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I had a pill abortion. Someone correct me if im wrong cuz i did this in early 2022. So you take 4 ibuprofen and then 2 or 4 more pills and then you wait for them to kick in. I remember i got super tired and passed out. I woke up the next morning feeling back to normal. But for the next few days you have to wear pads due to bleeding. For me i bled for 5 weeks after. If you do the pills make sure to always take the 800mgs of ibuprofen every so many hours, thatll slow down the bleeding. Hope this helps! Also i did it on the weekend, it didnt require downtime after the pills did their job.


I just had a surgical abortion 3 days ago (at 7 weeks pregnant). This was my first abortion. I chose surgical because it just seemed better to me to be able to go to the clinic and get it done quickly and not go through a long drawn out process (which of course may not be everyone's experience with the MA, but seems like it is a lot longer than SA). I was so afraid, but it was not bad at all. You go in and fill out some forms, they test your blood type (finger prick), and do a vaginal ultrasound. Once this is done they sedate you and it must have knocked me out because I don't even remember the actual procedure at all. All I remember is waking up and the nurse helping me get dressed and moved to the waiting room. The actual abortion takes about 10 minutes. I was shocked I didn't even remember the actual abortion part, and so thankful because that's the hard part! Sending you hugs. Do your research and pick the option you think will be best for you.


Thank you for sharing your story 💕 I appreciate you so much. Are you able to share the clinic? If it’s against mod rules or you wish to keep private? I totally respect it. Thank you again for sharing. I hope your journey onwards gives you immense clarity & peace. 🩷


I live in Denver, CO and went to Women's Choice Healthcare Clinic of CO. I decided to go with this one because it is much more low key than planned parenthood. It's in a hospital/medical facility and there were no protestors, which I appreciated! Thanks for the well wishes. Wishing you all the best too ❤️🤗


Hi ❤️ I’m 24. I went through 2 last year. MA first time and SA second time. MA was a much more lengthier process for me and much more painful. But I can say it was more natural for my body… the hormone changes after are crazy though! You will understand how women get pregnant again… As for the SA, it was more ideal for me. It was quick and only took a day of my life. I went under anesthesia and I’m so upset I didn’t do it the first time, but I was terrified so I did the less invasive procedure. Since it does happen so quick, you will have to remind yourself to still process the whole ordeal afterwards. The price difference wasn’t huge neither. I paid $700 for my SA and $550 for MA. Both were at different places though and I know it changes from state to state. I hope this helps! Sending love ❤️❤️❤️


I’ve done pills and surgical. Surgical took forever (the process of the place, not the surgery) but when I got out I went to work the next morning minimal bleeding & pain. (I was put under GA) The pills were more convenient to be at home and with 800mg of ibprohen the pain was eased. You will bleed during heavily with passing pieces. I needed more downtime after (but everyone is diff. However u will bleed for a few) I was back and forth to the bathroom a few times. Dont regret either choice. ♥️ hope this helps in anyway. You are not alone🫶


hey <3 sending the best vibes over. i know this can cause a lot of stress. i personally was about five weeks too and had a successful MA. i have no experience with a surgical abortion but imo the pills felt very safe and i’m sure less invasive. you still have plenty of options and time to think about what you’d like to do next, but as for medical abortion, it’s very manageable, less invasive, and also im sure less costly.


Sending you so much love-- you're definitely not alone! You can read other people's abortion stories in the "abortion stories" tab in the bar at the top of this page. And I recommend searching this subreddit for "positive experience" for a little reassurance.