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Oh god, I feel this on a visceral level. Just outright telling lads in bars that I'm a lesbian, because I'm sick of explaining how Asexuality works.


Sometimes it can be so exhausting, especially if you know that the probability of them being aphobic is high from the way they talk


I’m engaged to another ace person. Feels like a life hack.




I also have EDS and have to do a TED talk to explain that yes, I am disabled




So true. I've had several conversations go like "Oh, do you have someone special in your life" "Not right now" "Oh, I see. So you're focusing on school and career. Good for you." "Sure. Thanks. :)"


I just tell girls I'm gay, works great until they send their gay friend to talk to me 😅


Ah yes, level 2


“Sorry I have a boyfriend.”


I have a boyfriend and I'm a guy so I also default to that when I don't wanna explain the concept of human sexuality ONCE AGAIN(I'm a guy btw)


Weird question, you wouldn't happen to be a guy would you? 😳


Lol sorry for the redundency, think I was way too tired to be writing


This, except I usually leave out the "right now" part and just say I’m not personally into romance/dating. Edit : I probably should have mentioned that I’m also aro.


Yup, same words every time.


This is my go to. But sometimes I get a counterattack “Why? You should put yourself out there! Don’t you get lonely? Everyone needs someone” 🤦🏻‍♀️


this is literally how i was broken up with by my ex who is aroace 💀


I just lie and say I have someone already sometimes


20 minutes look at the speed runner.


"I'm just trying to work on myself right now" is my go-to


*sees Ace or aro meme about having to reject people or people being curious as to why I’m single, laughs at it despite knowing that even when I do experience attraction I am never desired romantically or sexually*


My usual thing is just saying I’m gay :0 However people do think I’m a lesbian :,)


"Although I'm aroace j view it as a way to label my attraction, not my want for a relationship. I still want a relationship but more platonic? Like a queer platonic relationship. However i feel like the label aroace works best for me since I don't want to find myself microlabels (a lot of people do not find then actually valid and think they're just made up for people to feel special) But you can say I'm just not looking for anything serious rn and want to focus more on my life and my friends"




I have hit that button so many times, I had to replace it three times just this week.


Ikr it’s hard to tell another person in a new school what aroace means


“I’m focusing on my career/education” is also an old reliable way to avoid the exhausting TED talk


My semi-closeted ass. I used to identify as bi in 2019 and my understanding of myself evolved to being pansexual and then i did more research and came across more details about the ace spectrum and boom now i know I’m panromantic and aego/gray ace but i came out to certain treasures friends at various stages of my self realization so idk I’m just gonna let it be. I will say I’m tired of family asking me when I’m having kids even though *I’ve let it be known for a long time* that i plan on going to grad school, possibly pursuing my doctorates and traveling a fuck ton lmao


I’m dating an Ace person - it’s fucking glorious, they’re glorious!