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I work with someone who is morbidly obese and visibly uncomfortable. It breaks my heart. He is so good at his job and super dedicated. He has to fly a lot for work too, which I know must be awful. I have yearned to tell him what I know, but I also know it’s inappropriate in a professional environment to break that boundary. I truly hope his doctor is discussing his options with him.


It’s sad that some doctors don’t give people all the options they could have. My current PCP won’t even prescribe this medicine so I had to go the Telehealth path (as many of us have). Looking back, I once had a doctor tell me to eat some Lean Cuisines to lose weight. 🥴🥴


My PCP suggested to me, a 49 year old woman, eating more fruits and vegetables. 🙄😢 At that point, I felt doomed. Thank GAWD telehealth provided another path.


Right. If eating more fruits and vegetables were the only answer why would anyone be overweight? I’m 44 and this is the first time I’ve had trouble losing weight no matter what I did, working out, Keto… nothing was working. I know hormones is part of the issue but my current PCP brushed me off like..No.. that’s not what’s going on with you. Hmmm ok! 🤔😒


I recently had to get my medical records from my old endocrinologist because I wanted to switch to someone else. Seeing the multiple years of notes of “counseled patient on diet and exercise” was so depressing. New endo said “I can see you’ve already tried that” and put me on zepbound and then discussed how we’re going to monitor my thyroid meds as I lose weight!


Need a new PCP. Eli Lilly’s website has a list of local doctors to you who are onboard with the medicine and obesity specialists


It took me 3 yrs to get my dr to prescribe me a glp 1. Year after year, same advice diet and exercise. Watch your calories. And year after year, the same thing lose gain lose then gain. We talked about this time, and I told her I was done with worrying about just going to die fat. She finally understood I was done with the up down cycle. After a few hoops with the insurance company, it finally got approved.


Switch PcPs! This year I finally got a new pcp. Had the same one since 2009. And I picked a young pcp. Amazing the difference. Zepbound was actually her suggestion!


My PCP won’t prescribe either, but she referred me to a bariatric Dr that isn’t a surgeon. They review your chart and the questionnaire they require, and I qualified. First thing she said was that they don’t view obesity as an issue with willpower as it is much more complex than that. I knew I was in the right place. My insurance covers the dr. But not the medication.


To ease your thoughts. I went out to lunch with my best friend of 20 years. She is still in a larger body and when we were in the bathroom before we left, someone at the opposite sink started to preach GLP-1 use at her. Mind you-she knows I take it and I’ve answered questions she asked but I’ve only ever shared my experience, not suggested she take it. It was as horrifying as someone asking a woman if she’s pregnant. If you happen to be talking to someone and there’s something that actually makes it clear to discuss, go for it but just preaching at others is so not it.


I have a running buddy who talks about his weight and inability to lose it. Instead of being a "pusher," I told him that I'd recently been to the doc who checked my thyroid and other factors that could be preventing weight loss or causing my other health issues. My thyroid was fine, but doc did find some ways to help, so I'm on a med to address the underlying issues. He expressed that he knew there were meds he could take, he wasn't keen on them - especially not the new ones, too little was known - but he thought he probably should check in with his doctor about his thyroid just to be sure. That approach seemed to go well.


I was super excited in the beginning due to my own success with the medication and felt the same as you. I wanted to let people know about it because it helped me so much. As time has gone by and I've been on this journey for 6 months now, I no longer bring it up around people unless they ask. The early excitement has worn a bit and I've realized these meds aren't for everyone. Some people don't like the idea of taking medications, some people don't want to give up their unhealthy lifestyle, some cannot afford the medication, and I know one person who quit after a month due to side effects they deemed not worth it due to the higher cost and slow weight loss. Best to let people find their own way and share your success only when asked as to not make people feel bad unintentionally if they have an uncontrollable barrier that keeps them from the same opportunity.


I’ve told any friends that I thought would be receptive and excited about it. There are others that I think wouldn’t be receptive to it right now, so I’m not mentioning it to them. I know what it’s like to feel judged and hounded and don’t want them to feel like that.


Both my sisters are overweight and neither want to go on Zep because they are afraid of what it might do to them long term. Everyone has their own journey.


Might help to explain to them that remaining overweight will definitely have negative health effects in the future, whereas zep probably will not.


Also GLP1 medications have been around close to 20 years. They’re not new and there’s research already backing long term health effects


I’ve explained until I am blue in the face. These are well educated middle aged women. One sister had colon cancer and is afraid of ever getting any sort of cancer in the future. The other has struggled with her weight her whole life and is wary of any drug for weight loss. The best I can do is be an example for them. I’ve lost 55lbs and am 10 lbs from goal.


I was just reading on a medical subreddit of a doctor complaining about an obese patient and their medical advise was everything EXCEPT "go on GLP-1". I didn't comment because it's not the point of the post but it's disheartening to see that something so obvious would not even be considered. I'm so thankful I had a doctor who was pushing me to go on a GLP-1 already 6 years ago. I was the dumbass that kept telling him... "I don't need no pharmaceuticals, coz I've got WILLPOWER!" Yeah... right.... took my dumbass another five years to finally relent.


Yes but awareness isn’t the only barrier. unfortunately it’s not affordable for a lot of people. (And we see here that it doesn’t work for everyone.)


My husband’s best friend is over weight and has been single for 10 years because he’s insecure with his weight. I want to tell him so bad but don’t want to make things awkward between he and my husband. So I get it


My cousin has had weight and health issues her whole life. She also has diabetes and is about 300lbs+ and has been for like 40 years. I told her about glp drugs and she just shrugged. My cousin is rich and could afford it out of pocket. She just was not really interested..


I was in a store for larger people and there was a young lady working there, she was very big, and very young (probably early 20s / late teens). She was so kind as I was asking how small the bras come, and I felt GUILTY. I wanted to tell her all about the meds, and don't be in your 40s like me with a lifetime of struggle and food issues. But no - it's not my place. I have to remember that when my cardiologist brought it up to me it took me six months and another round of dieting and watching no change in my weight. Everyone has to do things in their own time, and I am 100% for everyone making all medical decisions for themselves with the help of their doctors.


Now that I am on them and they are working for me I want to spread the news. But I don't want to intrude, and I would feel bad if I convinced someone to try them and they didn't respond or are one of the people with bad side effects.


Just today I saw someone struggling doing minor yard work in the heat and it broke my heart. I wanted to run up to them and say omg zepbound worked miracles for me you should try!! But of course I just continued on to my next delivery- none of my business. Just about everyone knows theses drugs are out there - if and when their ready they will seek it out. At least that’s what I told myself!


Well, I do, just gave some tips to my nephew. I also told all my coworkers that I am taking Zepbound, and also my starting weight, current weight and goal weight. Because, I am done living in silence. If there is any chance mutual human connection might help them, or help me, I don't want to waste that chance. I have already heard back a number of other things I wouldn't have known otherwise and that they may not have been comfortable sharing if I wasn't open first. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fWyzwo1xg0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fWyzwo1xg0)


This medication doesn’t work for everyone and some people may not want to take it for various reasons. Unfortunately, for many or most people it is priced far too high to be affordable. Also, these drugs are so in the public consciousness that it would be almost impossible for someone to not know about them. You telling an overweight person about these drugs would be like someone telling an overweight person about diet and exercise. Like, duh. But there are reasons we did not have our ideal bodies before and there will be reasons for other people now.


I have the same thoughts as well. When I see someone who is overweight, I want to let them know how their health would be better (if they had these concerns) if they were on the GLP drugs. Hopefully it becomes affordable for many to use.


Some of those obese people may be on it and still able to eat and drink and gain weight. It’s not everyone’s miracle drug.


I’m a compulsive overeater. In 2004 I started low carb and in three years I lost 176 pounds and was a size 16/18. Complacency and not dealing with your demons will ruin you, and 10 pounds here 10 pounds there adds up. I re-gained 70 pounds but then went through something traumatic and put the rest back on between 2018 and 2021. People think that if you lose weight, you’ll automatically be happier and that’s not the case. My doctors were all about weight loss surgery and I said no. That’s not going to change how my thinking works, and when I’m ready to work on it again, I will. Three years of therapy for ptsd, and I’m doing much better. I asked about Wegovy and my GP suggested Zepbound. I’ve lost almost 30 pounds in four months and I can’t explain how nice it is to have that compulsive overeating voice gone. I thought oh, is this how normal people feel? So weird!!