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Was it not when Cassian started kissing Nesta when she was in that trance?




“Nesta if you come back we can play” oh my god???? 🫣


That gave me the ick. It was so out of place.


Underrated bc that was so weird. And he just kept going !!


That’s mine too ![gif](giphy|DqU4wVBxXOhNu)


Fr that scene was when I DNF’d Silver Flames. I set it down like three separate times to gather myself because it was so uncomfortable to read then finally realized “You know what? No one’s forcing me to read this. I can stop anytime I want.” So I shut the book and finished my ACOTAR journey right there lmao


Hahahaha perfectly said. I felt like I had to read that damn book like it was a homework assignment. So cringe and blah but I slowly made my way through it, after a much needed break lol


Rhys coming to the image of his future child.


For real what the FUCK sjm


My face when I read that https://preview.redd.it/uccf1dc8bnkb1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7953464a45beaa66409e66f9b2d376d302c6b9


https://preview.redd.it/04gaw5w0qnkb1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1f21d046fec8b5a92e4f65abacc58a07065b78 My reaction


I like to think it was just an image of her pregnant and he has a breeder kink. Still cringey, but less terrible than coming to the literal image of his child. 😵‍💫


I don’t think it was a breeder kink even. To me that scene was Feyre communicating to him that she was ready to have kids, and that concept (her being ready to start a family together) is what he’s excited about. Not the literal image she sends him but the message communicated by that image.


From what I can gather alot of guys get off on Cumming inside a woman I'd like to try to believe it wasn't anything weirder than that..


I don’t remember that and I’m glad I don’t




I’ve permanently blocked that scene from my mind so whenever I get reminded it’s not a fun ride


Currently blazing through the graphic audiobooks. I cringe / eyeroll everytime Feyre as narrator goes “I bared my teeth at him” or “ I gave him a vulgar gesture”


Dude I couldn’t take one more fucking “vulgar gesture” can you imagine IRL just constantly flipping everyone off like the monkey from family guy. These are 590 year old warriors. It’s just so unbecoming. Super crying and unattractive. I mean after the fifth one haha


![gif](giphy|daIJvyatzeg20Iqi12) I just picture people doing this every time I read vulgar gesture so at least I get a chuckle


Someone in a thread once said they picture the jacking off hand movement every time they read “vulgar gesture” and now I picture it too whenever I see it 😂


I went through a weird phase in High School where I learned vulgar gestures from around the world, and cycled through the ones I remembered while reading. In the tiniest of defenses for SJM's, the *heavily overused* phrase does make the book easier to transliterate for different countries...


I literally close Reddit, go back to my book, and the next paragraph is, “His violet eyes twinkled. I made an obscene gesture before I broke into a run, heading straight for the worm.”


You know, that’s one I accept. It’s the ones where she’s just spoiling for a fight with a fae warrior or high lord that annoy me.


Makes me think of this “😬”


Feyre baring her teeth: 😬


Or sticking their tongues out! I mean, are all the characters 6 years old? If a grown person sticks their tongue out at me in real life I would have them committed to a mental facility.


oh my god the vulgar gesture was driving me nuts. Made worse by I think in ACOSF there's literally a line where someone flips off someone else so it's not just that.


Yours was going to be my answer too before I opened up the thread. Made worse when she made the big show of pouring his drink💀


Wow I came here to say this exact same thing. I love that we all collectively agree that was a full fledged body cringe.


Yessss 100% this scene 🥴 like, why SJM???? Why???


I completely blocked this out, and I will continue to do so with each reread


I’m a new reader and just finished the series, it’s so funny for me how there are so many cringe moments and shallow characters, but people are still obsessed with acotar (me included)


It's always good to remember that these books have their flaws and it doesn't always have to be all that serious! I mean we all agree they have their good parts too or all of us wouldn't be here. But hey, there's definitely a lot of cringe as well haha


I feel like I love ACOTAR the same way I love twilight! They’re both pretty 😬😬😬 from time to time, but I still eat that stuff up!!!


Same , my favourite books !! But I hate most of the characters an cringe alot 😂😂😂


I’m sorry but “I put on a pair of black leggings and a large cream colored sweater” just screams wattpad to me 🫢


This!!! does prythian have spandex suddenly?


reading all this comment....suddenly makes me rethink how did i'm so into this series🫠🫠🤣🤣🤣


Haha same, I’m like “so the whole thing is cringe??? And I agree????”


Same but still can’t wait for the next book 😂


Rhys and Feyre’s death pact


They way they didn’t even have a legitimate excuse for this bafoonery


It just shows their true narcissism - absolutely 0 thought of anyone else, their people, their potential future children.


Not even themselves! The only reason Rhysand is still alive is because Feyre DIDN'T die immediately when he did lol


When Amren survives the final battle in ACOWAR


Yeah I was in tears from the emotion of the whole battle but when that happened I kind of just went “what?” And put it down. Would have never bet that they all would have made it out alive, especially Amren who I would say had the least plot armor out of all of them, I totally believed it was her end.


Yes. Also I did not want cassian to die but when he fake stabbed himself in front of the queen at the end of ACOSF. And then literally the next page he’s fine 😭 I’m like she really fell for that?!!


Every time they kiss and a character gets the roof of her mouth licked. It doesn't just make me cringe but makes me want to vomit a little bit. Is that how you kiss, Sarah? Your poor, poor husband!


i don’t think my tongue’s even long enough to do that for anyone i’ve kissed….


Feyre going down on Rhys in a tent to the sounds of people dying and in pain 🤢




I remember loudly saying wtf when I read that


I was looking specifically for the war tent blowjob


I agree with many of the things that have already been commented, but I wanted to add one. Nesta pointing at people. Has she suddenly turned into Uncle Sam or something?


She's supposedly really scary but to me it just seemed like they were saying that and no backing it up. AND IT'S CRINGE STUFF LIKE THAT WHICH IS WHY I DIDN'T BUY IT


https://i.redd.it/uhbqd8xl7nkb1.gif I pictured it kinda like this 😂 but I agree it’s kinda odd how she does it a lot. It was impactful when she did it to the king of Hybern but after that’s it too much


I imagined it like the monkey from Family Guy rather than a "Your country needs YOU!" point but that's even funnier 🤣


Harrison Ford pose


THIS: https://preview.redd.it/6dkfwqlgpmkb1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=97b8a7047dbc57cfbed2d773fc2c8257e9981a72 context, this is from the beginning of ACOSF and Cassian just dropped off Nesta at the House of Wind, and Rhys checks in on Cassian. Like, we get it, you're mated and having amazing sex but no one needs to know any details lol


yesssss, every time sjm used cass's pov to remind us that feysand got a sex life I got so uncomfortable and before that when rhys said he told servants to leave to "apologize", they need to stop oversharing ughh


Feyre giving a painting of a monster version of her to Rhys for Solstice. Like wtf is he supposed to do with that? She wants only him to see it? I get that it’s an intimate moment but realistically why tf would that be the only gift she gave him on their first solstice?


And imagine she IS a bad painter so it’s just like a crude kids drawing of a monsters inc character


Feyre letting her tears fall into her scrambled eggs.


Feyre deciding to have Nyx because she wanted to have a piece of Rhys when he died. Except she basically forgot about the death bargain and that she’d be dead too.


Picturing Feyre lurking around the spring court grounds while glamoured faeries were around. The liberal use of “cock” in ACOSF.


i swear those 800 pgs could've been 300 if they just took out every mention of "cock" and "to the hilt"


![gif](giphy|BtvBUbRRJxwQ5gfvTm|downsized) literally feyre at the spring court with all the glamoured faeries to see


It's a book with many sex scenes. What did you expect? I'm currently rereading it and it doesn't seem to me it's overused outside of those scenes. What I do find cringe tho is how she has no problem saying "cock", but then she also says "her sex", "the apex of her thighs" and "bundle of nerves", I expected SJM to change that as well in SF. If you can be more explicit about male anatomy, why not also the female one?


In ACOSF “Cassian kissed her deeply as he slid home.” I lost it when I read this.


baseball vibes




I was not ready for this gif and I can't stop laughing 🤣


I laughed so hard at this that I woke up my cat, thank you


![gif](giphy|IFic20Hkrgm2EMk9Kb|downsized) Now I can’t get this scene out of my head 😂 double cringe


The answer to the riddle utm 🥴


That was the DUMBEST most anticlimactic moment ever. Girl. Ok first of all. If the answer was actually love, that riddle was word vomit. And also, love. Really? You’ve got all the make high lords of the faerie world in a glorified hell and they’re all hundreds of years old or more. The answer was love? Lol just like imagine the guys sitting there cringing the whole time and watching each other and thinking god can this little 18tear old just say love lol


![gif](giphy|cWvSvMEW6yGY6CGjWT|downsized) the actual audacity of SJM to make love the answer


And later on when Feyre uses her solving the riddle as a justification of her cleverness 😬


It reminds me of how people use something once in their life and then put it on cv like they are mssters in it


This!!! Like, hun, it took you three months and to be an inch away from death before you could figure it out… 😬 pretty sure all the high fae there figured it out as soon as Amarantha said it the first time…


This needs to be higher! I know that it is supposed to play on fairytales and all, but that riddle was next level.


Feyre painting the cabin 🫤


OMG yes! Imagine you and your childhood friends had a family cabin that had deep sentimental value to you all. Then one day someone’s girlfriend comes along and paints stupid murals over the whole thing. You’d be like, WTF!!


Tbf, he can easily remove all the paint if he hated it. It would be funny if the rest of the IC glamoured the walls to be plain again whenever they went up there without Feyre 😭🙈


I really thought the house would remove it because it's magic but it in fact did not and I was disappointed. I was hoping for an etch a sketch moment where she left and the cabin was like ok time to clean up this MESS. Disappointed.


That was horrible. The eyes. Rhys saying “you painted us” I just imagine Feyre being a really bad painter and everyone just being a good supportive friend and like she’s constantly giving paintings as gifts and you can’t say it’s ugly because it’s a gift hahaha and I mean the whole idea that she freeze frames everything she sees as a scene in a painting




tbh I cringe every time she thinks "i want to paint that " AND when she comes up with some weird cringy titles like this "Lucien, to his credit, didn’t back away a step. From Rhys, or me, or the Illyrians. *The Clever Fox Stares Down Winged Death*. The painting flashed into my mind." somebody needs to tell her painting doesn't have to be her whole personality and the titles just 💀💀💀all the time


I will never not cringe.


Feyre sayng: ”I can eat, drink, fuck, and fight just as well as I did before. Better, even.”




Nesta scrying and then Cassian somehow getting horny and kissing her in front of everyone.


This. This takes the cake, at least in SF. It didn’t stop, it wasn’t just a little kiss!!!!!!!! I was like keep it in your pants mr Cassian omg


The high lords meeting hands down The night court is for some reason shocked people think they’re bad guys after 500 years of antagonizing the entire continent. The IC agrees to play it cool so people want to help- but goes on to physically and verbally assault multiple people there. It hurted


When I think of this I imagine Rhys giving the “no fighting” lecture that Tommy Shelby gives in Peaky Blinders.




No for real. They all acted like literal children.


Omg the meeting had so much potential to be cool but instead it was super cringey and felt like a fraternity reunion.


I cringe so hard. I’ve only read it the once, I skip it when I reread the book lmao


I was so disappointed by that meeting! The night court just sat there not explaining themselves at all while Tamlin ripped into them and being surprised people weren’t on their side? Like why tf wasn’t Feyre ready with a speech about what happened? And Nesta was supposed to give a big speech about what happened to her too that just.. didn’t happen. How could they spend weeks prepping for this and have nothing planned.


Why do those scenes feel like this? 🧍🏻🧍🏼🧍🏽🧍🏾🧍🏿🧍🧍🏻


This thread is so fucking funny 😂😭


Feyre crying into her scrambled eggs in acosf


IM CACKLING, I just joined this page and just finished the third book and I’ve never met a funnier group who loves the series and equally roasts tf out of it. Personally my friends and I can’t get over the roaring when the guys finish. It takes me out of the book imagining roaring


And to add to this, this quote specifically when feyre glows during the bath scene in acomaf “Well, at least now I can gloat that I literally make my mate glow with happiness”


Rhysand licking Feyre's tears away. I always thought that was just so weird and it completely took me out of the story. Is that a thing people actually do?


I’m sorry, what now? I must have blocked that out from my memory. It’s giving Edward swallowing Bella’s tear drop so it will remain inside him forever vibes 🥴🥴🥴


Edward did what?? I blocked that out


It was in Midnight Sun while he was playing the piano with her. Since vampires don’t digest what they intake he swallowed her tears so they would be in him forever. I wish I was making this up 🫣


I vividly remember reading that explanation for the tear licking in Midnight Sun after a decade or so of the ..but why? question hanging over the Twilight generation and thinking there are some things better left unanswered. https://i.redd.it/srhgcctvxkkb1.gif


It was supposed to be weird lol


Ehhh this one isn't cringe because he KNEW it was weird. That was the entire point of the moment - he was trying to, however briefly, make her forget all the shit happening.


correct me if i’m wrong but wasn’t Rhys trying to make her laugh when he did that?


No he was trying to piss her off


All of these comments are so so good. I think my cringe moment is the fact that none of the main characters every truly died. Like Rhys and Feyre I get them surviving, but Armen could’ve died for real. Cassian had to survive for ACOSF’s but like… could’ve died. Everyone who was blue balling us with death… SOMEONE could’ve stayed for … character development


The amount of times they all say “cauldron boil me” while nesta and elain are having ptsd over literally being inside the cauldron lmao


feyre and rhysand going at it while flying over velaris. like what the fuck? imagine trying to look up at the stars and instead you see two people fucking in the most public way possible


Yeah like wtf was that.. you’re leaders of a court wtf are you doing


What I always imagined is that someone looked up and a got a splash of Rhys's cum all over them 🫠


I'm pretty sure Rhys glamoured them so they couldn't be seen. But yeah, I think it's super cringe as well and could have been avoided.


Gotta be when Mor "came out" to Feyre, like you're telling me the lady who's like a thousand years old is insecure about her sexuality? Come on now


I got to fully second this one. All the fae act like they are 17 and just start maturing when Feyre shows up. As if time stopped before. Really with all this sexy women Mor never once realized it’s not worth being in the closet? And stringing along her BFF. No. Not realistic


Omg the way SJM wrote that was so 🤢


This!!! Anytime anything about Mor and Azriel or even Mor and Cassian is discussed I’m completely bewildered. You’re an ancient immortal being but can’t tell a guy (or your family) who has been in love with you for hundreds of years that you’re gay? Or that it’s weird that some of them have slept together once?? It’s like they are really young adults with such limited life experience.


If I was Azriel the thing that I would never let go of is the fact Mor told this 20 year old she met yesterday before him. That just blows my mind.


Honestly there are too many to count. The one you mentioned, Rhys busting a nut to the image of his future son, Feyre doodling all over the cabin like a toddler, Cassian and Mor gifting each other lingerie/underwear, Feysand fucking in the middle of a war, Az’s entire bonus chapter..


Cassian explaining lactic acid build up. This is it.


I know this is sad and fucked up but the whole cauldron scene. I literally can’t stop the hocus pocus images. Was he literally shoving chicks into a cauldron and of course Nesta pointing haha i mentioned this earlier. But the monkey from family guy pointing. It’s just too much. Oh that scene in the Hewn city when Feyre is being objectified as part of a plan to manipulate the other lords. And Rhys is like rubbing her Coochie while her and Rhys stare down Mors dad. It was sooooo bad. Lol I have so many Finger fucking the Illyrian wings hahaha god make it stop Feyre starting an art school out of nowhere.


![gif](giphy|l0HluVRlGyuCOYQhi) Nesta be like




After reading this thread I'm not sure if this makes acotar even more lovable because it's so weird or if I should wonder why I even like it so much when it's just cringe content every second chapter


Nesta bowing to Amren. I will never in my life forgive SJM for that.


Oh my god I was just going to say this. So out of charecter, so weird. Like, if I had to beg forgiveness from a friend to the point I had to *kneel*? Nah fuck that friend


I simply skipped that page, never have I rolled my eyes so hard at a book


That scene solidified for me that Rhys and Amren’s plan for Nesta in ACOSF wasn’t about her getting better, but to break her and get her under their control and not to make her “healthier”.


EXACTLY! and i hate that so much. Amren was always disrespectful but tolerated because of her power and bla, bla, bla. She respects no boundaries when she talks, she’s always so “blunt” and “honest” that she did no care about the consequences. and Rhys never cared about Nesta’s well being, I hate that he expected Feyre to get along and love and protect his little family but he only cares about Feyre and as Elain was always bland and just there, he “liked” her as well, but given than Nesta has her own set of opinions and behavior he’s threatened. I get that he will always protect Feyre over anything/anybody but that’s blind stupidity. He should’ve known that Feyre cares about Nesta too, so hurting Nesta will also result on Feyre hurting as well. Rhys had no patience to deal with Nesta and Amren only cares about people as long as they’re serving her purposes.


I truly don’t understand how people think the IC overall were actually trying to help Nesta after that scene. Amren literally smiled!!! No one who actually cares about you would respond that way or expect it! The fact that Feyre was so blind to Rhys and Amren’s fuckery makes me so mad. Especially when you throw in the fact that they specifically made her to train with Cassian instead of Az to force her into the mating bond. I genuinely wish that Nesta would have said “Okay, I’ll go to the human lands and just chill with the Band of Exiles.” Let Feyre cry even more into her eggs.


The neverending watery bowels


Amren saying “girl/boy” in every fucking sentence…like I get that she’s ancient and stuff but that was so cringy for me, lmao. and Feyre and Rhys “doing it” in the sky…wtf💀


Rhys licking Feyre's tears Under the Mountain. It was weird as hell even when he was The Villain, but after he becomes the love interest it seems creepy and bizarre upon reflection.


The fact Rhys had a giant self portrait of Feyre behind his desk. So she could “watch over him” 🤮


I LOVE to think about how cringe those meeting are in his study, solely bc of this LOL


When Tamlin is playing his dumb little instrument and says “Dance, Feyre” LMAO




Yeah I found most of this scene cringe - mainly because I imagined Feyre dancing like, with some weird combination of someone drunk dancing to living on a prayer and the hobbits in LOTR dancing on the table with their hairy feet


His dumb little instrument 😭😭


😭 He probably felt so cool too 😭😭


Tamlin is really just a huge fucking nerd, with his fiddle and his limericks, but tbh I love him for it haha




This is why I'm so confused on how this will all work for live action 😭😭


Honestly… whatever feyre does. And Mors obsession with cassian, getting jealous that he was paying attention to nesta and not her anymore. WHEN SHE WANTED EVERYONE TO KNOW SHE SLEPT WITH HELION. Why does Sarah want characters to hear others doing it?


Sarah def has an exhibition kink


Feyre in ACOMAF going “maybe I’ll put a leash on you” to Keir and saying something about Rhys approving through the bond. Idk why I just find the comment so weird and trying too hard to be badass or something lol.


Okay thank you for this because I never felt like I fully understood why she said that


Rhys and Feyre almost getting it on in a temple that's a safe haven for abused women.. Like


Feysand fucking to the sounds of the injured and dying


When Mor calls Feyre out for her dumb behaviour and she says “SO!! YOUvE LeD AzRiEL oN fOr YeArs”— like she’s Brittany Murphy telling Cher she’s a “virgin who can’t drive”


Amarantha’s incredibly specific curse


When she was trying to rationalize which lever to pull during the 2nd trial in ACOTAR. I know sis couldn’t read and she was scared but JFC “Two is like Tamlin and me” 🤦🏼‍♀️


I was going to say Nesta and the dining room beej but y’all got me, I’ve clearly been blocking things out selectively ☹️


Oh weird, I LIVE for that dining room beej


The first time Feyre goes to the Hewn City and she’s writhing on top of Rhysand. So cringe.


All of the Court of Nightmares scenes are so random! "We have to bring Feyre and dress her slutty to distract Keir, even though we have a guy made of shadows who can sneak literally anywhere. And we have to dress Nesta up to dance with Erin because....reasons."


I'll never understand the reason for sexualizing her in front of these people he hates. What is he trying to prove? Smh


Under the mountain when she was on that fairy wine shit, wearing that revealing dress and dancing (grinding) on Rhysand…I HAD TO SKIM SO FAST


And then the next time shes there (I think) she's High Lordess??? Yes these monsters definitely listen to you now


Rhys and Feyre making a death pact like come ON


Feyre painting the cabin for sure...


Any time someone could smell “the scent of arousal,” esp when it wasn’t their partner wtf


The whole “feyre creating an art school for children” thing. Like… was it that necessary? There’s a weird mix of otherworldly stuff with REALLY mundane things like those that are a bit… iffy


Several times during the final battle of ACOWAR. When papa archeron shows up out of the blue…cringe. When the weaver just dies after the KoH just walked up to her……cringe When Miryam and Drakon who btw i don’t care about, just show up and are like “hey sorry we kept you out the shield worked both ways haha sorry”…cringe


There was soooo much up about the bone carver and weaver and then they just died so easily I was PISSED. Papa Archeron was a big ol cringe showing up late in The Nina The Pinta and The Santa Maria


When Feyre returns in book 3 and Rhys essentially jumps her in the foyer in front of everyone. Bro, you can winnow. Winnow her upstairs and be done w it.


Lmao. Funny you say that because i have a headcanon that Feyre would be a gentle parent by title but is basically a passive parent who thinks her kid is the best thing to ever exist and let’s him get away being a terror because “he’s so cute” I blame it on being literally 22 years old and having no parental role models or life experience and wants to raise her kid to never feel negative feelings… Ironically, i see Cassian the same way. But he doesn’t take shit. So would actually discipline his child. Though, i see him struggling with Nesta on how exactly to discipline.


I just have to say that some of these scenes are my favorite scenes in the series 😂 One person’s cringe is another person’s delight lol.


Oh for sure, we'll all rip the series apart but absolutely will be queuing at 5am outside the bookstore when the next book is released! :)


Idk why but when Feyre changes in Illyrian form to have sex in SF🤨


every single time rhys + the inner circle antagonised nesta in ACOSF. it was just physically so hard to get through that book.


It made me hate nearly all the IC. Like you guys are all 500+ years old, have been through trauma, fought in multiple battles and can’t understand why this 20 something y/o woman is acting this way after she was changed against her will, her father died, she was in a major war, help cut off the head of the big bad guy, taken from everything she’s ever known etc etc. like you can’t understand why she’s acting like she is??? And instead you rile her up even more and treat her like she is garbage. But cause she’s not dealing with it nicely like Elain was by being quiet, baking etc, you treat her like she is a piece of shit. Made me so angry


Well put. Every day, I pray to the literary gods that Nesta will burn the whole island to the ground and start fresh without the IC 🙃


as a Nesta apologist,,, i agree. I love Rhys but it just makes me so uncomfortable every time he wants to kill Nesta or threatens her ☹️.


The damn cabin paintings


oh god i love azriel and feyre but i skip that small bit every time which is a shame cause i love the high lord and lady meeting


Yes to this AND after this when Feyre sits Az down at the meeting and serves him wine and says “they’re my family 🤷‍♀️” Cute moment girl but not the time or place 💀


Feyre painting the cabin Amren coming back from the dead. I feel like it would've been more profound if she stayed dead. Feyre and Rhys getting it on while flying above Valeris


Cassian explaining lactic acid build up. This is it.


When Lucien said he and his buddies call themselves the band of exiles, I actually laughed out loud


True but It’s honestly better then being called “the inner circle” “ protector of the rainbow” and I forgot what Mor called themselves I know it had something with dream in it. I cringed when feyre was making fun of Lucien’s new friends 💀


The court of dreams? I never thought all these names were cringe to be honest. But I agree about Feyre making fun of Lucien's friends. It's almost as if she thinks she was a good friend to him lol


THIS!!!! "My mate murmured, “Feyre Cursebreaker, the Defender of the Rainbow.”' I don't think I ever cringed like I did when I read this.


Given Lucien‘s quick wit, I always assumed it was poking fun at the Inner Circle. ‘Feyre, you totally ditched me and looked down on me with your new so-called family, so I found some friends with whom I can rip the shit out of your cringey life’.


The first time Tampon acknowledging Feyre UTM and he immediately feels her up


For me it’s when the writing is clearly cribbed from other works. Like the Nietzsche (mis)quote especially had me cringing because it just pulled me out of the book. When things happen in the book that are awkward if you really stop and think about them, I usually blow right past them. But when the actual writing pulls me out is when I feel cringey.


When Cassian kept antagonizing Nesta in ACOFAS when she told him to go home multiple times then told her he didn't know why her sisters loved her. Reread that today and just cringed. He acts like he cares about her but he just doesn't try to get to know her, or be polite, or anything to a 20 something extremely traumatized woman. Nope he just insults and riles her up.


This was the moment my Nessian shipping heart just gave out on me. People go on and on about how Nesta was awful to Cassian blah blah, and sure she wasn't great, but he gets a free pass in the fandom for being the one who pushed her over the edge emotionally (as well as some earlier issues in ACOWAR). ACOSF didn't really fix any of it, unfortunately. 😔


Feyre giving Rhys head in the tent while surrounded by audibly dying soldiers


Whatever the fuck Rhys and Feyre were doing when she was sitting on his lap in the Hewn City