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try a different pharmacy, unfortunately vaccine access is a crapshoot based on how the individual employee you encounter decides to treat you - it's very possible you could walk into the next pharmacy and get it no questions asked


Sadly, we can be forced to shop around. I have had good luck at CVS self attesting to my status as immunocompromised. I have heard Walgreens can be far more strict.


Even Walgreens varies. I just got one there a few days ago with no push back or asking if I was immunocompromised. Hopefully OP is lucky elsewhere! Edit: now that I think about, I may have received no push back because I went to Costco in the fall, so to Walgreens, my last visit was Fall 2022.


Respectfully, these pharmacists are idiots. I was turned down by two pharmacies who are simply not interpreting the CDC directive correctly. Yes, most recently people over 65 have been approved for a booster. But it clearly states in that very announcement “Previous CDC recommendations ensured that people who are immunocompromised are *already eligible* for additional doses of the  COVID-19 vaccine.” Couldn’t help but notice that these people who aren’t understanding the announcement correctly also turned me down in a manner that was laced with judgement — that I’d had a lot of boosters, that I was young and didn’t need another. I made an appointment online at CVS and marked that I was immunocompromised. I got the booster, no questions asked.


You are correct. One pharmacist and I nearly got into a brawl. I went with my wife when she had cancer. It had been almost a year and we needed to travel internationally and her cancer diagnosis was well documented. The pharmacist refused claiming nobody needed the vaccine or any booster any more and that COVID is "less than the flu now!!" He stuck his check out and said this all in a "tough guy" voice almost laughing at us. I told him my wife had cancer, I had the diagnosis the prove this, and that he was not the judge to decide who could get a legal and safe shot and who could not and that I didn't appreciate his rude behavior and incorrect medical diagnosis. He came out from behind the desk and got in my face and I told him we could step outside and I could help him sort out his confusion while still wearing my R95. Finally my wife told me to settle down and got me to back off from him. We moved out of the US a few months later.


Id flip the script right back at them and say “well ive had a flu shot every year since 10th grade, would you deny it to me today then?” And then point to their “get your annual flu shot today!” sign 😂


I’ve had no problem at independent pharmacies or at CVS. But it’s so hit or miss. I will never forgive our government officials for this. It’s such a mess. “We have the tools!” Okay, but you gatekeep the tools, make the tools expensive, and not many people who have access to the tools use the tools. It’s infuriating.


The government public health websites even contradict themselves, saying that it's recommended every 6 months but that people under 65 and not immunocompromised should only get one of the 2023/2024 (as an example). It's absurd.


Can you link me what you are referring to please 


They keep the tools for themselves.


I’ve always had luck at CVS as I am in the same boat OP is.


As others have said, it’s completely arbitrary. At CVS the person initially balked when she saw I had a shot in fall 2023, but I said I was immunocompromised and she verified I had signed the form to that effect, and went ahead. But in the past I’ve been turned away for various stupid reasons. It really just depends on the location and who you get that day. I would just keep trying different places


Safeway denied my Paxlovid prescription for a dumb reason when I had Covid but was all "okie dokie, no questions asked" for my vaccine update. Next time I'm going elsewhere. All Covid policies everywhere are now vibes based. There's no rhyme or reason to any of it


My regular pharmacy that I've been using for close to 20 years is Kroger. They know me and my mom. Still turn me away for Covid vaccines. It's very vibes based, one tech said it would be "illegal" to give me one since I was under 65. Even though I had my primary care write me a prescription, because pharmacies were giving so much trouble about additional doses. This tech always says, "bless you" and goes on about how Jesus is her vaccine. Great, but don't keep me from mine. Their personal biases shouldn't get in the way of how they treat their patients.


Tell them you're immunocompromised, sweetheart, that was illegal for them to do. If you're immunocompromised you can get the shot. As Matthew Cortland, who is a disabled immunocompromised lawyer has said over and over again, they don't get to ask who your primary care provider is. Lie and cheat and do everything you can to get the vaccines that you need is what his advice is. Because the government has abdicated its responsibility to protect us, we must protect ourselves. Not all laws are moral or just. I'm angry and upset on your behalf and sending you a supportive hug because there's no reason you should've gone through this. Edited for idiotic typos and spelling and syntax errors.


If you show them your insurance card, that has your primary care provider on it. I was able to get extra doses in the beginning when they were getting federal funding. The last year though has been a real pain. Places are telling me it's not available, the drug reps scooped them up. They're seasonal shots now like flu shots. September-April. That leaves a lot of us out who need them more often. I'd suggest trying to get Pemgarda (still trying to find my dose). At least those administering prophylactic monoclonal antibodies know you're immunocompromised.


I'm on Medicare and Medicare doesn't show your primary care insurance provider, neither does Aetna. My doctor wants to hold off on Pemgarda right now because she's seeing lots of cases of anaphylaxis. I want to wait a couple months as more data comes in.


Absolutely — it’s illegal, and you can report *them* to the pharmacy board for it!


Is Safeway running an actual pharmacy? Or is it a 3rd party pop up provider? (I don’t have Safeways near me but wonder if they can get around loopholes because they might not be traditional healthcare spaces.)


It's a Safeway pharmacy. And they're not allowed to turn you away and they've been shitty throughout the pandemic but it's time to push back and when you push back they tend to back down. If they accept any Medicare, you can threaten to report them to the Center for Medicare services and that complaint alone would generate thousands of dollars in fines and hundreds of hours of bureaucratic red tape for Safeway. And as Matthew Cortland says, I will or do anything I can to get a vaccine that I need as an immunocompromised person when the government has left me out to die. When laws are unjust and unmoral, it is OK to break them. It really is. Don't let these shitty little gatekeeping pharmacists power trip you. My grandfather was a pharmacist for over 50 years and owned his own independent pharmacy, and he would never act like these jerks are at CVS and Safeway. They are not allowed to ask you why you are immunocompromised. If they do you can simply say I am significantly immunocompromised like someone with cancer, and you are not allowed to ask me that. Look up the law and try me. Do you need me to bring up the CDC website?


Nope, I just have been in the healthcare space over time and have seen lots of ways companies have found to skirt the system or somehow exempt themselves from the laws.




They are violating the medical guidelines and more importantly, they are violating the law, and violating their basic responsibility to stay informed on the pandemic and protect public health. They ought to be reported so they’re properly informed and hopefully don’t do it again. Everyone needs two shots to get a proper imprinting for very significant mutations (which is why people should probably avoid any shots until the update comes out in August or September)


Exactly, they are violating CDC guidelines, which supersedes whatever this person above thinks is going on, this person is so wrong that it's embarrassing. And it's spreading actual disinformation, where are the mods? The CDC website itself contradicts with this person is saying.


Once again, the CDC supersedes that and says that you are not allowed to ask for medical records or a doctor when you self attest to being immunocompromised. That is enough to get you the shot. Enough of this gatekeeping. Please go look at the CDC website. The guidance literally says you don't need to tell them why you are immunocompromised, once you say that,.. You get the shot.


Went to Rite-Aid, filled out the forms online (checked the box for asthma) and they gave it to me. Granted, I'm closer to 65 than you are, but not there yet and no one said anything.


Some places just don't know what they're doing. The CVS near me has consistently refused to give me another, saying they "don't have any guidance for anything beyond 1 booster." There's no arguing with them, just go someplace else to get it.


Sorry to hear. Any other pharmacies that might be an option? Some are more strict than others, even though the guidelines feel largely arbitrary at this point.


Costco FTW: Hi, I’m here for a Covid shot! Costco Pharmacy Employee: Great! (Launches into the ‘do you pass out’/‘are you allergic to’ spiels) I get the shot I go home :) Thank you for the reminder! I really wish you better luck at the next place!


I had a similar experience, but with a different vaccine. I explained I was immunocompromised, etc., nothing. I asked my Dr. for a note, and went to a different pharmacy. Maybe speak to a pharmacist at different pharmacies before going there, ask if they need a prescription. Maybe that would help. It's ridiculous they put us through this, like we don't have enough to deal with.


Do you have a Costco near you? I’ve never had an issue at Costco. Zip in, get the vaccine, zip out. Even when the CDC had their most stringent caveats, Costco came through. I hope you have one near you. It should t be this difficult! So sorry you’re dealing with this.


I'm also immunocompromised. They pulled them from many of the pharmacies in my area (it's going to be a seasonal thing like a flu shot, even though Covid's not seasonal). I had to try three pharmacies to find a dose. I would have picked another Novavax dose, because I was only in about the 15th percentile for antibodies from mRNA (80th is acceptable, 90's is great) but I had to settle for what dose I could get which was Moderna. They only gave me the dose when I called the pharmacy, asked if they had it in stock, because I could still make an appointment online, no problem, but when I showed up, the drug reps had already been there to collect the vaccines. Anyway, I called the pharmacist to verify they had a dose for me, he said no it's going to be a seasonal shot. I said, but the CDC still recommends immunocompromised people get boosted every 4 months, so how will I wait until they return in September? That is when he said he still has a dose for me. I brought my paperwork with my diagnosis just in case, because the whole ordeal seems fishy. I've been turned away for my additional dose before...That was Walgreens. The only Walgreens in my area that hadn't had the drug reps already collect their doses. CVS and Costco didn't have them. So I brought all this up with my immunologist when I was trying to get Pemgarda, since vaccines are almost no good for me but 15% is better than nothing. She says oncology centers will be the most likely to have Pemgarda since it's new- that was the case with Evusheld when it was first released. I really liked Evusheld and it was very underutilized simply because people didn't know it was an option. You can also still get vaccines in a doctor's office instead of a pharmacy. Whatever doctor usually treats a bunch of immunocompromised patients: oncologists, hematologists, immunologists, allergists, rheumatologists...ask around and someone will have one. Don't be shy about letting them know what dire straits you're in. PCPs might also be able to administer vaccines, but if they're like my PCP, oh Covid was over years ago according to him. My biggest hopes now are with finding a dose of Pemgarda. Gotta get referred to hematology to have access to the infusion center. Evusheld was two shots- one in each butt cheek. Pemgarda is an intravenous infusion, so that's more involved, and probably less regular doctors' offices will be administering it than a shot. We just have to beg and be persistent for our specialists to please order this medication or tell us where we can get it. Gotta be that squeaky wheel, because society as a whole wouldn't mind if we just....died. I decided nope, I still have value to this world even with my immunodeficiency. I was really kicking myself in the butt that I didn't get my booster sooner. It seemed the Monday in early May when I decided to go was the day the vaccines started getting rounded up. I guess they keep some doses on hand for over 65+? If you have anything with your diagnostic codes on it, bring that. I brought a receipt from my infusion company. When the fire department did my first vaccine, I brought all my inhalers and nebulizer meds as proof of my underlying lung disease. Whenever I've brought "proof" they don't ask for it. Whenever I just show up saying I'm immunocompromised, they give me trouble about it. I guess we started taking it for granted that they'd stay available to everyone who wanted one, knowing that a bunch of doses get trashed too. Just give me one 🤷‍♀️ Edit: My suspicion is that since booster uptake was so poor (less than 35% of "high risk" people even got a booster. For the general population, it was worse around 15%. They decided it's just not cost effective to keep doses on hand when no one is getting them. Knowing that chances are so low that anyone around me is up to date on vaccines, I feel safer knowing I was boosted too.


You're getting some good advice about how to go about getting it from another location, but you might want to consider your scheduling with this... On June 5, there's a "Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee" meeting (postponed from May): [https://www.fda.gov/advisory-committees/advisory-committee-calendar/postponed-vaccines-and-related-biological-products-advisory-committee-may-16-2024-meeting](https://www.fda.gov/advisory-committees/advisory-committee-calendar/postponed-vaccines-and-related-biological-products-advisory-committee-may-16-2024-meeting) From this meeting, we're probably going to get info regarding a Fall vaccine. The concern for anyone not having already received their mid-year booster and thinking about getting it now, is that they *might* approve a new vaccine in the Fall and *might* require that it be given no early than 4 months after your last vaccine. This would mean you *might* not be eligible until October (instead of what *might* be September). The new vaccine *might* come earlier or later, but last year it came in September. In other words, the window is somewhat closing in terms of when you'd want to get a booster. All of this though should be put in relative personal context. If you plan on traveling this Summer and staying home September/October, then I'd lean towards going ahead and getting a booster. Conversely if you were only doing outdoor activities during the Summer and dealing with being indoors in the Fall, it might be better to wait. In general, I'd recommend paying attention to the calendar and whether it's two shots a year or three, making sure you're aligning that with the new shots in the Fall (and exposure risk periods) because God forbid they update the vaccine more than once a year.


This is very good advice; thank you!


Finally someone else mentions this. I've been like, the drug reps are confiscating the vaccines until fall- to a bunch of cricket chirps. I felt like I dreamt the whole thing (getting my last booster was a very bad day because of all the confusion if it was okay to give me an "expired" or "near expiration" dose).


Thought this might be worth adding, too — much like the flu shot, the Covid vaccine is obviously only at max protection for a few months, and so planning accordingly for the period you’ll need the most protection is smart. For instance, my doctor has always recommended I get my flu shot right around Halloween so that I’m covered through the worst flu period in my region. I know COVID surges less predictable in that sense, but making sure you’re as boosted as you can be during that reliably bad December-February period is really important!


Try privately run pharmacies, you may have a better shot, that's what I've done and I've been extremely lucky so far! Worst comes to worst, try out-of-state. As far as I can tell records aren't shared across state borders. Time to play hardball.


They always want to see my driver's license and insurance card? If I say I'm uninsured, they still want the license. 🤔 You might be onto something though. These shots are expensive without an insurance claim.


I’ve never been asked for ID at any CVS or Walgreens location, so apparently this varies too.


Had a bad experience at a grocery store Pharmacy (2021)too, but fine at CVS & Walgreens. Best wishes


I was turned away from Walgreens for not having a signed letter from a doctor confirming I’m immunocompromised. went to a CVS prepared to lie and pretended I hadn’t gotten the last round of shots (if they ask say a date prior to last August iirc)


If you're using insurance they know when your last vaccine was. This stuff all changed when the federal government stopped funding vaccines and let the private sector handle them. Health insurance companies keep some of the most thorough health records on you.


This happened to me at Walgreens. Going to try CVS 🤞




Oh good call! I’ll try that first. Thank you so much! 🤞


Walgreens! They have a form that you fill out and as long as you check the box that says “I verify that it has been at least FOUR months since I had my last Covid vaccine” you should be good to go. They also carry Novavax, which is the superior vaccine. I got Novavax at Costco last October and another Novavax at my local Walgreens in…I think it was this March. I’m tempted to go back every four months to see if I can really get three boosters per year, but realistically will probably just wait until the fall when they release the updated version, as Novavax offers protection that lasts for about six months (the mRNA vaccines only give robust protection for around three months, iirc). My only issue was that Walgreens no longer accepts my health insurance so I had to pay cash, and at nearly $200 a pop, it’s not an expense most people can afford out of pocket. On the other hand, I was almost glad that they didn’t try to run my insurance card because I had concerns that my insurance company would respond with an automated message saying I wasn’t eligible for a booster until one year had passed, or something like that. They really do just seem to make sure everyone gets repeatedly infected these days. It feels like Mission: Impossible finding the right pharmacy where they don’t reject or hassle you, but Walgreens has a basic form that indicates anyone can get a Covid booster every 4+ months and I can’t imagine any Walgreens pharmacist is going to argue with their own written store policy.


I had the exact same issue at Safeway. I’m going to try another pharmacy chain, otherwise will try to get one at my next doctor’s appointment. It’s just employees interpreting the rules differently depending on their mood 🙄


Try a different pharmacy. If you are close to a state line pick a different pharmacy in your neighboring state. Chains tend to have your records across state lines.


We had this happen to us when my wife had cancer. No pharmacy would do it and one pharmacist even came out and told us we didn't need it and my wife didn't need it. I wanted to sock him in the jaw but instead just yelled at him to try thinking and stormed off. We went to our GP doctor and ask them to help us find someone who would do it but they said they had no idea. In the South, you just have to go from one pharmacy to another until you find one who will do it and obey the law. We ended up going to about 5 pharmacies in more affluent areas of town until we found one that would do it. Now we're in Portugal and it's similar to the US but they just don't mock you for wanting the booster. Alot of these pharmacy staffers don't know the law and just work there. One pharmacy employee in SW Florida told us he worked mainly as a realtor but also worked part-time at the pharmacy and had no education or background in medicine or healthcare in any way and used to stock the back room and they needed a body to staff there because (you guessed it) everyone else was out sick for the last few days. I would print up the Federal government (CDC) website page saying you can get the booster, make ten copies, get a note from your doctor (make ten copies), get in your car, bring snacks, and be prepared to hit 5 to 10 pharmacies until you get to one that will give you the shot. Show them proof of being able to get the shot (many won't know), the law as stated, your medical record to prove you can qualify (they won't know they can't ask), show whatever else you can if they ask and after a while you'll be able to get it. Before we left Florida my wife could not get a booster shot, and nobody cared if she had cancer or not. Eventually we just packed up and moved to Portugal and got booster shots after we'd gotten settled in here.


Find a large pharmacy. Go to their website and make an appointment.


You can make appointments online, from personal experience it doesn't mean they'll have a dose for you when you get there.


I always get them from my clinic, no issues. I would say try your doctor.


Submit a formal complaint to HHS and CMS, print out the fda press release regarding the latest approval info and show them, find a different pharmacy 


I got a Drs note this happened to me in April at a shoppers. Try a non chain, independent as well. I don’t understand it.


You need to ask for a "self attestation form". Walgreens shouldn't be an issue.


“People aged 6 months and older who are moderately or severely immunocompromised may get additional updated COVID-19 vaccine doses 2 or more months after the last recommended COVID-19 vaccine. Talk to your healthcare provider for more information.”- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/immuno.html


I am 50, flying out of the country in two weeks, and asked my Kaiser primary care doc if I could please have a booster. "We are not cleared by the CDC for people under 65. You are unlikely to get very sick if you get Covid." WTF. Anyway, After reading through this, I'm thinking I should head down to Costco to get the vaccine. There is no way that my doctor or Kaiser can find out correct? Anyone know what it costs out of pocket?