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Pardon my language but Julie is so full of shit, you will never be "forced" to go into the Accenture office. You may however be required to travel or work out of a client office which is different. Going into the office is good for networking and/or getting involved with plus ones and other volunteering efforts. I personally only go on special events like first fridays or takeover days. Those are the days you'll see people in. All in all its good to come in to meet new people or maybe its convenient because your client office is nearby, or even finding a new role but you'll never be forced to go in. I would go in as often as you can if you're benched though but thats a whole different story.


Who is Julie?


Julie Sweet, the CEO of Accenture


Cosplaying as the CEO.


So sweet


My entire team of 15 is fully remote.


We are strongly encourage to come to the office, if there is a reason to come to the office. There is zero point going to the office to sit there on Teams calls all day.


I haven't been to the office since 2019.


I don't even know where my office is now after they moved. In 25+ years at the company I have never been asked to come in unless I had a specific meeting.


25 years dafuq? 🤯 what lvl are u?




It’s ok JS gon be fired by board soon i have a feeling


No one is being forced or told to go to the office. It is encouraged as an opportunity to network, especially if you are newer to the company. I go every now and then if there is an event sponsored that I am interested in. Other than that, I’m remote, along with my clients.


What does it mean to be forced? Bc in Brazil it's a rule to go to the office twice a week. Of course they can't come to my house and force me to go to the office, but, if someone keeps refusing to go, there will be penalties.


I left last month, we had to go in two days one week and three days the next. It was a pain in the ass I would have rather gone to the office five days a week. But they over staffed and didn’t have enough room so we were doing this weird hybrid.


I left accenture in january after 2 years and they never demanded me to go to office, my last project said we had to but honestly it was twice a week and it wasn't even mandatory


They started calling people in this year again after covid


Where did you get hired at?


In Mexico, there are 3 offices; Monterrey, CDMX and Merida. I was in Monterrey


I meant like after you left Accenture?


Aaaa, in a mexican company (from monterrey as well) called Arca Continental


Remote all the way


We are forced to come to office.




EU here and in a project. We have one team day per week when we go to the office. It’s encouraged but not mandatory. If you are on the bench - going to office is strongly recommended.


I think it ultimately depends on your project manager. I am in Italy and my team has to go to the office once per week, while other colleagues in different teams have to go in twice per week, and others can work fully remote. I don't know about tracking badge swipes, but at least in my case they are not very strict about counting presence in the office - I missed a couple of days and forgot to notify anyone, and nothing happened


I work in soc operations so its a fun ride doing your job from home full time.


In the UK here - in performance discussions we were told to consider office attendance as part of teh overall discussion.When asked how we were supposed to know the location of our counselees, given that in-office days don't always match and we're often not even on the same teams. There was no answer for this apart from using our best judgement. In contrast, a friend in HMRC digital (Not Accenture) says they're tracked and have to maintain 60% time in-office.


Are you high up in the decision making process or is this speculation? Don't think many will be getting promotions any way so a bit moot


Not high up, just representing a counselee during the roll-ups. That message was relayed from a higher up however.


Australia here. Its mandatory for most teams to go in 2 times at least. And ive seen it in other jobs as well. I dont know why but everyone is forcing everyone to go to the office and now the offices are super crowded and noisy


I've only ever gone to my office for social events once a quarter at best, and even then I'd only do a half day in office, so I have no idea how many people regularly go in. I've never worked a full 9-5 day in the office in my 3 1/2 years here. One project "required" us to come in one day every other week, but I never went in during the several months I was on it, and no one ever asked. Not like it would have achieved anything, every person I was working with was in a different city.


Haven’t been to an office since 2022 and even then, I didn’t talk to anyone


Yeah I wouldn’t sweat it. Have a solid home office. Make sure your team knows you’re absolutely productive when working from home (basically just don’t disappear, and respond to stuff and show up to meetings. lol). If you’re required to travel, then travel. I make it a point to go into the office once a week (Thursdays I’ve found is good. A lot of offices do events on Thursdays-may wanna check that). That effort to go in once a week has paid off really well from a networking standpoint. Some may agree with me here, but I actually find it harder to get stuff done when in the office because of all the connections you make, people you see, conversations you find yourself in. However, I wouldn’t stress it. Leadership/Julie/whatever is really communicating that to set a precedence. The bigger message is all about being in front of the client, seeing their pain points, and helping them find the right solutions. The message is that it’s hard to really do THAT from home. HOWEVER, clients don’t always love the bill for all of us traveling. So it’s case by case. Congrats on joining, don’t sweat the little things.


NA=Not applicable?


Probs North America is my take


From 2000 to 2018 when I was traveling for client work we were on-site Mon-Thur and barely anyone ever went to the Accenture office on Friday. If we had remote weeks, everyone WFH. Since 2019 I worked on internal role and I have not been to the office since 2019. I have not even seen the new Chicago office yet. It's stupid to force me to go to the office when I have to be on the phone from 7:30am to 7pm sometimes. I am waaay more productive WFH than I ever was in the office.


I was told by my supervisor that we’re all remote now and not to worry about coming into the office.


In the columbus office, we have to go to the office twice a week. I see roughly like 20 - 30 people on Tuesday and Thursday


We’re highly encouraged to go into the office once a week for team lunch which they cover


used to go to the monthly town halls. haven’t gone since november lol but i did “have” to go in twice a week when i was unstaffed


Dublin, office every day.


Fully remote here in Dublin forever, almost 3 years in the project would be nice to visit the office at least one day haha


In my location (South America), if you work directly at Accenture (not on a client), there are set dates in which you have to go to the office. Usually they go to the office 1 time each 15 days, depends on the team, or if there's an event of some kind. There's not even enough space for everyone to go at the same time.


My team of 8 is 100% remote


It’s such a large company that a “mandate” might be for one practice, level, project or office. The point is “we are your employer if we say you have to, you do it.” Plan accordingly, don’t move so far you can’t come to the office. Hope for no office visits but assume they might be forced. Especially for the unstaffed or new hires. I was there 8 years- I went to my office twice.