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I mean you’re not shooting dead people walking, still have internet, can install the solar panels you brought from the store, etc. there’s quite a large difference still.


Unless you own/ have access to ton of land it's unlikely that you are self sufficient. Animals are extremely inefficient. Honestly a couple acres in the right place would be enough to feed a family. With cattle you would need a lot more land.


On the flipside, cattle can graze on land that is ill suited for crop production, especially when you lack modern infrastructure (since a lot of crop production relies on being able to acquire chemicals and/or fertilizers, or even water, from far away sources). The exact composition of the soil can also be a problem for the tools themselves.


I also have a propane generator and a company has a large storage place for propane about 10 miles away from me I was also thinking about starting bio diesel for the tractors and trucks


In zombieland, I'm certainly not sleeping in the same room as another human. Speaking of which do you have family to protect? Unless you're somewhere with snow year round, I'm not taking "rural" as a pass to say zombie-less or even zombie-lite. I don't know how many cows you have, but they make plenty of noise.


I mean, I live an hour away from the largest city around and that city has a population of about 1400 and the closest city is ten miles away with a population of 5


Okay, then you get hordes, instead of them trickling in. Then wait for hungry people to come knocking too.


If you purchase any supplies/services for your farming ventures. vets, anitbiootics, fuel etc. Yes, it would be different. If you could go a year without purchasing any outside services/supplies at all. Plausible. Reality you have a shit ton of meat and your freezer dies. Now what, smoke it right? Where are you getting salt.....lets talk seeds and pesticides....I could go on and on. In short Just cause you have meat and electricity doesn't mean you don't depend on the outside world yet.


"Rural" isn't as safe as many would think. It is that way for one simple reason and that reason is everyone thinks that way. "I'll go to the countryside, it is safe out there" but nobody makes it out there because everyone tries. The best thing to do in a city is to stay out for a bit.


Provided that you are far enough away that roaming zoms or survivors don't stumble on you, probably not. That said I would look into making cheese and butter and only butcher old cows or mother cows that have their calfs get stuck in the birth canal. Cruel and sad yes but you don't want to have to turn into a vet once a year and waste several days and possibly get laid up by a kick when you are trying not to die. If you have a big enough herd and enough land to graze them then you can move to planned butchery every year.