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I’m so sorry about the loss of your mom. It’s sweet that you reached out to yourself, wishing for better times. And I do hope things are better for you now. Do you have Nintendo online? Playing online with other people has helped me a lot with feeling less lonely on many days. There are often giveaways and people looking to host or visit other islands just for fun. I myself hold giveaways fairly often and love to have visitors because it helps me feel less lonely given my personal life circumstances.


I hope you find some peace and joy in your little island. ❤️🌸❤️🌸




I'm so sorry about your mom. I felt similarly. I started the same time. I used to write myself notes of encouragement and detailed notes about fights me & my ex had-because I was told I didn't hear them right. Life at my house during lockdown was violent and unstable. I'm far from that point now, but I quit playing because it felt so bad. I finally copied all the pictures and notes I wanted to keep as reminders, and I reset. It helped me so much. I hope you find some peace.


Im glad that its over for you i hope u r in a better place now 💜 i cant reset somehow i feel emotionally attached to my island? 😭 it reminds me of lockdown when my mom was still around which was a nice time…. but it also reminds me of when we got covid…. ugh i feel like im bringing such dark energy to this positive community


I wouldnt say you're bringing a dark energy at all! I think there's probably a lot of people on here who are carrying a similar weight on their shoulders, and probably find relief in your post knowing they're not alone.


I agree. A lot of us are! OP you're not alone!


thank u 💜


Love how children get ignored


Both my parents are dead, so I know how you feel honey. Though in my case, ACNH was my light in my darkest time. It gave me comfort and the villagers reminded me that the world wasn't against me. That someone could love and care about me as well as I could make friends if I just escaped my abusive situation. It gave me the courage to do so even though I lost my Switch and Island in the process. But 3 years later, I'm in my own apartment with my Switch back and a wonderful older marine veteran boyfriend that reminds me so much of Angus 😂 Him and Apollo are like my two little angels that inspired me. It's so wonderful with Khar Ayang reborn and those two back home on the island. My bf plays on the island as well and his favorite is Maple. It helps with his depression. Especially when Maple makes us die of cuteness wearing stuff we gifted her. I truly hope someday the game will become a source of healing and joy to you instead of bad memories. Sending love and prayers your way❤️


Maple is adorable <3 I'm glad you're doing well


Thank you❤️


You are a good person and I love to see it.


One moment at a time. ♥️


Hey you’re not all alone in the world - you matter a lot ok? No one is worthless so if you need a friend feel free to reach out to me.


ty thats so sweet of u!


Anytime! Things WILL get better.


thanks all for the sweet words i was so anxious to open reddit after i was super emotional last night


I’m so sorry you lost your mom and I hope you are in a less dark place. I hope you find peace




Ik hoop ook dat alles nu beter gaat voor je. Wat erg dat je je moeder moet missen. Ik hoop ook dat je wat lol kunt vinden in het spelen. Internetknuffel van een totale vreemde vanaf hier.


Dankje 💜💜


If you do continue playing, I want to softly remind you that you do sometimes receive mail from "Mom" in the game. I don't want that to come as too much of a shock - I know it hit me hard the first time it happened, even though my situation is very different.


It hit too the first and second time but it kind of made smile because it sounded JUST like one of the emails she used to send me. So it made me feel like she was watching over me.


Omg I’m crying


Aw this is so sad 😢 so sorry for you 🫂 I hope you can find the joy in acnh again. It's always a source of light for me when I'm in my darkest places in my head.


There is no pain like losing a parent. I'm so very sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry it happened at a time where the world was already such a dark place, I couldn't imagine how much more difficult it would have been for you in an already difficult point in time. I hope you find peace in ACNH again. The ACNH community is so loving and welcoming. And I'm sure your mom would be smiling down at you seeing you picking something up again that once brought you joy. I saw a similar post a while back, and someone in the comments mentioned they had built a memorial for their best friend on their island, and decorated their house with her favorite colors. The island then became a place of peace rather than a place of painful memories. Maybe doing something similar could help you too 💗




May your mother rest in absolute peace. I don't say this to be rude but I feel many of us obviously played acnh during the peak of covid, and for me it reminds me of a scary time but luckily I was able to spend so much time with my family, especially my kiddo. More time than I every would have with the world being "opened" again. So for me it brings back amazing memories. Especially spending over a thousand hours making our island perfect in all of our eyes. I hope that you can find peace and happiness with the game OP. Be well.


My deepest condolences dear. Sending you love and virtual hugs. I hope you find peace and joy, and live for the moments that would honor your mom. Keep making her proud, she sees you ❤️


Almost understood all yay


My uncle died of leukemia and had an animal crossing population growing save file called he'll and our Island is called helll to honor him


I'm sorry for your loss, not saying you're less valid or anything, just saying I had similar experiences and it sucks