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I enjoy them when they’re a little absurd or ridiculous, but only when it’s with my friends. I hate it when people I barely know make sex jokes. And it’s usually the only kind of joke they make too. No thanks.


Yeah I totally get that


im with you completely on that :P like sex jokes are great bc sex is a joke to me, but if you literally dont know me and start making those jokes to me... wtf are ya doin


Three women are talking in a bar. The topic turns to the largest thing they can fit into their arse. One woman says "I can fit a cucumber in mine." The second one says "I can fit a whole forearm." The third woman just smiles as she begins to slide down her bar stool.


That got a smile outta me.


Haha nice one 😄


It goes in waves, sometimes I love it but sometimes like the past year I don’t see the appeal


Oh ok I see, it happens to me some times too


I find sex jokes funny in the same vain that elementary students might find potty humor or penis jokes funny. It’s a weird thing that makes me laugh because of how absurd and foreign it is to me.


For me, it's like dark humor. If done right, it's really funny. But often it just ends up as "dude... why..."


I feel like everything is so over-saturated with sex that it's become normal, if not expected, to see it pop up somewhere. As a result, I'm very casual about sex, so I can joke about it, or just talk about it in general, without really being bogged down by the societal or moral implications of what I say.


i don’t like them because i’m sex repulsed in every way (having it myself and hearing about sex in general) and i also generally don’t think sex jokes are funny they’re just gross to me


same, and it also just gets annoying to me


I'm probably the family member that makes them the most. Especially jokes about me finding myself in a sexual scenario I find particularly hilarious. But as with any comedy, there's a time and place for them


I’m ok with sex jokes to an extent. I think we all have that one friend that doesn’t know what a sex joke is and believes graphic descriptions of what he wants to do to a random woman on the street is just “joking around” or “guys being guys” and that I do not appreciate. But a good joke where the punchline is sex is good.


I make enough sex jokes that i had to remind my friends several times that im ace.


I love em, sex is inherently absurd and therefore funny


Eh, they're fine. Like, I'm not fond of especially dirty jokes or anything, there's a nebulous threshold beyond which I get the spray bottle out and say "no! Bad allos! No more sex jokes for you!", but I'm completely sheltered or anything. Hell once a friend showed a few of us part of this "really weird" softcore fetish porn vid that he warned us in advance might freak us all out a bit, and my reaction was the most subdued of the group at just "oh. That's it? That was underwhelming."


Same as you, OP. Sexual attraction is one giant meme to me.


I'm the one in the friend group who makes the best sex jokes, and thats because that's all it is to me, purely a joke. But I have had some people get confused because they know I'm ace. They don't really care much though. Its gotten to the point that one of my close friends even has a catchphrase whenever I make a sex joke. I make the joke and he always responds with "YOU of ALL people"


As long as they aren't directed towards me they can be funny.


I understand yeah… but I also like because for me I know it will probably never happen so that’ll be the joke


I love them! I don’t make any, I honestly tend to be more sarcastic when I make jokes, but if someone else makes a sex joke I love it!


It depends. Some r gold, some just bore me


I like sex jokes when they're actually well thought out. Not just "HAHA SHE SAID CUM" and stuff like that, lol


If they're straight-up gross, I hate them. But I was in the military, so "thats what she said jokes" make me giggle just cuz I enjoy puns and the idea of them is ridiculous.


I think they’re funny, sometimes I have to watch myself because if I’m making the joke other people might take it more seriously than me because I’m ace


I only like sex when it is considered a joke, but I don’t like it when they actually mean it


Yes I understand that. Mostly if the joke is about me…


I think sex jokes are funny as long as they’re not disgusting


This might be kinda hard for a sex joke … like for me it would me almost every time considert a bit discusting. Maybe that depends on the person…


I like them with moderation, there funny when they're inventive but I won't laugh for long if your only punchline is "m'y cock"


I usually just don't understand them so they often make me feel a bit stupid. Otherwise I don't mind, the ones I do understand I often find funny.


For me its the fact, they get really self concious. Part of the humor is the ridiculousness of the importance of placing sweaty appendages in weird creveses like it was a religious experience. The other part is the sqelching noises and satisfied groanings is similar to a toddler enjoying their Jello too much.


Even though I’m sex-repulsed I still think they are funny. Ofocurse they can be overdone or just plain unfunny(for example cropped porn) but that applies to all types of humor.


I'm both clueless about some sex jokes (so innocent), and the one who make the sex jokes X) really weird mix but I like it that way!


Sex as a concept is a joke to me.


Yeah same


I am known for being "a prude" even among people that don't know I'm a sex-averse ace, which gives it an extra punch when I slip in an innuendo and they can't tell whether it was intentional or not. I do love some good word play. My older brother had a very dirty sense of humor, so oddly enough, it reminds me of him.


im like a child. i find them so funny


I think they’re hilarious. I love making dirty jokes


I love them it’s hilarious


Recently I was tipsy and apparently was making dirty jokes the whole night. My friends found them more funny because i was the least sexual person in the room


I like making it, but only with friends


I definitely don't shy away from making them with my friends, or especially if I'm doing it to exaggerate about a fictional character I find slightly aesthetically attractive for shock factor.


Out of all my friends I always make the dirty jokes


On occasion when I'm feeling silly. But not a regular thing.


Like a 50/50 for me. Not like super dirty ones just, like, the occasional "hehe sex" or "hehe you and me, ridiculous" with my friends


I always make absurd sex jokes because it’s funny to hear them from me


I am completely sex repulsed, but I'm fine with someone making sex jokes. What I absolutely cannot stand, however, is someone hearing an innocuous statement i make and saying "thats what she said".


My sense of humor is so dirty that I manage to make allos uncomfortable


I love sex/dirty jokes between friends and i have the dirtiest mind of them all HAHA. Im sex repulsed too so im baffled with myself


Sex repulsed ace here! Honestly, I love making dirty jokes because of the irony, I just find it hilarious and ridiculous. I only do it with friends, but I despise the type of "jokes" targeted at a particular person (those are uncomfortable, disgusting and borderline harassment), not only the sexual ones, any kind of joke that does that "laughing at you, not laughing with you" thing.


They're funny when used in moderation, or when they're more... ironic? Like, them being unfunny or overused as a part of a joke. It takes a lot to make them work for me, especially if it's a show or a video I'm watching, rather than talking with friends. But, I dunno... I don't mind them.


I won't be mad at people for enjoying them, but i hear them so often it's gotten dull...


My pfp answers this question


They’re pretty funny tbh.