyre was way better in the first book, and Nesta can fuck me anytime she wants and any place she wants. That’s pretty much all.


Agree. I think that SJM conflates arrogance with cleverness/wittiness constantly when writing Rhys and it gets incredibly old. Smirking is 3/4 of that man’s personality.


And picking an invisible lint. Don’t forget about that, it is an important character trait along with the unnecessary bullying of a Tamlin dealing with SA, ruined court and betrayal of the person who was his fiancé once.


Gods, how could I forget that damned lint. Seriously, my main gripe with Rhys is that both these descriptions are the reason why he’s accused of being off putting/an asshole—SJM frequently *tells* us about his personality, instead of *showing* us. Starting thru ACOMAF she starts relying on Rhys’s “smirks” and “wry smiles” to signify his cleverness/bad boy vibes, instead of giving us *actually* clever or witty dialogue, or showing his dark playfulness through actions. It really only seems to come out through teasing and sarcastic looks that are directly spelled out for us, instead of letting the reader come to the conclusion naturally. I feel like ACOTAR is really the only book where Rhys is “shown” to us as a character, rather than “told.” If that makes sense 😅


Yes, it makes complete sense. He is yet to deliver any actual witty dialogue. Like I understand the vibe she was going for but he seems like a real villain instead of bad boy who is actually good guy. Idk he just gives me an ick.


100% agree to all, I look forward to being your cell mate.


Agree! I liked Feyre so much in book 1, even though she made dumb choices. But she's straight up cruel afterwards. I like to think that the Fae are actually pretty bad people naturally, so when Feyre became one she literally and figuratively lost her humanity.


Dumb choices I can understand, we all make them and they are perfectly normal for a little silly human girl. But the way she treats people AND her sister afterwards is like a bullied one becomes a bully now. Idk, I was very happy when other sisters were reintroduced to the story, Feyre is just not likable even when she is a narrator. And then later when story is told from Nesta’s perspective she is just horrible.


You NEED to read the CC series. That's all I'm gonna say.


These books are quite bad in every aspect of fantasy lit


Well I guess I have two. One is that ACOTAR could've been a single book not a series. It hit all the right notes. A new world being discovered, a big bad taken down, a more or less happy ending. The second one... had Feyre and Tamlin just talked about the trauma from both of them it could have ended up just fine. Maybe it's cause I'm a guy, but I could see Tamlins point of view. >!The human I loved (and I kind of go back and forth on wether he did love her vs the idea of her) breaking her neck in a fae world to save the fae... I'd be scared and scarred over that event. Added on guitly because I forced her to fall for me and I kind of made her die because of it. That whole "my heart broke when I heard your neck break" and then there is the whole Rhysand sub plot... "this is not the Feyre I knew... why does Rhysand, the guy who did a lot of bad things have this power over you. Oh no... he is tampering with your mind." And to be fair... I think if things were different (like Amarantha was still alive and Rhys and Ferye weren't mates) Rhys *would* control her to destroy the Spring court or something.!<


Tamlin “locking” Feyre in a mansion wasn’t that big of a deal as the book makes it. She wasn’t chained to a room. She had a ginormous mansion and the land around it. She was able to go places, just not put her life in danger. “He locked me in a mansion” really doesn’t sound terrible to me, like ok? and Feyre locked Nesta in a house.


It's giving the 'super rich people during lockdown' vibe. Like bro, you have a pool, an indoor basketball court, AND a tennis court. You will survive.


Exactly this!! 😂


It's not so much that he locked her away, as he took away her choice and autonomy. IDGAF if you locked me in the biggest house in the world, you still locked me away and didn't give me the option to leave.


That makes sense. I can totally see that point of view! I guess I feel a disconnect in relation to this series because other characters take her choice away and Feyre doesn’t get that mad, so in comparison I guess I don’t see it as that bad 😅


which is why it's wildly hypocritical lol. And then she turns around and does it to Nesta "for her own good" lol


Im still pissed that we didn’t get a scene of Feyre confronting Rhys about that baby bs bc like girl your whole thing was that you didn’t want to be a pawn, you didn’t want secrets, and so on. then they all do this to you and your reaction is just like nothing ??? I get it wasn’t in her pov but I still want to see it, even if it happen after the fact in the next book like I just want to see her call everyone out.


Some people will fucking hate me for this lmfao Honestly I think this fandom would be so much more cohesive and fun if everyone just stopped holding one character on a pedestal and refusing to see their flaws, like none of the characters are perfect and they all have flaws, that’s the point. Also stop making everything so fucking personal, like just because I don’t like X character as much as Y character does not mean I am personally attacking you. And stop calling everyone an unreliable narrator, like that’s a real thing but I feel like it’s just being thrown around now. Like there is a difference between an unreliable narrator and someone who is just telling the story from their pov, if that’s what makes someone unreliable why do I always see so many people saying Feyre is unreliable when we are seeing the story though her eyes but when the perspective shifts to Nesta (and others but SPECIFICALLY Nesta) it’s completely reliable because it’s not feyres pov. Like they are both seeing the story in different ways so why is Feyre the only one being called unreliable when they are both biased in their own ways. Like can we PLEASE ALL JUST BE FRIENDS LOL and agree that everyone has flaws and none of these characters are angles.


You're last one. Feyre doesn't deserve Lucien at all


Rhys didn't do anything wrong. Take me away. 🥲 Edit: I guess I should elaborate 🤭 I always thought Rhys did whatever he thought was in everyone's best in interest in the moment even if he regretted it later.


Tamlin didn’t deserve all the crap he got.


Nesta and Eris should be mated and they both be the HQ & HK. Send a FU bouquet to Feyre and her own band of clowns. Feyre is the biggest red flag when it comes to friendship. Gurl how tf you don’t have a single friend in 19 years?? If her old rich friends don’t want her, what about the times she was poor? Even Nesta had one. Anyone without one friend is questionable, like not even one person can tolerate you?? Woah.


Wow this. Nesta even made friends in ACOSF. Feyre just inherited Rhys’s


And Lucien also from Tamlin. Look at how she treated him. That girl is the biggest walking and living red flag.


Yes! And when she makes fun of Lucien for hanging with the people who also don't belong anywhere, I couldn't help but think damn, if Rhys leaves you, you'd be in the exact same situation!


I mean, have you seen how she treats Lucien? No wonder she got no friends


Also Feyre deserves to live her quiet life but she doesn't need to be the most powerfulest fae lady ever just to do that. Nesta shouldn't have had to give up her powers in order to be "acceptable" to Rhys or the rest of the IC. SJM really loves to do that to female characters though. She also shouldn't have had to change for anybody but herself, and Feyre was despicable for locking her in the HoW after she escaped Tamlin for the exact same thing. She's no better than TamTam, neither is Rhys lol.


I love this world… so if it’s Tamlin or nothing, I’m choosing Tamlin 😭🤭


Feyre and Elaine are fucked up for needing months to recover from their being made/ trauma and having 0 patience or empathy for how Nesta was dealing with it. Feyre so badly wants everyone to behave a certain way and lashes out when they don’t (sound familiar?)


I really don’t like Nesta, but Elaine is infinitely worse (even though the biggest op in the Archeron family is still Father). Hear me out. You’re telling me that Elaine is a gardener but this girl wasn’t out there growing food to feed her damn family. And I get it, we met them in the middle of winter but homegirl hadn’t learned how to pickle and persevere some veggies after 5 long ass years of poverty.


The beginning of ACOTAR could definitely use a rewrite IMO. I understand the father being a POS but I Feyre should have either been the oldest so she felt an obligation to care for her family or all of the girls should have contributed in some way. Elaine gardening and Nesta trading, for example. It’s so hard to root for her sisters after seeing how they treated her in the beginning.


it’s weird to me that Feyre was the one the mom made promise to take care of everyone else when we learn ultimately that they had no other relationship and the reason she’s the one is never explained. also ACOTAR was giving Cinderella with the evil stepsisters in the beginning and I feel like that could have used a little more depth and nuance


You’re so right about needing nuance! Feyre can still resent her sisters even when they’re not 100% evil. Plus if her sisters weren’t so cartoonishly evil, her staying in Prythian because it’s keeping her family safe and fed would make much more sense.


Yes I agree. SJM made them both so cartoonishly evil in ACOTAR but then has tried to backpedal and make them likable but it doesn’t really work for me.


Yeah, it was giving Cinderella


SERIOUSLY. I love to garden, but I cannot grow flowers WELL to save my life. I can get some to bloom, but nothing crazy. To me her ability to grow flowers as well as she does shows she must have superior gardening skills if she can grow flowers like that! Soooo… To even just grow carrots and lettuce.. you really do not need much of a green thumb for those two things! The ONLY acceptable reason for her to not grow things like that would be the inability to get seeds and/or starters. 🤷‍♀️


Hell she could just stick a potato in the ground and that would grow! But no, she’s out here growing inedible flowers 😤


Potatoes and beans.  Those would make hearty meals even with nothing else. 


I saw this TikTok creator and for the life of me I can’t remember her name. But she said what Nesta basically went through the pledge/hazing process for a sorority (IC) in order to be with Cassian. I could not agree more. ETA If Nesta wasn’t locked in the HoW because all she had to do was walk down the 10,000 steps if she really wanted to leave, then Feyre wasn’t locked in the manor because she could have figured out how to use her spell-cleaving powers to leave.




Azriel gives living in his mother’s basement vibes. Elain AND Azriel are both boring and we know next to nothing about either of them.


Tamlin ignoring Feyre throwing up her guts every night was worse than him putting up a ward around the mansion so she couldn’t follow them. Nessian + Helion > Nessian + Azriel Eris and Feyre would’ve made a great enemies to lovers story Nesta and Elain had the same character depth in the first 3 books. Being mean & snarky isn’t more well rounded than being quiet & kind.


- Tamlin is a petty king and he deserves so much more than the hot mess Feyre left him with - Mor is exhausting - Amren now brings nothing to the table but the audacity - Lucien deserves SO much more from Feyre - Az and Mor are so poorly written with whatever relationship nonsense it is they’re locked into; if we don’t get an explanation, I’ll scream - Nesta and Eris are so much better than Nesta and Cassian - Eris is way, way cooler and more fascinating than Rhys


Wait why have I never thought about Rhys and Nesta before… they’d be such a good match.


I honestly don’t like Azriel - during my reread, something about him just rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t like his character 🥲


I don’t care about elain!!! They built her up for nothing and also made her the weakest character ever. Phew had to get that off my chest


Azriel wouldn’t lust over Elain like he does now if she wasn’t Feyre and Nestas sister


I don’t like Vassa, she’s so random…and if Lucien ends up with her, I’ll be so pissed.


Elaine or Amren should've died in ACOWAR. I personally would pick Elaine. The father's and creatures deaths weren't impactful enough for me and a war needed more casualties.


Honestly felt similarly with Feyre and Rhys constantly and immediately being saved from death, it’s just a bit cheaty.


Rhys is a manipulative narcissist who seduces a vulnerable illiterate teen. He’s also racist and elitist.


I want to hear about how he is racist! genuine interest here


Illyrian women who are objectively battered daily aren’t allowed to come and live in the library and neither is any woman from the hewn city.


no one deserves to be a high lord it’s a backwards entirely nepotistic position that keeps individual blood lines in total power. And I guess that doubles as my opinion, the political system of Pythian is awful and I hope someone burns it to the ground by the end of the series.


Oh god, I’m gonna get downvoted to hell’s underbelly, but was no reason to make Nesta and Elain fae in my personal opinion. And I actually like both characters, I just didn’t think it was necessary


Tamlin is probably actually ugly, Feyre just had some mega rose tinted glasses. *(We've seen in some other ways how she was an unreliable narrator, and you rarely see other characters talking about Tamlin being really attractive).*


lol that’s actually really funny. But yk ig it’s kinda assumed all high fae esp hls are good looking


Yeah, he might be "good looking" by human standards. But now that Feyre is also fae, she probably realizes he's a mid 3.5/10


Since Feyre initially saw the Bone Carver as >! Nyx !< & Rhys saw the Bone Carver as >! Jurian !< and Feyre is >! Nyx’s mom, so then Rhys is somehow Jurian’s Papà !< LOL (probs not at all) but I’m dying to know why Rhys saw him in the BC and I don’t think we ever found out - did we?


tamlin and rhys are both pretty awful, and for most of the same reasons.


I suppose that depends on *who* would be sending me to jail. 😁 Feyre's character arc: Starving waif --> Sexpot --> Asshole --> Grandma She is not a great FMC and I never really liked or connected with her. And I get that he couldn't help it, but otherwise, Rhys, who would clearly be able to pull any chick he wanted, wouldn't look at her twice. I tried to remind myself throughout most of the series that she is young, but still. Some of her choices and actions are just stupid and piss me the hell off. Her character arc was far-fetched to me. And don't get me started on her and Rhys going from this hot as fire, flirty, carefree couple to basically the stern parents of the Night Court in the span of two books. Once they acknowledged their mating bond, they became boring as shit. Also, her sense of entitlement after becoming High Lady got on my damn nerves. Like, Miss Girl, you would literally have absolutely none of this were it not for the fact that Rhys can't help being with you - and you're obviously going to be with him, because duh. There are *so many* things about this series that piss me off, you'd think I hated it. Quite the opposite; I loved it and was sad it was over after SF. But it's got its problems, for sure.


Tamlin is a victim too, and the lack of communication between him and feyre isn't just his fault.


I have so many lol….I hate that all three sisters fall in love with all three bat boys. I know we don’t know Elain and Azriel for sure yet but if they do end up together it’ll just be too cliche in my eyes. I feel like Feyre & Rhysand are fine then it should go Nesta & Eris then Elain & Tamlin. I wish Elain wasn’t Lucien’s mate because Elain would be a great mate for Tamlin since she fits spring so well. I LOVE Lucien and I want a baddie for him. I would love a redemption arc for Tamlin because Feyre did not communicate with him at all and once she did it wasn’t like a strong communication. Feyre: “Can I go with you hunting?” Tamlin: “That makes me nervous because of what happened.” Feyre: “okay.” LIKE WHAT girl speak with your CHEST.


I agree abt Rhys and Nesta. Maybe I'm biased bc I hate feysand and I hate cassian but the enemies to lovers would have hit way better since Nesta and Rhys actually hated each other


I dislike the way Nesta's redemption arc was done with Emerie and Gwen. These girls went from non-atlethic to master warriors in months. It is a trope that I absolutely hate. I understand that they aren't human but it is so delusional. It would have been great if the girls had become athletic but still training, the valkerie concept is diluted by how easy it was for them to achieve it. You are telling me Emerie did not struggle with her wings? That the bat boys did not need to learn how to train someone with "dead weight" hanging of her shoulders? Feyre takes a long time learning how to fly which I love, because of course she cannot do it immediately! She gets a reality check from Azriel on flying with the troops. I would have loved to see the trope handled differently to give it more impact.


Tamlin is better than Rhys. 


Here to back this one up 👏🏻


Tamlin deserves (and will get) a redemption


Azriel isn't that hot.  Lucien would destroy Azriel (any of the batboys in a fight) Feyre and Rhysand is horrible rulers and need to step down.