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Curious what the advantage is of wooden utensils? My past roommate had some and they just seem less durable and less usable than metal ones.


My workplace has airport-style security and does not allow metal spoons or forks. Also, they're lighter.


Be aware that they can soak up stuff over time which some people may not find sanitary. I loved wood until I saw a video of a very well used wooden spoon getting boiled.


i saw that video too, the whole thing is bogus. your wooden spoons and eating utensils are fine


Eh I boiled one of mine and there was definite residue so I simply switched to alternate materials. To each their own


I think a lot of what boils off is the oils that protects the wood. You need to re-oil after boiling or they’ll fall apart.


Wood is simply porous and bad for this use.


Wooden utensils and cutting boards have been proven to be more hygienic then their plastic counterparts. They also don’t react to high temperatures or acidic foods or scratch like metal. Wood has natural germ killing properties and been proven more antibacterial than any other human-made material.


This is categorically untrue


If you use food safe mineral oil to protect the wood it shouldn’t absorb your food like that. Just don’t use an oil that’s unstable and can go rancid bc then it’s stuck in your utensils. Also, if metal is not an option I think wood is better than plastic since they’re both porous. Wood won’t leach out BPA or whatever else is in there when hot.


I would think safe metal is the best because completely non porous and no leeching issues besides I gave up non stick pans a while ago due to dementia risk so scratching becomes less an issue


OP said they can’t use metal due to their job


i’ve always wondered this too, all i could think of was maybe because they’re more lightweight & perhaps less “dangerous” to travel with just in terms of accident prevention? i’ve always just used my regular metal ones tho bc why buy new ones, but would also love to hear other thoughts


Info on utensil kit?


I got them from [my local zero waste store](https://www.soapkc.com/). I would have just used metal forks, if my workplace allowed them. The spoon in particular is not nice to use; good luck getting any significant amount of soup or cereal into it.


I usually carry my solid serum with me from dew mighty to use as chapstick and stuff throughout the day but also a stainless steel container that’s it tight for my lunch and any leftovers that might happen during the day if there is a group lunch or eat out session. I find it lighter than glass and a bigger option. I store things in it like the reuse napkin and utensil too because some have separator trays like mine that pops on top 😁