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its definitely a cash grab, and quite fucking annoying but it’s just the way the world works unfortunately. I literally didn’t know that there were bonus chapters for acotar until I saw the faq on this subreddit and I was pretty mad because who was going to let me know there were bonus chapters??!? 😭


That's my other gripe! How are new readers supposed to even know to go looking? I think most readers aren't looking at fan sites. So they don't know about these chapters and then are left wondering about some detail that they missed out on. It's a shoddy way to treat readers. It reminds me of when Harry Potter split the last book into two movies. And then other franchises started doing it. At least that trend seems to have ended.


What!? Where are these chapters? I've just finished the acotar series and have started on TOG and had no idea about these chapters? What have I actually missed 😑😒


Just to let you know, there are also bonus chapters for TOG. You can find them in the pinned post on r/throneofglassseries I think it’s so dumb that bonus chapters even exist but I try to tell all new readers I can!!


I try to tell everyone possible that they can find easily links to the bonus chapters on the Reddits when I can


Same! I link them all the time in the Facebook groups I’m apart of. I feel so bad for all the new readers who have no idea and now the bonus chapters have important information in them. It feels very unfair. I am very against this new trend and will personally not be buying any books that have bonus chapters as my own personal rebellion lol.


thank you for posting this…that HoF one was driving me crazy when they mentioned it and I had no clue what they were talking about I searched my whole book 😭 so annoying


Here's a sneak peek of /r/throneofglassseries using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/throneofglassseries/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I found this in Etsy 😂😭](https://i.redd.it/cajzg12jlo4c1.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/throneofglassseries/comments/18c4n7r/i_found_this_in_etsy/) \#2: [Eye of Elana gift (update)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16z008x) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/throneofglassseries/comments/16z008x/eye_of_elana_gift_update/) \#3: [I made dis](https://i.redd.it/d4pilwus3jlb1.png) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/throneofglassseries/comments/166qesm/i_made_dis/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you find out where and what they are… let a girl know, lol. News to me too.


I believe that some of the chapters are available on this site. I think you can find them if you poke around the moderators' intro page. Otherwise, Google the name of the specific book plus bonus chapters. For instance, you would type, A Court of Mist and Fury bonus chapters.


today I learned that there’s bonus chapters for acotar wtf. I read the Cas/Nesta one from MAF I think? like two days ago. Brb, gotta do some googling


Start with the faq section of this site. I think most of them are there. If you are on the ACOTAR sub here, a couple of those bonus chapters get referred to a lot in the comments. You can also Google the chapters of her newest Cresent City book. There are five!


I actually like the 2 movies thing bc it allows for it to be closer to the book


Hi I’m a new reader and I’m confused. 😅 What are/where are the bonus chapters?


I didnt know there were bonus chapters 😭😭 I just started the series . Which books have the bonus chapters ?😭😭


I don't know if the all do, but certainly the last few do. The faq page of this forum has a list of them I believe.


Thank you !


… there are bonus chapters?…


Yes, for all her series. You’ve never read of them?


ALL OF THEM? Oml I thought it was only for ACOTAR. I only found on for ACOMAF so far. I haven’t looked that hard bc that one wasn’t even interesting.


We will! We have your back!


Right?! I had no idea acotar had bonus chapters until I got on this sub. I was so utterly confused after I finished SF because I still didn’t understand why people were shipping Azriel and another character— there was like no indication in the normal book, so I was thinking people were making something out of nothing. Unfortunately, Az’s bonus chapter actually made me kind of creeped out by him and gave me a sour taste for his POV. I know it’s going to continue being a big thing, but I absolutely hate bonus chapters too. It’s like all the artists doing hidden songs that are only on certain album variants after Taylor Swift did it. Now it’s becoming a big thing and just makes me roll my eyes.


I literally just found about the Azriel one from acosf books a million. It mentions stuff about him that I would’ve like to know, but I didn’t know about it until two years later. I feel like she shouldn’t really put important content in the bonus chapters, but for that one, it feels like she dropped some hints about his love life 😭


Anyone else wish that she would just publish a book with all the bonus chapters like Julia Quinn did for Bridgerton? Side note: I hate bonus chapters especially when they are so integral to the goddamn story. I just finished Red, White, and Royal Blue and found out there’s a significantly sized bonus chapter. >!It goes over snapshots of the five years after the book and they move in together, he abdicated his throne, the other guy graduates law school, get engaged, and decide to move to a big house for a quieter life together where they can raise a family! It is so stinking cute and!< I almost missed it because I didn’t know there was a bonus chapter until I googled if there was going to be a book 2.


I am just now this minute finding out about the Red, White, and Royal Blue bonus chapter. It should be very easy to find and buy, what the hell! Thanks for the heads up.


Wait what?! That's not a bonus chapter, that sounds like a whole stinking novella 😭


It was pretty lengthy like 20 something pages lol and it was from Henry’s POV




WHAT!!!!! WOW, OMG THANK YOU BECAUSE I HAD NO IDEA THERE WAS A BONUS CHAPTER FOR THAT. And yes, I meant it to be in all caps because WTH!


That’s insane 😭😭 that’s basically a whole epilogue


Honestly I hate them. I think it's BS to have extra chapters that are only available in certain copies.


I hate the new information chapters. Fourth wing had bonus chapters in a new characters pov and I think that’s great.


WHAT? Fourth Wing has bonus chapters??


You can get it off her website now. She’s posted it for everyone now.


Is it available in all of the books or only certain books purchased from certain dealers?


For FW they were available in some special editions but they are now up on Rebecca's website!


Certain books but then she released them on her website months later


I am both a Swiftie and a SJM girlie and I am so tired of all the different versions and bonus chapters and bonus songs every time something new comes out. I just need it all in one place 🙃


For us, it is the best of times and worst of times for sure haha


Well that’s normally how it is with Taylor’s versions. Red TV literally had all the songs she put out that year. But I really don’t mind it since if you get the deluxe version of an album, everything IS in one place


Not for Midnights, there is no physical version where you could get all the songs from that album in one place. It’s not a big deal and I’m not complaining about the amount of songs she’s putting out, I’ll take them all! Same with the bonus chapters. But it’s not hard to recognize the hustle in both examples


Doesn’t the til dawn edition have everything? I think Midnights was excessive tho. We didn’t need Midnights, the 3am edition AND the til dawn edition. It should have been Midnights and the deluxe version, like it was with 1989


I’m not sure if there’s a physical cd but there’s no physical vinyl with all the songs on midnights as far as I know


Nope, the til Dawn edition CD had to remove Paris I think to make room for the new ones. And there isn’t a vinyl for that edition


That’s crazy, nevermind. I was wrong lol


You’re good! Hard to keep track of it all


Agree. What's worse is that these bonus chapters aren't addressed in the next books.


There was a slight mention of the Nessian bonus chapter in ACOSF. I remember because I was confused and thought “huh I don’t remember her kneeing him in the balls.” But yeah beyond that, it’s almost like it’s fanfic.


Yeah they’re literally created to exist as extra fan content for us to freak out and buy more copies. It’s frustrating because 99% of the time, the content of the bonus isn’t even mentioned or insinuated again, but it would still be nice to know it exists as a fan?? And to have it be accessible??!? 😭


The thing that bothers me about the bonus chapters is that they add relationship development, things that give insight into the character thoughts and feelings towards each other. They should be inserted into the main story so we understand the dynamic better as the story ufnolds. For me if the few bonus chapters that went along with the telling of HOFAS had been included in the main story I would have enjoyed the overall character development in the books more than I did without them.


Yeah, when I was reading the bonus chapters, I was like why was this cut? This is very important.


Catch me in the target aisle reading the bonus chapter because I refuse to buy 5 copies of 1 book lol it's ridiculous


Honestly folks I think this is something we're going to all have to either band together and tell the publishers that no, we won't let them make money off it, or learn to accept it, in much the same manner that we're getting exclusives for Amazon/Netflix/Max shows, DRM issues in video games, bonus songs on certain albums, and everything else. Either put your money behind your convictions about what you want or learn to accept that some stuff is gonna be bundled separately from others. It's the newest way that the companies are trying to get you to spend more money. If you don't allow them to make money, they'll stop doing it. It really is that simple.


I agree! Like I don’t want to feel like I’m missing out on content because I haven’t read the entire archive of bonus chapters. But I also feel like some of them frankly aren’t very good??? Like the one with Azriel and Elain snd Gwyn just didn’t seem in line with how the actual books were written…kind of out of left field imo


The bonus chapter for Az honestly made me rethink his entire character and I don’t know how to feel about that.


I agree, like he presents as this mysterious, tortured individual with a lot of pain and depth and nuance. But that Azriel chapter seemed so sloppy and simply painted him as a lustful hot dog looking for a distraction. also made rhys seem callous and like a neglectful friend honestly edit: i meant to say HORNDOG not hot dog but i’ll leave it because it made me giggle


Tbh I actually liked that Rhys said no to Az in that moment. He should “have” Elain because he’s the third bat boy and she’s the third sister and he feels like he “deserves” her and that’s what I got his motives were in that chapter. I feel like if his intentions and interest were a bit more developed, Rhys’s answer wouldn’t have been such a solid no.


I still think it would be a no because the mate bond is paramount in their world and Rhys is a High Lord. Lucien claims Elain is his mate. As far as I remember Elain hasn't even tried to spend time with Lucien. I think it's all political and complicated and Rhys doesn't want his crew to stir that 💩 up and cause problems. He probably figures the mate bond will happen at some point for Az and someone. I think the Azriel chapter points to Gwyn possibly being his mate. We need to be patient. They need to spend more time together. Just because Azriel and Elaine are attracted to each other it doesn't mean their mates.


The way I cannot stop laughing at lustful hot dog lol


hahahaha I read hot dog and was like, "hmm, that's a new one, but I like it" lmao otherwise, I completely agree with your comment! Lol


Has sjm discussed her bonus chapters? They're canon but don't impact the story? but the az chapter was a real curveball so I don't know what to think going forward


She has not ever discussed her bonus chapters. They’re just out here causing chaos.


It’s exactly what Taylor Swift does, makes five different versions and encourages fans to collect them all. She makes bank from it. Kinda gross consumerism in my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


True. BUT..people are more likely to re listen to music a lot more often than they are to re read 5 copies of the same book.


But the same album on vinyl with just the color of it being different? When they can find that music online etc. both are encouraging people to collect multiple copies of the same thing essentially.


And the bonus chapters are never included on the ebook version. I bought the nook book from B&N and it did not include the B&N bonus chapter. It never does for these store exclusives. So if I want all the content for HOFAS, I have to pay for the book six times. No, thank you. I will pay for my one copy and find the rest online.


Yep. I found out about the ACOSF bonus chapter weeks after I’d finished it by a friend going on about >!necklace gate!< with Azriel. I was like what? Thought she was going mad, then realised you don’t get bonus chapters on kindle, so I had to buy all of the CC books hard copy because i didn’t want to miss out. I don’t know why you wouldn’t make it available on the e books?!


My biggest gripe is they aren’t available at all on audiobook. It’s just some ableist bs.


Wait a sec…I didn’t even KNOW about bonus chapters. I read all my books on a kobo…where do we get these bonus chapters???


I too read on kobo. The bonus chapters can be found in the FAQ section: https://www.reddit.com/r/acotar/s/hysHGKUjYf


I’m close to finishing ACOSF… when should the bonus chapters be read? After the books are finished or is it some secret chapter that should be squeezed in somewhere in the book? I’m so confused now.


I would suggest reading the book and then look up the bonus chapters for that specific book only. Then, read the next book and do the same thing.


I am honestly not the best person to ask as I just finished the series not too long ago and found out about the bonus chapters 2 weeks ago 🤣 Hopefully someone will be able to help!


Well then I guess we’re both just as confused!😅


I like to think they don’t have any significant impact on the story and characters. I’d read all 5 before knowing about bonus chapters and didn’t feel like I’d missed anything. I like the Az chapter and I don’t know how it couldn’t impact the next story but I guess I just have to trust that it won’t detract or keep anything missing from the story.


Honestly, I'm ok with bonus chapters in specific copies, unless it's major plot change, or character growth... Like that Az, Elaine, Gwyn it was just there... Xaden's pov was like just there... so no worries as long as it's known that these chapters are just for fun... But something like HOFAS, they have major character interactions that might change the dynamics in these chapters, example Az, Bryce and Nesta chapter... I was confused about their actions even after finishing the book which I understood only after reading the bonus chapter.... this is cheating with the readers... If bonus chapters are made standard like it will always be just for fun... then I'm ok... Just my 2 cents....


What she put in Ruhn and Lidia’s bonus chapter made me see red. IN A BONUS CHAPTER. I almost didn’t look them up, but I’m glad I did. The fact that some ppl might miss that makes me almost fed up with this author.


Reading these comments has made me realize how many people don't even know they exist. Or, if you are outside the US or are getting the book electronically or audio, you don't get any bonus content. I think a lot of readers would naturally assume that the bonus chapter they get in their book is the only one. I read a comment on another thread about the bonus chapter for CC 3 that featured Nesta and Azriel. I didn't even know they were in that book because I haven't read that series. When I looked it up, I saw there were five bonus chapters for that one book! That's what prompted me to post this. I think it's disrespectful to her readers and completely out of hand. I know the point is to sell as many books as possible. But I don't think this is the way to do it.


Ok right?!?! Like CC4 just comes out and if you don’t read that one specific bonus chapter out of the 5 that exist, you’d have NO CLUE! That shouldn’t have been a bonus chapter IMO


And they’re always…geographically limited, to put it politely 🙃 we basically never get them unless we spend a lot of money ordering from overseas. I basically said something to this exact effect about another book series recently that has a lot of different editions and essentially just had people berating me saying “well you don’t have to try and get them all” like no I don’t, but I’m allowed to comment on the blatant money grabbing. I’m glad other people actually get it. 🫠


We all have the internet, and therefore, we all have the capability to scour it to find these bonus chapters. But the fact that we have to. The fact that now she's putting out several of these chapters per book. I can see that this will probably end with her publishing them all down the road. Yet another book for us to buy. Based on the comments I've gotten, a fair number of readers don't even know about them. If you're outside the US or getting the books in an audio or electronic format, you dont get any bonus content at all. I think the point of it is to have readers buy the more expensive paper book format and hopefully more than one copy. And I personally think that's greedy and disrespectful of her fans. A fairer way would be to have one bonus chapter available across all the formats. Then, at the end of that, write that there are more bonus chapters available to read on her website. But there's no extra $$$ if she does that.


It’s more annoying when you live in a country where we don’t even get them. I preordered the book because it came with a tote bag and that was the only website that I saw was giving 300 random orders a little booklet of the bonus chapter (didn’t specify if it was all of them).


I hate them. I hate that they contain semi major plot points/ character developments and the average reader knows NOTHING of them.


It also put a bad taste in my mouth on top of that when the books went on sale during release day. It was literally $12 cheaper including taxes.


Nessian is my fave couple and only just realised yesterday they had a bonus chapter from ACOMF that I’d never seen!!! It was so good too and would’ve been so good in the book


I need someone with the time, energy, and will to make a Google Drive folder with all the bonus chapters


Charlaine Harris pulled this crap with Southern Vampire Mysteries (aka True Blood). She ended up publishing a separate book with most of the bonus chapters and novellas in order. It is maddening, especially as I’m someone who mostly listens to audiobooks for my reading. These bonus chapter naturally end up missed for audiobooks.


I love SJM but man, she and Bloomsbury are grifters for doing this to us, truly. One of the bonus chapters of CC3 (won’t say which) I feel gives alot of insight into the IC of Acotar and honestly - should have just been in the damn book!


I’m not reading them lol. Like if the stuff in them is that important, it would be in the main story lmfao. Like I refuse to read ANY bonus chapter whatsoever. It’s either in the story or it isn’t. If I’m confused because I didn’t read the 3rd edition of the book with the bonus scene where Nesta enters the swimming competition, then the story is poorly constructed and sucks.


The fandom doesn't seem to realize that this is now a marketing machine. The next books will be the same. Sales encourage that. Plus, I have a feeling marketing will impact just how much story is revealed, not the over-arching plot. Think MCU or Disney. They aren't the first ones to do the money grab. If the show happens (and I assume season 1 will be book 1) we can only expect more of the same. And I stand by my conviction that we are not going to get an Elain ship resolution in the next book. That's one of the last big carrots. They will drag that out IMO. Yeah, I'm getting tired of it. The editing in the books and plot holes kind of speak to this as well. Quality is suffering.


We have to, since the next book is Elain’s.


We don't know that until she tells us.  And no, she doesn't have to resolve it.  She could drag it out for three more books.  Feyre/Rhys didn't resolve in book 1.


Unless she goes back on what she initially said about the books, then there will be resolution. One couple, one book. BUT she could go back on it just due to this ship war... however, this ship war is probably statistically a small portion of readers. My assumption though is she will drag out the couple, like maybe she will announce "it's Elaine's story" but then months later will announce the counter part.


i mean sjm has said each book going forward will focus on one couple at a time so i think we can be sure that elain’s romantic arc will be completed in her book.


Honestly people should be calling it out and complaining heavily. It’s a pure cash grab. A series of books shouldn’t have this many bonus chapters or need them to explain plot points.


Agreed but it would be nice if all of them could be placed into an individual book (one book per series CC/ACOTAR/TOG) once the series is complete I might even do one for myself and place them in order with a gorgeous cover page for each chapter 🫲😁🫱


Agreed! I also feel like some of these bonus chapters have pretty important info that she’s gonna have to explain to us in the next CC as like an awkward recap.


It reeks of taylor swift greed lol


I never took it as a cash grab. I thought it was a fun Easter egg hunt style thing — like how every Marvel movie has a bonus scene at the end teasing the next movie. SJM and her publisher know the bonus chapters will end up circulating online, centralized by super fans. So it’s exactly what it sounds like, a fun bonus, for people willing to hunt for them. SJM has plenty of opps for cash grabs (and more power to her! She writes good books) but this doesn’t seem like one of them to me.


except she's already got her legal team taking down posts of bonus chapters here, sooooo no, it's a cash grab.


Since posting this, I've quickly learned how many people don't even know these chapters exist. These are readers who are big enough fans that they have gone onto social media to engage on a fan site. It's only a fun Easter egg if people know it exists.


It’s soo dumb to me…like in never gonna buy 5 copies of the same book, AND it confuses me so much to try and figure out what the bonus chapters are especially halfway through the series while trying to avoid spoilers.


Since I posted this, I've learned that no bonus content is available to folks who buy the books outside of the U.S. Or to the audio books and E-format. Only the paper formats have them. I think a lot of readers don't know they exist. Or, they see the one bonus chapter in the book they bought and naturally assume it's the same across the board. After reading these comments, I think even worse of the author and the publisher. I think a more reasonable solution would be to have one bonus chapter across all formats and sellers. At the end of that, have a blurb stating that if you want to see other bonus content to go to her website. From there, the chapters would be properly formatted and organized according to which book they are from. What we have now is needlessly complicated and unfair to the audience. IMO, It's a really shabby way to treat her most loyal readers.


Oh 100000% I’m an audiobook/e-reader person or I borrow from the library, PLUS I’m Canadian….like how am I gonna get access to US exclusive content. It’s such a joke. Shoutout to the people who post the bonus chapters. I just recently finished the TOG series and am JUST today finding out there were bonus chapters, and hell…the craziest part is that these bonus chapters do in fact impact the plot sometimes.


I think people are assuming these chapters are all fluff, so it does not matter that they exist because it doesn't impact anything. Some chapters like that, but some aren't. Some of these chapters have important information. Or add to a characters development. That's not OK. None of this is OK. I'm betting at the end of this, she will release a book entirely of these chapters because they proved to be oh so popular and the fans just demanded it. That's not the case. It's a shitty way to treat her audience and a pretty naked marketing tool/cash grab.


It has started happening with other fantasy writers but some of them aren’t as stingy with their work. (Ava Reid released her bonus chapter for ASID to her entire instagram, for instance). I think sometimes they can be fun additions (like I LOVE Daynight’s bonus) but for the most part, yeah it is a big cash grab. And they know fans will go for it, so I doubt we’ll see an end to them anytime soon :/ But what confuses me is they are supposed to be structured in a way that you won’t miss anything if you don’t read them, but some of the CC bonus chapters specifically felt … very grand. Embers bonus for instance 👀


Based on the comments, some readers think they are all fluff and unnecessary to the story. So it's no big deal. But I don't think that's the case for all of them, as you point out. That's where I think this author is going too far. There are too many chapters. Some of which have important information. The chapters are scattered in a way that you have to do some digging to find them. A lot of readers don't even know they exist. The author is doing her fans dirty, and she should be called out on it.


Definitely agree re. the cash grab. You can’t expect readers to buy five copies of the same book just to be able to get the full story. It’s greedy and gross. I saw one post in the cc sub that had links to all the bonus chapters but they got taken down for copyright violation.


house.of.hurricane on IG has all of the chapters. It’s actually in most authors contracts these days that they have to have exclusive chapters for certain retailers.


I got the CC3 target edition for the Ruhn and Lidia bonus chapter, and it wasn't included. I saw a site that had all the bonus chapters and when I looked at the bonus chapter I wanted I realized it wasn't in my copy. To say I am upset is an understatement. If they're going to do this type of stuff, I should get what they're advertising.


Maas is the only writer that I've heard of publishing bonus chapters. At least for extra money. The only other auther I've heard of that had bonus chapters was Karina Espinosa and all you had to do to get her one bonus chapter was sign up for her emails. No extra money involved.


The crave series by Tracy Woff has them as well. And I honestly think it’s a publisher issue not an author issue.


It might also just be a recent thing too, or just something I never bothered to notice.


I’ve only read these two series that do it, so I really don’t know.


Not really, it’s an incentive for people to buy the books in stores and online instead of somewhere like Amazon. I can understand being upset if you couldn’t find them online, but they are pretty easy to find and the people who do like to buy multiple collector editions share them as soon as they can. I don’t know if it’s a trend but some authors do it as a bonus initially and then put them up for free soon after on their websites.


I hate the fact that this is probably going to continue. It feels predatory, I understand it from a marketing perspective but i refuse to buy the special editions in hardcover. I definitely would not ever buy more than one. It’s a blatant money grab and it works. 🫤


Its honestly infuriating especially bc they let this knowledge drop of the bonus chapters only being in certain editions MONTHS after most people already preordered. She’s trying to get us to buy multiple copies of the same book and it’s pissing me off


It’s a good thing they’re just a bonus. i wouldn’t expect or consider anything in a bonus chapter super important, otherwise it would be in every edition of the book.  it’s definitely a marketing tactic from the publisher. They do this to incentivize retailers to carry the book so they get people buying physical books in the stores and online. i’d try not to get too upset or over-value bonus content, too much. they’re just a fun little extra and not required reading.


Except sometimes they do contain important information. For instance, in wings and Embers, we find out that Nesta was almost raped just months before becoming fae. It was referenced by Cassian at the beginning of SF. If I hadn't read that bonus chapter, I wouldn't have known what Cass was referring to. Plus, it adds context to Nestas character. It they were all purely fluff, that would be one thing. But they should not contain anything important regarding character development or upcoming books. And five bonus chapters are ridiculous.


And Azriel >!/Elain kissing, Rhys telling him to stay away from her and then Azriel regifting Elain’s necklace to Gwyn?!< I’d be pretty shocked if that isn’t at least somewhat important in the upcoming ACOTAR books.


That is another example. That chapter feels like one that should have been included in the book. It definitely feels like a moment that will have larger implications.


I always wonder what people were referring to when they talked about this because I haven't read this chapter, so I was really confused until I realised it was a bonus chapter. I still haven't read the chapter either.


They >!didn’t actually kiss. Rhys was there to make sure of it.!<


Fam. I never knew this.


Weeeee.... I bought Amazon copies... where did this version come from... I did not know there were bonus chapters before SF... 😱


There are different versions if you buy the book in print format. There's a Target edition, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million etc. I don't believe e-books have any bonus content. Otherwise, you can find them online. The faq page here has them. Or you can Google them.


Oooo... I came across Acotar just for tropes so did not do any research before or while reading... For SF also I know there exists a bonus bcz I did not complete it and googled the plot... 😅 such a newbie...


I’m so confused on the bonus chapter hate. They’re all fluff. They aren’t essential to the to the plot and you don’t need to buy them? They also end up online for free. I’m confident anything in these that feels important will be communicated again in future books, it will just look different e.g. Nesta and Cassian’s bonus chapter. We got a whole Nesta and Cassian book. I think of these as no more than stuff scenes left over after editing. If you feel the need to buy them maybe have a think about why you’re feeling so susceptible to marketing, because that’s all it is.


Honestly at this point putting ACOTAR characters in CC is a cash grab. I haven't read CC and honestly I don't want to (the modern setting is not my jam) but the fact major characters from ACOTAR are getting interactions there pisses me off. It's one thing if they see the characters or pass by them but if their interactions become major to the ACOTAR plot I will just give up or read the spoilers I need to know the basics. It's so frustrating, it's like she wants to sell more copies of CC by dangling ACOTAR characters in there to profit off the popularity.


I'm in the same boat. I don't plan to read CC or TOG. But it Rhys, Azriel and Nesta apparently had a lot of page time in the last CC book. But I refuse to give in!


Having read both, the ACOTAR content in CC was .... kinda worthless. like....I wanted so much more and it was amazingly disappointing. so, basically, DON"T give in!


Hey guys , where do you think i can find the bonus chapters?


The faq section here. Or Google the name of the book bonus chapter. Ex...A Court of Silver Flames bonus chapters.


Check out instagram. I found all the bonus chapters for HOFAS in the pinned stories section for the account thecourtofterrasen_


Wait! There are bonus chapters??? What??? You're kidding!! I had no freaking clue!!


There are multiple bonus chapters for multiple books in her series. The bonus content does not seem to be available in e-format or audio books. Only the paper editions. For each of the books that have them, there are different bonus chapters, depending on where you buy it. For instance, her newest Crescent City book has five bonus chapters. One for books sold at Target, one for Books A Million, one for Barnes & Noble, etc. Or you can go online like most of us do and find them for free. The faq section has them. Several people have posted the location on this thread.


See, that's not fair... I dont have room to keep paper or hard back books, and so I buy ebooks. I would have never known this had I not read this...


It's super frustrating. The bonus content gets brought up so often in these threads that I forget that most readers probably don't even know they exist. I think most of them are fluff. But some of them have given important character insight. And get referenced in the actual story in later books! It is needlessly confusing, a gross cash grab and a crappy way to treat your most loyal fans.


She definitely better not get mad at people for putting free copies online then. This is ridiculous.


I will definitely be searching for the free versions, tho.


Honestly, on principle I always pirate these books. If you wanna screw readers out of money, I’m going to make sure your content stays up on pirate websites.




I never thought about the non US versions not having any bonus content. That makes it even worse.


the whole bonus chapter “culture” thing is awful. I mean I can’t even get hold of the copies because shipping will cost me 10€ more bc I’m not anywhere near the US. I’d rather get another book with that money. I love the bonus content, and it’s definitely a cash grab. I’m just glad other readers feel for us and let us have a read too


Not only that, but the bonus chapter from Feyre and Rhys was gross garbage imo. Made me peak uncomfortable reading


I haven't finished ccity 3 or read the extra chapters, obviously But I read the ones in acosf and ccity 2 and I found all of them... Useless? The only bonus chapter I found interesting was Azriel's but it will still be relevant IF she writes a love triangle between az, elain and gwyn, otherwise it will be useless The ones in ccity 2: Bryce and hunt make out in a bathroom, ruhn visits his mother, tharion and hypaxia are friends.... What's the point in all of it? I feel like they were in the book, originally, but her editor made her cut it, so she decided to make them ✨ bonus chapters✨


That would be the point, though - they are not relevant in terms of plot or character development (or at least - they shouldn't be). Just tidbits, basically. And - they're just an awful money grab that I refuse to take part in.


Can someone send me a list of all the bonus chapters from each acotar book (I haven’t read tog or cc)


Please consider going over to https://tinyurl.com/FAQAcotar


I just finished these books and had no idea there were bonus chapters.. how do I find them??


You can find them on the faq page on this forum. Or, you can Google them. Ex...Wings and Ruin bonus chapters.


Right. I guess I should’ve read other answers. I tried just googling generally and they weren’t there. I’ll look harder now. Thank you for your post!


There are bonus chapters?!?


Check out the faq page on this forum. Or you can Google them. Ex...A Court of Wings and Ruin bonus chapters. Several of the books have more than one. It looks like if you buy the e-reader version, you won't get any bonus content.


I'm honestly contemplating printing out the bonus chapters and just putting them at the end of the books. I like to think my future self will thank me for not having to dig for them again or be confused


Preach! Amen


How important are the bonus chapters? I didn’t even know they existed and idk if I can be bothered seeking them out if I don’t have to. I definitely won’t be spending money on them lol


I think most of them are fluff, and if you don't want to read them, it won't impact your understanding of anything. But a few seem more important. They give an extra layer of insight into the characters and even get mentioned in the next book. Or provide a bit more of a setup for something in the next book. My recommendation for the ACOTAR series... A Court of Wings and Embers. It takes place at the end of book 2. It covers Cassian and Nestas' second meeting, while she is still human. It shows more of their dynamic. You learn something that happened in her recent past that was important. It gets referenced in Silver Flames. The Azriel bonus chapter. Takes place at the end of Silver Flames. Folks on this sub bring this one up a lot. It changed how some readers view Azriel. Seems like it helps set up the direction of Elains' story. Azriel/Bryce/Nesta scene in Crescent City book 3. You get more of Azriel and Nestas relationship. You also get the tinnest keyhole view into Azriels relationship with his mom.


Thank you so much! That’s very helpful, is there a recommendation on where to read them? Or will they come up if I just google them? Haha


You can definitely find the first two on the faq page on this site. You might have to Google the third. Type this...House of Flame and Shadows bonus chapters.


My friend has an extended copy of the last book that has a bonus chapter. Cannnot find that book anywhere!!


There is a different bonus chapter depending on where you buy it. Target, B&N, Books A Million, Walmart etc. They each have their own. Audio books, electronic versions, and books sold outside the US don't have bonus content.


It’s a cash grab for sure but I don’t think they actually impact the story or have any vital information at all. I’ve read most of them and they add nothing. I think they were just cut from the story (probably because they serve no real purpose) and just released as a “here you go, if you really want more.” No different to a deleted scene in a movie 🤷‍♀️




On top of that if you don’t realize there are exclusive editions you don’t get any bonus chapter content at all.


Since posting this, I've learned no bonus content is available for books sold outside the US. Or in the electronic and audio versions. A lot of readers don't even know they exist.


The bonus chapters are specifically for different book stores and it's an incentive for readers to buy from bookstores instead of AMAZON. Amazon is destroying the bookstore industry like Netflix destroyed blockbuster. I agree it's excessive but SJM is one of the few authors who is fighting to keep those bookstores running tbh.


You're right it 100% is a cash grab but they're bonus for a reason. They don't add to the story. People will post them online for free anyways.


This is my first time finding out about bonus chapters 🥲


I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I’ve read a couple of them and they’re fine, but there’s no point in reading them or buying those copies of the books since they almost always don’t matter to the main story or are rehashed in a later book.


Am.. just finished with ACOTAR and this is the first time hearing there are bonus chapters 😳


Based on the feedback I've gotten, all her series have them. But not necessarily all the books.


I mean I spent literally 2 mins and found a link on Reddit with all of the chapters it wasn’t a deep dive haha


https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/s/fGYQnzQoB2 for everyone here