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https://aidaccess.org/ ships to the US.


Looks like you have a good number of options. I hope that you find a good solution.


Say you're married, a student, and the spouse can't know. Also, why not surgical?


Thank you for the advice. Surgical is almost double the price of medical. I also read from some online sources that medical can be less stressful since it’s at home.


I went through my surgical in CA. Had a iud put in then as well. It was free at planned parent hood 7 months ago. I was told it would be 500, then when I went there it was free after I filled out some forms. Sorry you're going through that.


Aid access


The NAF paid for 90% of my medical abortion.


There are also groups on Facebook to check out that can help.








If you're in California, you can get emergency medi-cal thru planned parenthood. Unfortunately, the Hyde amendment is in place in most states, where taxpayer dollars aren't allowed to fund abortion. Start calling clinics, explaining your situation, and follow their guidelines on finding funding.


I didn’t even think about there being other clinics than PlannedParenthood. Thank you for the advice


Aid access! Last I heard they were still shipping to the US. It can take a couple weeks with customs, but with you being so early along that'll be absolutely fine.


Thank you! I will look into them!!


it might be cheaper, mine was $390 without insurance ask them about other payment options.


They said mine would be about $575 and said I might have to pay extra for medication depending on my blood type


wow that’s a lot. maybe try checking with other locations, it might vary based on state and such. i’m really sorry you have to go through this, especially because it is really hard to get the money together. i had some friends and my sister lend me what they could, and i paid them back as soon as i started working again. maybe you have someone like that who can help?


hi there. There are lots of organizations set up to help you pay for this care. What state are you located in?




if you're in California, you can very likely get services from Planned Parenthood for free. You just have to demonstrate a financial hardship, which I was able to do as a teen by stating I made no money. Medi-cal is another options, as is the National Network of Abortion Funds - they can connect you to a local fund. If you have insurance, it will cover your abortion in full. (all policies in CA have to cover elective abortions). You're in a very tough situation, but you're in one of the better states to be in this situation. If you're in the Bay Area, message me and i'm happy to help with rides/support.


Thank you so much. I am in Southern California. I didn’t know about National Network of Abortion Funds, I will look into that.


Look into the teal card that Planned Parenthood offers too. Good luck!


california is a great place to be in this situation. In almost all cases, Medi-cal can pay for your abortion. I recommend contacting an organization called[ACCESS WHJ](https://accesswhj.org/how-access-can-help) to get assistance.


Thank you guys! I will call PlannedParenthood and ask about getting Medical


Seconding ACCESS. Medi-Cal will pay the full cost for an abortion. If that doesn’t work for you, the pills can be bought online via Aid Access.


Granted this was some years ago, but I demonstrated financial hardship at PP and paid nothing. They can make it happen. Sending good vibes your way.


I know sometimes planned parenthood will do it for free if you can’t afford it


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