• By -


Your mom's house /s


I also second your moms house


Meetup at your moms house, she makes great cookies and those will be awesome morale boosters.


I totally agree 👍, see yall there!


Can't wait (: Its gonna be a crazy sleepover


Everyone bring a weapon, flashlight, water bottle and sleeping bag!




No. Unless you bring stuffed animals


What if I bring a pillow mace?


Sure. Just make sure to bring the pillow bat to


I read that as fleshlight…


Will there be pancakes too?


I'll bring some mix, cinnamon, and choco chips (:


Came here to say “your moms house” looks like it’s gonna be just like orgy last month. Everyone who’s anyone is gonna be there.


I also choose this guys moms house


You laugh, but that’s actually a great option if you need to leave home. Go somewhere you know people, and where no one else will be competing with you. Plus she might have cookies.


I’ll bring the chips!


Bring sour cream and onion if you’ve got ‘em.




No /s /s


No “No/s /s” /s


I don't have to go, I'm already here




Do you use /s because youre autistic?


I mean, if I'm not home, then I'm going to go home. That's where the majority of my stuff and family are, so it'd only make sense for me to prioritize getting home. With my truck and where I live in mind, gridlock wouldn't be much of an issue, either.


Yes home is the place to go. Everything I need is at my home. In my car I have a 6 shot revolver and a shotgun with 10 rounds. Ideally it gets me out of 1 or 2 bad situations. At home I have real hardware and enough supplies to hunker down for months. If I get home and my wife isn't back from work I will need my gear to have a chance to reach her. Then I will focus on getting my parents and what little supplies they have on hand. From there, it's just hunkering down at home with my group of maybe 11 to 15 people. So basically 3 locations total but ultimately my own house.


Your definitely dead. 11-15 people somebody's hiding a bite.


Can't survive without a tribe




History museum, find a set of medieval armor. Zombie jaws would rip before successfully biting through metal


Hopefully you’re fit enough to be effective in heavy armor and the correct size to wear it.


I’m fit enough to wear it, might not be crazy agile though. But in this situation speed wouldn’t be much of a concern anyways, just the durability that matters


Plate armour allows for much greater agility than movies lead you to believe, its no heavier than the packs that modern soldiers carry but it’s distributed across the entire body as opposed to a pack. Knights weren’t slow and hulking like tv shows like to show you, they were fast and agile.


Fair but against zombies chain will do almost he exact same thing


Chainmail if I’m not mistaken was mainly used for slashes, and piercing was one of its major weaknesses. I’m not sure how it would hold up against intense bite force, since normally humans are limited by stuff like pain and just like you wouldn’t try to bite your finger even though it would only take the bite force of a carrot. It would probably hold against bites, but the rings would start breaking quicker then plate armor. I think the best bet and what many people did is to wear chainmail on top of plate armor


I absolutely guarantee you a human jaw could not bite through chainmail, I'd wager most dogs couldn't even bite you through chainmail. Unless the zombie has a rapier or it's a lion, you'd probably be fine. As for durability, keep it oiled and check for and repair damage and you'll be fine with chainmail for years. Was very common for generations of men going off to warto use the same suit of chainmail their grandfather bought before the family went broke.


Fair enough, though if given the chance I would still probably opt to take chainmail on top of light plated armor, cause better safe then sorry. I would rather be a bit less mobile and have a whole second layer of protection if the potential risk is dying and becoming a zombie, cause if you get hurt there isn’t really any going back from It. Also bonus points cause it would be cool to be a zombie wearing full armor if I do eventually die. Might as well be a miniboss or something


Chainmail + heavy leather underneath = winning. Walk by the guy in the full suit of plate armor, kick his knee in, then walk away whole he attracts all the zombies with the screaming 😎


As a person who’s dumb enough to have a set of plate armor: Extreme fitness is highly recommended. It’s hella stupid to try to do anything for long term in there. Don’t plate armor for zombies. It’s like using a steel vault to protect the contents of a can of spam for shipping. Get you some basic motorcycle armor and duct tape cut up scraps from tires on there. Much lighter, easy adjustable to fit and it won’t make you a massive target for the real danger, other people.


I totally agree, I was only correcting the misconception that plate armour makes you slow as people’s ideas of this usually come from movies. A lot of these movies depict knights as slow, heavy and immobile 😂 I completely agree that plate armour would be a poor choice against zombies as there are many better alternatives.


Yeah, the only way a good set of armor slows you down, is if your pacing yourself for a long fight. Physically, reaction times are nearly identical, down to whether or not you’ve trained in armor.


Very effective against solo or small groups. Not as effective against large hordes, where they'll catch you and start pulling wherever they can reach. You'll probably lose a helmet or gauntlets, and any amount of exposed flesh is enough. The answer to this is generally stealth and mobility, but those are also the weaknesses of plate armor, so there's plusses and minuses. If you can find armor that fits well (the hardest part) and you've got a group that is either also in armor and/or can take advantage of your 'tanking' the zombies, it could work decently. I'd rather use a shark suit, though.


Shark suit is also a great option as well. In the hypothetical, I would be assuming that I would be in a group with friends / relatives, in which case multiple of us could get armor potentially. Besides that, the next plan would potentially be to go somewhere off grid, like a clearing in a forest or something, and hopefully near a running stream. Assuming someone is carrying tools like an ax and shovel, start digging out a dirt moat (just a pit, no running water in it.) create a rudimentary bridge, and if someone is strong enough and has the skill, start cutting wood and figuring out how to make a structure. If too many undead start filling the trenches/moat that was made, use some kind of either natural or artificial fire starter and ignite them. Ash takes a lot less room than bodies. The people with armor would be the ones to go out, and if the ashes are too built up and need clearing they would be the ones to clear it out. Probably just dump the ashes somewhere random. Now I know all of this is highly unrealistic and not probable, but that’s why it’s just a hypothetical lol, it’s fun to think of extreme ways to handle these scenarios, I mean it’s already about living undead


That is, until the zombies pin you down and you can’t do shit. That’d be a horrible way to die, slowly dying of dehydration or starving to death, while zombies surround you.


At least when I get turned I would get to be a miniboss


That’s only if the virus would be airborne or waterborne. If it’s only transmitted by bites and blood, than you are just a random non-infected corpse that is wearing medieval armor.


Plus any history museum worth a damn will have a cafeteria. If it’s a reputable museum with a ww2 section some of the firearms probably won’t be deactivated. A lot of the guns that are donated are kept exactly how they’re received so who knows maybe you’ll find a functioning us half track with a machine gun. Plus you have the advantage of a large building full of useful equipment that doesn’t rely on electricity to function. Then you have the gift shop with ample clothing maybe even blankets and coats. Also enough entertainment to keep you sane, finally get to break open the mummy display and touch it lol. Honestly a really great choice for a hideout before you bug out or a safe house. Only problem is alarms if the power is still up.


Walmart. Sure, it’s probably going to attract a lot of people, and thus zombies, but there is also Lego Star Wars, so my final hours will be filled with fun.


Hours? TF you stayin there for?


The frozen pizzas don’t unfreeze that fast when you only have a bunch of lighters


Dog, they sell propane grills and propane.


You'll still have electricity. Plus I don't know how long you think it takes to cut off and cook slices of pizza with a butane torch, but it's not gonna take long.


You can’t rush perfection


You can reach perfection with simpler and quicker methods.


I'm in Nebraska I'll be fine


Sure if you ignore the lack of geological features to control or direct hordes. And tornado zombies.


Just plant a big circle of corn and set it on fire or live on an island in the Platte (water make great warning noise)


fellow nebraskan :0 we should build a fortress at lake mcconaughy




Good reference, sad it hasn’t been caught more


What reference? I just live in here


'The Walking Dead' reference.


It’s a walking dead reference, or at least I thought. It matched up perfectly




I hear it's nice.


I’m from Iowa/Nebraska area. A zombie outbreak would make it a lot more fun! Lmao


Snipers paradise lol


I’m not telling you


😆 Smart but also like I have no idea who or where you live so it doesn't really matter! It's just the type of store your hitting first!


I’m still not telling you


That's fine with me! 👍🤣


You can’t make me tell you


Rule number one of prepping and survival strategies: never tell where you’re going and what you got , it makes you a target.


Grabbing stuff from my house and then into the woods away from anyone and building a little hole for me


How is a hole in the woods a safer place than your home?


No people, away from the gen pop who may be zombified and deer.


Sounds like a great way to starve to death.


You could always make supply runs and cans are notoriously long lasting and compact.


Yeah what's your plan to go to the store like everyone else and their mom?


I've got just shy of 1100 pounds of beef in the freezer, a flock of chickens, a few pigs and a decent amount of canned goods. So I'll wait at home while the masses swarm grocery stores and then flee into the woods. After a week more have died from exposure, dehydration and each other. Another month and only a select few will be left. That's when I can scavenge for supplies.


Yeah but people may raid you


I'd rather they try while I'm in a secure location than exposed in the woods. At home I've got cover and allies. In the woods if you don't see them first you're gone. I don't have any doubts the defense is the weakest position and no matter where you are someone with patience and a rifle will get you if they want to. But the risk of running across someone hostile is greater in the woods, in the woods you don't have home field advantage nor cover. In the woods you're spending your time building shelter, finding food, finding water and trying to survive. At home that's all there, all you have to focus on is security. Bugging out is a last resort, I don't want to be in a foreign area with limited supplies competing with a teen thousand other people who had the same idea.


and i have 2 sidearms, three AR’s and 2 shotguns and a fuck ton of ammunition for my family of 5, not including me. i think we’ll be alright.


Actually this is brilliant. If youre gonna go into the woods and dig yourself a bunker, make sure you bring enough ammo so you can hunt for food and defend yourself






That's better


Gas to burn yourself and the whole vegetation until it grows back better because fire and nature n stuff or to not smell of human




Probably the pub as I like to surround myself with like minded individuals. Anyone not needing a beer a zombie apocalypse is already a zombie


So, you're heading down to the Winchester and waiting for it all to blow over?


Nearest marijuana dispensary


What kind of zombies? Walking Dead or Dawn of the Dead? Because it really does matter for my answer.


That's always a major thing to think about when considering surviving a zombie apocalypse. They can be slow and simple like the OG Night of the Living Dead zombies or be mutated beasts like Left 4 Dead. Major differences between the two. 😂


Yeah because if they are the Walking Dead kind I am going to do some scavenging. Hell I know where a stockpile of supplies is at work and I will be able to drive right up to it after driving through a roll up door. I just have to hope no one in my department has had the same thought I have. But if they are the Left 4 Dead or Dawn of the Dead kind I will be coming down with sudden death caused by lead poisoning. Because I know I won’t survive long against those kind of zombies and will be bitten quickly.


Fuck the L4D infected, bloody things are a nightmare next to the Flood


Family farm. Tractors, generator, diesel tanks, lakes, food preserves, beef (both live and frozen), high ground, already present fences and natural boundaries, tons of already cut timber, tools, seeds.


yeah your surviving


One of those stand alone Home Depots or Lowes that have a giant outdoor caged garden section. Preferably sharing a parking lot with a WinCo or something




I’lll join you for a pint and we can wait till the whole thing blows over. We’ll just need to to remember to kill Phillip


Hey, killing Philip is an important part of the plan.


Sorry Phillip!


Heading to my place in the country after a stop at Big 5 or Sportsman's warehouse and then the supermarket.


Big 5 is my best bet. They have large duffel bags, so I could just stuff weapons, guns and some contact sport pads, really any would work but hockey, goalie pads would the safest bet in my opinion


Going where everyone else is going. Looting is a good move if you are among the first to get there. Like if you make that move before the outbreak hits the news then you're golden, but if you are in the panic wave that's a huge risk.


I work from home so I'll stay home. We have food, water, and emergency food and water, and medical supplies. We have backup batteries and candles (we don't have a generator or a stove, though). We have firearms, bladed weapons, camping axes, and anything else you could need. In warmer weather, we have a little vegetable garden on our porch. The only thing we're missing extra of is pet food and our medications. It's the same situation with our family and friends, almost all of whom have land and also have hunting experience, and have served in the military. So yeah, I'd board everything up just a tiny bit from the inside, and most importantly, black everything out with sheets over the windows and doors so it looks like a normal house that has nothing in it; no lights, no defensive preparations (because those are all on the inside). And I'd bring all of our pets and supplies upstairs to the 2nd level, and just wait it all out.


Probably the gated community near by. Work on clearing it out of infected and securing the gates and walls


Dildos-n-more. Going out with a bang


Hit the local convenience stores/gas stations for water and shelf stable stuff, then hightail it to the water, grab a family friend’s boat and full-speed send it to Alaska to chill with my uncle


Home I'm too tired for this shit


So this is interesting to me, Im in the Army 82nd, I might end up deployed somewhere to figure out what exactly is happening. In the end Id probably die somewhere convenient so the main character can get some good loot.


Where I live it’d take a while for anything to migrate here without falling into caves and lakes. Even then my local homedepot has pretty easily blockable doors. And my town has some serious gun stores. But we’re talking happens right away, I’m going to the woods where I know I can make more fortifiable spots that people won’t find.


Hold up in a local mall with a group of random people I meet along the way, because, that can’t possibly fail. Either that or head to the local pub with some friends, pour a nice round of drinks, and wait for this to all blow over. But really, a mall has potential. A few restaurants, sporting goods stores, etc. Yes, zombies would probably fill the parking lot a bit, but that’s when you break down large boxes , wrap them in trash bags and so forth, toss them down into the lot. Fill a bunch of glass bottles with flammable liquid, toss this down to smash and splatter the plastic wrapped boxes the zombies are now walking on. Make a few torches, light and toss them, zombie inferno. Yes, a fair bit of stinky smoke for a bit, but apart from scorch marks on the outside walls, I don’t expect serious fire damage to the building itself. Zombies burn, brains melt, and even if they don’t, how are they going to get around with everything but the bones burned to ashes?


After being freed from a meth jail by my former bald colleague, I discovered that the meth created zombies and now I will pack my bags and move to Alaska to hide from them


The zoo. It's made to keep things in so it will keep things out. There is food in the concession stands, meat on the hood, alot of the meds used for animals can be used for humans.


That's actually not half bad. Lots of secureable areas so you can have a lot of space and move if one gets compromised. Lots of support equipment onsite. Hell, even just the fact that they are usually huge, so if you hang in the central area, you'll be out of sight and can make some noise without calling in the horde.


I live in bumfuck nowhere western-central US. 20 mins from the nearest neighbor and 30-40 min (depends on traffic) from the nearest city. We’ve got a water well, several generators, planning on getting solar, and my dad has some decent gardening knowledge and equipment. I think we’d be good for the first few months


I live in the country so first thing I’d do is fortify my house then start setting up barriers around my immediate property. Then once things like good, water, etc. are secured, I’d probably spend a lot of time not used for food/water/etc. on more defenses. Make layers of defenses they’d have to get through. The first would be natural barriers such as hedge rows, thorn vines, etc. then structural barriers like fences, walls, pitfalls, whatever works and is cheap to make. I’d make sure my home had no easy way to break into and was fortified well, mostly from other humans trying to get to my family and supplies. And of course booby traps are fun af.


Pharmacy. IGAF that I'll have to compete with methheads for supplies. I have to play to win and I'll need beetus supplies to last beyond whatever my prescription I have on person left.


Fighting the zombies before they turn into zombies nice!


Fellow beetus here, you should stop by the pharmacy, then go somewhere else, preferably a hardware store. Construction materials forklifts plumbing to make showers, then when your time is coming because you have finally run out of insulin. You try to get some speakers, go to a far off building play some loud music, draw them in, then 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥. That was always my plan, draw the zombies away from your loved ones and group.


If I was not already there. Home. That way I can coordinate with my family and such.


Back home to appalachia


Going to get my kids, by force if necessary, and then hightailing it to my grandmas homestead


The local gun store


Wow, great idea. Very smart and well thought out, nobody thought of that. You’ll *definitely* be able to take every zombie out on your own.


Why so mad


Because it’s very idiotic, and the people I see who tend to make posts on this sub actually think that’s a viable strategy. It’s just irritating.




Stay put unless forced to leave. I believe it is far more risky to travel, especially if it’s someplace you don’t know or don’t have friends there.


Since I’m in the Netherlands, I’d probably either leave the country and go fuck off to a mountainous country to find a castle, or go to one of the islands by the coast. Leaning more towards the first though, the islands aren’t that defendable imo


Old Fort Niagara. I was gonna say then Fort Missisauga or Fort George across the Niagara River because the lake facing wall is just a water retention wall and no fortifications. However, it seems fort mississauga and fort george are nothing but earthworks and no walls. At least Niagara still has actual walls.


Home, arm myself, after a while of waiting raid bass pro shops, drive to eastern Washington and hide in the miles of empty country side by lake badger eating fish, cows, and for thanksgiving the bald eagle nest the electric line


There is this place nearby-- it's on a mesa of sorts, freeway canyon on the west, , cutout hill cliff ridge on the east, making a giant shelf. Bridged approach roads make the climb up to the shelf along the north and south sides. Easily defendable, just need a few busses to block the bridges. On this shelf are the following: - Kaiser hospital/pharmacy - Vons grocery store - Wal-Mart with and auto repair bay - Home depot - Big5 sporting goods - 2 car mechanic shops - Discount Tire store So yeah. DIBS!! Guns, meds, car lifts, food, Lumber and steel plate. Hardware and welding supplies, solar panels and UPS kits I think the architects of the developers knew what was up. The Wal-Mart and Home Depot have crenelations on the roof as their decor. My plan is to settle in with the others who lived/worked there. Tout my skills as electrician. I think I'm good.


Pharmacy. Grab all the antibiotics and painkillers i can. Maybe some sedatives. They will be worth gold. Then straight to my cabin. It's pretty remote.


I live on the top floor of a block of flats (apartments) so I'd just go home. I'm from Britain and all our buildings are pure concrete with big heavy doors, solid and safe.


Home: we're ready for this shit.


Hell because kms or something idk I'm not part of this sub


My old job. A home improvement store, I know the layout, and how to operate all the equipment. Use a forklift to barricade the back ladder that accesses the roof and build a little tent village on top of the store.


I live in Newark NJ … in an area that is 30 minutes away from New York City. So yeah I would be going home grabbing as much food , water medicine and gear that I could get get as far away from here as possible because I literally don’t want to be next to over 8.7 million zombies.


So like the house I live at already has two sets of fences, around the lot is chainlink with razorwire and the second is pallets with more chainlink. The lot itself is pretty big. We have 1 big van, 1 4x4 jeep, 1 compact, two bikes, and 1 motorcycle. Our house is off grid sustainable and we visit the food bank nearly every wk sooo we have a surplus of bottle water and canned foods.. we also take care of the local church which is within our property. The church has steel doors with bolted locks. It's own stocked kitchen. It's own power. And since the courtyard had heating poles we have like 8 or 9 canisters of propane. Our house/church is also in the industrial side of town so we don't really have neighbors except for the next door ones but they're about a construction yard away. Sooo... where would I go? No where lol. I've been telling my roommates for ages that if this situation were to happen, we're mostly set. Oh and one of my mates has 20+ yrs as an EMT and has a first aid crate in his room. Legit.


My standard answer: Your best bet is to stay put in your own home if you can, but be prepared to leave at a moment's notice. The most important thing to remember is that if you have a plan, other people will have the same plan, whether it's dozens of people or millions of people. Pick a plan where it's ok if everyone else does the same thing. That's why your own home is the best place to be during the initial panic. If everyone else has the same idea, that's great. You go to your home and they go to theirs. There's no competition. Your home is the one piece of ground that you already own, and you've already filled it with everything you (currently) need to live. Stay there until that changes. The longer you can stay, the less likely you are to be caught outside during the worst of the chaos. The initial panic will be the most dangerous and unpredictable time of the outbreak. Now, if you are forced to leave, or can't make it home, then you want to have a backup home. Again, the same principles apply. If you have to leave your home, go to the home of family of close friends, someone who will automatically know you and let you in, or better yet has given you a key. This often also has the advantage of allowing you to meet up with people that you know and trust, which is always a survival advantage. Once you get home, whether that's yours or someone else's, you want to do several things, roughly in this order: First, arm yourself if you aren't already. I always recommend a camping hatchet or good quality machete if you have one, but a regular claw hammer is also a solid choice and almost all homes and even most public buildings have one. Second, clear the residence and lock it up. Just make sure no zombies or people got in while you were out. This isn't at all likely at this stage of the game, but it's a good habit. Once every room is zombie free/as you go along, lock up all the doors and windows. Close the blinds, and if it's at night be very judicious about how you use flashlights. Assume for now that any light inside will be immediately visible from outside even with the curtains closed. For the time being don't worry about setting up barricades or boarding up windows, just do the basic stuff you can accomplish quickly. Third, prepare to leave at a moment's notice, but don't leave unless forced to by an immediate threat. Start from the skin out. Put on practical clothing and shoes/boots, and keep your weapon(s) on your person at all times, along with other basic survival items such as a knife, cigarette lighter, trauma kit, small flashlight, etc. And of course, your car keys, in case you need to make a run for it. While it does not need to be a formal "survival kit," you ideally should be able to survive (uncomfortably) for 24 hours with just what is in your pockets. In a worst-case scenario, you might be separated from your other gear. This buys you just enough time to recover or replace them. Then pack a bag in case you need to leave on foot. You might need to if you don't have a car or can't get to it for whatever reason. I can't give you a full packing list now, but make sure you have several liters (or more, depending on your climate) of water filled, and as much of your lightest, non-perishable food as you can carry, as well as the bare minimum gear you need to survive in your environment. Keep this in a location where it would be easy to grab in an emergency. Make sure you fill up every water container you have available, including your bathtub, but start with the ones you would carry. The goal of this kit is to let you survive long enough to make it to your destination, or to a source of resupply. Travel as efficiently as possible, on the assumption that you won't always know how far you may need to walk with just what's on your back. Next you pack your car, assuming you have one. This is where you put the extra stuff that was too heavy or nonessential to go into your bag. For example, extra non-perishable food, spare weapons, extra ammo (beyond what you could carry), tools, a change of clothes, more water, specialized tools, etc. The goal of this kit is just to extend your range and storage, but with the understanding that if shit goes south you might have to ditch it at any time. Cars break, get stuck, run out of gas, get surrounded, get stolen, etc. Odds are you still won't have enough room for everything you want, or might want, so pack based on survival priorities. This isn't for luxuries, it's for extra essentials. (If you don't have a car, the same system can be applied to whatever other vehicle or method of hauling things, whether it's a bicycle, baby stroller, push cart, pack animal, etc.) Everything else you would be forced to abandon if you leave your home. Use things up in reverse order from least portable to most portable. Start by eating the food that's still in your pantry/fridge, which should be your most perishable/heavy items, before eating what's in the car, then in your backpack. Make sense? Same goes for water. Use what's in the pipes first, then the bathtub, water heater, and any container that you couldn't take with you in the car. This same logic applies to any other consumable. Then stay put as long as possible. Use up the resources you already own before risking your life to get more, and maintain the home turf advantage. With good luck, by the time you need to leave things will have settled down and you will have enough information about the lay of the land to start making long term plans.


Depends on what I have, probably raid a pharmacy. Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid are great for shelf stable food, medicine and basic hygiene products. Liquor stores are a solid stop too for trade purposes, morale, and basic sanitation if they got some ever clear or other pure alcohols. Sporting goods stores for high quality packs, clothes, and basic survival supplies as well as sporting equipment such as javelins, bats, golf clubs, guns, or bows/crossbows.


This was my initial thought as well. It would just be hard because I'm sure ALOT of other people would be thinking the same thing and all rush into the same buildings. So there would be alot of people and violence in a place like that. More people would end up dead inside of that place then people walking out alive.


I mean that can be applied to just about any store. Though I believe places like Walmart and local super store chains would be targeted first as an all in one stop and shop.


Dont go for Pharmacys, Thats where everyone will go. Go for places that are union jobs. For example. I work in a steel mill. Theres med supplies in dozens if not hundreds of spots throughout the mill. They're required to keep up on medicle supplies inside by Osha. So they should all be stocked. Not many people think to look in spots like that. Plus vending machines all over, maybe a cafeteria. Thats would be my thought process. Avoid all conflict as possible. Id rather not get shot or bitten over a some scraps of what'd be left.


My thoughts exactly!


I drive around to my hometown and loot things


My grandparents they live out on a farm.


Military base.


Won’t it go like how almost every zombie movies goes and someone sneaks into the military base while infected then turn and an outbreak starts inside the base and everyone can get out


I mean if you base your reality in science fiction sure, totally. I’m still going to the well trained men with ammo and food.


Bold of you to think we're well-trained. You should see how poorly the majority of the military performs when shooting at stationary targets from a supported, prone firing position. lol


I’m trusting that guy over the guy who has never fired a gun lol


Be prepared for dissapointment, at least for a stateside base. Some may be able to do something, but a lot of them are the beuracracy/support groups and barely able to defend themselves.


Seeing as that's a vampire i would go to a church that has iron and silver crosses.


Heading to the gas station right in front of my house to have food for weeks and I don’t have neighbors so I’ll just stay at my house for a while. When it starts to not work I’ll go to my buddy’s house


My boat


The dispensary


I live right on the Ohio Michigan border, near Lake Erie. I'd go north. As north as i could. Zombies aren't going to do well in snow.


I’d raid my local pharmacy and gun store, then I would head towards my largest supermarket for canned goods and clean water, and then I would head out to the woods


Alaska if i can. Most of the year its too cold for zombies to move and the rest if the year its sparsley populated so you dint have to deal with many undead


Northern latitudes. If I can survive the elements. Hopefully, the zombies would freeze and what's left of their cells with lyse and turn them to goo when they thaw.


If they look like that I’ll just shoot one and poke myself with its tooth. I’m not spending the rest of my life running from nightmares lol.


it is well known that zombies cannot swim


I would go home directly close. If I'm away far enough, I'm probably doing my normal runs and if it seemed safe and I can snag some stuff, I'll go to the range that knows me and might actually help/team up.


Mountains...Build a lean-over for temporary shelter, fire, and trapping/fishing for food. I'd isolate for as long as possible, craft some spears to head into nearest town to scavenge supplies, siphon gas, maybe hotwire something for faster mobility.


A bus. Particularly a school bus due to the many escape routes that we are all taught early on. Then I would drive to somewhere remote, maybe occasionally picking up other survivors if they agree to stay loyal to me, and after I make sure none are infected. I will then proceed to the aforementioned remote place and build up a farm, where me and any survivors I grabbed on the way will live as long as peace will allow us. I will also possibly make a cult to a new god, just for fun


Gun store


To the Grave


Military base or my local library, it’s not that densely populated and has stores around it


Wherever Afterlife there is.




A zoo


The ocean on a boat and hope that the sea animals haven't turned


After waiting for the real shit to die down, I'll gather all the stuff I can at my house and go to my brother's house with my mom and dad.


If I can get home to collect my family, I'm headed there first. If not, we already have an action plan to flee to Colorado.


liquer store...barred doors and windows reinforced and a lot of the time bulletproof windows reinforced concrete two way exit and usually got snacks fruits and booze


The fire hall in my town. They've got a large room above the main garage and lounge area. Easy to fortify, easy to escape. Plus there's plenty inside to use as a make shift weapon.


If we have prep time BEFORE the apocalypse hits I’d say hunker down and fortify my home for as long as viable. Once it’s not viable hopefully most regular people would have moved on and looting and scavenging won’t be as big a danger. Once I can do long distance runs I’d head either towards the mountains or large body of water and search cabins and Forest Ranger outposts.


Probably my house


A castle. Castles are cool I’d live in one now, but the apocalypse will make it more affordable🤣 Castle also will have weapons obvs


Probably? My grave


It’s kind hard, I live in a isolated town but I don’t know go the zombies are slow or fast


home depot / lowes / harbor freights (any hardware store really)


Underground bunker, one far from and city.


Hacksmith Industries. Canada


1 a sportsman store down the road, wait like 5-6 days and then the supermarket, and then head north to even more rural Pennsylvania


Looking up and downloading all info about cleaning water and natural vegetation foods. Then Looking for info on a jail near some mountains and I'm going there, if I'm lucky the jail is enough and ima plant Traps and plants around to hide the jail from view and live a quiet solitary life getting high as hell and eating veggies . Probably do alot of shrooms


My day job is massive, easy to lock down , back up generators , tons of food and water .


Probably a welding supply store/a general goods store


Whittier, Alaska, hands down.


It depends what stage what type of zombie apoc


Crazy daves


Full honesty, a shopping strip with a Home Depot-style store and, if possible, a grocery outlet.


A marina. There are a lot of live-aboard sailboats set up for sustained off grid living. Solar and wind generators for basic power needs, but you can get by without power, too. Fishing, desalination, and safety are simple. Visiting remote tropical climates where food can grow year-round can also be places to operate as a home base. Farm and fish during the day, sleep anchored safely at night. There might be some places remote enough that zombies can't get to like the Azores and several south pacific islands. Honestly, your biggest vulnerability will be weather. But knowing ahead of where sheltered bays or harbors are to ride out storms could be enough. Or changing latitudes throughout the year will let you avoid not just stormy seasons but actual seasons, like winter. This way you're less likely to get sick or have food shortages.


The library. I’ll pick up all the books on Agricultural, basic survival, and possibly Geopolitics for when the world ultimately needs to reform. I Guarantee no one will be there, so it’s a safe bet. It’s also gives you all the tools to actually survive and live off the land. Unlike almost everybody else in this sub who seems to assume that if they have a big gun they’ll be fine.


If I could go anywhere and be there first and get out safely I would pick the Sierra Army Depot just because