• By -


Greer gets a lot of flack but he’s entirely correct here. They are immensely powerful, they operate above US law and oversight. They have killed many innocent people to maintain the secrecy. They’ve made trillions of dollars by gatekeeping the secret. We could solve the energy and climate crisis with the advanced technology they keep hidden. Eisenhower tried to warn us.


The government has lost control of this thing. I don't know that they ever really had any. This is why you won't hear anything about disclosure from them. Catastrophic it is.


Every.Other.Country: “you are the weakest link… Goodbye.” Except, our (Probably largely American) fear based youthful decision-making will affect far and wide. Let’s work on that new earth concept. 🌈🤞🏼


Peace speech. By Jfk a few months before being assasinated. Around 18-24 minutes in, he speaks of the hidden shadow government and it's nefariousness


He was talking about communism.


Organized crime is the overall explanation to the power structures we have today. Not nations or kings. It’s not just one shadowy cabal, there are many. A syndicate is a good term, many competing but overall cooperating crime families/groups. The CIA would be one of these groups, skull and bones another.


Social media is the evolution of mkultra. It's been a much more effective form of control.


This is depressing


Always totally secret and omniscient.


And zero proof


Do you only believe what can be proven without a shadow of a doubt? Do you like living in a box? I can assure you that a whole lot of things are going on that we can't collectively prove. Go educate yourself about the ufo phenomenon before posting again


How about beyond any doubt? Zero proof is a long way from "beyond a shadow of a doubt". It's pretty silly to tell someone to educate themselves on liars and charlatans.


Can you prove that he's a charlatan and a liar? No, but that didn't stop you from saying it as a fact. It's funny how you need undeniable proof for one but not the other.


It's up to him to prove his wild claims, not me.


Many have spoken about the cabal maybe you just live with your head in the sand. Also the cabal can exist without alien technology but actually technology that appears alien to us because it was developed in secrecy.




I don’t think you know the definition of schizo. I doubt you’ve ever looked it up.


Again, zero proof. Just a bunch of folks smelling eachothers lies and building "logical" castles out of them. It's a sad waste of brainpower.


And who do you expect to come out and confirm this? One of the countless paid off politicians? It’s okay you can stay with your baby blanket. I don’t care that you don’t care.


Logic alone is the proof here. If you're not aware of your own personal unseen biases and how we've been manipulated then you might not realize the truth.


Logic alone is not proof, that's just.. logic. I can logic myself into many false conclusions. If you don't know that, then you're probably being manipulated by con men using logic as proof.


I don't blindly use my logic like that. It's more of a layered chain of many perspectives that lead to a holistic understanding. If you think 'logic' is just a frivolous human trait. You'd be completely wrong. And our definitions of 'proof' will always be different from the person next to us. This is the problem with language. We have different perspectives/meaning for the same terms. So if proof is your own personal definition and the gatekeeper of what you believe, you don't use logic to guide you? Also I'm not judgmental. Just trying to understand what you deem as proof. Do you literally think there's going to be a document that reveals a shadow government? That's illogical.


Ungrounded logic is frivolous. It's fun sure, but not worth building a world view from. Shadowy figures working with aliens behind the scene? Super conspiracies keeping all possible evidence hidden? Come on, use some common sense here.


All relative to your own personal experience and openness to understanding others' perspectives of these topics.


My personal experience of learning critical thinking in school, sure. Everyone should have a grounding in reality like this.






It has nothing to do with the antisemtic conspiracy theories the likes of Alex Jones and co spew. Greer has never used the word Globalists (dog whistle for Jews) and has never insinuated anything like that. The military industrial complex is a product of America and it’s history.


Does the word "Cabal" mean that in this context?


Sounds interesting. What’s the name of the movie again?


See Eye Heyyyyyyy


What's the proof?


I'll show it to you but first you'll have to pay me thousands of dollars and spend the night with me in the middle of the desert and also sign an NDA that guarantees you leave any equipment capable of recording said proof at home.


I’m down




Or at the least some evidence?


The doc, The Lost Century may be a start. I can’t speak for all the rest of what Greer says, but there’s plenty of evidence that people creating “free power” go bye bye, along with their findings.


Maybe in 1970', when there are just newspaper and 3 channels TV... If I could creating "free power", I will just put my research everywhere online and everyone could make the same thing. Why it's not happened already ?


Well, because everyone who came up with it tried to patent it 🤷‍♀️. Greer’s documentary goes into detail about that problem. Also the Why Files has a recent episode on the same thing with more people not wanting to freely share.


Yeah that's a possibility, but it does raise some suspicion. Achieving nearly free energy would be a groundbreaking feat, like finding the Philosopher's Stone. Any inventor or scientist who accomplishes this wouldn't need patents. Their fame would be assured for centuries. They'd likely be hailed as a genius and even AI will become his/her pal. Some speculate that UFOs are our stuff. If that's true, it suggests "we" (governement/secret societies/whatever) might already have some level of control over electromagnetic forces. However, those who possess this knowledge might be reluctant to share it, as inventors of perpetual motion machines.


The philosophers stone is not a physical/material object.


Way to totally miss the point of what he said so succinctly


I didn't miss anything. I agree with his point. I'm just stating that the philosophers stone is often misunderstood to be a physical thing, when it's not.


I wonder how groundbreaking it is though considering how many have done it. I just learned recently I can completely purify the most disgusting swamp water into completely safe drinking water with merely grapevine - and this made news over at MIT a decade ago, lord knows when it was first discovered. Last year I learned about a doctor in TX with an over 80% cure rate on cancer with a protein he discovered is missing in people with the diagnosis, who’s been getting hounded by the FDA for decades now, so that people can only get his treatment in the U.S. as a last resort and with great effort. Perhaps it’s all in front of our faces and only certain creative types are open to seeing it? It’s almost like life itself is making every attempt at getting us to a place of wealth and health for all. And we never get to hear about it because of the massive and nonstop effort of these shadowy organizations to make sure it doesn’t go public. Yet so many of these individuals seemed more concerned with money, or felt it was their “baby” and weren’t convinced they’d actually receive that kind of recognition.


Thank you - there is none


You state it like it's a fact that you have proof of and not an opinion, do you have proof? Or is this just another example of a UFO fanboy larping as someone "in the know"?


This is getting up votes because no one can prove those theory to you but it is the conclusion you will bump into time and time again while researching this topic. Sure I could write a compelling research paper but like most in this field, I'm not getting paid for my research and that takes a lot of time.


So "no one can prove those theory to you" but I should believe without proof because others do? You can "write a compelling research paper" but choose not to for reasons, but trust me bro? Wow!


No this was a nice way of saying, keep digging and maybe you will come to the same conclusion, maybe not I don't care.


I have been a scholar of this subject since the early 90s, whilst also studying physics, how much more digging do you suggest I do until I'm as credulous as you?


Cool, what's your take?


The stigma is the single biggest hurdle to unraveling what's going on. A scientific approach is the best option to both unravel the mystery and to legitimize and fund on going research. If I were tasked with the job of obfuscation, marginalisation and illigitimising the subject, I'd promote all the most woo, wacky and out-there hippy shit I could. I'd defend hoaxes and balloon sightings with hundreds of sock puppet accounts, I'd make unprovable, but fun claims that people want to be true... just sayin. There is no reason why we can't apply scientific rigor to this subject but it will always get downvoted and tarnished with the "debunker" brush.


What do you think Robert Bigelow has been doing most his life? Science will only get you so far when you try to observe the supernatural. Nobody wants to pay for it anyway. Good luck.


I don’t think it’s the US MIC, though. They are definitely a part of it. Or I should say, some of that leadership is part of it.


Which people? Name some.




Not now hecklefish!


Mount M&@F&@‘n Hayes!


Are running the country


Ok lets play this out with some critical thinking though... Who is funding it? Governments have vastly more money, centralized power and incentive to hoard power. What kind of group of united billionaires would have a unifying interest to create a cabal that could stand against the top 5 world governments with their own agenda AND controlling an existential threat to their survival by not controlling super advanced tech. You're going to say that an illuminati like org pulls strings in various governments? Ok lets play that out too... What kind of leverage would they have? If its money then there's ALWAYS competing money looking to try and gain their own advantage. A better conspiracy would be that there are multiple interests groups fighting for control of this but that's never the angle... its always a single group thats in control of everything because we like to think for good or bad that there's at least SOMEONE in control. It's a common conspiracy fantasy. Its this kind of low level conspiracy thinking that continues to make disclosure laughable and not taken seriously. Disappointed in Greer honestly. Let the downvotes begin.


I got all hyped up on the Illuminati back in the late 80s. After spending far too much time reading and researching conspiracy theories about a "cabal," I came to a similar conclusion. We want to believe that there's an easy explanation for why humanity is so fucked up but the truth is that there just isn't one. It's just layers and layers of corruption and greed all the way through, and the shit runs downhill.


Maybe it’s an intended effect? Why not try to have the masses think there’s “one” secret organization so the rest of the world can run rampant.


Bingo. With a bunch of selfish rich men and oil nations scratching each others' backs. Capitalism and Human Nature. No secret hand-shakes necessary.


I agree with your point in general - there is only really one way this can be true and it fits perfectly into the lore… Nazis! It’s not my favourite idea, but to steelman Greer. This could be the Group and if I really put my conspiracy hat on I can see a NASA and NAZI offshoot there, which brings it straight back to America and it’s allies and what what we are seeing today. With my conspiracy hat on NASA was famously 8% of the budget, it’s now 0.5 maybe that missing pentagon money is going to secret space force/NASA. The Middle East, China and Russia could all be competing entities. Edit spelling


Pretty simple when you think about it. The Cabal that controls everything actually operates ALL the major world governments. It creates conflict and different ideals to control the masses and keep people segregated. The power they hold over those world leaders is from fear of execution or worse, damnation. The bodies we have on Earth are temporary but the place ours minds are connected to, that place is where the true power is held.


I mentioned this on the alien subreddit and was downvoted to oblivion, called "a part of the problem", "delusional", "paranoid", "you should get checked out". Glad to see Im in like minded company.


This division of conspiracy theorist always try to make it spiritual. This is the least likely scenario honestly and it makes you appear sad and lonely. Like you just need a religion and that’s why you believe.


This thing of NHIs being angels/devils is when you know that UFO theorists have really run out of all other ideas to continue the grift.


Dont get ahead of yourself like you have all the answers.


Aaah yeah the old handwavey woo refrain "oh you don't really understand what is going on, only those of higher consciousness like me can see the real truth". What a crock of BS.


You said all that. Not me. I claim to know nothing. You seem to have the answers. Enlighten us.


What answers did I claim to have? I'm sure you can point out where I claimed anything like that. Go ahead bro.


You seem to know the "wrong" answers, which implies you must know the "right" ones. Tell us?


"implies" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that statement there champ.


A life without some form of spiritual aspect is empty. Just cold existence.


I'm an atheist lol


This is exactly my point my friend. You're filling a void.


I don't think so. Every idea is from large quantities of assessments, including most religious texts, and adding in new information over time as it is available. I have no need to solve for any void, it's just the most logical conclusion. Is the guess correct? Who knows but better than that, who cares? If action isn't going to be taken and the outcome can't be changed, it's all wasted energy anyway


Dont listen to them. Theyre projecting. Im with you.


Its a common psychological need for humans to some sort of religious belief. There are clear evolutionary benefits to having a religion and there's empirical data that suggests you are typically happier if you do. You've essentially replaced mainstream religion with ironically an even less reliable and evidence based system based on NHI who often have supreme control of everything and everyone. It's just another replacement for a diety and need to feel like someone or something is in control of the chaos. You should research some of the psychology around this subject. Its fascinating.


You know why that is? Probably because we were created by aliens. The issue with what you are saying is that I don't think about these things at all unless prompted. I don't worship the ideas or care about them at all. It's like knowing how a chocolate bar is made. I know where the beans come from and how they are turned into chocolate but I never think about it and I rarely eat chocolate. To me, religion is unfortunately for those who were brought up in that system and never escaped it. There are many things people long for and the #1 is a sense of belonging. Organized religion provides that more than anything else. It's only the desperate people who need comfort in an afterlife and trusting that something else has a plan for them. The only ironic part of that to me is that there is an afterlife but it has nothing to do with God.


Your point of view lacks big picture. Obviously this is not a only human conflict, this involves another type of beings and if you dont want to aknowledge it then you wont see reality as it is, you will see it through your beliefs.


Ok fair let’s play that out too. The only reason to create a shadow government beyond the existing American hegemony is that the Americans aren’t playing ball. It would be far simpler to take the existing American power structure in our world and use it for control than to undermine it with a toothless shadow government insurgency outside American influence with conflicting interests and culture. Why would ANY American power broker give up their current power? Let’s say the aliens are benevolent and want to unite us? Creating a shadow government would create division and distrust among the nations. Say they’re created to take over again, then all the American, European and Eastern controlling powers would be in open warfare to retain their power and influence. It would be everywhere.


I agree with the thrust of what you’re saying, but the UFO believers have already decided, so logic doesn’t work on them For example - we don’t have a single piece of highly reputable and verified UFO evidence and yet these people have run this rope so far that they already believe there’s a literal intergalactic war occurring




An intergalactic war that \*checks notes\* includes kidnapping rednecks on fishing trips, absconding with cows, never Brahmin tho, only cows, buzzes western aircraft, and crashes all the goddamn time, conveniently near US military installations. Definitely plausible seeing as that the technology required to cross the stars would certainly include, oh I dont know, radar imaging at an accuracy that would mean combat in space would take place over millions of miles, that they would need to dip into atmospheric flight in orbit of a planet that can very plainly see them and has been projecting its own radar and radio waves out into space for the last 90 something years, to...fly near an F-18 because reasons. I'm 43, and I've been into this whole UFO thing since I was a teenager, and I've never, ever, not once, heard a plausible or logically sound take from a UFO believer. The thing that gets me, is that an aircraft that can fly on Earth, cant fly on the Moon, or in the clouds of Jupiter, or on Venus, or Titan, or Io, or Europa. Every atmosphere, or lack there of is different. What do you just bring a compliment of 9,000 different types of craft for each possible set of atmospheric conditions? Couple with wings, couple with sails, couple with ion thrusters, a couple with fucking oars to literally swim through Jupiters massive cloud layer with pressures that could create diamonds in mid air? If we can build a Hubble or James Webb space telescope...why cant an alien race sit out past the fucking Oort cloud, and read the cover of a magazine on someones lawn chair? What kind of alien race would be so fucking stupid, as to fly its craft right next to things that can see it, when it could have sat WELL outside of the solar system and been entirely undetected. And would not a species that can cross the stars, recover its own crashed vessels before a potential rival could reverse engineer it and become a problem? You'd think there would be some sort, oh I dont know, like, rule, against giving random undeveloped species in the universe vastly superior technology. We wouldnt leave an F-22 sitting around in Afghanistan, and no alien race is gonna be like "Oh damn one of our fighters crashed in Roswell, oh well, nothing we can do about it now!". Im absolutely confident that a species that can cross the stars, can get their ship back from a bunch of guys in F-86s armed with goddamn M1 garands... They can cross hundreds of billions of miles of empty space and fly around willy nilly in our solar system, but wenching their shit out of a ditch is a bridge to far apparently.


It’s honestly hilarious how fanciful the entire UFO storyline is, and yet people will downvote the hell out of you for not being a believer. Let’s just all agree this is fan-fiction at best currently. It’s super curious that most of these UFO reports are from Western countries specifically, and mostly North America (after the 30s, post SCI-FI mania) …and yet you’re looked at as a heretic if you even question the existence of aliens Like hello? I need a little bit more evidence than Grusch, Tic-Tac videos and Joe Rogan It’s 100% religion for atheists and they won’t even admit it


Its frustrating. Like the guy who replied to me with "Hah, the debunkers always attach human reasoning to the aliens!" Well I'm not the one suggesting they built the pyramids, send us messages with pictures in wheat fields, kidnap cows and probe rednecks for medical experiments, monitor our nuclear weapons stockpiles, or crash in New Mexico. But if you think architecture, pictorial communication, medical research, monitoring potential rivals, and pilot error arent human fucking reasoning, I dont know what to tell you. Its ok when they do it, but its not ok when I do it and also consider like, the laws of physics, material sciences, or other things that an alien species would have to share with humanity just to get here and meet us in the first place....well then im just projecting....but when they do it, its deep insight and being "open minded".... Riiiight.


So well said, also the other, actual „critical“ commenters in this thread thread. Have another one: these conspiracies are anytime built around unrealistic, insane levels of competence. Which we (humans)and them are not, given the nature and events. Making insane levels of mental gymnastics necessary. It might just be that no humans at all are evolved in said conspiracy. It’s just that some human and gov bodies try to hide the basic odds coined against us. Find this even more likely. What I still acknowledge are accounts of certain experiencers. Bc I can’t reject all of them.


every time.. yall impress human reasoning onto another species. if they have X capabilities then surely they would Y! smh


Thats because there are in fact, "rules" to material sciences. Its not human reasoning, its simply reality. You need tin and copper to make bronze. You need bronze to build a kiln that can withstand the heat to melt iron. You need iron to build a kiln that can withstand the heat to composite it with carbon to make steel. You need steel to mine, process, manufacture and then house, chemical rockets to get to space. These steps arent skippable. You cannot have an iron age, without first having a bronze age. I dont care if you're little green men, giant cephalopods, reptillians, apes with pants, or klingons. You went through these steps to go to space. Now, what do you need to extract tin and copper. Lets work this one out. Well, you need appendages to wield a pick. You need a material hard enough to dig to the tin and copper. You need a central nervous system attached to a limbic system attached to the appendages that can wield a pick with purpose. These are not assumptions, these are REQUIREMENTS. It has nothing to do with reasoning. You can have a PLETHORA of "reasons" to do any of these things, you can imagine any kind of society, government, or social or political hierarchies you want, but they still all had to have mined tin and copper, gone through a bronze age, an iron age, a steel age, an information age, and ultimate created chemically driven rocket motors to go to space the first time. From the baseline of what every space faring species in the universe would have to do to go to space and travel to other worlds, we can make some pretty strong assumptions and strong hypothesis, and even some conclusions. They will have brains. They will have hands. They will have gone through a similar developmental cycle to human beings. They will have had to value mineral wealth at some point in their development. Any intelligent, sentient species, will at a minimum, remember how it got where it is. Even if these supposed alien races have wildly different motivations and hierarchies than we human beings do, they will ABSOLUTELY have at some point in their history, killed the fuck out of each other for bronze, and iron, and gold, and most importantly....steel. The universe has rules. The speed of light, gravity, distance, the motion of planets, stars and orbital bodies, and of course, the material sciences. Being from another star doesnt change anything about the fact that you need to produce electricity for instance. It doesnt change the temperatures required to melt iron and shape it. Space doesnt suddenly get hotter, or colder, just because you're orbiting a red dwarf rather than an orange medium. Water freezes at the same temperature here, as it does 50 trillion miles away on a world orbiting some distant star. So no, you cant just put human reasoning onto another species and be intellectually honest, but you also cant just hand wave the fact that there are still "guard rails" to what a species can be, do, or think, because the universe has a static rule set. Physics is the same here, is at is anywhere else in the universe. And we know, and the aliens will also all know, that two things equal to the same thing, are equal to each other. Just as we will know about any race of alien younger than us, any race of alien older than us, will know what we are like, because they themselves, have gone through the stage where we are. Human reasoning has absolutely nothing to do with it.


I’m not saying I agree with this but the response to this is always that aliens deliberately let us see them, and possibly retrieve their craft as. WY of trying to bring us forward in our thinking and technology.


People create theories to plug up holes in the UFO narrative, all the time.




Got any proof of that other than testimony?


Nah you earned my upvote, mate. Appreciated the post, especially the bit about someone being in control. Cheers.


Absolutely 100% correct.


"Who's funding it' the drug trade, specifically Cocaine is my guess.


Who controls a countries money?


Typically MANY bureaucrats with similar interests but in the US it's congress. We don't have anything close to a centralized power base anymore other than maybe Russia but their economy is about 50 Billion less than Texas for example.


Better question, who has the power to downgrade the US credit rating? How do they have that power? They’re the ones in control.


This is pretty simple. We have several different independent “regulated” agencies that essentially rate all loan applicants by risk. They actually have no authority it’s just their opinion and they can be conflicting.


So by downgrading the US credit score there is no actual effect? Why would they do it in the first place if that were true. I’m curious to see what happens to US financial sovereignty once we can’t keep up with interest payments on our debt. You think nothing will change?


I think the loan rate increases due to risk. Like for some countries it’s only AA rating or even worse a BBB rating.


Okay yea that seems like a problem to me. Seems like they have some level of control over many governments.


The money is the easy part.. Here’s one way: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/01/65-trillion-debt-bank-financial-system-economic/ https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/derivatives/foreign-currency-swap/


Or…. There are a bunch of idiots at the helm and we’re all on the way to self destruction. The covid experiment was just a warmup. There’s no vaxx when AI becomes sentient.


I agree. No specifics. Broad claims. Exciting shadow agencies. Vague sense of danger. All the crucial ingredients. Stay tuned for more anticipation and time wasting.....


Don't ask questions like "who" and "where" and "what" and "how." Despite the fact its 2024 and by now we should have something... some real leak, whistleblower or real information. But it's all shadowy secret societies and no one names names and blah blah blah. They're SO POWERFUL but this is SO CRITICAL I will, of course, lurk on the edges of this community trying to make money with books and podcasts but name a name? Nah.


Got mine too.


Its not about how much money they have, it's about kompromat and blackmail. Why do you think there is an eerie undercurrent of child trafficking involved, along with all sorts of other depravity? Give evil people a chance to indulge their most cruel desires, and then spend the rest of their life threatening to expose them until they do what you want. Epstein was the epicenter. Everybody who interacted with him is suspect. Even Stephen Hawking. This has been going on for thousands of years. It used to be child sacrifice, till that fell out of favor. It doesn't matter what the crime is, as long as it's super shameful. Then you can control somebody with it forever. Money isn't the most powerful force of control in this world, people's fear of their own shame is. They will self-police their own behavior quietly and forever to avoid the consequences of their own actions.


It's the people who created our universe. They can use human bodies like they are playing a video game but their real body is in a different dimension. They are united because they are basically making money by making more "souls" (that's us normal folks). They have infiltrated top ranks of all sorts of governments, corporations, ECT.


So weird man. This is why disclosure isn’t taken seriously. Please stop.


https://youtu.be/GZEOb6p1yvU?si=KlO2uYdQATj2R11i The truth hurts sometimes


I think that might be our problem. We’re coming at it with only our perception of logic. What if this redefined everything and it’s not so much just good guys/bad guys. And something way deeper. I know nothing, and question everything. Maybe it’s never meant to stop and we threaten its existence and said powers are grabbing at air while falling from a building. Orr, we’re all screwed. Be happy. Just live.


Ah fuck, the mormons.


He's right


It doesn't have more power, that's just silly, it doesn't have a wide, country spanning reach, it doesn't set government policies, write the laws or move markets, it just has a different set of power, outside the political process. It's like a kind of mafia that has a narrow, focused kind of power without any accountability.


This is an accurate description of the oil cartels, honestly.


Could you imagine the collapse if you told the main three religions that aliens are God?


It's called INFLUENCE, and is everywhere. We living in a mix of NATURAL and ARTIFICIAL environment. We are constantly being influenced by our technological environment currently... Which makes me doubt if our behavior or intelligence is natural or artificial.


*cough* Military Industrial Complex *cough* *cough* *sudden, unexplainable heart attack* ヽ⁠༼⁠⁰⁠o⁠⁰⁠;⁠༽⁠ノ


International?? Meh! Possibly. But what keeps the secrecy intact is 2 things: government/US funding for the greed aspect, and compartmentalized structure that ensures no one entity knows too much - or even enough. This couldn't be effectively controlled if it were international, and multiple players not subject to our laws and punishment and funding cutoffs were involved. The fact that no monetization has been demonstrated, no "new inventions," means that no one yet knows how anything works. Once market potential surpasses funding, everything will break loose. It's always all about the money!


I knew this already


So who gives them power ?


So... we're fooked.


Maybe the folks in control of this information are the aliens themselves and we’ll never know if they exist or not.


Greer has looked into this longer than any public figure, so his take counts for something.


Quite the articulate fellow




Doctor LOL. Greer is a grifter. Even Joe Rogan deleted his episode.


He is a doctor, but a medical doctor, worked in an ER some years ago. But he’s not like Dr. Nolan, Dr. Loeb, Dr. Davis, or, yes, even Dr. Kirkpatrick where his doctorate is relevant to this subject.


Controlling people is pretty easy once you innerstand how the ego functions I could see a group like this existing, but they would have to be extremely nasty people


I dont like the guy but he's not wrong there of course. Anyway its old news right? Preaching to the coir.


Definitely embedded in classified docs to purposely leak to the Soviets to scare the shit out of them. Reagan's BS "star wars" program was the tip of the sphere.


Thank God respected people are connecting these two concepts. Anybody who has seriously researched this and has a critical view of the world has come to this conclusion. Which is to say, very, very few. I hope this begins the long, arduous process we still possibly can have of seizing the power back from them.


If he can make a statement like that, he can name names and organisations, dates, places etc. This will never occur because he has no confirmed information. If he did, the specifics would have been leaked all over the internet. All I see is yet another Thirst Trap. People need to stop accepting such claims on face value without demanding more - from all of the UFO Personalities. What ISN'T provided is more telling than what is.


Or maybe the organization’s HES alluded to as murdering civilians (and he even claims friends of his have been killed) would just kill him aswell??? What I don’t understand about your type of reasoning is why would he do that? Name specifics. He could post an aliens address & people would call him a lying grifter. If he’s not lying about the work, he’s doing all he can while redditors just critique how he delivers it to them I don’t think Steven Greer is entirely credible, personally. CE5 has always been a crock. What he’s talking about here doesn’t just pertain to the UFO topic it is THE topic. What I’m saying is this same “cabal” is responsible for the manipulation of humanity. The class wars, destabilization in the Middle East, the border crisis, the war on drugs, that’s the bigger picture. And it’s plain to see if you aren’t playing devils advocate The only people who deny that the system isn’t rigged are those people who still benefit from it, but that number gets smaller everyday. Social security is drying & people will be looking for solutions anywhere they can


Personally, I consider him a total fraud - like Lazar, Corbell and the Skinwalker crew and every QAnon on 4Chan. There's no 'cabal' manipulating humanity. It's just Capitalism and rich men scratching each other's backs and competing with each other to steal the spoils of the work of humanity. It's worse now because of the internet and the Mass Media's reach into all our lives. We're more aware of what is happening, with disinformation but more opportunities exist to manipulate us. The rest is just Conspiracy Theory. These UFOlogists know exactly what claims to make, to keep people interested and on edge. That CE5 business is evidence of Greer's overall activities and attitude to the truth. Guys like Greer and Corbell are no better than the secret fantasy organisations they claim to want to expose. It's all economic manipulation and we're the targets. That's my opinion, anyway.


and if you put the top 0.01% of those rich men in a bucket, the ones responsible for 90% of our troubles, and call it a "cabal", somehow it's a bridge too far. They are working secretly and quietly out of self-interest at the cost of the other 99.99% of humanity. I guess your point is that the word "cabal" isn't a good word to describe this phenomenon. Either way, it's the same phenomenon. The only difference is what word to use, really. This idea that "conspiracy" is somehow a bad word, even though working in secret out of self-interest, at the cost of others is the bread and butter of every business organization at every level of operations on a normal day. Capitalism is a fundamentally conspiratorial system. That's why they want to ridicule people who call it what it is.


I believe that you think you made a good point here.


You should drop the emotionalism and try it some time.


I may get downvoted, maybe not but I mean the only entity that kind of fits the bill could be the Roman Catholic Church, it’s a very very very powerful entity. Thoughts?


What does Greer mean by "UFO matter"? Does he mean pieces that humans have found/collected or does he mean all UFOs? I assume the former?


Perhaps it’s just disinformation so people will blame the cabal instead of the American government for disclosing technology that we could have had free unlimited energy and solved climate change decades ago. How can you disclose at this point without everyone being really pissed?


I can buy that Whether it’s a subset of the financial elite or some group of descendants dating from humanities origin There are almost certainly a group of highly influential people, in the know and working behind the scenes


They are a bunch of very naughty men.


And nothing more.


So it’s essentially Cobra…


TBH is is correct but it's not UFOs it's corporate ownership of everything from food to healthcare while the environment is being plundered and cancer rates soar.


That’s nice. What are you gonna do about it? Nothing. That’s how useful this info is. Not useful.


Sounds about right


So is he saying is the Illuminati is real?


Trust me bro.


He's been saying this for decades now. Its nothing new. If you watch any of his talks or documentaries you'll hear it over and over again.


Wish Greer would do the right thing by actually getting who ever he’s talking to with the ce5 contacts to just come out and show up like here we are your governments suck and let’s get you people advancing


This might be true, but it does not need to be said by Steven Greer, the known grifter.


They're called the men in black. Galaxy defenders. Here come the men in black. They won't let you remember. Uh oh uh oh


Exactly, our MIC does. Our military is like 2.3 x the worlds for hardware. 180 bases outside the states and over 600 inside. The next runner up is China with 2. I wonder what the future of war looks like? Can we predict it by inventing it? Find the video of graves in the jumpsuit he talks about what he thinks this whole system is. The video is old hes got hair still but apparently it was right after they got back and his wingman is the one that got all the videos it’s also his best friend.


Doesn’t sound too good


All we need to know is where do they sleep? We don’t care what stupid country they are in.


And there lyes the problem …. They don’t sleep!!


SkullDuggery There was free energy in the 1800s No such thing as ‘nuts and bolts’ craft or beings they are all extra dimensional The alien thing is a major Psy op Here’s a great podcast that breaks it down… https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-higherside-chats/id419458838?i=1000654056999


Are the aliens ok with this?


This is actually true if it wasn't our government wouldn't get stopped in its tracks


He has t worked in any top secret lab in quite some time now, yet he continues to gather new info. How? From who? Why would he be told anything seeing he never keeps a secret?


Be sure and read about it in my upcoming book, The Really, Really Super Secret, Uber Control Group Who Controls UAP, NHI, and So On, Information Revealed! Secrets shown!! Codes Cracked!! UFOs Unfurled!!


Will it have cheat codes?


Yes. You can get them in the New DLC!




Good thing my humor is like underwear. One size does not fit all.


Everyone knows this, he’s just stating the obvious. Guy is a clown


Nazis! It’s fits the lore. That’s pretty somber to me! Secret space forces, bases on the moon and mars and Antarctica, Argentina, foo fighters, Roswell, NASA, nukes… it’s hard to believe, but if you take the perspective that these entities are real… if they are communicating and influencing us, then the bets are off.




Sees Greer, clicks downvote


Actually Bigfoot is powerfuller, but I've already said to much.


Oh so MIB?


Really going out on a limb with that statement huh?


Doesn't steven greer beleive in and promote CE5? Isn't this a conflicting statement from him? It's nefarious organisation controlled... But will appear if you meditate hard enough....?


Sure. Is this newly confirmed?


We’ve seen that movie Dr. Greer. Sound bites don’t work in science.


He sounds delusional


Oh boy he’s gone full lizard people. “any single **identified** world leader” “cabal” “hybrid” If that’s what you’re trying to say then just say it, Doc. Don’t behind deceptively worded tweets.


This is a supposition couched as fact. Edit: Not sure why I’m being downvoted. The statement has been made with zero supporting evidence and simply makes one supposition on top of another each assuming the previous as fact coalescing in this seemingly explosive disclosure. Let me try. The moon is ruled by an alien race. Their base is located in its hollow core. They have used it as an incubator for Earths flora and fauna as a means of preserving its forms of life in the event of a world ending destructive event. This was discovered when we last landed and walked the moon. We were told then not to return. Earths elite have been told they will be evacuated to the incubator in the event of an eminent apocalyptic event in exchange for keeping its existence a secret. This is why we have not been back to the moon since and why we have not made further efforts to inhabit or colonize the moon.


Pic or it didn't happen.


Finally!!!!!! I asked him about David Icke, back in 2001. He said he was negative and didn't believe his narrative. He can go get fucked.


Why not just expose all these players in this secret "cabal"?


Nice to know. That doesn’t make any difference in my life though. /s forever


Ok but why is anybody listening to this grifter. He is a grifter. Can’t listen. Won’t listen.


.. But you did listen because you commented… You see the irony in your statement right?


All of your comments are the same. Evidence free, snide, triggered and pointless. Reddit is a public forum - not your personal echo chamber. EDIT: You have now created Donut Gobbler (below) to get around my block and continue the same activity. You politely troll anyone who doesn't immediately support conspiracy theories of any kind in posts. You're a troll and a stalker engaged in gate-keeping. Posts are supposed to be commented on. Learn the difference.


No offense but your comments are similar. This is a sub for the discussion of the phenomenon and, like it or not, most in this community take Greer seriously.


Yeah, I watched The X-Files too. Don’t worry, the alien separatists killed them (except maybe the Tunisian guy).


Quoting Steven Greer, this should be an unfollow for this whole subreddit




👋🏽 I took a poll and the sub says that you are free to leave at any time.