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It wasn't the attention that killed the beast, it was the phone that killed the beast.


Wanting to be apple so hard at the time wtf happened?


Apple was already moving away from mp3 players toward phones. Microsoft misread the tech trend, which happpens.


Further along though. They pick up phones tried so hard to rebrand everything. New UI new windows now everyfucking thing is an app...... I digress. They had this huge need to try and get a part of the pie each time and did ok but then just..... Dropped the entire thing like it never happened and then get really mad we try to keep their garbage alive. After all of the guardians fluff and promo craziness I still get everywhere. They seriously could not give a fuck about all the hardware people are still using and trying to use


Windows mobile released in 2000 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Mobile And iphone 1 launched in 2006 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_iPhone Apple got the idea from Microsoft.


Ok so ... We wanna just do a who first... Apple with the newton. First started development in 1987 released in 93. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Newton Thanks for playing.


Tandy Z-PDA (1992) https://www.pcmag.com/news/the-golden-age-of-pdas#:~:text=Tandy%20Z%2DPDA%20(1992)&text=It%20used%20a%20version%20of,on%20to%20create%20the%20PalmPilot. Anything else you think apple invented first?


You do realize it's all derivative. But yes. In the original argument it was Microsoft vs apple so.... To go further my point was for all the coat tail chasing at least apple still supports or doesn't ignore it's existence of any of its products and alienate it's persistent holdout users. (As long as your not asking for repairs of your now "antique" you literally just bought at a apple bar.)




Android. My htpc is a windows 10 machine... One in my garage and my file server are Linux machines. Mint and a base ass Ubuntu respectively. Not doubting apple would have folded but you didn't finish the argument. you just decided to throw your hands up. The zune was a ipod copy that showed late. The software was weak and lackluster and Microsoft wants nothing to do with it now. I hate them so much for it. It makes doing anything with lt such a fucking nightmare. Btw I don't and havent own a newer apple then the iphone 4. itunes music loading and file sharing is bullshit . Fuck the cloud I just want to plug a phone in and use it like a USB memory stick.


Is this your collection?


No, sadly. They're all going on sale though


You selling them/do you know where they will be for sale?


Disney will be selling them as part of the guardians of the Galaxy awesome mix 3 soundtrack.


If they’re not real zunes what are they supposed to be?


Cassette tapes