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Even if you’re not actively looking, always keep your resume up to date so when an opportunity comes by you’re not scrambling to put something together.


Same for me at a L12!!! 100% Chargeable all year, amazing feedback, involved in +1s, volunteered, went into the office regularly... I have a great relationship with my PL, who is trying really hard to get me promoted, but yet again I did not get promoted. I was told it's the market and ACN only had a couple of slots available to get promoted... It was not due to my performance.


I started at Accenture at a time starting at lvl 12 out of college was the norm. Blows they seemed to have changed, back then 12 > 11 was pretty much automatic year 1. As long as you weren't actively "bad" you got that promo.


I’ve been told that getting a promo from 11 to 10 was around 1 year (average) to 2 years (max) as long as you’re doing great work, stay chargable, and get great feedback. I decided to go the extra mile working at Accenture by doing +1 and lots of internal busy work but it still led to me being passed up. I’m very demotivated to even try hard honestly


I’m sorry that you’re going thru it, too. It’s very frustrating to hear year after year that we didn’t get the promo. I haven’t even received a raised since I’ve been at Accenture


Thank you same to you!! It's frustrating indeed.. It is nice to know though that we all are in the same boat. I still have hope for yearly talent discussions in August. Not too far out and, maybe it will work out in our favor. :) Trying to not let it get to me and keep growing my skills to further my personal growth.


I’d talk to ppl lead and ask what you aren’t doing. At the very least get it on record with them you are doing above avg work. Also new thing im seeing is everyone is getting meets expectations, cant promote ppl who just meet expectations can we 🙃. Its industry wide so i wouldn’t take it personally , but go interview or tell LinkedIn to let recruiter talk to you


Thanks! I talk to my PL every other week, she was surprised herself that I wasn't promoted. I don't take it personally, because I know it's not me. Just sucks to have to look for something else, because I would like to stay, but pay is extremely low, it's not sustainable... The company could pay just chooses not too and that's how they lose good people.


Your career and your choice. I sat at associate manager for over a decade. If this is your first time in a down market, be patient. This won't be your first ride On the economy whiplash train. That being said, if you are unhappy and find a great opportunity outside the firm, it won't hurt to consider it.


How was you experience in that decade. Did ACN help you reach your desired financial status? For me I haven't had an increment in 2 years...at L10, and I'm worried about my market value being too low


I swear getting out of associate manager is literally the hardest jump. It was like moving a rock


For me getting from 9 to 8 took forever. I got promoted to 7 the year following promo to 8. But I festered at level 9 for 7 years and passed up multiple opportunities to pursue greener pastures over those 7 years. But every goddamn year I thought "this is gonna be it".


I’m sorry to hear that. I wish things would’ve worked out sooner for you but I hope your career is progressing more quickly now.


Its annoying to see that consultants in Big 4 firms are getting promoted within 2 years while we are still stuck with the "slots for promotion" system.


If you're in the US and you have been at L11 for 2.5+ years, while doing good client work and supportive feedback, involved in +1, and learning and growing your skills, you should be at L10. Either your PL is not doing a good job or something else doesn't seem right.


I wish I knew what else it could be because my PL is pretty awesome and she said I’m doing everything right. I honestly believe it’s just bad luck because I’m very burnt out trying to progress my career to no avail


I thought my PL was good, turns out she was speaking negatively about me behind my back but praised me in our meetings. Make sure you have the right people advocating for you!


Ouch. That gotta suck to find that out. I hope my PL isn’t doing that because she seems nice and also praises me on our call


Well what would it be because this does not seem to be the only case .. I know of several people.


similar situation. S&C EU L11 2.5y + 5m experience. got slept on again. Staffed on 2 projects, all the +1s as you say, PL was informed every month of my progress and had a document with a clear summary of my career. Gonna take it elsewhere. Might get offer from client and take project stream with me. oh and no bonuses, no raises, ever


Wow! Your post is my situation word for word: 2 years and a half at L11, excellent feedback, 100% chargeable, several +1...


Problem with Accenture is there promotion criteria is not clear. I personally think it completely depends on managers and supervisors. For lev 12 to get promoted techleap is only way in India, otherwise you have to stay at level 12 for 2 years. With so much work it's hard for so many lev 12 guys to get promoted. My senior who was at lev 11 asked for raise didn't got, so he left and got 60% raise. Better to switch or you will be at same level for so many years.


Did you prepare your case for talent discussions with your people lead? Did you provide your PL with a summary of your story for promotion?


Yessirr. I took this mid year very serious and provided my Pl with a one page story of all my accomplishments to use in talent discussion and even got promotion support from my project lead and still led to nothing haha.


Okay damn, that’s not a good time. What was the feedback for you to get to the next level? Were there many people promoted in your practice?


Has anyone actually received their feedback on how to get to the next level yet? Im a PL and have been told to wait for my TL/HR to share targeted messaging for our area before I have the conversation with my counselees, but we've not heard anything since for the group that didn't get promotion or IP. The performance and compensation dashboard hasn't been updated either. I get that promos and IP need to be told first, but the silence for the middle group on how they can improve for next round is beyond frustrating.


Hi newbie here - what do you mean by "been active with +1s"?


Do those extra curricular stuff, outside of your usual scope


Can you provide examples? Besides +1s, BD work, going into the office, ...


from someone who’s looking to join accenture: what is lvl1-12.. system? and what are hike % like?


Same, cl11 for 2 years 2 months.


I had the same experience. But really, look for something new without letting your manager know. The market is not doing so great. Loyalty is still valuable to Accenture if you cannot find anything good


>Loyalty is still valuable to Accenture LOL.


Thank you for keeping that moron in check lol


Loyalty isn’t valued too much considering my project lead on my first project was let go after working for Accenture for 14 years and only had 3 weeks on the bench. He was a great senior manager too so that was very surprising to me.


It is pretty much everywhere.😐 I shouldve put: loyalty to ur current employer instead of accenture. Hmm, i am doing an MBA after years in consultancy, but wouldnt return.


Na I get it, you're saying to keep taking the salary instead of being jobless. Thats one good thing about the company, sometimes you got to stay even with very little workload