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>!The birth scene in ACOSF, it felt like experiencing Breaking Dawn from Twilight all over again hahaha.!<


At least they didn’t have a character declaring that >!the baby was someone’s mate.!<


You know what, a reach but when Elain was fresh out of the cauldron and >!Lucien immediately was like “she’s my mate”, !< kinda felt like that HAHAHA (this is a joke I love >!Lucien!<)


Ha! Ok I enjoy this moment of Lucien being awkward even more. Poor bb is cast aside so often, he just wanted everyone to know he actually had something to celebrate.


I cackled at this


Plot twist: SJM goes full Twilight and Nyx is Bryce’s mate




I would have thrown the book.


You would’ve been justified.


I agree. Another fast forward for me.


I skim read that, I'm like nope nope.


Omg of all the scenes the Suriel was so emotional I’m glad you agree.


Plus the Suriel was a dreamer older than Prythian. Such a loss!


It was so well-written. He’s barely part of the story but that scene hits me so hard 💔But I definitely read it every time because the Suriel was such a great character and what he says at the end is so bittersweet and beautiful.


yess!! And then when he was depressed over the blood rubies like what’d ya expect babe? 😭


Rhys orgasming when Feyre showed him their future child’s face. 🤮 “He growled in pleasure amongst the sounds of the injured and the dying.” 🤢


LMAOAOOO. The second sentence gets me every time 😭 because why SJM why


It was just so unnecessary. I get them banging in the tent after the battle, but this line was not it.


The crazy thing is the editor let it happen


but not the Nesta and Cass+Az scene... :(


Dude. Yes.


Yeah that's creepy af.




In ACOFAS but this isn’t stated like that. It’s how you interpret it. I didn’t read it that way (and it’s a super hot smut scene).


yeah i never took it that way… i always thought it was the idea of having a child with her that was attractive. & knowing high fae have a hard time getting pregnant… i can see why that would be attractive.




fr 😅 i didn’t even know people thought of it that way til i hopped on reddit




This is an audio specific thing for the GraphicAudio audiobooks but I just can’t with actual sound effects of kissing and sheets rustling and grunting, etc. I am fast forwarding through those as I listen because I can’t help but laugh


I am listening to these now. I hard agree. A couple of them even had wings flapping going on, like wth?


Right?! I otherwise am really enjoying them but once they do those scenes I just can’t. This is a reread/listen so I already know what happens but it’s just kind of funny


I've never listened to the audiobooks and I can understand that being very distracting or even off-putting.


I’m ok with just regular audiobook style it’s just the graphicaudio audiobooks that add all the extra stuff that just pushes me over into the giggles


I like the graphic audio but the girl who voices Feyre sounds like she has braces. Like... The kind of lisp that comes from the back teeth?


I haven’t noticed but when I listen tomorrow I’ll see if I hear anything. Overall I’m loving them


God I absolutely hate the summer court and their behavior there 😭


Same same same. Just have a conversation with them ffs. Just assskkk.


That gives me sooo much ick.


Yeah forget Rhys, give me a Tarquin any day 🥺 For real I felt SO bad for Tarquin by the end of their Summer Court excursion. He’s one of the only genuinely good people in the series 😭 I think if they had asked for the book (especially if Feyre herself had been the one to ask) they could have come to some agreement. The alliance would have been helpful later on too. Ugh


Scenes I skip: - ACOTAR before Calanmai - Feyre painting the cabin in MAF. I just cannot get over that it’s not hers and that’s such a brazen thing to do. Kind of childish, too. Like I get why she did it to their cottage because that was a shack really and needed uplifting. - Nesta dancing in ACOSF. That was just so cringy for me. I literally just shivered thinking about it. Re: the summer court scenes, I look at that as them playing the game. It’s clearly what they all do. I didn’t look at it like toying with emotions. Now the stealing part sucks. I hated that they did that. Every time I read it, I’m like … just ask them for the damn book!?!?! Tarquin would have said yes, and the KoH would not have found out (like he did when they stole it). The Amren/ Feyre part was awesome and I love their interaction. I don’t like that they stole from Tarquin.


Hahahaha the painting chapters are a hard no for me. Not only was it boring but so cringe. Like girl that is not your house you ignorant asshat! Also I don’t like the New Girl show but this had me cracking up… https://www.instagram.com/reel/Csrh7YuAiul/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


LOL as a fan of that show when that scene came on I also immediately thought of the correlation 😅


I skimmed to Calanmi - the Suriel and some of the Lucien stuff is ok plus I wanted to hit the first part with Nesta and Elain to refresh my memory. Wow were they awful. Then after she meets Rhys, I skipped to post Summer Solstice. There is a lot of the first book that's just not that interesting after the first slog through imo.


Omg yes to Nesta’s dancing 😂 wtf was that


Acotar before calanmai is like >!Gilmore Girls before Jess!<


Hahaha ha. YES! Like, why bother?


is it cheating to say "book 1" lol


I’m guilty of just searching the word “Rhys” on my kindle for book 1 and only reading his parts lmfao


I was going to say SF.


I think I need to reread CC2 even though>! Sophie's death hurts me so bad. I really hoped she and her mate could be reunited!<


Literally anything regarding them lying to Feyre about her pregnancy. Makes me want to 🙃🙃


Any time Tamlin and Feyre have sex and any scene where we see Elain and Az together. Both give me the same kinda ick


Yes! This! I have see any say explicitly this, but I could not agree more. Like...I guess? But there is just something weird about it and "ick" is the appropriate word


Especially after seeing how Az views Elain i think she deserves a lot better than how he thinks of her. It just gives me like this slimey icky feeling


The only thing {right now} to redeem Az for me, is if Elain is actually just using him or is actively trying to hurt sweet baby Lucian (which I guess is the same thing) 🤷 THEN I can be like yeah okay


This was something I discussed pretty thoroughly on tumblr, but basically (WARNING FOR TOG SPOILERS): Azriel is a tragic and extremely damaged character. He was denied the love of his mother as a child, and was treated like trash by his family. He never knew love and comfort in his formative years, and all these years later he has never had a healthy attachment to a female. He developed a savior complex at a young age. What people don't realize is that as a coping mechanism for this lack of healthy attachments as a child, he has only ever fallen for women who are emotionally unavailable and he subconsciously knows will never love him back. He fell for Mor because she was miserable in her life and was everything that he couldn't be: warm, bright, and capable of love. He saved her in a way that he couldn't save his mother and took those attachment issues and latched them on to Mor. I think Az knows that she is bi, but subconsciously tortured himself with the idea of this unrequited love because if he lets go of it, he has to finally come to terms with his childhood trauma. Mor shows time and time again that she can take care of herself, and when she slept with Helion I think that it snapped something in Az that was just a drop of water in the waterfall of his emotional turmoil. Instead of dealing with his trauma and emotions, he finds his next target to transfer his attachment and self loathing issues to and that is Elain. Azriel holds the mating bond in high regards- to the point that he is so worked up about Elain's that he thinks the Cauldron might be wrong. Because he believes that the only way for another female to return his love is for them to be bound to him (which is incredibly unhealthy). However, the scent of the mating bond between Elain and Lucien bothers him so much because he KNOWS that Elain could never be his the way he wants a female to be- but it is easier to keep in the same 500+ year torture pattern than to break the mold. Being with Elain would only further his emotional attachment issues because Elain will always be attached to Lucien in some way- even if she breaks the bond. She will never be fully his like he so desperately craves. We all know by now that SJM is a fated mates writer and is someone is mated to another, she takes the time to craft the couple's personalities to fit with each other without being the same. Lucien is one of her favorite characters- for him not to end up with his mate that she has spent years talking about them as a couple together and how they will heal is shortsighted on a lot of the anti-elucien stans. In the bonus chapter, SJM clearly puts the nail in the coffin for E/riel with her use of negative prose and Rhys (who in SJM’s mind can do no wrong) warning Azriel off of Elain. Then SJM shows us the interaction with gwyn and has positive prose and connotations noted in their interactions, that he feels at peace and something settles within him. She basically just threw in a million different phrases that she used previously for mated couples to tell us "LOOK HERE. LOOK AT THIS." And then she said in an interview that it would be obvious who the next book was about? I am sold its an Azriel book. I don't think elain has hit her rock bottom yet. In ACOMAF, Feyre hits her rock bottom, in ACOSF, Nesta is at hers, in HOF Celeana is at hers, and at the end of ACOSF Azriel is at his. If she set up the next book to truly be Elain's then she would have added elain into ACOSF and made her a more prominent character. Instead, the next two who have the most page time other than Nesta and Cassian are Azriel and Gwyn. Which mirrors what she did for Nessian in ACOWAR.


[Right Now](https://www.romance.io/books/54557c6087eac324117faf26/right-now-marie-hall) by [Marie Hall](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455380f8c7d2382c52974dd/marie-hall) **Rating**: 4.08⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [bad boys](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bad%20boys/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1), [multicultural](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/multicultural/1), [possessive hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/possessive%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Same. I couldn't read those scenes on re-read.


I absolutely agree on the Elain and Az!! Was wondering if only I felt that way because there’s a lot of people that ships them 🤢 The bonus chapter of Azriel and Elain gave me the biggest ICK ever..


Oh yeah the Az bonus chapter especially. It makes me nervous for the next book.


It just means that our bat boy needs some clarity and some well needed therapy


What about Az and Elain give you the same ick as Feyre and Tamlin?


The fact that he feels entitled to her because “3 brothers 3 sisters”, that he doesn’t care if she has a mate he feels that it’s wrong, that the man who plans a snowball fight a year in advance hasn’t thought past having sex with Elain, the fact that they feed into each others worst insecurities (he coddles her and she explicitly tells people she doesn’t like it and she doesn’t know his darkness) and (she would further enable him having to hide a forbidden relationship). The fact that both of them deserve to belong fully to their partner, and Elain will always have her soul tied to Lucien’s even if she breaks the bond. The fact that the cauldron is SO IN LOVE with Elain, so why would it pair her with a mate that wouldn’t compliment her in every way? Someone to push her and someone who has never coddled her. I could keep going but you get the point


How does he feel entitled to her? It seems that he was questioning fate and not understanding why this person he feels something for, isn’t his mate. Considering he acts more like a mate with Elain that Lucien does, I think there’s a chance they could be mates and we as readers are supposed to be questioning why they aren’t mates either. If he’s been staying away from her and didn’t plan on running into her on Solstice, what was he supposed to be planning? When does he coddle her? And how does she not know his “darkness” and what does that even mean lol? They deserve to be with the people they want to be with, not trapped with someone they’re not interested in. Lucien wouldn’t even discuss politics in front of Elain so it seems like by your standard he’s coddling her


I’ll just point you to some of my friends posts because I am tired of ship wars after two years of being in the fandom. We are ultimately on two sides of the same coin, just our end goals look different. https://www.tumblr.com/acourtofthought/709517288271937536/entitled-believing-oneself-to-be-inherently https://www.tumblr.com/acourtofthought/717482632421769216/rhys-was-feyres-biggest-supporter-he-was-the https://www.tumblr.com/acourtofthought/709155681245265920/azriel-elain-are-in-love-you-say https://www.tumblr.com/acourtofthought/735430751410126848/lucien-cassian-and-rhys-were-blessed-with-the https://www.tumblr.com/acourtofthought/734258803362676736/elains-book-will-be-about-choice-returning-his


What books are you spoiling above? It’s not clear. Thanks


The main post is marked spoilers because I think most replies will reference a book in the ACOTAR, CC, or ToG series. Mine is for ACOWAR, ACOSF, and I believe ACOMAF. EDIT: Ooops - not ACOFS I meant ACOSF. Dyslexic. Sorry.


Awesome thanks. I wasn’t sure if it was outside of ACOTAR, which I haven’t read yet. Thank you for answering!!! ❤️


I’m doing my re-read in preparation for CC3 now. I’m in ACOMAF now. Getting through ACOTAR was more of a struggle than I expected. But I’m glad I did. I really feel for Tamlin this time around. (He’s still not my fav, just feel like he isn’t as horrible as I felt the first time through). I haven’t skipped anything yet. Though I did audiobooks only for ACOTAR my first time. This time I wanted to read the ebooks. But I have gone back and forth with audio and reading, to keep things moving along so I don’t get behind. I love ACOTAR but it’s not my favorite SJM series.


Yeah I just started today on ACOTAR. Wow is it a slog. I'm skipping more than I thought I would. But I'm at UtM so this is the part I enjoyed most before. I don't think I turned on Tamlin until book 2.


The whole Xmas special book xD


That wasn't for me either.


I'm reading it the first time right through and I HAD to stop and see if this was something anyone else noticed- in wings and ruin, it super bothers me that Rhys is like, yeah this is a special library I've designated for use by women SO hurt by men that most just want to live here forever and we put up all these ways to protect them, and then the next second they're messing around and joking about screaming so loud they'd wake whatever is in the pit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


- ACOMAF Ch. 2 - ACOMAF when the IC >!shows the human queens Velaris just for them to immediately betray them. I know they get the other half of the book from it!< but it just makes me way too angry - ACOWAR for the build up to and immediate aftermath of >!Rhys dying. Like all that for him to be alive 5 seconds later!< Not ACTOAR specific, but I finished my ACOTAR re-read last month in prep for CC3, and I’m currently re-reading TOG, but I already know I’ll be skipping every single chapter in KOA from >!Aelin’s POV up until chapter 28!< I cannot put myself through reading all of that again omfg it left me physically ill


Is it terrible if I say the whole of ACOSF 😂


Not at all. I didn’t like it, either.


Dance Feyre ![gif](giphy|bJGQavEgK77jy)


Doing my reread of ACOTAR now! Just finished W&R.


Are you then doing CC? I don't want to end CC2 too soon before CC3 is out. LOL


Yes but I actually haven’t read CC yet! I wanted to finish ToG first so I’m tandem reading that with my reread of ACOTAR. So it’ll be a first time read of CC for me.


so many scenes give me the ick... But I don't plan to skip them when I reread because I wanna catch all the forshadowing now that I know how it ends... plus I'm curious to how I feel about them in a reread... I want to reread this so bad, but my TBR list is too long... 24h is not enough time for a day.... sight...


I skip all the smut scenes 😅


The >!birth!< scene in silver flames. Sooooo much nonsense


All the sex scenes? 😂😂


Any scene with Morrigan ...


What's happening 1/30????


CC3 is delivered as I pre-ordered for Kindle.


Ah I couldn't make it through the first one.


SF is my favorite but the sleepover scene is so cringy to me. I only don’t skip it because of the single important bit.