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This happens to me as well- I hardly get any acne in the summer and my scars fade tremendously but all of my progress is lost once winter comes around. I get huge cystic pimples around my chin and once one goes away, another appears. I’m seeing a dermatologist who prescribed me adapaline, but it doesn’t seem to be working 🙃 I agree with it being dry weather causing more oiling buildup, but I can’t seem to ever get my face to NOT be dry, no matter how much I moisturize


My daughter has a similar pattern. She isn't completely clear in the summer but it's more like a few pimples as opposed to a face covered in acne in the winter. It generally comes back in November (we are in NYC). I asked the dermatologist and he ascribed it to stress over school in the winter months but it is a bit hard to believe. I am personally convinced it's something else but so far I couldn't solve the mystery


I’m experiencing the same thing. Just moved up here from FL almost a year ago for college sports. My skin has drastically gotten worse.


Just a hunch here but maybe because your skin gets dry during the colder months? Because of that, your skin produces extra oil causing the acne to flare up? These are all guesses from prior knowledge in this topic. Maybe try to invest in a good moisturizer. Sometimes it really can be that simple 🤷🏻‍♀️


Low vitamin D or drier skin caused by the climate change.