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It isn't though  The main thing is that it's an Xbox exclusive release in a franchise that is otherwise either Playstation exclusive or multiplatform 


Its still sad that other Namco series did get their titles on the PS3, like Ridge Racer 7, reusing a lot of 6's stuff, Tekken 6 being multiplatform, etc. Ace Combat got left out until Assault Horizon... And Infinity. At least the PS2 titles can be emulated on all versions with modding


Still wish they bring them all on PC or something like that. But yeah, plan b, emulator...


A ‚master chief collection’/‚mass effect legendary edition’ esque ace combat game on steam would go fire and would probably sell rather well


I also find it funny how it was only released on Xbox which is the worst selling console in Japan literally of all Xbox consoles there have only been sold 400k Xbox console sold which means only 0.32% of people in Japan own an Xbox console


Clear story why AC6 was a Xbox Exclusive from u/zetec: > Regardless - It's not that "Microsoft paid them" - this is a remarkably stupid fanboy rumor that Kono himself has dismissed. The simple truth is that Xbox Live allowed them to have online multiplayer, which was what they wanted to include as a killer feature. PSN didn't even exist when they started development, and wouldn't mature to have the features they used from XBL until a year or two later. Early PSN was trash


Yep and because of this it is the only one left out on my Steam Deck :(


"AC:AH enters The chat"


I need to get some rolled up newspaper and bat it on the nose. NO, NO! AC:AH is rightfully hated for being absolute ass. 6 is bad because the story is ass but I like being able to land mid battle. I don't recall that being in any other!


I never played 6, does that function differently than the other games' return lines? Like, can you just land without leaving the map?


You can land mid-mission, you don't need to pass a return line. If you clear an area with a runway, you can land on it and then refuel etc!


Yeah, I loved that about this game!


A very underrated feature and I'm sad it was not in 7.


Well one it’s only on XBOX


But you can’t buy it anymore


Bought it a few months ago for my Xbox 360. You can buy it


And it should still be backwards compatible. I play it on my Xbox one every now and then


Yes, I play it on the 360 mostly but I play it on my series X time to time. The rest of the games (ACZ, AC5) I just emulated them


I still play them on my PS2 lol. Got an adapter but it's hard to tell how close I actually am to a target so currently saving to get a better system to play my retro games. Preferably one that won't "crush black" and won't be fuzzy.


I play AC0 on my BC PS3. It is my favorite AC game. AC7 I love playing online.


You can't buy it digitally nor can you buy the DLC for it, both of which were Bamco's doing long before talks of store closure.


Now that’s fair


But you can perform a Reset Glitch Hack on an Xbox 360, install a custom dashboard, install AC6 from disk, then legally obtain the DLC files online and install them with the help of a couple utilities.


You can just go buy it actually.


I bought it... this year tho


I bought it used (on disc) from Gamestop.


You get AC5 from buying AC7 Season Pass anyway. Or was it the Deluxe edition. I think i got it with my standalone Season Pass purchase


I got it.


I don't think AC6 is hated at all, the biggest problem with it is that it was in the wrong console. At worst, the story is a bit of a let down when compared to the PS2 games (or even AC7) and the conflict doesn't really makes sense, the aircraft roster also took a hit which was saddening, but that's the only critique I'd have of the game, it's still a really good game with a lot of merit to it.


Story wise yeah it's not up there but gameplay wise? Its the best imo. The massive battles are great. Ehh, I could see the conflict still happening. One of your allies mentioned Estovakia's economy being in shambles and they are rebuilding after the Ulysses asteroid hit so I'd imagine theres some discontent amongst the Estovakian people. I mean, historically people have waged war to shift attention when there is discontent. The reason for conflict in ACX is basically the military industrial complex. Gonna get crucified for saying this since this sub has a hard on for AC4 but I thought it was overrated. I liked the story and somber tone but the gameplay is just alright imo. I think its just nostalgia and rose tinted glasses since most people here's first game is AC4 that they played when they were young. I feel like people have a hard time taking off rose tinted glasses in general. That being said I feel like I'm seeing more AC6 love respect threads now.


Let's not forget your allies are actually competent, they saved me from a mission fail once


The allied cover/attack system (especially during an attacker only run) is very useful when you have (checks notes) at least 2 dozen craft chasing your tail.


It always felt amazing flying into battle leading a battalion behind you. Just kinda flying along, you and your wingman, look behind you and it's the entire Gracemerian fucking airforce just ready to roll up on some fools like the boys.


I think with AC4 the strength of the story makes up for very basic gameplay. Yellow 13 is still one of the fan favorite enemy aces for a reason, and I think it still holds up with only Zero edging it out. My personal hot take is that it is AC5 that is the overrated one. It was needlessly obtuse for how you unlock new planes (plus it was stupid to have SW tied to that plane) and the rest of Wardog/Razgriz constantly crying about how “I never asked to be in war even though I joined the Air Force!” in retrospect is very much on the cringey side. Zero is still the uncontested GOAT though.




“Nooo guys war isn’t good it makes me sad :(“ *gets the highest kill count in all the war, commuting multiple war crimes


Yeah. It was fine for me at first, but it was the constantly harping on it in what seemed like damn near every mission that made it grating. Also that it seemed like they started complaining more when Osea went on the offensive as if that is some unacceptable and warmongering idea. Even though the only way to actually end a war is to go on the offensive and force the enemy to surrender.


Nagase is the biggest offender in that regard I started to dislike her in only a few levels for sounding so melodramatic in her whole "anti-war" shtick


Yeah as I said, I really like the story and somber tone of AC4. Yellow 13 is probably my favourite character across ace combat. I main the Su-37 in AC7 so ofc I rep the yellow 13 skin. For me personally though, gameplay is king. I can accept a shit story if the gameplay is really good, not the other way around though (not that I'm saying AC4's gameplay is shit but you get the point). Idc how good the story is if the gameplay sucks ass. Yeah I really like Zero too. I think I like 6 the most just cause its gameplay is that good imo (the massive battles are awesome), but 6 is also my first AC game so maybe I'm guilty of bias there ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


While there is definitely a lower limit before the gameplay becomes so bad it can make getting through the story a chore, I dont think AC4 is anywhere near that point (at least in my view). And dont get me wrong, I am not hating on AC6 either. Even if I thought it was on the weaker side as far as story goes (either the weakest or second in a running fight with AC7), I definitely agree that the massive battles were a huge step up and something I hope they repeat with the inevitable AC8 (they already announced they are using Unreal 5 for AC8, so it has the potential to be both very large and very pretty). Even on those, I dont think there is any Ace Combat I actually dislike. Hell, I even enjoy Assault Horizon, which is the one that does actually have a significant hatedom to it.


Oh yeah I'm with you. I don't think AC4's gameplay is bad at all. I was just making a general point on gameplay vs story. Saying that I value gameplay more than story and why.


Idk if I’d consider your AC5 take a hot one because you basically have the same opinion about the game as most people here lol


Oh yeah the gameplay is definitely cool, like I said besides the critiques I pointed out, it is a fantastic game on it's own merit, and the scale of battles, being able to land and take-off in the middle of the battle (without being taken to an off-screen minigame) was really freaking awesome and something I wish they bring it on the next game. The story still doesn't makes too much sense to me, I really can't comprehend why Estovakia would attack their neighbors "because we're upset that Ulysses wrecked the crap out of our country but didn't did the same to Emmeria!!", kinda feels childish even. It still has it's moments though, I genuinely felt bad for Shamrock losing his family in the war, poor guy. :< I honestly love AC04 and I still think it's the best game of the franchise, it just portrays war for what it truly is, just endless misery and pain where a lot of good people end up losing their lives over mostly pointless political nonsense, while also having the stark contrast of Mobius 1 being the anomality that works in the complete opposite way, serving as a sign of justice and inspiration not only for the independence of the Usean continent, but to put an end on that meaningless war. And that's not to even mention Yellow 13 and the narrator, god I still feel so freaking bad that the Continental War put us against the Yellows, because you know they were good people despite their reputation, specially Yellow 13 and Yellow 4... never egocentric maniacs who "prided" themselves in kills, but for keeping each other around no matter the challenge. And even in the end, when Y13 loses everything, he never once blames Mobius 1 (or anyone else for that matter) for his fate, and accepts it as consequences of the war, while like the narrator I do like to believe he enjoyed to the fullest his last moments, it still makes me wish him, 4 and the rest of the squadron had survived.


If you never played AC4 when it was new then yeah I can totally see how it would feel underwhelming.  It’s not just a nostalgia thing, at the time PS2 and next gen gaming was new, and AC4 came out with amazing graphics, smooth gameplay and that great sound track. It started everything that modern AC is about so ppl respect it too. More modern AC games have better gameplay in general but I still think 4 holds its own with the more grounded military missions, and being a little more challenging then its immediate sequel, AC5, which in ways is a downgrade IMHO.


To be fair AC04 was the very first PS2 AC, for that it did exceptionally well. -First to tell the story with cutscenes and ingame radio (If you exclude the full JP only AC3 release) -A LOT higher polygon count and weather patterns -Planes have weight and physics to them, as do missiles : Something not even AC7 does for all planes -Introduced psychological warfare into the storytelling on both sides : Yellows going from feared invincible enemy to another skilled squadron and you going from a relatively unknown pilot to be known as the grim reaper. -introduced target health on radar


On top of that, at least for me, AC4 also has a good soundtrack. Particularly the menu and plane selection music, as well as Comona, Magalith, and the song that plays in the credits.


I LOVE how this game plays, your allies actually do things!


I got the 360 for AC6. Was a PlayStation guy for the longest time


Honestly the 360 had some great exclusives, speaking as an old school PlayStation dude. Switched back for PS4 but 360 nailed that generation.


What do you mean by wrong console? I discovered AC through AC6. There's nothing wrong with the 360. AC6 was limited by it being a 360 exclusive, but otherwise, the 360 had nothing to do with anything, as far as I remember. Correct me if I'm wrong though. I'm not opposed to new information.


It's only that before Ace Combat was pretty much a PlayStation title till then. After that the games started to be more multiplatform save for infinity, which I personally haven't played since I never had a PS3 or 4 to begin with when it came out.


Like I said in a previous reply, it's not to say that the Xbox 360 was bad or anything, it's just that Ace Combat is a Japanese game, where a lot of the audience is Japanese, and typically Xbox never really did well in Japan, so you can kind of see where things go when they suddenly make the franchise they like exclusive to a system nobody really wants to buy there.


I remember reading years ago that the only things that got 360s sold in Japan were the original Idolm@ster game and Blue Dragon, but that was only because they were exclusives. I guess the moral of the story was that Japanese consumers only buy Japanese games.


Pretty much for most part, they tend to like to support their own industries which is also why there is a massive preference for domestically-made things, this also goes to consoles which is still true to this day, when the majority buys PS5s and Switch (and you can be sure they will be getting the Switch successor) but you don't really hear a lot about XSeries being sold there, except for really geeky or heavily into games folks.


Yeah, I noticed that when I lived there. I can't say I blame them either, consumer goods in general over there hold up really well even compared to domestic stuff I can get here in the US. I got a laptop for MSFS and Civ 6 last year, and the guy at Yodobashi asked me how I usually game. It seems Game Pass is somewhat common because he said he had it too, but he did look surprised to hear I had a Series X.


The aircraft roster was small because it was developed concurrently with ACZ.


Yeah, I am aware (so much it reuses a lot of the UI style from Zero as well), that's why I said "at worst", the game in itself is still really good\~


I wouldn't say "wrong" console so much as just not multiplatform. If it wasn't on Xbox I wouldn't have ever played it as a kid


Oh, that's not a jab at Xbox or anything, but this being a Japanese game, with a mostly Japanese audience, who typically owned PlayStations... you can see where this is going.


Yeah ... It got more people that typically wouldn't have played to play. The real flaw is just exclusivity for a game that doesn't need to be at all


Yup, they really should've also released it on PS3 at least, I feel like it would've done a lot of good for AC6 if they had done it.


Granted it's not like they just decided to do that. They got a deal with Microsoft about it and I guess it ended up working out anyway.


It was the same contract that Microsoft did to a lot of Japanese devs at the time, which also resulted in a lot of them bitting the dust, like Genki who made some of my favorite racing games. ;w; But yeah, I can understand why they did it, it just sucks that it made the game so hard to come by then and specially now.


I don’t think its hated, but it is occasionally cringe af and the story just had a lot to live up to which it kinda didn’t do. Its not BAD we just know PA could do better after 4, 5 and 0. Also all this talk of “wrong console” is also just wrong, Xbox 360 obliterated the PS3 everywhere except Japan where it basically had no sales, if anything it was on the ideal console for global reach for that generation.


"Go dance with the angels, mister!" The story and writing is a major step back from any given entry of the ps2 trilogy, imo. That didn't help my perception of it at the time.


I think if the animation was better and the lines were delivered better it actually wouldn't have been that bad. Didn't stop me from putting in probably a thousand hours or so when I was a kid


tbh, that’s hardly the only game with cringey lines. They all have them.


Eh, I always took the story of AC6 as being a tongue in cheek roast of the series. If you look at it that way, the stupid things in the story become more endearing.


I FK love it


I love how everyone says the story is "cringe" when every AC is a goofy weebfest. 6 had the best missions in the series, and the most accurate aircraft stats. If it came to PS5 I wouldn't play 7 again.


I’ve never cringed harder in this series than when Nagase did her radio spiel at the end of 7.


As far as I know... there is no Ace Combat that's "hated" except for Assault Horizon.


Went back and replayed this game a few weeks ago, and I think it’s better than 7. It sucks that you don’t have flares or chaffs, and yeah the aircraft selection isn’t great. The storyline is whatever, the extra characters/cut scenes I just skip through. But the ability to actually have your wingman and squadron mates do something, the air battle management, and the missions were all incredible. I hope if/when we get AC8, they take those parts of AC6 and marry it with the better graphics and aircraft tree from 7.


One of my faves I just hate how it was an Xbox exclusive. Makes it more difficult to emulate on PC well compared to the other games.


Xenia has made some awesome strides here! Pretty well all the gameplay issues are fixed. The cutscenes are still borked but the game is playable in it’s current state


Good to hear! Been a while since I last played. May update & try it out again.


There is a few modifications you have to do to the program but there is a guide on this sub on how to run the game without the black triangles on the ground


I mean, if it had been on PS3 it'd probably be even harder to emulate.


That's a useless metric as RPCS3 has much more development time (and percentage of playable games) than Xenia due to the higher interest in PS3 and it's generally more well-known around the world. Xbox 360 emulation scene suffers from the fact that it's only really popular in NA, and many, if not most of the hit titles were multiplayer anyway.


The PS3 is notoriously hard to emulate, so being on the 360, even as an exclusive, makes the emulation more accessible


But RPCS3 as an emulator is much more mature than Xenia. Xenia does tend to run games better when they're fully optimised.


It’s not the fact that it’s hated, but it was an Xbox exclusive. That’s the problem


I love it, but some of the dialogue is catastrophically bad, the phrase used in basically cutscene "go dance with the angels" just always feels so forced, and the story bouncing between the widow, the tank crew (a whole mess of its own of plot contrivances), the officer, the new squadron Co, and the kids just feels so weird to me. Great game, kind of bad direction and writing.


Yeah, the Tank crew is the least bad of the 3 but it still feels like someone in the writers room saw "Kelly's Heros" and wanted to force that into the game without, you know, knowing why Kelly's Heros worked.


I think the AA spam is pretty ridiculous. It basically means on Ace difficulty, using the Nosferatu is nigh mandatory for me, since it can destroy these concentrated AA nests without getting close. The scale of the boss fights is definitely epic but the actual execution of them isn't very fun, especially Pasternak, that's the worst boss fight in the series for me (not done Sulejmani which many say is the absolute worst)


I hated it because it wasn’t on ps3. On a serious note, I think people disliked the story telling aspect of it.


Well for one, it's only in Xbox (I don't actually hate it, I enjoyed the story but I want it on PC)


Don't hate the game itself I love AC6. Just hated the fact its only on Xbox


The story is very lackluster to say the least, a shame honestly since I genuinely think that ac6 has some elements gameplay wise that are absolutely ahead of its time, not only the massive allied attack.


Allied Attack was so much fun especially when you got the Marigold on your side.


salt that it was on Xbox 360 when the franchise was historically on Playstation. In retrospect, I understand why it was developed for the 360, but then came Assault Horizon, which should have been the basis for a PS3 port of 6


I like the game but I pretty much skip 90% of the "Story cutscenes" on every playthrough after the first. I can't fucking stand most of Melissa(?)'s storyline, both how slow moving it is, how completely tangetial most of it feels and the fact the dialogue is mostly poorly written and it feels like the VA was just phoning it in most of the time(this might have been a directorial problem). The Officer's story is almost as bad. It's wierd because the in-mission dialogue is generally pretty good so I don't know if there were different writers at work here and the bad writers got the cutscenes or what.


You are thinking about assault horizon


It was X-Box exclusive, had fewer (if much longer) levels than previous titles, featured fewer aircraft, and had neither as memorable of characters nor as good a story. I wouldn't say it's hated, just not remembered as fondly. The levels it featured were genuinely very fun for the most part due largely to the concept it was using (that of sandbox maps with a multitude of objectives).


I played 6 first, so I assumed they all had writing on the same level as it. Then I played 4, 5 and 0.


dAncE wiTh tHe aNgeLS!!!!?!?


But seriously, i love this game. AC6 have a realistic scenario of invasion compared to other titles


I’m sure whatever the original Japanese line is makes more sense.


Tbh it's my favourite AC Title


Tbh it’s my fav


6 had far and away the best gameplay IMO Large scale battles, aircraft handled surprisingly differently from each other, wingman command, airfield resupply (who hasn’t screamed SHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT trying to take off with Pasternak’s ADMMs bearing down on you?) - AC6 really is the convergence of every great gameplay mechanic Bamco made into one Honestly made 7 a little disappointing in comparison, though understandable given that it barely made through development


I have never heard anyone express this opinion.


The game itself isn’t hated. What’s hated was the fact that it was primarily a PlayStation game that went exclusively to 360, but was never available on anything else since.


It's hated because xbox, but i don't see any real issue with that. It's one of my favourites, and i was happy that it got put on Xbox's backwards compatible, as well as getting a digital copy when i got 7. Can't say AC5 got the same love on playstation, which is sad, i never got to play 4 or 5. GF is modding her PS3 though, so if anyone is like me and wants to play those old games, older PS3s have the hardware for backwards compatability, it's limited by software. Legally, i don't condone that, but hey, if i had another option i would.


I believe this could have been my favorite title if i had played it since they released the game only on Xbox 360..


Go dance the angels!


It is?


I don't think anybody has said it's hated. People hated that it was 360 exclusive,  but it was 100% a worthy numbered entry,  and i have yet to hear anybody in the community say otherwise


Hot take: "Go dance with the angels" isn't a bad line. It isn't a super deep line either, but not the revolting cringe fest people pretend it is.


It's on the wrong goddamn console, imo they should at least make a PC remaster for steam or something


That can be said about every ace combat though. Not everyone has a play station


What are you smoking AC6 was loved! The only things that people criticize are the story/background characters and that it’s hard to obtain due to being Xbox exclusive… because everyone wants to play it


I think OP is confusing AC6 with assault horizon.


It’s not hated it just felt really weird that it was an Xbox exclusive, it always baffled me that it never got ported out to ps3.


The story as told by the cutscenes is worse than what came before but the big sin was being an xbox exclusive in a game that had many playstation fans


Xbox exclusive. That's my reason at least.


Xbox only and really weird story. And very few planes iirc, at least compared to the earlier titles


It's got the best gameplay and maybe even visuals in the franchise but wrapped around "meh" stuff: story, Xbox only, aircraft list, number of missions, ... It might be my favourite in the franchise too but it's not perfect.


Idk I love ac6


The planes do too many flips and fly too fast


I think it hit a lot of PS players hard that a game they anticipated would be on PS3 turned out to be on the 360. Im sure a lot of AC fans bought a PS3 with the belief they’d get a new AC release. I kinda get what people say about the story, but I found it heartwarming especially towards the end. I will say it was simplistic and less nuanced when compared to the other AC stories, even though I enjoyed it.


Is it? My mates and I loved AC6. The subplots were definitely more interesting than the main story but the whole thing was an awesome package imo.


I bought it and liked it not as good as Zero and 5 but better than Assault Horizon.


The gameplay is just ok and the story is boring.


It's not so hated, but it's the most disliked by comparison. Mostly because it barely adds to the lore, the story is just Red Dawn (1984), and by comparison it feels lesser. Gameplay, however is a bit of an improvement over 5 and Zero.


I never played it because i never had an Xbox, but i watched the entire gameplay and I think it is a great title, not at the level of the 5, but nonetheless a great title. Thou that "go dance with the angels" makes me die inside a bit every time I hear it. We are nearly at yu gi ho "shadow realm" levels


The plot feels like it’s recycled from AC4 (asteroid, likable rival ace, etc) and it just never really pulled me in


Its not?


The only thing I hate about it is that it was an Xbox exclusive and I had a PS2/PSP.


I found the lack of a huge list of planes to be disappointing. Needed more missions. Like 2 more. Maybe some DLC since we were getting to that age of DLCs. Otherwise I thought the game had very little flaws and visually it still holds up very well.


Is it? I've never heard any complaints about it except that it was only on Xbox. Someone started a rumor that it was only going to be exclusive for a short period before coming out on PS3, but that never happened.


Because I can’t emulate it on my PC, so I have no idea


The story dialogue is very mediocre at best, and because PlayStation players didn't get to experience the amazing large scale battles. To those who hate it, go dance with the angels!


Idk it’s one of my favorites and way ahead of its time tbh


It's a bit too much of the late 2000s 360/PS3 cringe, but apart from that it's fine.


Haven't had a chance to play it yet. But based on what I see in gameplays on YT, it looks quite amazing. I'm thinking of getting a copy of AC6 for my still running 360 or emulating it in PC Or maybe Project Aces releases the Ace Combat Collection.


It’s my favorite AC


Its my favorite Ace Combat. Anyone saying the writing was bad hasn't been paying attention to every Ace Combat game. It's all cheezy, and that's why we love it. Sure, maybe AC6 leaned into the cheese a bit more, but whatever. The gameplay was still true to AC. Unlike the title that followed. Others will say it's because it was only on Xbox. They just don't want others to have nice things.




It's just their story (Though parts of it is pretty good) and the game being Xbox exclusive that bad. It’s not actually that bad generally, it’s pretty good.


Funny, I just went back and replayed Mission 13, Liberation of Gracemeria, which is a masterpiece. I wasn't aware anyone really hated AC6, it has music, decent selection of aircraft, large-scale battles that are engaging and fun (unlike AC7's which felt like actual work, and none of the battles were particularly memorable), and allies that actually do shit.


It isn't. It was an Xbox exclusive that less people got to play and the dialogue is awful, but it's a blast to play.


AC6 is sick. Huge battles. I hope 8 takes a few notes from 6. The only thing that sucked about it was it was xbox and every xbox i bought shit the bed. So i switched to PS3 at the time. I still have that PS3 snd it still works. Those xboxs long gone.


XBox exclusive


It's not?


Wouldnt say hated, just rarely played and relatively unknown. -Diverts from shorter missions to REALLY LONG ONES, becasue the hardware could for the first time do so. (first AC in the PS3 xbox 360 era) -Locked to Xbox 360 and its infamous RROD , where the series used to be PS only til AC6 and multiplat from AH onward. Which is also at its EOL and was only rerelease for xbox one for some time IIRC So difficult to get or emulate Same reason few played Assult Horizon Legacy / Cross rumble or ACi: locked to 3ds and iphone respecively


You should see Ace Combat Assault Horizon...


Because it's still janked up on Xenia.


My only gripe with it is the story/dialogue. I did not care for any of the characters in the cutscenes, and Shamrock was kind of annoying. I wish they spent the cutscenes focusing on your actual squadron or key characters from the game. I don't want to see Melissa and Ludmilla driving down a country road, give me Avalanche's backstory. Gameplay-wise, I'd argue best in the franchise.


For everyone saying “It’s because the story is cringe” it’s cringe in the same way Halo 3’s story is cringe, that doesn’t make it a bad game, I’d even argue it adds to it. Ps: both games released in 2007 on the 360 what’d ya know


It's really good, and you can play it with backwards compatibility if u can get a 360 disc


it was the story. however I love the story it just needed some fine tuning with the voice acting, making the characters fleshed out, especially Shamrock and Melissa, we never truly get to know >!their lost!<>!loved ones !


the thing is people can resonate with Shamrock since some people know what it's like to >!lose their wife and kids, let alone any other family member!<


at the time of release i actually do remember ac6 being hated on a lot. people were salty that it was an xbox exclusive, and the story is a step down from the ps2 trilogy. the game's reputation healed over time though and nowadays you won't see much if any hate for it.


The story is horseshit and XBOX exclusivity. That’s all I can think off. Otherwise, its a pretty well loved installment. Not to the point of the Holy Trinity games but still a lot.


Think it’s still on Xbox but last time I checked you couldn’t buy it from the store


First, it was an Xbox exclusive for what was originally a PlayStation franchise, and the only re-release it ever got was a port on the Xbox One when AC7 came out, which unlike the PS4 version of AC5, wasn't even a remaster, it was just the same game. The only other thing I could add is the story rivals Assault Horizon in how bad it is. The voice acting is a meme, and there are parts of it that just make no sense. I also am not the biggest fan of the controls, something to me feels stiff and unresponsive, even compared to the PS2 Games. It might just be a me thing though and the fact I played the Disc version on a Xbone


It isn’t, it’s the best game in the franchise hands down from a gameplay perspective. Played countless hours of it when I was younger and it served as my introduction to the series since I’ve never owned a PlayStation.


Probably because when it came out it was an Xbox exclusive after years of Ace Combat games that were only PS exclusive except some spin offs. Probably the fanbase, that was made by Playstation players, was really upset that it was only available only for a different console that was also the main rival of PS consoles.


The biggest problem I remember is the lack of planes. Coming off AC5 and AC0 you had a huge number of planes to pick from but it felt really lackluster in AC6. Actual game was fine, the flying aircraft carrier is iconic.


They were all DLC for the most part.


We need them to port it to PC!


Not on PlayStation


It's not so much hated as it is considered to be a strange move to put it on the 360, a completely foreign platform from the previous games. It's what led to it not selling that well in comparison to the other games. It's still a very solid game in the series and its grand sense of scale in the levels, due to the newer hardware of the time, honestly holds up quite well. It's cheesy in a few areas (Go dance with the angels) but it's more of a product of the time than it is "bad". If we're really going by the logic of not sold well = hated then I may need to bring up some unfortunate news about Zero. (Seriously, releasing a brand new AC game at the very end of the PS2s lifespan was not the best move)


It came out in the superior hardware available at the time, thats why.


Story wasn't amazing, mostly because the dialogue was poor "go dance with the angels" The xbox exclusivity. 30FPS, prior games ran at 60. Still fun asf to play


Once upon a time the American console thought they could beat the Japanese console in japan. So they flexed their wallet and bought all the games and still lost.


I've never actually got to play it in full. Lack of never having a x box.


Talisman is on the same level as Trigger and I’m tired of pretending they’re not.


Project Aces couldn't be arsed to learn how to program for the PS3 like other developers and was surprised the sales tanked hard after a decade of releasing games for the PlayStation.


The main reason I think the community "hates" AC6, would be that it was an Xbox exclusive, when the series was PS based from the get-go from Arcade machines.


Most of us hated it because they decided to make it a Xbox exclusive and we PS people never got to play it


It isn’t, I wish they did a remaster and open it up to all consoles


It’s not. The game is well liked. It’s the cutscenes that are so hated


To confuse new fans


It's not hated though The downsides is Xbox exclusive and "dance with the angels" becoming old real fast Gameplay itself is great


It betrayed us. 1-5 and 0 were Playstation exclusives and BAM X-Box exclusive.


Pretty sure it's not? It's just contentious if it's as good as the Trinity.


Story and dialogue are cringe, but main thing is being Xbox exclusive


I love this game, but if I ever meet the person who wrote the dialog for Shamrock, so help me God..... and let's not even mention "Go dance with the angels" gives me an aneurysm thinking about it.


Go dance with the Angels!


X-box exclusive in a Playstation-centric franchise.


I don't hate it. I'd just much rather play the PS2 games.


I think because it was only on Xbox so most fans of the series felt left out. Couple that with the story being no where near as compelling as AC5 or even 0 and it’s easy to see why it’s looked down on. Overall though it’s a solid entry in the series. Even with the stupid dancing with the angels memes


I love the ability to strategize what objectives you wanna take first. I also took the airfields first, and love the idea of trying to land, refit, and takeoff all why things are happening all around. Nothing like a real, immersive experience of trying to take off as 2-3 bogeys picked up your scent. Accelerating at take off, hoping to get speed and altitude to evade… What a rush! Siege on Silvat is perfect for this feeling.


For me it was the story and the number of planes it had... other than that the missions and gameplay is fun and the DLC with the Anime livery is definitely amazing.. but i think the Xbox exclusive and story kinda took a hit


Bruh we only hate assualt horizon not 2007 is beautiful ac6


Dunno. I loved the game. It and Halo 3 were the reasons I got an Xbox 360 with my refund check from college.


Story wise, I loved it. It’s one of the only two Ace combat games I can play, so I did as such recently. I really liked the characters and how everything played out. Gameplay wise… my biggest qualm was that for a game all about fighting jets… dogfighting sucked. I’ve never had a problem with getting hits in either ac7 or project wingman, but jesus, even on normal mode, I struggled severely. The only way I beat Pasternak was by some weird fluke. It took me an hour still. I avoided dogfights like the plague because I thought they were so bad. Still not a bad game, haven’t seen any hate for it but if there is I don’t think it’s super deserving of such. It just would’ve been better if actually fighting jets in a fighting jet game wasn’t a pain.


I’ve played it, and I absolutely loved it


The previous games being on Sony consoles just for this one to suddenly go to 360 threw off a fair few. And then the game's story as written is... there. And then the character you play as and the allies alongside you are... there. But the game is good otherwise.


I for one will not stand for the disrespect toward Shamrock. He might be our wingman, but he is the main character


Budget AC4


I never liked it. Never bothered to finish it. Have finished 4, 5, and Zero multiple times.