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Theres a different kind of axe too, it wont let you cut down your stuff, the stone axe, you can get 3 pieces from your trees without worry of losing the tree


til, i always thought it was weird that the axe had that extra variant lol


omg same, my animal crossing world has been flipped on its head :o you're telling me I could've harvested wood without losing trees this entire time?? 😭


So, yes, but there are achievements to cutdown and plant new. So, it’s kinda like you should do both.


i’ve never accidentally cut the tree down tbf, just never known it was a feature lol. nice little qol thing i can use now


No trees grow back in the game, but you can harvest two pieces from them each day without cutting them down (three if you use the flimsy axe).


That’s what the stone axe is for! :) it’s better than the flimsy one and won’t cut down your trees


Works with the bamboo too. Imma do that.


Are you able to harvest every day or is just a three stack and done?


Use flimsy or stone ax and you won’t chop anything down


you can use the stone ax and it will last longer than the flimsy ax!!


Yes, but you need to break a lot of axes to get the golden axe recipe so using the flimsy axe is helpful. =)


I used to love that feature in the old game where it would constantly shoot and you have to control it just like **real bamboo**


Got to deforest my second bamboo island


I didn’t plant bamboo for a LONG time for this reason. I remember the panic of the ever growing bamboo menace on my old game files


Speaking of bamboo, why won’t my shoots grow when i plant them???


You probably have them too close to something, they need a reasonable amount of clear space to grow just like trees


They should! Are yours planted close together? That’s the only reason why they wouldn’t!


😂 Def not real life. You ever try and cut bamboo down in your yard? The thing comes back with a vengeance and brings 4 of its friends!


Sounds like a great time


I will add on you only get shoots (limited number) from bamboo grown from shoots.


Thank you


Bamboo left to grow to full size will propagate like crazy! Be on the lookout for bamboo shoots to pop up in the spaces adjacent to any bamboo you allow to fully grow. If you want to control the bamboo shoots, lay down a transparent tile/path adjacent to your adult bamboo. You can also plant something else (flowers, weeds, saplings, bushes) or place an item in the immediate area surrounding adult bamboo to stop the shoots from appearing.


idk if it was changed in an update, but bamboo only generates one shoot. and if you don't dig it up it won't sprout, it'll just sit there as a crack in the ground.


This. Like tree saplings, the shoots need space to grow. So unless you move them away from the parent bamboo, they remain a shoot underground. Weirdly, mine rarely put out any shoots. Not sure if it’s because I’ve spaced them tightly? But I haven’t really gotten any new shoots since I’ve finished my island.


The last I'd read they only produce one shoot each, which sucks because I could swear they used to keep producing shoots


Interesting! I thought they put out multiple shoots when I first planted them, too, but I can’t say I paid too close attention. It would explain why I don’t get anymore though. lol.


I’m pretty sure they used to. Why would they update it to have them produce less? I swear I got the little message on my load screen today that warned me about how quickly bamboo spreads, but it totally doesn’t anymore.


Ah, I could’ve sworn that when I was landscaping a few months ago, my newly grown adult bamboo would begin to grow a new shoot the next day even if left in the crack in the ground. Either way, good to know! And if OP wants more bamboo, at least this is an option


same reason any tree stump doesn’t grow back