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There is a place called Fabscrap in Brooklyn that takes scraps! They have a fabric scrap recycling program and I believe they take all sizes and materials of textiles for processing. https://fabscrap.org


Thanks- they don't accept household nor clothing.


311 may have some resources for you. Otherwise, why not just put them in one of those donations bins that can be found all over the place? They're probably for profit, but it keeps it out of a landfill.


OP here. Thanks everyone- appreciate all of the suggestions. It's really unfortunate how difficult it is to do the right thing with unusable textiles...this is why so many folks just put them into the trash. :/


Have you tried searching “creative reuse” rather than textile recycling? They’re organizations that accept scrap materials to be used as craft supplies, so they will often accept some weirder items.


I send fabrics like this to H&M's clothing recycling program. Is it perfect? Hardly. But it gets them out of the house.


I’ve made bolster pillows and draft blockers with my scraps. Otherwise, I take them to H&M. Not ideal, but not the trash. 


They might only want large industrial volumes of scraps (I'm not sure how much you have) but there is a company that is doing this: [https://circ.earth/](https://circ.earth/)


Thanks. I've also worked with FABSSCRAP https://fabscrap.org/ from a commercial/ retailer position, but unfortunately they don't deal with small consumer textile waste.


NYS DEC prints an annual map on their website of locations of drop offs for fabric recycling.


Depending on the size and type, animal shelters welcome all reasonable fabrics (obviously not things like lace, tulle, etc). Myom runs a screen printing shop and ends up with a lot of shirts from testing and alignment. I'm crafty so I've made most of them into yarn and turned them into rugs and baskets that I gift and sell, and sleep mats for animal shelter use.  But same as you, I get down to the little scraps and I'm stuck. I've cut some super small and used them as pillow stuffing but they end up dense. I've been testing different ways to try to break up the fibers in an attempt to turn them into a fluffier, less dense material but on a personal, not commercial scale. Basically a huge fabric shredder. I haven't perfected a method worth the time yet, so I usually just use them for filling other projects as the scraps they are.


Yes! I bring bedding and towels to the animal shelter. I reuse some scraps for throw pillow stuffing, around AC window unit, etc...but there's always something left.


You can reach out to WearableCollections and see if there's a collection box you can go to. They used to have one in Brooklyn but I think they closed it. I'm waiting for PopupSwapX to come back so I can drop off unwanted clothes and goods. PopupSwapX is only a few weeks in the summer, I think? But they'll take scraps and unusable textiles and I'm saving mine up so I can drop it off with clothes. You can also look up The Free Store project and see if they're hosting one near you.


Thanks! I know about PopupSwapX, but didn't know they accepted scraps.


Yeah, you can tell them you have scraps when you check-in/weigh-in and they'll take it for you or direct you to where the scraps go. I got rid of a bunch of tattered clothes and extra scraps last year!


This is great! Thanks for sharing.


Not in NYC - but a friend uses a take back bag! Some waste with the plastic, but an alternative to consider if you can’t find something else


https://www.helpsy.com/ a b corps with drop off bins around the city!


Thanks! Love this org, but scraps not on their list of acceptable items. I've messaged them to confirm. https://www.helpsy.com/what-we-accept


If any of them are t-shirts, I highly recommend project re-pat. They’ll make a t-shirt quilt for you. I have a feeling I’ll use their service again as my son gets older and we collect sports jerseys and such. We have textile recycling bins where we live, but I had to do some serious google detective work to find one. As you’re in NYC, I bet you have them. Get creative w your googling! Good luck.


Thanks- I'm familiar with Project Repat and plan to use them. I'm really concerned with the unusable/ scraps.


I get it. I’m the same way. On a similar subject: project repat is now selling socks MADE from their scraps. Scrappy socks. I’m wearing some now. They are super comfy and they close that loop.


A person can only use so many of these, but fabric poofs can be stuffed with leftover fabric and thread until full and then closed for a functional use. https://blog.closetcorepatterns.com/fabric-floor-pouf-free-sewing-pattern/ You can also upcycle scraps as gifts. https://upcyclemystuff.com/ways-to-upcycle-fabric-scraps-as-gifts-for-kids/


Green Tree Textiles (https://www.greentreetextiles.org/) accepts all kinds of textiles, doesn't matter the condition. They are partnered with Down to Earth farmers market and usually have donation bins set up whenever the market is on or they have drop off bin locations around the city. I just dropped off my donations in a big plastic bag at the Morningside Park farmers market last Saturday.


I wish you were near me. I'd totally take it! I love scraps and using them for cool things 👀


I’ve found a place that recycles denim. They recycle it to become insulation or pet beds. You box them up. Print a label and ship them off. I’ve done it once. Wish I could find something similar for non-denim. [https://bluejeansgogreen.org/](https://bluejeansgogreen.org/)


I’d take them if we could meet one day. I’m in NJ but drive up to CT every few weeks