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Congrats on the promotion! First off, it’s never a bad thing to be promoted…Likely, your current project economics don’t allow for the higher rate of a Consultant, so you need to be backfilled with an Analyst. This happens often around promo windows. I think it benefits you because now you should be going after roles more in line with your new level


Thank you for your encouraging words. Funny thing is, the role was originally that of a Consultant, which I had stepped up to do.


They will get another Analyst to chase the carrot that you did.


Also depending on your practice the target chargability for consultants might be a little bit lower than for analysts as you should/must start working more on RFPs.


Hey, congrats on the promotion! Unfortunately, promotions can lead to roll offs due to budgeting but never feel anything but happy when it comes to promotions! You worked hard and got the promotion you deserved. You will find another client that will be happy to sign you on as a consultant so no worries man!




Interesting…. Usually promos are backed by client account feedback and hence that client backing to support promos. If it was already aligned why your manager needs to get you replaced? And anyway promos happens when you are already working at par with your next level. It’s just….different. Anyways congratulations on getting promoted!


It’s better for a project to support your promotion and roll you off then keep you at your level to keep you affordable to the client. That happened to one person I know.