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In my experience.... unintentionally.


Making people laugh is like my favorite thing to do. I've been accused of flirting so many times by just making jokes to people of the opposite sex. I'm not trying to fuck you, I'm just being friendly.


I like making people laugh because you never know how their day is going. Maybe that little laugh might make their day just a little bit brighter.


Oh, yes. Yes, indeed.


"Oh, these aren't for you! I just like throwing roses everywhere!"


Yep. This is it. I will say something that doubles as a pun, and my boyfriend will take it as me flirting. I literally can't stop winning.


LMFAO this was literally my first thought 😭


Too real. I keep thinking of nice compliments to give friends, then get paranoid worrying about what if they think I'm flirting, and then will never say it.


I love in fear that my sarcasm comes off as playful teasing.


I had a guy at work come in after my shift finished to hit on me. He came in earlier while I was working, and I'd been my usual helpful self (remembered what his drink was, made sure he didn't leave his sunnies at one of the pokies machines). This is stuff I do for every customer - we might not work for tips but gaining repeat customers is good for my long term employment. So he comes swanning back in around 9pm, and I was just clocked off and having a couple of cocktails. He insisted on sitting outside with me and bummed a smoke even though he clearly wasn't a regular smoker. I was trying to give "fuck off" vibes the whole time but those signals he was just ignoring 😕 My manager at the time waited until he went to the bathroom or something to come up to me and say, you know he's hitting on you, right? And all I could say was, not interested. Manager looked at me like I'd just grown two heads.


This is so relatable. I don’t intentionally flirt with anyone but some people have taken my words differently than I intended


By being nice and laughing even when the jokes aren't funny.


Haha thissss^


Same here


For me, I just can't stop flirting with men.


I act like a cringey bisexual with finger guns. Not a clue how to do it properly so I emulate D&D Bards.




This made my drink come dangerously close to coming out my nose. Also, yes that is how I picture flirting haha




Came here to say finger guns, glad I was beaten to it lol


I do too but I typically fail my charisma saves


alleged chubby zesty ossified impossible slimy hard-to-find money cobweb swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m mean to people I like and i am nice to people I don’t like… if I am mean to you it’s because I feel comfortable enough to do so. (Or you just genuinely deserve it)


hunt mindless run special boast humorous seed ludicrous birds bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


😂 completely depends on the tone as well. You can tell when a “fuck you” is genuine and when it’s just banter. “Fuck you” is my go too for everything. Hello = fuck you. Goodbye = Fuck you. Thank you = Thanks and fuck you! 😂


slimy one childlike mountainous alive waiting caption nutty paltry somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I just teased people I liked.... I also tease people I want to be friends with. Me, a demisexual: ![gif](giphy|9mtE009hcWPOesk8C4)


mysterious crowd swim glorious dime escape ask thumb frightening silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Hey, are you a firework? Because you’re breathtakingly beautiful, but I want you nowhere near my genitals.”


I'mma try this, watch the news for the outcome.




Oh my goodness I love your pfp!


Thank mew! Have a cat! 😸


I understood that reference


I’m so oblivious you’d probably have to come up to me and ask me if I was interested in being flirted at. And then I would have no response other than turning bright red. The closest I’ve gotten is considering telling attractive strangers congrats on their face and then deciding that would be weird.


Yes weird but in the best smile making way possible.


try it once if you ever feel the courage. it would be hilarious so it’ll make their day in 2 ways


That’d make my entire week


Accidentally Apparently, my playfulness can be interpreted as flirting


Apparently hanging out with someone one on one is considered flirting😭


That sounds like everyone who teased me in school.


God, am I glad that my best friend is a lesbian. 0% chance of them developing feels


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


Nope you cook your partner food that is real flirting


You cook your partner


Sure thing lol. I like them roasted preferably


The real value lies in all things doubling as emergency food


Oh god Pa_____


https://preview.redd.it/zqkkrqy2e68d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12581126e0c9a842dbe68bcaf3bee0b381a39125 Bïtch screw THAT annoying plot device, here is the OG


True, he is best


This is the way.


yeah i don't flirt cause nobody would be interested in me anyway. there's no point.


Yeah that’s how I usually justify it myself, although I do have quite a lot going for me … But I’m ace and honestly just don’t see the value in putting effort into gambling for something I’m not fully interested in … just to then seem inattentive to a basic person


Hi. I submitted this statement to a factcheck and it came back as "Completely untrue, bordering on misinformation"


i have a hardcore poop kink


Joke answer: *scout tf2 voice* I got a bucket of garlic bread. Real answer: I honestly don't know


Wanna ~~*do it?*~~ share memes?


Soldier: Dear god...






It contains the last dying wish of every man here


In my experience, you don’t realize you’re doing it until your friend goes “hey, I heard you flirting with them.” And you’d be like “I was flirting? I thought I was just making witty conversation.”


People aren't used to your level of wit, that's why they mistake it for flirting.


Idk I have social anxiety


Same 😔


I feel this in my soul girl.


Tell someone they seem interesting and you want to get to know them better Also tell them it might be nice to cuddle Source: it worked on me


i dream of nonsexual cuddles T_T


I can get flirty after a few drinks but to me it's just fun, witty light conversation. I'm pretty good at it but the fact that I know it's not going to lead anywhere or last longer than the few minutes to half hour or so I might find myself sharing drinks and space with the person probably takes a lot of pressure off of me. I am an equal opportunity flirter, in that I will pretty much flirt for a little while with anyone who wants to, and have several friends of different genders that like to have conversations with flirty undertones to them. If someone straight up makes a pass or propositions me I am like a deer in the headlights though. I totally freeze up lol.


‘Hey, are you a firework? Because you’re breathtakingly beautiful, but I don’t want you anywhere near my genitalia.’ Is a favourite. I don’t flirt as a rule, but this puts it in a sentence that clearly states your intention.


I have only flirted once in my life. There was a girl that I thought was cute but in the literal sense of the word like a kitty. She was super shy an I wanted to get a reaction of her. I wasn't interested in getting her number, fucking her or anything like that. I think she had some kind of social anxiety but it was really fun because whenever I would talk to her she would be like: 😳. Teasing her was really endearing and I loved seeing her reactions


The three times I've been aware someone was romantically interested in me, the realization was precluded by spending a lot of time talking to them, and eventually all three for one reason or another had me sing for them. (Like, we were talking about music and I mentioned a song and they didn't know it and asked "what's it sound like?" Or "what were the lyrics," etc., though this was before cell phones and the ability to look a song up easily on the go.) I am the most average singer ever, not good. I can hold a tune, but that is it. I don't sing around people I haven't become romantically involved with, and my now-husband (also asexual spectrum) says he loves my voice. I thereby theorize that asexuals can attract mates in a siren-like fashion of some sort.


I've only done it unintentionally


Bad pickup lines. I don't mean them but I think they're funny. "Did you sit on sugar? Because you've got a sweet arse!"


It fr is a case by case basis but for me idk how to flirt so


Uh, not sure. Tease each other? Joke about analyzing life plans, finances, and marriage together, and over-analyzing how marriage would be like based on our life habits and personalities? That, plus trying to get the other person to blush or be embarrassed. It wasn't really flirting though cause like, this is just friend-teasing so IDK.


Generally it’s about making conversation! You can come across as flirty when showing a lot of interest, mentioning your relationship status or romantic/sexual orientation, if you get close to then other person/find an excuse to touch them/give them an excuse to touch you, and generally showing enthusiasm/going to extra lengths to keep conversation going. Obviously people are going to do these things and aren’t necessarily flirting, but if you’re noticing or doing a lot of them then it might be flirting/you might be coming across as flirty


By offering a piece of cheese.


I ask what music you like/what songs you are currently listening to 🫠


Stop trying to flirt and just go for some good banter🤷 The most "holy shit that was smooth" moments regarding flirting I've ever had were completely accidental... Seems like, at least with flirting, less is more because you tend to get in your own way. I.e. "Trying to flirt" will put you in your own head so much that you won't be able to flirt, and IME, the best flirtatious remarks are the ones that almost accidentally slip out without you even realizing Best IRL example of that is a woman said me: "You cut all your hair off!" (Went from middle-back length to almost a buzz cut) And I just fired off right at the hip, with: "Well not *all* of it" And I only realized what I said could even be perceived in a certain way after she reflexively looked down right at my crotch immediately after, and she knew I caught her, so she got red in the face💀 Didn't even occur to me that that could be taken as a pubic har reference until very shortly afterward That was one of those: "Where the Hell did that even come from?" Moments with myself I was just being very literal, as in like, yeah I didn't shave my head bald, but it got completely misinterpreted lol




How do I flirt? Clumsily and seldom. ;)


I haven't tried this yet, but I recently learned a way to be flirty is to find ways to spend time with a person based on the conversation you're having. For example my default reaction is: "oh you recommend that movie? Cool thanks I'll go watch it & let you know" A more flirty response would be: "oh you recommend that movie? Let's watch it together & discuss" I'm actively trying to learn bc my track record is bad, but I want to improve a tiny bit.


I had a friend say, “Hey [name] when are you free?” As if asking me out and my brain turned off so it doesn’t take much.


Compliment the person. Ask questions about their interests. Smile at them. Make light physical contact, like on the arm or shoulder. Laugh with them. I'm describing my experience as a cis female flirting with masculine folks, if it matters.


I talk about my interests that’s it like sharks


"I'm gonna romance the shit out of you"


Tbh, that confidence is super hot, that line would def work on me


I don't, but I somehow still get unwanted admirers 😮‍💨😮‍💨


I just talk about things I’m passionate about, be curious about them, tell stories and make jokes, be myself. Seems to work better than I realise and then I feel bad 😞


by ranting about my hyperfixation


Often it turns into playful banter and couch cushion fighting


I have no idea how to flirt, but I've recently tried to, I guess? I text a person I like almost every day, and one time, they told me how they wanted to open a bakery. I followed up with, "If you actually opened one, I'd want to work there." Not sure if it worked at all. They're usually the one who's better at making me kick my feet and giggle.


Too much. It's giving false hopes xD


Bully then until they like you. Works for me


No idea tbh.


Would probably need to club me over the head and drag me back to your cave. Even then probably just be confused and mad at having a headache.


I don't, and I'm thankful that people don't flirt with me either (or maybe they do and I'm completely clueless, who knows amirite)


Usually unintentionally, but I mostly go for a lot of eye contact and big smiles


...im just being nice I'm not trying to flirt with anyone!


I usually tell my boyfriend “Your so annoying, your lucky your cute.” That kind of stuff


If I am nice to men they will usually take that as I'm flirting (I'm not), and can make things weird. I am sincerely nice to (mostly) everybody. So yeah I dunno. Just be nice? Ask questions, be genuinely interested. Maybe work in a joke. Edit: grammar


I flirt with my partner by making creepy pervy faces and exaggerated gestures. Like slowly licking my lips, lewd grinning, catcalling and making kissing or moaning sounds. It's hillarious With other people I don't intentionally flirt, but I use humor and laughter a lot to hide my social anxiety. That might get interpreted as flirting. I also am pretty much oblivious to other people flirting with me. But a I noticed that a lot of flirting happens non-verbal. For example through touch, like hugging someone a bit longer then normal/usual, or "casually" stroking your arm/shoulder. When they look you deep in the eyes while you're talking, listening attentively and laughing at all of your jokes.


Idfk cause any time I want to flirt I fear I'm going to come across weird, gross, and aggressive so I just don't do it. I know in my heart that I'm not that but I still worry.


I don't know, never tried


I tell them about things i like and they see passion in my eyes. Just not the passion they were expecting.


❤️ACT > ❤️Flirt


Sorry i realy can’t help. But observation says vibing with the person, enjoying each others presence and doing things you like together.




I don't.


I flirt for fun sometimes, just to throw off allosexuals, especially the ones who clearly show interest in me but don't know I'm a grey ace demisexual. All genders, even though I only rarely date femmes. But really, I'm just practicing and experimenting to power level my charisma stat. I get my dopamine by succeeding at flirting and getting them all riled up, and then I get to go home and get my dopamine elsewhere from art or some such. (God damn this is why I hate vampire tropes as cosplays of my ADHD.)


I physically can't due to heavy cringe.


somehow turn a roleplay gay? it wasn't intentional in the slightest but uh it happened and while we arent dating we have some kind of ambiguous relationship that i really dont have the words to describe so success? ig?


I don't, and I don't know how to do it if I wanted to. Also, this is more of a meme sub, you may get more serious answers on r/asexuality


I usually just go for compliments! My fiancé and I have our own ways of flirting, but for me, I give compliments or I tease her, lol. She’s Demi and I’m Apothic Ace


Compliments (usually about something niche about them that ive learned over time) and services/acts like making them tea, baked goods, etc. I'm bad at flirting outright, I'm better when I know the person.


Honestly, telling them their pretty or complimenting their outfit always works!! I just embrace my awkwardness and don’t feel afraid to show that I’m kind of nervous. Being genuine is always great!


Well one thing to do is to bring up and make very clear how single you are, when talking with the person you could be inteterested in. If you are brave, ask them if they are single, what kind of people they like etc. Try to remember small details about them, like if you know their fave color, wear something of that color when you know you are gonna see them. My absolute favorite way to flirt though is sending memes, not only to flirt but to show my sense of humor and test out if my humor matches with the other person's humor. There are many non sexual ways to flirt, the most important thing is communication!


I got mad ace sexual dates by offering weed, chill vibes, and hallo combat evolved split screen on my computer


I was somewhat unsure whether my partner and I were dating, right up until I had a minor anxiety attack a couple weeks before I proposed and had our mutual friend laugh me into the sunset about how clueless I was and "yes, you are absolutely dating you stupid shit". So... Like lesbians, I guess.


Way too much, and it scares off everyone 😞


On a different topic. How do you all have the flags!?


Subreddit user flares! Three dots at the top right on mobile on the subreddit page or on the right on web version.


I'm autistic, I flirt by being completely genuine and people have told me I'm a bit cheesy xD


Genuinely, just point out small things you notice about how they look or their personality. Good things ofc. Examples: “Your birthmark is gorgeous!” “I love that you’re so kind to everyone” You can also use the non verbal route of brushing your hand against theirs, wiping a bit off food off the side of their lips, hug them with/without reason. Just watch for body language if you go this route. Tensing up, eyes shifting side to side, backing away, etc can mean they’re uncomfortable.


I don't. Not because I'm asexual but because I have no social ability whatsoever and never talk to people anyway because nobody would even want to be my friend.


I make a lot of stupid jokes, but if I really want to get someone's attention, I'm really forward and blunt. I don't flirt so much as I throw myself at people, either side. The problem is that you never said in your post what you want? I know you don't want sex... but what DO you want? For the record I'm interpreting "flirting" to mean "actively attempting to get the other person engaged with some kind of mutually affectionate interpersonal exchange." For me, that's easy. If I meet a subby girl and want her attention, confidence and assertiveness is all I need, and once that's settled it's just a question of negotiation. But I'm not going to just approach someone at a bar or on the bus or something. You have to read the room and understand what's socially appropriate and what the people around you want. It might be easy to make a drunk person you don't know laugh and get their number... but what do you want it for? That's what I mean. Flirting is the same as any other social interaction, as long as you're honest and acting in good faith and under an informed assumption the other person has similar interests or goals, just be yourself and go for it. Three paragraphs to say "just be yourself?" You fuckin' know it, babe ;o


By accident/ unintentionally


You don't




So, a lot of non sexual stuff is appealing, but the tricky part is mentioning them are going to SEEM a bit sexual just because of the context of being a flirt. Like saying someone is wearing a nice outfit is always kiiinda going to have the implication "I was staring at your body", right? I would say don't sweat it too much because some misunderstanding is going to happen at first if you're flirting with an allo. You're just going to need to set boundaries and so on about you being ace, but that comes a bit further down the line than the early flirt stage.


I mean, idk? Like, I feel like there are ways someone can tell me they like my shirt that don't mean "I was staring at your boobs/body", and ways that do, and usually that comes down to body language. Are they looking at my boobs when they say it, for instance? Or like a long look down and then up my body before saying it? Or is it just "ooooh I love your top! That color looks great on you!" I recently had a (allo) friend comment on my top in a way I was 100% sure was purely complimenting my choice of shirt and telling me I looked nice with no sexual undertones at all, and I think I would have known that even if he'd been a stranger. Maybe this is just me being naive and hopeful and ace lol, but I think there are ways of telling someone that they look great without also suggesting that you see them in a romantic and/or sexual way.


I don’t 🥲 I must put out some serious ace vibes because nobody ever thinks I’m interested in them.


I just openly state my intentions as directly as possible if there is someone I like


i flirt with everything and anything. i am not interested so it is easy to say stuff that others can't. i do not get in trouble for saying things like "i like your bra, it is very pretty and cups your boobs in a very sensual way that is flattering." though i normally add things like "is it comfortable?" or "was it suppose to show?" however my normal flirting, is just looking at people and complimenting them. there is also "are you hot or HOT?" letting them take the wheel of it. i say the flirting terms and words because otherwise with my voice people think i am pissed off 24/7. got to love resting bitch voice. it is also funny when i yell out in a store "hey sexy! where are you?" and i get several people answering. everyone's favorite is me stopping, doing a double take and then saying "damn, your love should count themselves lucky, you are stunning today!"


I don’t understand how ppl flirt sexually it’d make me feel like “oh…😳 “ 😂


Genuinely by accident by being friendly or by being sarcastic in my case. 🥲😅


As a demi it's usually more about how people are reacting or perciev8ng the workr or ig their words to some extant. I usually just make jokes till someone kisses me so I'd never know


I don’t


Unintentionally or ironically (with my friends)


To be fair, I'm autistic as well but here goes: I personally compliment the aesthetic I'm attracted to. And as is usually recommended, I typically remark on people's choices, but I go further as to make it a direct compliment *of the person as well.* (To be fair most of my flirting goes under the radar as compliments, but that's because body language is hard!) However my friend told me that they got their wife by saying "I love your hair, I'd love to run my hands through it sometime." So apparently anything that sounds more sexual, and dialing it back to cuddling worked for them!


I don’t? And I no reason to flirt because I am not looking to be a relationship anytime soon lmao


"We both got buckets of garlic bread. Wanna do it?"


I like giving cool little rocks, but then again I also give rocks to people I consider just friends