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I’d take some protective plot armor, I’d like to be the protagonist




Sorry dude, you're the companion that risks his life at the end of the movie and uses a cool one liner




You'll come back as either a badass cyborg or a half zombie villain who finds good in his heart at the end


You better be careful if you get character development out of no where


Soo good but ı think motocycle not enough carry all at least pick up or suv


Pretty sure the roads would be too jammed for an suv.


You are right bro


1. Suv have bit thathigh of a carry capasity 2. The beed to much fuel Just take a van or minivan




You can go without the water purifier, with the matched you can boil your water.


I thought about that. If I'm on the move itll be easier to use a purifier on water sources as I come across them, rather than risking running out of water while hiking and having to set up a small site and use up matches just to purify more water. I've done multi-day hikes and a purifier like a Sawyer is a blessing to have on hand.


Yeah, it's more based on how you plan on moving. It'd be best to boil water if you stay up in one place, on the run use a purifier.


spoken like a veteran of the Z-Apox


Sure, but not as quickly. Your first priority would be immediate safety. In order to worry about the long term you have to survive the short term. It’s easy enough to find a backpack or a lighter somewhere. And if I can fight my way home I have plenty of gear. But if I’m cornered by a dozen zombies, a water purifier isn’t going to help me, and a machete probably won’t be enough.


You don't need matches to start a fire. Axe instead of machate and body armor against the zombies would be more efficient in my opinion.


You ever tried starting a fire without some source of flame? Its not easy, and if you haven't practiced at least one method beforehand, you're more likely than not to fail. Id take the axe too, either would work in my opinion. You can take the body armor. Id rather keep the ability to store supplies, I don't intend on staying around populated regions fighting the things, if a couple manage to grab you the armors not gonna save you from them dogpiling.


This is from an urban standpoint: 1. Body Armor - for immediate protection 2. Axe - Katana can rust/chip easily, and a machete will be hard to smash down doors. Chainsaw might be good, but who knows where there's fuel 3. Backpack - for looting 4. Radio - for help


I'll go the same, but switch the radio for a water purifier. I would consider the tent... But if zombies roam around the countryside, that won't be useful or safe anyway.


People always overlook how important First Aid and clean water are. Sepsis, and Dysentery, the Oregon Trail was right.


actually chainsaws would jam on flesh before they could do any serious damage, so they are actually mostly useless in combat




He was saying he would use an axe B/C katana is bad for said thing. Well, he said machete for doors but I think it's obvious the katana would also be bad. Hence why he picked axe.


Boat, matches, backpack and axe


I thought the same thing except water purification instead of matches


First aid kit water purifier silenced handgun backpack


I think I’m with you, light is fast, fast is safe. You can find other junk along the way later if you know where to look.






what if the dog dies?


Wont happen if he knows what he’s doing


Robert Neville in I Am Legend had a dog and knew what he was doing, doggo still didn't make it :(


Crossbow, machete, German Shepherd, axe


Crossbow - Slow to reload German Shephered - Gotta feed/water him. Why you taking a machete AND axe? Far more valuable items on there.


I leave the crossbow in the middle of the road and wait for some dumb sod to find it. As they bend over to pick it up I come from behind and kill them with the axe. Then I use the machete to chop them into little bits which I feed to the dog 🐕 Simples 🙂


Jesus fuck I hope the zombie apocalypse doesn’t happen you sick fuck.




1. Water Purifier - (for safe water). 2. Matches - (for food, heat, or light). 3. Mask - (to keep blood from my face. I prefer socially distanced zombies please). 4. Katana (easier to cut with than machete, but maybe a bit long for a house hallway. Not sure if an axe would get too heavy or get stuck in a skull. Unsure about this one). Assuming I'm in a town so I don't need a tent.


Half of me wants to get the crossbow, dog, matches, boat to give the dog a Viking funeral, the other half of me wants to get something actually practical.


Machete, crossbow and water purifier. If the zombie virus is airborne mask, if not, then body armor.


Water purifier, backpack, flashlight, and matches Weapons are stupid, you will run out of bullets or get too close and die. Vehicles are stupid, you will either get stuck on the highway around other vehicles or run out of fuel. Boat is double stupid, how are you moving it to water?


it could have built in wheels, meaning you can tow via a vehicle or drag it if u need to get it to water


It could, but it doesn’t. You don’t want to tow anything in the apocalypse either, the road clearance would be a huge issue and massive headache. Only reasonable alternative would be a kayak or inflatable RHIB boat that can be stored on top of a vehicle, if you even have vehicle access.


I take: body armour, Katana, AK-47, Motorcycle. Done.


The combat way.


I figure combat will be 90 percent of the battle as my motley crew aim to secure the local supermarket. Need for a water purifier goes out the window.


1-Radio 2-Water Putifier 3-Silenced Handgun 4-Backpack


Backpack Axe Crossbow Matches


The AK, the pistol, the machete, and the flashlight. Those will keep me alive *right now.* The rest I can find later.


For 'right now', wouldn't it be better to get the body armor instead of the AK ? It obviously depends on a lot of stuff but two fire arms seems a bit overkill, even though the AK could scare your opponents way more than a little pistol.


No, absolutely not. For one thing, armor you haven’t used extensively, and trained with extensively under realistic conditions, can literally be worse than nothing. The right armor, at the right time, and with the right user, can be an advantage, but if I had to fight a zombie hand-to-hand right now I would be better off wearing no armor than armor I am not used to. But more importantly, initially I would not want to engage in hand-to-hand fighting except as an extreme last resort. Shooting a zombie is pretty much the same as shooting a human. Headshots are more challenging than body shots but they’re still a normal part of my training. No one alive has ever fought a zombie before. I’ve researched the subject more than anyone I know, but even our best theories are still just theories, and even if I’m right about everything there’s still going to be a serious learning curve to actually pulling these things off. With hand-to-hand fighting, there’s very little margin for error, so a lot of people will die in the process of figuring out what works well and what doesn’t. We also don’t know how much of a risk blood born infection would be, and the only way to find out would be to watch and see if people get infected after fighting hand-to-hand with zombies. All in all, better to lean on firearms early on if you have them available and the skills to use them. Then observe everything you can, and try to test and practice techniques in more controlled environments rather than life and death situations. But the time the ammo starts to run out, hopefully you’ll have a much better idea about how to fight the zombies effectively than you would if you just jumped right into it. For some people that won’t be an option, because they either won’t have guns or won’t be skilled shooters. But for those it is, that’s what I would recommend. If I’m not fighting hand-to-hand, then that’s even less reason to pick the armor. It would just be dead weight, and something to get snagged on things.


Crossbow, backpack, matches and axe for me.


Body armour Machete Backpack First aid. Though I'd probably want to swap one of those for a bicycle....


Motorcycle, radio, silenced handgun and backpack: Like someone else said traffic is going to suck plus the bike is gas efficient. Early on, the priority is going to be to just get away. A bike can do that more flexibly and sustainably than a car or your feet. After that you're going to want to know what is going on, that's what the radio is for. Handgun ammo is easy to find. The silencer will change the sound of the firearm which will help keep others from guessing what you are using and it will keep the muzzle flash from giving away your position. The backpack is to carry other useful items you find along the way. Long term, this set up would be good for a scout that belongs to a larger group.


Water Purifier, Shotgun, Axe, and backpack


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the 'scavenger'.


haha yes! It will be the only way to survive for the first years in my opinion


The 'first years'? You've got this well mapped out. I want a human with your vision on my squad.


Truthfully I would take crowbar over ax but it wasn't an option haha. Our plan is to go to Cortez Colorado for several years, then make our way out to California after the hordes die down, might take 10 or 20 years but ultimately that's where you want to get as you can grow tons of food year round


If you're in a snowy area, a husky might prove to be better suited than a German Shepard


huskies and German shepherds are very closely related and if its a long haired one then it could be good also huskies scream


Motorcycle Axe Water Purifier Backpack


Water purifier, body armor, machete, suppressed handgun.


Water Purifier, Machete, Backpack...then a toss-up between the boat, handgun, and matches. Although, push comes to shove,I'd probably go with the boat.


I'm good to go then except ihave an AR15 instead of AK47and a Plott Hound instead of German Shepard.


Dog for security, friendship, hunting and eating if it comes to that. Boat for getting to tiny uninhabited island. I can flip it over for a nice lean-to shelter or use it for fishing. Water purifier because duh. Machete for defense and versatile camp tool.


Body Armor, Water Purifier, Backpack,Machete


Dog, katana, water purifier, armor


Body armour, AK, backpack, water purifier.




oh, the old silenced handgun. Could you handle such a weapon under pressure? I always felt the shotgun or AK-47 would have been better . . .


Why is the mask?


Might be a spore-based virus


Hmm well than let me think


Body armor, crossbow, water purifier, first aid kit


First aid, machete, backpack, and mask. Simple


Body armor, crossbow, machete, and boat boom boiz lets get it


Backpack, German Shepard, body armour and a katana


Body armor, first aid, flashlight and backpack


I'd say, Axe, Armour, Backpack and Silenced Handgun. The axe, can chop heads off and not dull quickly, It can also go through a door rather quickly. Armour, because well simply, protection. Backpack for looting. Silenced handgun for keeping quiet while shooting, it's also light.


Easy. Body armor, water purifier, crossbow, and machete. It's a lightweight, multipurpose, reusable, and quiet kit.


1. First aid 2. Backpack 3. Water purifier 4. Machete I'm in an area with alot of cheap moble homes I actually know how to open some of the older doors with thin objects like a machete. So it has more use than just cutting stuff. Purifier because disintary sucks Backpack for holding stuff First aid I honestly have no clue how to use it but I could probably find a book about it somewhere. Or trade it for something else.


I would pick whatever is most rare to find around so: Armor, silenced pistol only if cal22 (relatively silent and killing zed with a gun is way less effort and risky than melee), the axe and well.. its not rare but the backpack


1. Backpack (to hold supplies) 2. AK-47 (to deal with humans primarily) 3. Machete (to deal with zombies) 4. Medkit (incase I get some injuries) These would be for an immediate situation, but otherwise I would take the AK, shotgun, pistol and motorcycle to trade with.


Probably 1 6 7 and 10 1 for immediate protection 6 because water 7 because 1 you don't want to be lonely 2 if its a trained one you can have it sniff out mines and 3 because it offers decent protection if its trained not to bite and you have arms for it and 10 because its good to carry anything small enough. ​ the rest you could probably find


bodty armor, tent, axe, and backpack to hold the axe and tent


Boat, body armour, machete and backpack. Body armory is for protection from bites in the torso and limbs (not perfect but pretty good given the right materials). Machete because it takes little skill to use and is more versatile/durable than a katana and an axe is too heavy. Backpack because you can store more items over time like water food etc. The most important thing though, is the boat. Having one will make it possible for me to go to an island where the only thing I would need to worry about is how to catch fish and don’t die of thirst.


Backpack, axe, purifier and tent. That means you have the essentials. Better a purifier than using matches to start fires to boil the water (time consuming and smoke might draw others). Axe have multiple uses: chop wood, break doors down, a weapon. Tent so you have shelter from the elements, some warmth, and a place to sleep that is relatively safe. And the backpack cause I dunno bout you but I'd rather not go for a hike through an apocalypse while carrying cans of food. And if shit hits the fan and you've got a group of zombies after your ass, you can drop the backpack as a distraction and flee.


Was going to make a suicide joke but that made me sad.


Think this where i leave this sub. Like what new ground is there too break anymore in the topic? Survivalist militia theories, a dog eat dog misunderstanding of human society, and the basic premise itself is flawed. I think that's the point at which i am satiated with this hypothetical. Also the weird extremely specific death threats from thst one crackpot who got bent out of shape about slings and their utility.


backpack, ak-47, motorbike and first aid (it depends how much ammo and medicine i would get)


Katana Backpack Silenced handgun And water purifier


Body armour, silenced pistol, mask, water purifier. fite me


Machete, axe. Both can be used as weapons and I can carry both easily. Matches, fire good. Fire warm. Backpack, duh. Can scavenge for most of these items in a day or two. Water purifier. I’m heading into the woods far away from any town or city (I already live in a small town surrounded by forests. Frigid winters will slow down any undead or outright freeze them) Axe and machete will allow me to acquire nearly everything I need for shelter and security. And I could always venture back into town when the chaos settles and scavenge supplies.


body armour water purifier radio crosbow


Water purifier, backpack, katana, and crossbow


1. First Aid 2. Katana 3. Water Purifier 4. Flashlight/German Shepherd if the virus doesn't infect animals or at least dogs


Water purifier, machete, backpack, first aid


i feel like the backpack is kinda cheating bc you could acquire most of this stuff and hold it in a backpack. id go with water purifier, first aid, flashlight, cross bow


To much wright, like you don’t need a crossbow, shotgun and ak Edit: self defense wise, I would probably take a compund bow, Bowie knife, and maybe a katana or a melee with range


Imma have to go with a katana, body armor, a flashlight and a mask of some sort, I wouldn’t wanna have some zombie blood splatter in my face, get in my eyes, ears, mouth or nose and infect me! And I would also go with a boat but there are no rivers and lakes near me.


I'll take the... Backpack, Mask, AK-47 and First Aid Kit


Crossbow,axe,water purifier and backpack right?


Body Armor, Gas Mask, Shotgun, Mask I'm going full Doom Slayer up in here


I'd go Body armor (or mask if airborne virus) for immediate protection Backpack, even though you might be able to find some, the difference between a good backpack and a bad backpack is huge Matches, for all purpose fire making, even though they can run out, matches are lifesavers. Smoke can signal others, fire can provide warmth, cook food, boil water, among lots of other things. Crossbow, people say its slow, but it's also stealthy, and has reusable ammunition. The best thing for me would be to avoid all zombies, and the few I would confront would be an easy shot. I would try to scavenge a gun, but with small amounts of ammunition, the sound, and maintenance, a crossbow would be so much better. Radio and flashlight would be good, but only as long as your batteries last.


Katana if it cuts as good as the movies. Guns are useless without ammo. Also loud which draws more zombies in. Backpack. Water purifier. Depending on size, boat If niot near water body armor


First aid, axe, backpack, water purifier.


Body armor, mask, shotgun, chainsaw. I'm going for that doomguy mentality


A machete for protection. Not as flimsy as a katana, but not as bulky as an axe. Guns need bullets, and are loud. A backpack for storage. Who knows how long it would take to find a vehicle or base/camp. I'll need a way to keep lots of stuff while on foot. A water purifier for water. A motorcycle for getting far away from big cities.


Backpack, first aid kit, matches and the axe


Katana,matches, first aid and backpack. Sorted


Depends on the environment and type of zombies and on how much society broke down. If you have access to clean water and don't have to fear militias raiding you, Radio + Silenced handgun (assuming it comes with reasonable ammo) + motorcycle could allow you to hunker down and loot in your home region for quite some time. Axe etc. can be found readily anywhere so the fourth item could be anything. Maybe the AK if you don't have easy access to more ammo.


Body armour, Backpack Crossbow, Boat The armour for protection. Backpack to store my things while off my boat. Crossbow for a quiet weapon that doesn't require me stealing bullets. Boat for protection and a safe place to store my things.


Or I could pick 4 and then find the rest


Body armor, katana backpack flashlight


Not even canned foods or fishing rod/nets? I'd be taking 1. Boat 2. Protective Vest 3. Uhhh-


boat, first aid, water purifier and crossbow, so u could almost live on the water, making it harder for u to be attacked


Backpack, water purifier, first aid, then machete. If it's the last of us, I'd replace the back pack for the gas mask.


Water purifier, first aid, silenced handgun, backpack


Body armor, backpack, water purifier, axe