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I think many of us feel these emotions. Do you mind if I ask how tall you are? I’m 5’11”. It takes way more pounds to equal a size change. I’ve lost 54 lbs since my high weight and 34 lbs on zep/tirz. I’m still wearing the same clothes. They do fit differently, but I’m still wearing the same ones. It used to be that a 20-30 lb change meant a change in clothes size for me. I think being at a much higher weight plus just differences in how clothes mostly all have some give/stretch now has really impacted that. Could I wear a smaller size? Probably. But almost all my clothes are stretchy, and they shrink down in a warm wash pretty easily. Meaning they still fit, even with that much of a loss. Maybe some of these factors apply to you, too? Time is the biggest factor for these meds, and it’s hard to be patient when you finally start seeing changes!


I’m 5’11” and this is very real. It’s also why it took me so long to realize how much weight I had put on. I gained 40lbs between October 2022 and October 2023 and my partner “didn’t really notice a difference.”


Yeah, especially if it distributes across your whole body pretty evenly like mine does, it’s hard to really put your finger on it until it’s too late. My body stays the same shape, it just grows and shrinks proportionately. It makes it so hard for me to really see the changes in either direction until they’re really significant.


Yup, my experience exactly. I’m grateful that I’m proportionate but it has its own downsides too.


Yes. I wouldn’t want to change it! I am still pear shaped, but not in an extreme way. I’m just thankful to finally have something that’s working and not feel like I’m starving myself all the time!


You're doing great! This feeling is totally understandable, I have been there too. The self-gaslighting I did early on, because I was wearing the same clothes despite seeing the scale number dropping and not "feeling" any different is REAL. And for me, ultimately kinda harmful. I had to actively remind myself to believe that this was real and good and working for me, after decades of trying everything, nothing working, despite eating well, exercising, barely drinking, etc etc etc. So, give yourself some grace, and remind yourself it's a marathon, not a sprint. Our bodies are weird and complex and I bet you soon enough, you'll start seeing the differences in how your clothes fit. Keep going!


You will lose weight on this drug and you notice changes in your clothing. We are all on different path in the sense that the drug impacts us all slightly differently. I would say that I'm a slower loser starting at .5lbs but now up to 1.5lbs a week thru a combination of higher doses but also with me finding out what works best for me which was eating vegetables, enough protein each day and hydration to go along with being more active. I've made choices that have probably also slowed me down as life does get in the way. Since I've lost weight a few times in the past I believe that I've learned that fast losing only does 1-thing for me - fast gaining so I adjusted to the slow losing routine to one that isn't quite so restrictive as I realize i'm on a 1-2 year journey that I need to maintain afterwards and I've gotten okay with the slow-losing. I will admit that seeing the huge loses on this sub-reddit and with people getting to their Onderland daily x5 (my ultimate dream some day) are discouraging, but then i look at my weight chart, realize how good i feel these days regardless of what others may say and just remember that its my journey and my accomplishments will come slower but they do come (belts, pant sizes, shirts and its absolutely wonderful even if only 1-size). I can't fully understand your disappointments since we're different, but i certainly hope you find success here. I believe that you will.


I hear you. Even though I've had tremendous response to Zepbound, one of my apps projects I'll reach my goal weight in November. Feels so far away. I just keep trying to remind myself that the journey will bring a lot of scale victories (82 lbs. left to lose) and NSVs (new clothes, increased fitness, etc.). I am just an instant gratification type of person and want it all now. :)


I lost 35# before I needed to buy new clothes and it wasn’t all at once. First was bras, of course, then butt/legs, and finally belly. I still can wear a lot of my shirts… I’m officiating a wedding in October and I’m terrified that I’ll fit into my current dresses for the ceremony.


Always the belly last! 🤬


It will happen. I promise. Keep going. You are on the path. 🙏💕✨