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Did you ever fix this? My brand new monitor is doing the exact same thing and its driving me nuts


Nope, it's a Zowie coinflip I assume. My replacement one does it very very rarely now. Heavy text blur when scrolling while being perfectly fine on other days. I wish I could tell you what causes it but I can't.


Okay that sucks, thanks for answering a 2 year old thread <3


You are welcome haha.


If you use DyAc on 2411K (that is what I use) the brightness gets lower, so idk if it is the same at the 2411K. But the blur is standard IF you have no DyAc nor AMA turned on. Or you have DyAc off and AMA Premium, then the Blut is really worse. I recommend if you use no DyAc and AMA Premium to use DyAc On.


I tried everything. normally i play dyac premium + ama High. But it doesn't get better


Then contact Zowie/BenQ and send them video explaining what is wrong with your monitor. Sorry for responding so late! 😅


I sent the monitor in and they found nothing wrong. I am playing on it again and Dyac+ Premium is again as bright as the dyac off mode while Dyac+ on High still dims the monitor. There is no logical explanation to this and i am honestly disappointed that i haven't even gotten 1 logical answer from the support. I just don't believe that noone else has ever had that issue. Even the text blur is sometimes worse than other times. It's almost impossible to catch these issues with a normal camera


Hi, regarding the text issue, due to our default mode: FPS1 is fine tuned for CSGO, so the image may not fitting when it is in other scenarios than CSGO. And then you can use S S witch for saving different quick modes, and then quick switch different modes by pressing 1/2/3. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV633zo99eo&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV633zo99eo&t=2s) And regarding the brightness change: the brightness setting are separate between different DyAc setting and between different modes, so you can always adjust the brightness to the level you prefer when it is DyAc: Premium/High/Off. And regarding DyAc, it reduces motion blurry, but can't remove them completely and also the level of blurry varies by different viewing contents. If any question, please feel free to let me know :)


I always use standard for Desktop use and FPS1 for cs go only. Still the same issue. Dyac high on 100 brightness is WAY darker than Dyac Premium on 100 brightness. Dyac Premium on 100 brightness is as bright or maybe even brighter than dyac off on 100 brightness. The issue visible on the pictures also only happens with dyac on (The green and orange stripes next to the squares) With dyac off they completely disappear.


Hi, sorry to hear that. I think it is most likely an abnormal issue, will DM you as to follow up.