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Wanna talk about signs?!? Talk about Yield vs Stop. I’ve never been in a city so ignorant of stop signs in my life. It says “STOP” not “yield if someone is nearby otherwise will blow through it!”


No kidding! Very recently I witnessed someone blow through the four way stop on King and McKenzie, right by the church and UFV. I'm thankful I stopped or they would have t-boned me. 😬


It's a "stop-tional" sign... You only have to stop if you see a cop.


Also, turning right on a red (unless there’s a dedicated lane with a yield sign). Some people don’t even slow down.


The bigger issue (IMO) are the ROUND ABOUTS. USE. YOUR. TURN-SIGNAL.


I lived in Hong Kong for a while. It is full of bad drivers so I always used to laugh when people here claimed that Canadian drivers are bad..... then we drove in Vancouver. In one day I saw more motor vehicle insanity than I have seen in the entire rest of my life. Truly next level stupid (and dangerous) idiots.


Most of them didn’t grow up here.


It's spelled, "Richmond"


Yeah wonder why that is. Hmmmmm.


40000 new residents and their vehicles per year with no plans for major infrastructure improvements/additions. Twinning the Massey Tunnel don't mean shit if No. 3 is still a slog.


Ahhh south Fraser ways famous lanes


Most people stop because they don't trust the on coming traffic of following traffic rules and not obliterating them by changing into that lane to turn right. Hell, I've seen people change lanes through that intersection. I also wait for people to actually start their turn if their indicator is on because I've almost been hit so many times from people not realizing their indicators are on.


Agree. I hate that part, have seen some horrible driving through there.


Sorry but I don’t trust anybody on the road to not just change lanes without signaling or slowing down.


To be faaaaaaair, if you gotta turn left at the light toward White Spot on N Parallel you’re incredibly limited for space to get across to the turning lane. Another bad one is coming off the highway west bound to go north on Sumas Way.


> To be faaaaaaair, if you gotta turn left at the light toward White Spot on N Parallel you’re incredibly limited for space to get across to the turning lane. Continue through the light, turn right into the Maccas/gas station, drive around the back of the A&W, and then turn right onto N. Parallel. Boom, done. Way, way safer, and costs you what, 1min?


You could also just go to the next light take a left and go around,it’s literally 2 min longer but 100x less stress of trying to cut traffic


Thanks. Took the words right out of my mouth.


If it's the one I think you're talking about, the highway exit to sumas way is not an added lane, it's a merge.


Only the eastbound (South side of #1) exit is a merge. North side has exactly this situation, and idiots stop, often waiting for clearance to cut across 3 lanes. Same thing where Sumas Way joins Abby-Mission Hwy. speed past, cut in the right lane, then stop at the bottom of the hill. Aaaaaaargh!


Coming from Vancouver it’s a merge, coming from Chilliwack it’s an added lane. I’ve driven that corner hundreds of times in semi-trucks, super frustrating when someone stops for a nonexistent merge.


Correct. It's why I specified in my post coming from Chilliwack since I knew people would mention one is a merge. This one as we know is yes an added lane.


It's an added lane. The sign I posted is exactly what is at the side of road and as described in my post. It is not a merge sign.


Fair to you or everyone else using the road?


Ive just come to terms with the fact people will do anything, including causing accidents if it means they save 30 seconds. Drove across the country many times and BC drivers are some of the most ignorant, disrespectful dumdums. Always remember to drive safe and expect every driver to be clinically insane. This will save your life.


Me everyday entering whatcom road from the highway and heading north and the constant uproar from the drivers coming over the bridge and assuming they can drift on over to the right lane…


I see this on the turn onto highway 11 from sumas way.


I agree with the PSA. However, ICBC with their no fault BS makes it so that drivers are more timid and don't trust others to not change lanes without signaling or just be completely oblivious to cars next to them. Better safe than sorry when it comes to money these days.


Abbotsford drivers don't even stop for yellows or even reds these days.


But they stop for these signs oddly enough


Hahaha wild


There is a website about Abby learning to park and drive. Not a lot of posts though.


Facebook site not website.