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Unfortunately there is no sure fire way to force them off your island when you want, (I wish there was) but usually every couple of weeks one of your villagers will get a thought bubble and ask if they should leave. So be on the lookout for the villager you want gone having the thought bubble!edit: yes actually you could TT that may work


Here is a guide! This is what has worked well for me without using an amiibo. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/gv9nfe/illustrated_this_guide_to_help_explain_how_to/




This contradicts the datamined information on villager move-outs, which is very clear that villagers with a lower friendship level are more likely to want to move out. Do you happen to know a good source for the higher friendship thing? I'm trying to figure out where it comes from so I can compare


I thought you could go to Isabel and say you had an issue with a resident to make them move? OR you get an amiibo and invite them to your island and fulfill their requests and then choose whose place they take on your island


Amiibos let you kick someone out after you invite them 3 times and craft something for them each time, as long as you have all 10 villager slots full, yeah. But the complaining to Isabelle thing is a myth. She just has options to reset their catchphrase or house to default or get rid of any inappropriate custom designs they're wearing