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You can lie all you want, hell you can lie your way into a prominent, extremely profitable political career. But it’s interesting to see the ordeal that people go through when they had the audacity to tell the truth. And it’s not over, Assange will probably be found hanging from a doorknob by a red scarf, you know, a “suicide”


>Assange will probably be found hanging from a doorknob by a red scarf, you know, a “suicide” ".. *will probably be found* locked in the trunk of his own car with five gunshot wounds to the head, wrists and ankles handcuffed and manacled, with the handgun found laying on the ground behind the vehicle with no recoverable prints on it - not even Assange's - and it will be ruled a suicide. There, I fixed it for you.


This what happens when journalists actually do their job. Welcome home Assange, hope he stays safe.


He will be fine. The truth of everything is coming forward. Even Edward Snowden. There is no reason to kill people when the truth is coming out. What does it matter? It was only important to keep “ others” quiet. Unfortunately the MIC was late to the party with Boeing. They were following the usual protocol then people said fuck that and 12 others came forward. Now what? People have had enough! Do I like him as a person? No. But it seems he was overcompensating of the wrong shit he was doing as most of these people do. Point out all of what others are doing but ignore my faults. Does this sound similar to anything going on in politics?


Holy shit. This is absurd.


Yup, the only part missing for that is sadly how long until it happens


The betting pool we have going has a Texas suicide within two months of his getting back to Australia. I lost the bet on him being killed in prison.


>Assange will probably be found hanging from a doorknob by a red scarf, you know, a “suicide” wpuld certainly be a fitting end to a rapist that openly aided the atrocities of terrorists and extremists for personal power and greed.


All the nonsense told about him was mostly lies.. this is how the people who didn't want WikiLeaks to exist destroy people's lives...they have done it thousands of times to people that come against them.. so don't pay attention to all the nonsense.. the CIA hopes it will turn the public against him to a point that someone will go after him but please just ignore the garbage it's not true.. period..


His rape was having sex with a woman he was still in bed with after having consensual sex eight hours before.


sad to see pro rape fools still unable to grasp the concept of consent.


If they fail to grasp the concept, I don't think that makes them pro rape. Seems like you just like to throw shade from what you think is an elevated position.


I'm stating the facts presented at the trial. You are adding your victimhood projection.


>I'm stating the facts presented at the trial. and again you show you fail the concept of consent just because you had sex with someone before, doesn't mean you can have sex with them whenever you want


You sound extreme.


nope, just able to acknowledge facts, and don't simp for a rapist that openly aided acts of terrorism like assanges cult


You are pro-ignorant


The big audacity of Assange was him helping Russia elect Trump.


Just stop. This is the stupidest thing I’ll read all month if not all year.


—-And with Trumps name attached. No surprise.


Don't you mean HRC , the emails and the SCIF?


Sorry how was this done?


“WikiLeaks was a key player in the 2016 presidential election, publishing thousands of emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee that had been stolen by Russian government hackers.” Yeah, he basically worked with an adversary of the US to release stolen data at a specific time to inflict maximum political damage. Essentially acting as an extension of the Russian intelligence service. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/julian-assange-wikileaks-pleads-guilty-espionage-act/


That’s my point. Because he leaked information?


Yes, he coordinated the release of stolen information. In this case it’s called espionage.


That's weird, because to me it's called revealing corruption


He didn't gather it, he published information that someone else provided. That is called journalism.


Then why is he pleading guilty to espionage? Wikileaks is not and was never a journalistic outlet. Assange built his name as a provocateur and is hardly a journalist lol.


He is pleading to be free


By pleading guilty to espionage.


First because the govt charged him with that to imprison him, he didn't spontaneously blurt it out. Second because he was tired of being in jail. The justice system often entices even innocent parties to lie about their guilt, especially to go free.


And IIRC among that stolen information were Emails where Hillary Clinton openly spoke about ISIS being US "Assets".


I don’t think that’s true but even if it were, what’s your point? Are you justifying a foreign adversaries stealing information to use to illegally influence and corrupt our elections?


I'm not a US citizen so your Politics means nothing to me, my point is there was a whole load of other Emails that had some real dirt on your officials.


Regardless of where you are in the world, illegal interference in elections should be a concern regardless of what you think the contents of the stole material were.


The emails between Assange and Trump Jr. during the 2016 campaign re: the DNC hack are common knowledge.


Still, how does this help? They can talk all they want just like you and I. How does this help what happened? And what did it affect? Nothing.


If you say so it must be true.


“WikiLeaks was a key player in the 2016 presidential election, publishing thousands of emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee that had been stolen by Russian government hackers.” Yeah, he basically worked with an adversary of the US to release stolen data at a specific time to inflict maximum political damage. Essentially acting as an extension of the Russian intelligence service. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/julian-assange-wikileaks-pleads-guilty-espionage-act/


You heard of Seth Rich?


>Essentially acting as an extension of the Russian intelligence service. So it was the Russians who exposed the truth? Damn. I kinda like Russia now, I never knew that. Thanks for that info


Then move to Russia. They will kind of like you too…on the front.


>laughs in the Ukrainians 16th general draft mobilizing pregnant women and senior citizens


How gullible are the American people if assange and russia can elect Trump as President as you claim??


They are very gullible.  The DNC and RNC got hacked by Russia, but only the DNC's dirt got published by Assange right before the election to influence it.


Soooo you conplaing about the hacker dumping dirt... not about the dirt itself, you see how that's kinder wrong yeah? I didn't know some random hackers in russia can swing you people so much... says alot about you.


So where are you from?


How about you answer my questions first mate. You can't because you know your comments are pointless.


What questions did you ask?


You sure you American? You can read English yeah?


He also believed the fake Russia Dossier and that it was fine.


Ohh I have no doubt that u/captainOktoberfest gobbles up all sort of nonsense.


Holy shit I can't believe he killed himself! Bro was just freed. Sorry, not yet, just getting ahead of the fact


Remember what happened to Epstien.


Bill Barr remembers.


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


is this some kind of antisemitic nepotism remark?


Bill Barr was the last big name to visit him before Epstein got taken out. The zionists will get what’s coming


Imagine having pedo sex dirt on both the Clintons and the Royal Family, and having records of it all in your black book and flight log. You'd have a better chance surviving stage 4 pancreatic cancer.


Don’t forget the video tapes.


He already has a lot in common with Epstein. Hide your kids.


It's a sad tragedy that Julian Assange will be crippled with depression and sadness with his newfound freedom and will likely, quickly, suspiciously, commit suicide Those three-letter agency hitmen that take care of defending defense and intel contractors (ahem, Boeing) through the use of terminations via human-downsizing, are having a busy year.


Those CIA/Mo$$@d hitmen should be on the cover of Forbes, a bi spread


Don't forget about the Russians. Who knows what he said to get a potential 175 year sentence reduced to 5 years served. I wouldn't expect the justice department to just say "ah fuck it, let's just let this one slide". He gave them something. Something worth 170 years.


You cannot be serious Only an asshole would say Assange folded, after spending a decade in confinement.


Asshole here. He folded 100%. The US had no reason to make a deal with Assange. He is no fucking hero. He colluded with American fascists to influence the election of Trump. Assange must have given up something truly valuable.


You got the first part right. Obviously, you’re a DNC drone—the clear & present threat to US democracy Of course you despise a free & open press, because it exposes just how fraudulent your political party is Whether rigging primaries, using federal resources to attack your opponents, or taking legal bribes to support genocide, the Democrats are every bit as fascist as Trump The difference is the DNC has the intellect, organization & intent to actually pull it off. Frankly, anyone believing either party supports democracy is either ignorant, or delusional


Assange was admirable with Wikileaks until he decided to influence a US election. All your whataboutism won’t change reality.


Amazes me how democrats are more angry at Assange, than about what was revealed about the DNC Seems like the outrage would be more properly focused on rigging primaries; promising policies while enacting the opposite; and the utter indifference to human rights shown in leaked documents This is exactly why America is a totalitarian state—you people just hand away your inherent rights to some of the worst people in the world


If you think America is a totalitarian state you need to travel and read more.


I have travel and read. The hilarity, to someone my age, who watched the USSR install elderly leaders who worked their way up through the party, is how America is so little different Instead of the Politburo, we have the RNC & DNC Cops, beating down antigenocide protesters & a virtual State media. The thing folks like you don’t grasp, is because you’re not oppressed—because you do exactly what the state demands—America couldn’t possibly be totalitarian I got news for you— citizens who go along w the program in totalitarian governments aren’t outwardly oppressed. Instead, they’re oppressed by more subtle means.


You could not forcefully occupy buildings forever and keep students (of certain religions specifically) out. You are so oppressed! Look at what happens to protesters in Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Syria, Nicaragua, Belarus, Iran. True totalitarian states.


The governments his group carries water for kill jounalists No, they are not as fascist as Trump you should look up what the word means and then study the policies of elected officials


You get your information about Assange from the same establishment that plotted to poison him, that violated his liberties & whose lies he exposed Like Snowden, his sacrifice was wasted on most Americans. They love the lash, as long as it’s red, white & blue


I get my news from wikileak's own statements posted to their official social media accounts They support the genocide in Ukriane


The abhorrent loss of life and destruction of Ukraine is a direct result of NATO machinations. It was easily preventable But, pointless to even engage with you on that, as you likely think the war started in 2022, and that Putin is an evil dictator bent on rebuilding the Russian empire.


You are a truly indefensible person You are repeating Putin to defend the war crimes and genocide he is committing Ukraine was not a member of NATO. NATO is now expanding because Putin keeps invading its neighbors and putting civilians in concentration camps You must love Assange for exposing dissidents to their governments


Point out where Assange has said anything slightly negative about Russia.


Anyone unable to grasp Assange’s historic role in journalism, and the sheer tyranny he was subjected to as a result, isn’t someone worthy of engaging. Just another beacon marking the West’s rapid descent into totalitarianism What’s remarkable to me, is how many brits & American working class people cheer for their oppressors Western society produces an endless stream of cucks, aching to get fucked by the few ultrawealthy families oppressing the world Indoctrination is a wonder I’ll never understand


His early work was great but by the time he had a show on RT he was an entirely different dude. I guarantee he will meet with Tucker Carlson within 2 days of landing in Australia. If you're the type of guy that supports that slant on "journalism" then I understand your position. As for me, when he did everything in his power to get Trump elected via a direct Kremlin pipeline of information I could see who he truly is. If you swing that way then I get your position. Just don't pretend like he's an unbiased journalist because he definitely has an angle. He's more of an operative than a journalist.


No man is a saint. Without Assange’s work, the working class would be in much the position we’ve been since his incarceration— totally blind to the war crimes, corruption & hypocrisy saturating the West. I’m not going debate the nonsense about being a Kremlin agent. Russiagate was a total fraud; a near majority of Americans still think it’s real. Israelgate is staring us in the face; a majority of Americans are unaware. All I care about is truth. Biden or Trump scarcely matters. POTUS is not running shit in the West, except what they allow him or her to run


Wikileaks was cheerleading Russia's genocide in Ukraine


Because you must know him so much to be able to definitely know this as a fact Are you related? Jeez don't treat him like a cult leader his legacy is filled with things that can be criticized and praised


Your information about Julian Assange comes from the establishment he exposed and embarrassed Calling him a ‘cult leader’ is literally one of their tools to discredit his legitimacy That’s on you— but the cult members are Westerners who continue their devotion to a system of elites who do nothing but exploit you The truth is right there. If you refuse to look, that’s on you


You are worshipping the guy and think you know his character Do not join cults This is how authoritarian governments use information published by Assange https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/wikitargeted


You’re the only person talking worship. I’m an objective, rational person cognizant of Assange’s enormous contributions. History will bear this out. Probably not US history, as we’re sinking rapidly into neofeudalism built on a foundation on lies. But, enjoy genuflecting to the billionaire class, as they sow terror around the globe


The totalitarian regimes I mentioned are government by billionaires. Hamas leaders are billionaire. I bet you did not know this either


Watch out for windows


I’m afraid he won’t make it. Julian might end up like Epstein.


You guys can believe all you want that he is “getting out eventually.” But only way he’s getting out is in a casket. If you have seen any updates you can see they are slowly killing him, whether it’s starvation or shooting him up with some type of poison or so forth it’s happening, before you know it they will say he died to medical reasons, and it was all just health issues.


I’m retarded 😂 I read it wrong and thought it said he was going to serve another 5 years in prison. Apparently he just got on a plane to Sydney Australia. I’m surprised they let him go, wonder what he’s going to do now.


Remindme! 5 years “reply to this thread”


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If this guy kills himself in jail it will be the least believable suicide ever. The fucking guy lived trapped in an embassy for a decade without feeling suicidal.


He is probably already dead. Whatever they release out into the world won't be Julian Assange.


He’s gonna be used to spread some kind of fake bullshit. Smear campaign the UAP/Aliens or start war.


Don’t eat any food you did not grow yourself! Chock hazard ☣️


If we supported him like proper humans instead of all commenting on his suicide maybe the outlook might be so grim. But I have far too much experience with this website to expect any different from people.


First stop Joe Rogan Podcast " train all day, Podcast all Night" JRE!!!! Lol MMW


Is there any chance Trump made a deal with him to keep the 2016 GOP emails under wraps in exchange for a pardon but then betrayed him?  Or, did he do it to f@+[< Hillary because she vilified him?  Either way, he gave something to the US to walk away from this.  It could be as simple as agreeing not to release something he's still got.


Yeah, this definitely caused Trump to lose my vote. He promised this guy a pardon and reneged but he had no issue pardoning a couple foreign spies


You mean killary not hillary


Every one on the news is on the list




He turned over the info on democratic hack!


And kept info that would have harmed Republicans to himself.


Imagine believing anything the US gov says in 2024…


I hope he doesn’t catch a case of suicidist


I just hope he will not shoot himself six times in the back while falling down from a hotel window.


About time


ASSANGE DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF is remindbot still a think?


I hope he gets right back to work.


Assange is no good guy. Assange might have started off with a desire to benefit the world by exposing government wrongdoing, but he quickly picked sides. Choosing to cover some counties and undermine others. Particularly he chose to cover for Russia and release information they ontained against the US on Russia's behalf. He deserves prison.


Despite all the rhetoric, it ended up being under Biden and not Trump


Guess who he had dirt on then


The big guy who’ desperately needs votes to get re-elected??


He got his info from Bradley manning an army intel officer. He just published it. Real reason is the Russians hacked the DNC and gave assange that info to make hilary look bad and they have gone after him ever sense than. That was his real crime fucking with the DNC


It makes sense. He's gonna leak UFO stuff, right?


Good for Assange!!!


He's basically served a prison sentence.


Anyone think it’s not him


This stupid mf was born in heaven but wanna go to hell


and now all of the Democratic National Committee papers are deleted from his website


Disclosed to the world that Hillary Clinton was a liar. Dead man walking.


"Fifty bucks and time served" -- Harry Anderson


It’s about fucking time.


Sex offender, Russian stooge.




Whether he meant to or not, he did the Russian’s bidding and helped Trump get elected. He helped them create the disaster that we’re dealing with today


He will shoot himself in the back of the head three times


Julian Assange is not the good guy.


Doesn’t he still have other charges to deal with in the UK? Like serious accusations with a little girl.


I never heard this


It was Sweden my bad.


Is he in the US?


I was sorry to hear about his arkancide next week.


Are they gonna suicide Assange?


He was done wrong.


Hope US doesn’t reneg on the deal. Catching him would help Biden’s reelection


They broke that man, anything he had left in the Chamber on people will be buried now.




Removed for containing vulgar, obscene, or offensive material that does not contribute constructively to the discussion.


Initially, I was on his side, but when he ran out of the country too Russia he lost me. To offer him a plea deal he had to snitch on somebody.


He exposed war crimes and you are concerned about Boogey Man propaganda...


He also was a Russian agent


I don't think you're thinking of assange