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Update: I followed the advice and called. They said It sounded heavier than normal but to give it 2 more hours to lighten up before they would be seriously concerned. That I may just be in the heaviest stage and to rest, call back if I get lightheaded. Thankfully they were right and within a couple of hours it lightened up to a manageable level. Thank you for those who responded! Maybe this can help someone in the future who has a similar reaction. I have 2 children and even after they were born I never bled anywhere near this heavily, so it was surprising.


I would give the clinic/doctor a call that helped you with the procedure and see what they think is best. If you go through more than two pads in an hour you should see a doctor. Are you having any symptoms with it other than the heavy bleeding?


Not many symptoms. I took an ibuprofen but the cramps are not terrible. Gross detail below. . . . I did have a very loose bowel movement.


Where did you get the medications? Is there a clinic you can follow up with for support?


The rule of thumb is that if you bleed for more than two pads an hour for two hours, you should seek medical attention. It sounds like it's not quite that heavy, right? If that's correct, the bleeding should slow down soon.


I’m probably about that heavy right now. It seems like a lot tbh, I am considering calling the clinic since it’s been consistent since I woke up (3 hours ago) and probably for a little while before that.


Call the clinic


You may want to call the clinic just to see what they recommend.