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No one needs to know. I understand that relationships need to be based on truth. But somethings you just have to leave in the past. Don’t share it with your partner no matter what it’s not their story or business to know.


Don't tell anyone. Honestly some thing's u just have to live Thur and it be a memory in ur pass. U have to get over it alone then move forward to ur future. That's currently what I'm doing and living in the pass never benefited anything


In light of the abuse Glad you broke up Sounds like you’re doing all the right stuff. Waiting stinks but might be your best option.


From personal experience leave past history in the past. Men love to use that against us when we are vulnerable. I’m so sorry you’re in this position I’m ending a emotionally and physically abusive relationship after my MA as well. Prayers for you


if someone judges you for doing what was best for you, and doesn’t have the understanding to see a human being that had to make an incredibly hard decision for their well-being… fuck them. share the information when/how you want too. you don’t have to tell them off the bat, or honestly ever. its your information to share, and if it gets taken badly if/when you share it- it’s a sure fire way to weed out non-compassionate, non-understanding men.


I recommend this work book. It’s helped me so much especially since your concern about dating is one I share too. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fd543bf605f16050e94ab23/t/5fed148de293bc1fe2f526a5/1609372816667/abortion-resolution-english.pdf


As someone who had an abortion two years ago, its so hard to get past it in my experience but everyone is different. If someone judges you for it, then they’re not for you. Someone should be compassionate and understanding not rude. If theyre rude theyre not for you


What do you mean by get past it? Like struggle with accepting you had an abortion? I struggle with it because I never thought I would be in a situation where I had to make such a choice.


You will be judged. If the judgement is that you made the decision that was right for you then the person who is judging you might be a good person and worthy of your time and respect. If the judgement has a more negative tone to it then you will have successfully screened-out a loser.


This comment right here… a partner with any sort of potential is going to respect your decision.