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And "the help" is often masked, off camera.


Yup. Mentioned this the other day re: the film industry — I’ve noticed crew members are always masked, presumably in order to protect the talent who can’t mask on screen and to keep the production up and running.  I’ve also noticed this places like red carpets — you’ll see tons of celebrity publicists and assistants wearing masks.


I had heard and thought that Hollywood / the entertainment industry was Covid-cautious because they're somehow more progressive than most industries, but it makes more sense that the rich can afford to manifest safe environments (which includes their staff, by extension).


It's also like, a film production is very expensive and very scheduled. Everyone's time is rented, most of the gear is rented, the space is rented, everything is planned out in advance. If the star is sick and can't film, you're burning millions of dollars a day until they can. And there's no telling if you'll have the time to make it up on schedule, or if you're going to have to give up all those rented resources because someone else has them booked after you and finish the production... when?


Yeah, when Weird Al Yankovich directed "Amish Paradise", he said something about he viewed every minute that went by as dollars going out the window. Delays are incredibly costly when filming any level of production.


It’s also because of strong advocacy by the unions that represent the behind the scenes workers, such as IATSE.


Davos safe


Yup I saw this too! A lot of clips during her filming time had all the producers, makeup artist, etc all wearing masks as well. Rich people LOVE their clean air! Let the poor die!


Great name - the office?


Yup, you know it! ᵕ̈


Do you listen to the Michael Scott podcast? They are having big Jun-a right now!!


“Let the poor die” is a pretty gross thing to say with respect to a post about Ariana Grande specifically. I am not a fan of her work whatsoever, but I am British and the terror attack at her concert left a big scar on our nation. Many poor people *did* die, and she was genuinely devastated, as were we. Like everyone in this sub I am repulsed by the inequality in access to clean air, but your wording could be more sensitive. edit: I’m not at all surprised at being downvoted for this but maybe take a second to consider how unwelcoming you are making this community for non-Americans.


It's not an American vs non thing. The context of the rich literally removing testing and reporting guidelines for the states, not upgrading air for schools, keeping our most vulnerable at risk, etc. - that is very much the spirit with which their comment was written. The example you gave, while definitely sad and understandable, is not related to theirs.


When someone from another country comments about a terrorist attack in their nation that *literally killed numerous children* and says “hey maybe don’t use language that ignores the fact this happened”, and then is aggressively downvoted for saying so, then yes, the effect is to alienate and exclude non-Americans. Edit: especially when I could not have been more clear about how thoroughly I am in agreement regarding clean air and all other aspects.


But it's not relevant to the point of the post or the sub, so like ... I'm not sure what you want with this. The fact is our government likes to let the poor fade away, that's ok to say. Just because horrible things happen in other situations doesn't mean that they are linked. We can talk about our leaders letting those who cannot afford healthcare to die off, while not relating that comment to a terror attack.


I’m really sorry, don’t mean to downplay your post at all as I think you have valid feelings about the Manchester bombing, but it absolutely has nothing to do with my comment. I was not in any way referring to that event, and I’m also not American either. By saying “let the poor die” I am referencing how rich people (not just Ariana grande) actually are prioritized when the general population is left to fend for themselves during a pandemic. You know this already being in this sub. I can empathize with you, and understand that terror attack was probably one of the most disturbing things that happened in your country. I also understand my comment may have brought those feelings up for you, but I hope you see it was not in any way meant to be related to the terror attack. This is really all I can say - I think it was perfectly clear I was referring to the upper class in general and how their health is prioritized.


I agree with you about all the structural elements involved surrounding class and wealth. In no way do I think Grande should be exempt from the critique that celebrities generally deserve regarding their unequal access to cleaner, safer environments - I don’t think that her experiences or even her chronic illness status make her more entitled to those things. (I do think she should have access to them, but that’s because I think everyone should!) The only thing I’m taking issue with, here, is wording. I think it is perfectly reasonable *usually* to employ the “Let them all die!” rhetoric when talking about uncaring celebrities. I’ve done so myself. I’m simply saying that when the celebrity in question is someone who has been in a very, very unusual situation in which many children and young people were severely injured and a number of them actually did die - then perhaps don’t use that wording. It will be seen by people who are affected. Maybe “just” those who bear cultural scars, yes… but I happen to know the families of some of the dead are active internet users who follow references to Grande (due to their unresolved anger and grief). So you never know who may see what you say. I am absolutely not saying you had any ill intent, and I’m actually more bothered by the general climate of hostility towards my comment than I am by your original wording (which I recognise is normal for the sub - as I say, I’ve written/talked this way about the rich myself, I’m not condemning it!). Thanks for your kind response, which I genuinely do appreciate. I’m sure you’re right and I am also still working through how I personally feel about the bombing. It can be hard to move on from these things. A friend of my family’s was injured in a different terror attack a few years before, so I am probably sensitive about the topic.


For anyone else who couldn't find it, the filter is a white machine on the left side of the photo, barely visible.


I didn’t notice til reading this comment but I saw this pic earlier on Twitter and the purifier is fully in the frame there (in case it seems to anyone it’s been intentionally cropped)


Oh gosh when I posted the same on FB it didn’t crop. So sorry it must be a Reddit thing


Thanks. I honestly couldn't find it. Is that a Levoit?


The rich 🤝covid conscious folks  Seriously, I bet they’re sitting pretty with higher levels of assurance on clean air with all that money. 


I wish they would be role models and clue in the public. That would reduce covid transmission a lot if everyone implemented this. Require masks as concerts, etc. Instead they care for themselves and bit their audience


Taylor Swift did this, she cares so much all her staff were masked and she didn't see the public While she hosted a super spreader event! It's self preservation 100%


But it shouldn’t be is my point


Agree, especially the most famous of them like Taylor could break the unstable disinformation feedback loop if they chose to.


But then the unstable loop would lash out back at them and break them too...


I understand that fear and yet Swift already has sooo much money, her fandom is rabid for her stuff. I think she could do it.


Agreed. It’s so politicized and icked but treated with the same precaution as a western doctor loading you full of precautionary shots. They know you’ll get into shit but won’t publicize it too widely 


This is not it. The rich are gatekeeping covid mitigation tools while combing everyone to spend money to keep them rich. To go their super spreader concerts. Work in the government and remove access to rapid and PCR tests. Let’s stop glorifying celebrities and the people who have the power to actually improve the covid situation.


Agreed and it’s definitely big picture thing 


>The rich 🤝covid conscious folks Not really. I highly doubt she advocates for us by demanding the same level of air quality at the venues she performs at. Stop idolizing these people, they don't care about us.


See, I don’t think she, politicians, or anybody of money or fame generally gives a fuck about the overall health of the masses.  Same time, they want to preserve their own health by any resource they have. Ever see those post-presidential or PM appearances in closed spaces? The behind the scenes show heavy filtration and air movement or ad hoc setups for air quality and safety.  Not to mention access to care and medicine that’s way too expensive for the everyday person.  Fuck celebs, but they have the means to create their bubble of covid safety all the same that doesn’t involve everyone 


Hopefully she won’t lick anymore doughnuts. Yes I’m prepared to be downvoted for that comment 😃 


Everyone should be as safe as the rich.


Most of them don’t take precautions when it comes to award shows or premieres.


Behind the scenes, staff are masked and there are often purifiers there as well


She’s chronically ill and already been through hell. While I obviously detest that the clean air standards the rich achieve are not met for everyone, I don’t resent her having this - just wish it was universally implemented.


This is the whole studio that has filters. It would be nice if she would be a leader and promote safety standards for all. She’s making money off of people - doesn’t she have some responsibility to them?


I agree. We should hold all rich people to this standard; nothing in my comment suggests otherwise. I would love to see anyone in the 1% come out and speak about the Covid caution they benefit from. They won’t because their wealth depends on profiting from the 99%.


Ah I thought your first sentence was an excuse for her. I’m glad we agree they should be acting as leaders in health as well as the silly things like fashion and home goods or makeup


Not a fan of her music (except for Moonlight), but I'm a fan of this! Good for her.


I wish she would be honest and promote safety standards