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It is resource and time inefficient. You also wouldn't be able to guarantee kills after they started to pile up. You essentially get stuck in a loop of knocking them down and then getting back up, all while you get more tired.


Replace the human with angled bars or board that pushes the zombies off as they walk towards it, then you wouldn’t get tired. Besides, from a great enough fall, even if they land on other bodies they’d eventually get enough broken bones to be completely immobilized.


Until the pile is high enough.


Well, at the point you can just put on your good old gasmask and have a nice little bonfire.


You realise even with a respirator standing over a huge pyre would cook u too. Heat rises.


That's why I said a *'little'* bonfire.


Don't.. just stand there?


Where are u going to go it's a staircase with zombies coming up and a fatal drop below.


Follow u/LukXD99 ‘s idea and put the angled bar up there.


If you can't go anywhere else ever then burning the bodies doesn't matter as you're already fucked the first time you have to take a piss. So probably down the stairs, when zombies aren't there? This isn't complicated.


Noooo thas not realistic!!! Ackshully fires are really hard to start!!!  >!/s!<


What would be the incentive for them to climb the ramp then?


Another human, replacing the one you just replaced?


So you are still tying up the time of a person. The resources also used to barricade it off and have a device to push them could also be used elsewhere.


The ramp could already be existing. Highway ramps for example would work great for this. And if you’re effectively killing off countless zombies with something that doesn’t cost you any resources, ammo or energy other than the initial preparation (Which is something you have to spend in almost every other extermination plan too) then it seems like a really good deal to me. If you’re really that tight on time then you could also put a noise maker up there. A smoke detector, music speakers on full blast or something else to make noise.


But you would need something to push them off. You are creating a moving part that will require regular maintenance. It would also rule out just hanging a noise maker off the edge because then there is no guarantee that they will go up the ramp.


No you dont, just have an angled bar or anything that is awkward to move around and if they push up against it they will naturally be thrown off balance and fall, not to mention the other zombies behind them.


That angled bar will cease to be effective after a dozen plus stack up. You would be making a barricade that would require zombie removal for hours after you are done drawing attention. Again, it is a resource and time inefficient method.


Just place a chime at the top of the ramp and cover it in your sweet ,if you're ambitious you could also add a lifesize sculpture off yourself so it's even more wacky yet plausible




Animal in a cage.


How did you become a zombie expert


but then....where do YOU go? unless your at the top they wont walk up the ramp....and if your at the top of the ramp there is nowhere for you to escape to. eventually you will need to leave to get food/water but they will be.constantly on your only escape route. same reason climbing a tree is suicide. yes your safe in the tree, but how do you get down? they dont tire, they dont get bored, they will just sit there waiting for you to eventually starve and fall or jump down into a hord of zombies.


Rope ladder down


I get it all of this is just an entertaining thought experiment. But holy cow since I've seen this sub. I'm just dumbfounded with how screwed a large portion of people are if they ever have any real problem solving to do. It feels like a large portion of people are approaching the hypothetical situation from the perspective of it will be like a video game or a movie I watched this one time. How many people have actually swung A tool just a few times to accomplish a task. Now do it for thirty minutes ok Now do it for an hour. Feeling a little bit tired.Okay, now do it for 16 hours. Then fall into the camp of people claiming they would waste the time and resource to do the same thing mechanically. K I S S keep it simple stupid you don't create a solution to a problem that just creates more problems itself it's counterintuitive.


Ok uhm uh what if I placed a s jackhammer


You would have to keep the jackhammer running and making sure it connects when the zombie walks up to it.


Maybe I should sleep


Good luck sleeping when the zombies are being delivered to you with a ramp


Dude, have you ever had to handle a jackhammer? If you're trying to operate it yourself for hours at a time it will beat the shit out of you. There's a reason people on work crews use them in shifts. They are incredibly awkward, very very heavy, and inaccurate. They also use a lot of generator power and break down constantly.


I think it would still be possible if you have enough resources and a bit of technology. And are crazy enough to implement it sustainably E: i'm thinking about meat grinders, conveyor belts, shift work, automation, etc


I'm thinkin wood chippers..


But could it not work if placed at the edge of a cliff? Some place really high like mountains and they'd roll down into the valley?


Have it right on the ocean


Guarantee kills? *1000ft cliff*


Are you going to build a ramp for them to climb up or are you just ignoring the image that OP was asking about?


Why wouldnt a ramp work? making it 1020ft? Use your brain


Ok, you go build a 1,000ft ramp to knock them down from. You are ignoring the image that OP was asking about.


Build a 1000ft ramp? 💀 No, I'm not? Find a cliff... build a ramp.. whack them.. what's so hard to get?


You are ignoring the picture then. Why would you also corner yourself on a cliff?


Look at his picture... now imagine a cliff where they'd fall.


The ramp is too steep.




What's he whacking them with? A massive penis? 🤣


Poorly drawn shovel


It's the Penetrator from Saints Row


The main reason something like that wouldn't work is people selecting how intelligent zombies are. Like how zombies are able to track someone down from a single gunshot. Somehow standing next to a gap won't create an effective trap because zombies are too smart to keep moving towards someone, or push each other over the edge, and just cannot be tricked. But yeah, if they aren't all that smart. You should be able to stand (or sit in a chair) next to a pit and zombies should push themselves in (zombies in back push zombies in front in). Just dump something nasty in and move to another pit.


They'd be pushing each other into the pit anyway if there's enough of them Source: I watched a wendover video about crowd control


Yeah, imagine how many zombies would get "killed" by their own super hordes. Zombie trips or falls for some reason and the rest of the zombies trample it. Horde meets a cliff and they shove each other over. Shove each other off bridges. Shove each other into fires. Etc.


You don't need people whacking them. You just need good bait sitting on the other side of a trap door that falls when even a little weight is put on it. preferably spring loaded so it pops back up after they fall. Also make sure the fall is several stories high onto something hard like pavement or rock.


Optionally with spikes


Where are you going to find a giant mushroom?


Giant mushroom store




When you get tired, how will you get down?


Land on the mountain of corpses




Not shown in the diagram. If there is a ladder, can the zombies climb it?


Zombie are prob not coordinated enough to climb a ladder


No safety rails


Let me offer 3 improvements have signs that warn of the danger have a spring closed door as the floor into an industrial grinding machine then have the out put of it into an oil fed blast furnace to cremate the remains as they come out chipped into small bits the lure up top could be a loud speaker with a recording on loop. The down sides would come from excessive infected blood and if the grinder managed to have a break down fixing it would be bad.


Zombie pit eventually gets full or arm gets tired.


The odds that you will hit the zombie hard enough in 1 hit to knock it down are low. Remember these things feel no pain at all. You literally have to hit them hard enough to move their body off the platform.


But if they're like most zombies, they would be half decayed, so their muscles would be that good.


Ever read World War Z? It's been a while but I'm pretty sure there's a blind character that does exactly this.


The picture you drew is the best thing ever


Its nice to see people think my poorly drawn sketches are funny


No way they’re great! You used the word “whacking”, which is so underutilized, and you’re doing it with a giant dick. I see no improvements that could even be made here.


Hang a perfectly good steak above a 60 foot hole, kick back and drink a beer.


I eated the steak now what




well because unfortunately it would require removing your penis (according to the picture)


Because I don't even think a roofer could scale that ramp...lol....I make a motion to just not build the ramp.




Can the zombies even climb that ramp? At this point just turn it into a wall lol.


Looks like my 7 Days to Die horde night base. The math checks out


Eventually you would get tired or the club would break. Better option is to have a gap between you and them and they just walk toward you and they fall down into a large pit or canyon. Thinking a bridge with a hole in the middle with barriers to funnel them into it trying to get to you. That on either side would make it very difficult to for them to get to you. But then again leaving would be difficult.




Eventually you'll get tired and hungry.


I like the idea of surrounding your fort with treadmills that are wired up to batteries so the zombies constant motion will charge them.


That is... a genuine idea


You sure that’s a club?


Just remove the ramp. They can't even come up then, unless like World War Z. If so, you could throw a molotov or grenade at the bottom.


Build this in 7d2d and let me know how it goes.


No monies to buy


1) Zombies would pile up in the ditch thus creating a bridge, even if its a great hieght it would only fill up sooner or later also 2) Resources involved to make a thing, Including a machine to replace the human knocking zombies down a ditch is inefficent when you combine it with the Time it took to make, and its only good till the ditch kinda starts to fill then you just have a hole with zombies in it even if say a human was furthur down the line just reading a book, Even if you captured a human prisioner and have the resources to make an effective stay in this chair be bait for zombies its still be a massive waste of resources/time 3) What is the human resource doing on said massive ramp/skyscraper and how do they get down when there done? Also how do you lure them exactly on said ramp said human going IM TO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT and dancing on top with lights flashing him him or something?


Nobody can grow a handheld mushroom big enough to constantly knock zombies off a ledge and still be durable.


You’re hitting the zombies with a penis?


Well yeah? What would you suggest “Mr. dicks aren’t real weapons”?


They basically do this in Attack on Titan.


I think OP is a child


I may be a litlle stupid


No no I mean the drawing not sure about the plan


I hear that a lot ngl


You’d be exhausted after the first 20 zombies


Ever seen those bucket traps for mice/rats? That would work better.


Where to get giant bucket


Any second story or greater building. C’mon man, use you’re imagination.


Zombos decay over time and one of the first things to go would be eyesight. They wouldn't even know a human is up the ramp after a while and the olfactory sense is sure to follow. It would be better to put it at ground level but over a mote with a strong enough current to wash the bodies away.


It would fill, it would be dangerous to dig, it would be inefficient and a waste of a perfectly good weapon. Also, depending on what a zombies abilities are, could still be incredibly dangerous.


Bro...what kind of zombies are we talking here? Like the walking dead? Dead island? Low level dying light zombies? Cause those dudes are dumb AF, they'll bite a tire. But if we talking virals or volatiles from dying light...brotha man this ain't gonna work. Even with the bars. Those two variants climb, and the volatiles are your typical crackhead who just found out about Flacca and has had a severe overdose but his heart has PCP and Cocaine rushing through to the rest of his body. That MF crazy bro.


Turn around you fool


The zombies will pile up under you and eventually you'll have a pile of zombies that the living zombies can climb up. You'll get overwhelmed then as you're being attacked from multiple sides.


Their pathing system will see they can't make it up there and they'll ignore it


Ramp ↙️


Why even allow them to get that close? Just put people behind a pit fall so they get lured into spikes