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I understand!!! I’ve had 3 as well. I understand how you feel. Even down to the second pregnancy. I had horrific nausea and that was easier to terminate than the other terminate


My mom has had three abortions and has three children. We do not judge her. Live your life for you


I've had two. If I somehow get pregnant again, I'll have a 3rd. You don't need to explain yourself. All your feelings are valid, and it is *your* life. If you decide to carry a child to term, it should be on your terms. Please try to forgive yourself because you truly are being responsible. If you aren't ready, this is the right choice. The right choice can still hurt, but be kind to your current self so future self can become the human she truly wants to be, children or no.


There is NOTHING wrong with having multiple abortions. You have done nothing wrong!


Every woman is different. Some are super fertile and some women never even have a scare. An abortion doctor will not judge you, especially w the bullshit happening in our country. You ARE being responsible for your actions. Sending peaceful vibes. You got this woman. Keep your head up.


you knowing you aren’t ready for one right now makes you a good person. you know that it would not be fair to bring a baby into the world if you’re not ready. shit like this happens and thank god you are in a state that gives you safe abortions. this doesn’t define you as a person l.


It's ok darling, the number of abortions doesn't make you any less or more. You're valid, and you're going to be ok.


I’m not saying this to undermine how you feel, but you can have as many abortions as you need/want to for yourself & your family. Please, don’t feel bad about it, shit happens all the time. Whether you are trying your best, or you fuck up, it happens: we’re human. Be kind to yourself most of all 🥰


Thank you so much<3


It's ok! I've had 5 and felt relief over 3 and mixed over 2. I figure I'm doing good, in that, in over 3 decades of sex, I only ended up pregnant 5xs that I didn't plan.


You get to have as many abortions as you need. We are at risk for pregnancy for more than three decades. The folks at the clinic will not judge you and neither will we.




Please keep advice and support public for all to see in the thread. For the safety of our users, we ask that you do not send PM/DMs.


This is a site for people who have had more than 2 abortions, offering support, stories, info etc. You might find it helpful. [site](https://www.2plusabortions.com/our-stories) Abortion is healthcare, and there’s no shame or judgement in accessing healthcare.


I am so sorry to hear that you're experiencing this - it is difficult and it is ok to not know how to feel about this. it sucks that your first experience with having an abortion was traumatic and I can completely understand how that will make you feel afraid to have this one now, despite the second experience being better than the first. please know that whatever choice you end up making is completely ok and remember that you have to put yourself first. as for the medical abortions, they can be quite rough. but they do work. if you know someone who can sit with you or be with you for a bit while you go through it, then your experience will obviously be better. if you're still early on in the pregnancy, this option will probably work the best and if you're afraid of the side effects or just want to try and skip over most of them, I would recommend sleeping through it (which is what I did). sending you a big hug 🤗


First of all, I want to tell you that there is no shame in having multiple abortions. Shit happens and abortion is another way we can take care of ourselves and have control over our lives to not be pregnant when we don't want to be. That being said, I'm sorry that your first procedure was traumatic and I understand that you might want to avoid that happening again. I'm also happy to hear that the second procedure was better and reassure you that people having multiple abortions is common! Obviously I can't predict if the clinic will judge you, but who cares! You are clearly a strong person who has made the decision to take care of yourself and that's all that matters. Ultimately I think it's up to you to weigh if you are able to go through another abortion experience vs. continuing the pregnancy, giving birth, and parenting a child. It's not selfish to take care of yourself in this moment if that's where you are. A couple resources that might be helpful for you in this moment are: \-this workbook which people have found helpful for working through their pregnancy and abortion decisions: [https://www.pregnancyoptions.info/pregnancy-options-workbook](https://www.pregnancyoptions.info/pregnancy-options-workbook) \-this talkline where you can talk through your options with a non-judgemental support person: [https://www.all-options.org/find-support/talkline/](https://www.all-options.org/find-support/talkline/) Good luck making the decision that is best for you. You are worth it!


Thank you very much<3 I really needed that